No Ip Address Or Any Other Information Regarding Connection
Nov 21, 2007
i get one problem sorted with screwed up ram and another bites me. i think i'll either become a computer tech guy or gain a computer phobia. Ok, so my problem is this;
1. my wireless software and hardware seems to work fine but can't find my hub to gain access to.
2. It says that if i have used another program to access the connection use it. Although i have not.!!
3. I went into advanced settings and clicked use windows to access...didn't work.
4 I disabled and enabled the other settings to kick start my connection. .
5. however there is a connection and i do have data transfer but no connection.
6.i am still getting the same response, which is;
No ip address or any other information regarding my connection.
Dell Dimensions 4600 Windows XP SP1a. No local area connection because no IP address/cannot renew IP address. No network adapter. Running thru ethernet directly to modem with D-Link router hook up for wireless computer. Have internet access on wireless, but not on desktop.
I have two computers and a printer in a wireless network both computers using XP.The master which is a Dell Dimension is operating correctly. The slave which is a Dell Inspiron laptop will not connect to the network correctly.Trying to repair the Wireless Network Connection in "Network Connections" results in a message cannot complete task of correcting IP address,Can I correct the IP adress manually or is there another solution?
I am running xp pro. I can not get an internet connection through my ethernet card. When I hook up my modem through usb it works fine but unable to utilize my full download speed capabilities. Hooked the modem up via ethernet to laptop and it worked just fine. The only thing I can find wrong that I don't know how to fix or what is causing it is the fact that the physical address of the card comes up as the broadcast address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). Very strange.
I opened my computer and decided to goto internet through the my computer window. So I pressed home button of my key board so the My Computer window converted to a web page. But after that the address bar disappeared. I closed the window and restart the machine and opened the internet explorer, but still address bar is missing. I checked under the tools and I can see the tick infront of the address bar.
We have run across a problem here with APIPA addressing. After we install Windows updates, Windows assigns an APIPA address in the 169.254.x.x range, instead of getting an address from the DHCP server. The effect is that the computer loses connectivity with the network and the Internet. You can confirm this problem by running an IPCONFIG and checking for an address in the 169.254 range.
Releasing and renewing the address does not correct the problem. Assigning a static IP address resolved the issue. Searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base, we found a registry hack that will disable APIPA addressing on the computer, and this does correct the problem so the computer can connect to the network again. We assume that the problem is a result of an update from last Tuesday, but we have not determined which update is the problem. We are still looking. Our concern is that as DHCP leases expire with computers in the field, that this effect may appear. If you get calls for loss of network or Internet connectivity, have the user run IPCONFIG, and if they have an APIPA address, the registry hack is outlined in KB article
I am using Windows XP Home edition. How do you delete an address from the list of automatic webb address list in the Address box? I tried highlighting it and entering delete but it doesn't get deleted.
after every use of internet i delete history,cookies and files by using internet option(tool menu)but some address stays and they never get delete please can somebody tell how to delete those from address bar.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, so I hope you will excuse me as it is my first time here. This question is from my brother who cannot get a web address to enter into his address section on IE. What might you suggest he do so I can pass your information on?
When I start System Information (msinfo32.msc) it gives me, in the info panel, the following message: Can't collect information Cannot access the Windows Management Informationsoftware. Windows Mangement files might be moved or missing. I checked if the WMI service is not disabled (it is automatically started, the default).In Microsoft Mangement Console, under Services and Application, I have WMI Control. R-click, properties, and: Failed to connect to <local computer> because "Interface: class not registered"
Before I did a complete restore of windows home edition, I copied my windows address book to a floppy disk. Now when I go to copy the floppy back to windows address book an error occurs and it won't copy. could it have something to do with a mark that looks like this~.
when i start my pc i get this message which takes a couple of clicks to remove "access violation at address 46243 of address 46243 cof" but it does not seem to affect my pc,just annoying..
my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems
I go into network connections, then I try to disable my lan connection and enable my wireless and bamm."Error Disabling Connection- It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. This connection may have one or more protocals that do not support Plug-and-Play".
I have tired to get rid of this bridge connection that is on my local area connection. I try to remove it with the bridge connection area and all it says is "To create a Network Bridge, you must select at least two LAN or High-Speed Internet connections that are not being used by Internet Connection Sharing." I have AT&T hig speed internet and tired talking to them and they said it was on my end, plus I spend two hours on the phone to someone who doesn't know much english and not alot about computers. So can someone please help me. The only way I can connect to the internet is through the my D-Link router which sucks
I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.
I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet
Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).
I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?
I have a friend who's computer keeps giving him a bluescreen, and it doesnt show any information other than the stop code, and it says A thread crucial to windows has unexpectedly been terminated. I've researched the code and not many people have much information regarding it...Heres the code 0x000000F4, (0x00000003, 0x89134020, 0x89134194, 0x8060566e) we've checked the ram, its fine. i cant really get over to his house and replace the cable, live in two different cities, and hes kind of illiterate when it comes to this stuff. any help or info will be greatly appreciated,
I am so tired of this stupid information bar appearing every time I do something on the internet. I am a very smart computer user, so I really don't need to get all of these warnings.Thing is, I have no clue how to completely turn it off. It seems like MS completely integrated it into IE, which is what I hate. I don't want to switch to Firefox, so don't ask.
I notices there more than 20+ informations in the security event log once I turn on the computer. Most of them is successful logon/logoff. What exactly is logging on and off?? Or what services is logging on and off??? The reason is I have another computer running XP Professional, and and the same setting as this one (only one user "Computer Administrator"), and the security event log in my XP Pro system is clean, no informations whatsoever. How can I find out who or what services is doing logon/logoff during system boot up. Basically I would like to eliminate those services and have a clean security event log
Need some info on what these "F" keys are for (F1 - F12). I figured out a few as listed below. But as to the other 9, I have no idea. Not pulling hair waiting for answer. Just bored waiting for a download to finish.
I am trying to setup a small program so that I can login to client computers across the internet, using winvnc.I am trying to write a batch file that will start the program and then issue a command to the program to tell it what to connect to.My problem is that the program comes up and then the batch file just stops, it does not goto the next line until the program is closed.What do I need to enter to force it to read the next line without having to close the program? simple little batch file will read as follows.
I'm in the process of backing up a lot of DVD files, some of which are very large. First I extract the information from one DVD, then burn it onto a new one. After I'm done filling up a new DVD, I then delete all the information from my computer. In all, I'll end up with around 50 DVDs. In case I have to do System Restore sometime, I've been creating a new restore point after completing around five DVDs so my computer, if in that situation, won't have to restore a lot of files I don't need anymore. This is creating a lot of restore points and my question is: am I doing the right thing? Will creating all these restore points cause some sort of problem?
I have recently upgraded to the latest version of MSN Messenger and started experiencing some ill effects from the upgrade. My user account on my computer will no longer store my passport information (for me or any other account on my machine). I have checked all of the settings in MSNM to make sure that nothing is set there, and there isn't. I have also gone through the wizard to setup the accounts for a .net pasport, and still doesn't seem to be working.
Today I tried to access my System Information and came across a problem which said It could not access the Windows Management Instrumentation software. Can someone help me repair this since I really want this fixed.