Notebook Freeze/Hang/Crash

May 19, 2006

I am sending this report to Gateway but I do not have much faith in their support. I have the following problems with my Gateway 4540 GZ notebook (Centrino 1.5Ghz, 512 Ram, 80 HD). I REALLY need help here, as of right now, the PC is almost useless System freezes/hangs after seemingly random intervals. During a freeze, the mouse cursor will not move, and system does not respond in any way. Even hitting CAPS LOCK does not light up its corresponding LED light. Entire computer remains frozen until a power cycle. Reboot does not always succeed on first attempt, and a second or third power cycle is no longer uncommon to get back into Windows

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Gateway Solo 1450 Notebook CRASH

Aug 10, 2005

The main problem with my Gateway notebook is that I can't get the thing to restart at all anymore (or do anything for that matter). What began with a missing operating system type of error. has now reached a point where nothing seems to respond but the pale orange charging indicator light.

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Hang While Booting - Seems To Freeze

Dec 31, 2004

Computer seems to freeze and go to a black screen after or before the xp screen, sometimes even when she first turns it on. and lately she says her computers been running slow.

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Freeze And Application Hang

Jul 2, 2005

Windows XP freezes , often happens when I ma paying a downloaded game . Ran Viris scan, did disk clean up and defrag.

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Mozilla Firefox Would Hang/freeze While On The Net?

Apr 10, 2007

A few days ago Mozilla Firefox would hang/freeze while on the net. The hang/freeze would last only a few seconds to start with and go back to normal working behaviour but the hangs will extend to minutes then to a complete freeze. I use dial-up and noticed that after opening the browser data would be sent and received even when no inputs where made. Nothing was detected by AdAware Se, ZoneAlarm, Spybot S&D, F-Secure Blacklight, AVG 7.5 Virus or HiJackThis!.

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Intermittent Freeze Crash

Sep 8, 2010

we have had the computer in question for about 3 or four years now, however starting approximately a year ago it started to do this weird thing where randomly the entire computer will completely freeze, if there is any sound playing at the time of the freeze the sound loops repetitively and this will continue until the computer is reset.I tried to see if there was any specific cause for it doing this but i can only say that it happens more often during more intense programs (Eg: I-Tunes, video games, more demanding browsers like Chrome and Opera) but it will crash on occasion while doing nothing or running less intense programs like Internet explorer or paint. I have done numerous checks for virusesadwaremalware and nothing comes up that ultimately fixes the problem when it is removed. I have done several scans for registry errors and still nothing fixes the problem, at one point i even used the windows boot disc to delete the registry and restore it back to default, which as you can guess did not fix the problem and mainly just left me with a huge headache.I have reset the Bios and that doesn't work. i found something relatively similar to the problem i was having which would suggest that my RAM is bad so i ran memtest but after 4 passes it came up with nothing.I used the vacuum cleaner to clean out the whole case and still no results.

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Desktop - Taskbar Freeze -Crash

Jul 24, 2009

When i enter the OS, after the Welcome screen, After about 30secs my desktop and taskbar stop working, also anything thas is associated with Windows (Task manager, "Run", system restore, msconfig etc.) also crash. I could still open firefox through a button on my keyboard and mouse. I have tried kaspersky online scan, spybot search and destroy, AVG, registery cleaner and Windows update to fix it, but nothing has worked yet.

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Freeze At Desktop Load - Watson Crash

Apr 17, 2005

1. Let me clarify that I am NOT USING the same computer that has the problem. I am on a friends computer, so anything I download from majorgeeks will have to be burned to a disk and RAN IN SAFE MODE because my laptop will only run in SAFE MODE until I resolve this issue.1. HP PAVILION ZT3349cl running Windows XP Home, SP2
2. As of 2 days ago the DESKTOP will FREEZE when it is loading startup icons and the mouse arrow keeps a "busy" symbol and it cannot select the "start" button, cannot click on anything on the desktop, just stays frozen in a "loading"position. I cannot get my laptop to do anything, so I have to CTL, ALT, DEL and do a "Restart" in SAFE MODE, and then I cannot get on the internet or anything in Safe Mode.

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Microsoft Visual C++ - Internet Freeze - Crash

Jul 25, 2005

my problem is this, i switched on one of my home pc,s today and after briefly connecting to the internet it seemed to freeze/crash so i switched off & on again and no matter what i try which includes running the network setup wizard i keep on getting the same result, an error box(microsoft visual c++ runtime library) stating that a buffer overun has been detected which has corrupted the pc,s internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must be terminated. I have no idea what caused this as this is the first time ive seen this error.

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Shutdown Hang/freeze Up While Clicking "Turn Off Computer" From Start Menu?

Jul 9, 2008

well, this problem started a little while ago, Ive got a 2.93ghz P4, and 1GB memory, so i know my computer is (plenty) fast enough.when i click on the button in the start menu "Turn Off Computer", my PC shows the hourglass, and i cant click on anything, this will go on for about a minute or 2, once it took 5 minutes. then the small box with shutdown options comes up finally, and then after the light blue screen gets to "Shutting Down...". it takes maybe a bit longer than expected but im not to sure about that.

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Blue Screen Crash - 0x00000050 Crash

Dec 16, 2006

I'm getting a random blue screen crash and was wondering if anyone could give it a shot. It's a 0x00000050 crash, Heres the crash dump file.

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Switch User Freeze - Favorites Freeze

Jun 12, 2005

This place is quite active, and I am glad to see that. I own a Dell 4600
Demension computer, it was purchased about a year and a half ago. I recently
reinstalled Windows on it, and reinstalled the drivers/utilities that were
needed, with the help of a Dell expert. I have Windows XP Home Edition right now. I have the Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE for my spyware protection, and I have the AVG from
Grifsoft for my virus protection. I scan my computer every night, and I keep
all my databases up-to-date. Recently, my computer was infected with the
Trojan Backdoor.SdBot virus, and I looked on the Norton Antiviruses website
to get rid of it and fix the computer. So now, at this time, I believe my
computer is clean.

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Freeze On Screen Saver - Freeze Seems Random

Oct 11, 2006

I can be doing anything, so not even be around the computer and it freezes, could freeze on the screen saver, or when im on hte internet, or playin a game, or writing an email anything.... not an overheating problem because it has happened say right after its done booting, or 5 mins after running or say 12 hours after being on.... or jsut not freeze seems to be really random

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Cleaning Out Notebook

Oct 2, 2007

It's a Gateway computer. It is the 200X series running XP Pro and fully updated. I am looking for advice for taking all my data, music, email off the hard drive and leaving the computer with the operating system, office, norton and maybe a couple of other basic programs. I do not need to transfer all my data to a new machine. Do I need to go all the way to a reformatting of the drive to clean out my data files?

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Choosing A Notebook Between Two

Apr 20, 2005

I am getting ready to buy my first laptop computer and don't have a clue as to what I should be looking home computer is a Dell, and I am somewhat happy with it, but I have noticed that the Dell's laptops are quite expensive...more so than the other brands....I am looking for something not higher than $1,600...I have ruled out Gateway, as I have heard too many horror stories...especially with their customer service.

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Notebook Is Switched Off For Some Hours

Mar 28, 2007

I have a hp pavilion model having windows XP home. Since few days I have problem while initial start up. I get the message PXE-E53 No Boot file name found followed by error message - No operating sysyem found.If I switch on and off several times the notebook starts normally with Windows XP. After it is on there is no problem afterwards. But I have this problem always when the notebook is switched off for some hours.

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My Notebook Stops Responding

Jul 19, 2006

I have got DELL Inspiron 6000 notebook, 1.6 GHz 590MHz FSB Intel Pentium Processor and 1GB RAM with Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 installed.Since couple of weeks my notebook stops responding for 4-5seconds like it stops responding to my keystrokes and mouse movements and clicks. Even the music stops playing during that time.

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Sudden Slow Down On Notebook

Sep 27, 2010

The problem I got is that suddenly my trusty notebook started taking 10 minutes to start up while it usually took it 30-50 seconds, I really hope this is not a hardware/RAM issue as I don't have the money right now to buy required parts to fix it and my job depends on working in my computer. And in case it's useful here is a logfile of hijack this I just did.after the 10 minutes it takes it to start, it works as smoothly as it have always done,

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Dead Touchpad On HP Notebook Running XP

Jan 4, 2007

I've got an HP Pavilion ze4400 on which the touchpad doesn't work. I can't be sure whether it's a faulty device or if drivers aren't installed. In Control Panel, under Mouse, Hardware, only one device (the USB mouse I'm using) shows up. I'm not sure what the standard touchpad driver for HP notebooks is. Going through the Add Hardware Wizard and telling XP that the device is already installed, it then gives me a list of installed hardware to select from. I don't know what that driver is, if it's even in there. what the driver is this

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Registry Corrupted Opens In Notebook

Oct 11, 2007

i have a client whos laptop using win xp sp2 got a virus attack. i cleaned the virus but now cant read the registry thru regedit. it opens in notebook and its all jiberish.
i tried win repair, still the same.

i can access all the programs, exe files, all is normal.

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Website Of The Notebook Hard Drive?

Jul 26, 2005

I have 2 laptop hard drive both (20 gb) one is Hitachi and othe one is IBM . I did connected to the IDE of my Desktop computer and the first one is recognize (Hitachi) but other one (IBM) doesn't recognize .when it was connected I did open the cover and the disk is runing . please inform me with any idea and I am not sure when i did open it if everything is right place . if there is some website of the Notebook hard drive which is shows tutorial or with good pictures then i see everything is right place .

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Notebook Under Accessories / Disk Clean Up

Jul 29, 2005

On my notebook under accessories(system tools), there is a disk clean up that I have wondered about using. Should i do this? My PC is 2 years old and I would like to know what this does and will it help speed up my computer.

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NoteBook Wont Comes Up To Windows Startup?

Mar 12, 2008

I turned on my Asus A6000 Entertainment Notebook today (Windows XP), it started up normal and then a blue screen came on saying that there was a problem and that Windows could not run and it rebooted itself.After that, the windows loading page would just play over for a long while and it will either reboot itself again or take me to the F8 function of the laptop. I tried to run safe mode

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And Pavilion Notebook / Severe Viruses And Now That They're All Gone

Apr 10, 2007

This laptopgot some pretty severe viruses and now that they're all gone i can only browse the net for like 5-10 minutes before it dies.

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Compaq Presario Notebook - Run Setup

Aug 2, 2005

I recently purchased a Compaq Presario notebook with 256 KB RAM and XP Home
SP2 preinstalled. I upgraded to XP Pro and added another 256KB RAM.When I run setup, it recognizes the 515KB, but when I check windows, it only
recocognized 384KB RAM

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Toshiba Satellite Notebook Driver

Nov 29, 2007

Toshiba satellite notebook that has something wrong with the driver. When i go to burn a dvd now or even a cd it tells me to attach an external drive, or the area where you choose which location to burn to is greyed out. I can't seem to look up the model number on the Toshiba website, the number on my receipt is A70wb200e, while the number i brought up using the system itself is mfwt020acp08.

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Black Screen Appears On Notebook

Dec 12, 2007

My notebook starts acting like this (just black screen appears after window logo on startup) durning these days. Whenever this happens, i restart it and it asks me to choose Safe Mode, Safe Mode with command prompts, start window normally,etc. I choose start window normally . It was ok evey time i restart till yesterday. When i restart it as usual and choose "start windown normally" today, nth appears but just black screen after window logo. What's the problem.If i have to choose Safe Mode, after choosing it wat should i do?

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Truly Great External Drive For Notebook

Jun 23, 2006

I have a Dell 600m (two year old) and now that I am doing lots of video capture, I have less than two gigs left on its puny 30 gig drive. I want an excellent rugged performing hard drive that will work great with this for demanding video purpose. I use the most memory intensive settings because I am a videophile. I want to spend under $500 bucks. I still owe $900 on this at my 29.99% interest rate and don't wanted to ditch this otherwise acceptable notebook.

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Medion Notebook Start Up Issue

Nov 16, 2008

Medion Notebook shutdown when the battery died and now when I start it back up it will come to a menu of options which are Start windows normally,safe mode, or best known configuration. But when i click any of them it will go to the windows XP loading screen where it says what edition you have then it restarts and goes back to the options i mentioned in the sentences above.

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DVista Ultimate 64 Bit On HDX 9001 Tx Notebook

Apr 25, 2009

I have been using Vista Ultimate 64 bit on my HDX 9001 tx notebook since over an year, and recently got fed up and downgraded it to XP.Strangely, the screen has become very dull. I remember XP had POWER SETTINGS, and the screen used to be dull if I used VISTA on "Save power" mode. But I am not sure why XP is running on this mode. I have checked all around, including POWER SETTINGS (which are different in XP and vista) but cannot find a solution.Yes I have downloaded and installed the graphic card drivers.

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Excel Icon On My Notebook's Desktop That Can't Be Deleted?

Aug 2, 2005

I don't remember the conditions that brought this about, but I have a very small Excel icon on my notebook's desktop that can't be deleted. It does not load and has no display when you right or left click on it and remains in the same spot.

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