I haven't been to this site for a while and I noticed I'm getting Security Warnings that my security settings has blocked of an ActiveX install. I know how to change those settings, but am reluctant to do so. Can anyone shed some light on this. I occasionally will get similar warnings on other sites, but it is consistant on this one. Once in a while IE6 will hang up on this and I'll have to got to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out of it.
I disabled this before but that was like 2 years ago and I don't remember what I did. How do you turn off the security warnings that come up when trying to open a downloaded file? The things I found while googling didn't work.
How can I disable the windows service that prompts me when an executable file is from any unknown publisher? The attached image is a screen shot of the security warning. I don't care about any of the associated risks with disabling this, I've already disabled the windows firewall and security center, I just find this pop-up quite aggravating and would like to know how to make it stop
My PC, which is a Compaq Presario, displays "ending program" for a whole series of applications whenever I shut down the unit. Sometimes as many as 8 different programs prompt "ending Program" whenever I try to shut down the PC. Examples of the types of programs prompting to be be shut down include "ctfmon, explorer, ATI Tray," and others. I also get the message "autodown.exe dll initial;ization failed".
when surfing the net and ending up with bsod? nvnrm.sys seems to be the problem. but don`t know what this is or how to fix. nforce 4 motherboard with latest drivers suspect the nforce drivers only happens on certain sites
I downloaded a pdf file that had a dot at the end e.g. page.pdf. It is zero length, shows in explorer as a system, hidden file. Can not delete or move. I can move a directory with one of these files in it but I can't do that with My Documents.Error message: Cannot move file: Cannot read from the source file or disk. Did a run cmd and tried move and del and attrib.
My computer started running slow. I noticed in Task Manager that there were processes that ended in ' .t ' Running a search on my computer showed that there are over 100,000 .t files now on my computer. I've run Spy Sweeper, which blocks some of these from starting up, but won't get rid of them. Same with Spyware bot. What are these files? and how do I get rid of them?
My windows XP Sp3 system is giving me grief! It tries to boot, get to the Windows splash screen and the gas gage starts running across the bottom of the screen and then it hard reboots.I have tried this hard drive on a system that is up and running as the secondary drive, just to get my data off Well the system tells me that the drive is not formatted and wants to format it. I tell it NO and shutdown. I could use an upgrade VISTA CD and upgrade my broken system disk and preserve the data?I'll go out and purchase what ever software I need to get this up and running, I am getting desperate
I'm getting way too many certifate warnings that state the site I'm trying to access has a "problem." This occurs even on trusted up to date sites like eBay, PayPal etc. I have to click to bypass the warnings everytime I access one of those sites along with many others. Is there some setting where I can lesseng the trigger happy settings that IE seems to have ?
I am constantly harassed lately by "Bad Image" warnings such as:"Coh Updater.exe - Bad Image The application or DLL C:windowssystem32shdodc.dllis not a valid image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
Its making these icons appear that are either porn or these downloads to those trojan spyware things. There are two icons where the time is, a yellow yield sign and the red x and they just lead me to more of those sites, can someone help me get rid of them?
There are suddenly no options listed under the "Manage security settings for:" heading, just blank space, so I have no way to edit my Firewall, Antivirus or Windows Update settings from the Center. I opened services.msc and it shows the service started automatically.
I have a Server 2003 SP 2 DC acting as a print server. It seems to be causing our XP SP2 clients to produce an event ID 20 print warning everytime they try to print as if the driver has changed even though it has not.
I have recently begun to receive warnings in my applications event log that I do not understand. They always come in pairs, Event ID #1001 and #1004, and they always occur three times in rapid succession, but seem to have no apparent effect on my system.
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 IE is not allowing me to check any mail thru any sites (hotmail msn yahoo gmail) nothing! it just closes all the windows no error messages or warnings! i have run reg cleaners spyware remover and AntiVir nothing to be found started in safe mode and did all scans and such STILL NO LUCK
I have Xp HE with SP2 on an AMD64 system. My new PC has been working great for a year but in the past week it's rebooted couple of times without any warning The screen simply goes blank as if a power failure however within seconds it starts up again.I do have a UPS which is working properly so I'm confident thats not the problem.
I've got a couple of error messages and warnings found in my Events Viewer that I don't really understand and want to get rid of it...If anyone could help, it'll be greatly appreciated.First is in my Application : Lots and lots of warnings about my MS iInstaller.Reads
When I look in my Events Viewer I see countless warnings for which the source is Dhcp. Others(but many fewer) have Win 32 k as the source. Others just say "print" as the source and 6161 as the category.
Every time I use my laptop with my wireless connection I get rasautou.exe application error warnings everytime I try and move web pages. I understand it has something to do with an autodialer,
i have avast antivirus installed and i keep getting warnings about impotato win dialer thingy and i keep getting bogus warnings about being infected with spyware from spy falcon and than i keep gettin warnings from avast with various viruses that include Win32:Trojano-CL [Trj]. Ive tried everything that i can think of ive ran avast, ad-aware, avg, ewido, spybot and cleaned out all my temp files and i just dont know what to do anymore
For starters, I have these icons that I did NOT install on my starting screen (I'm sorry, I do not know the words in English...) which are Help and Support Center and Windows Update. When I click on either of them, I get this warning message and and when I press ok, they'll redirect me to a site for Storage Protector. I'm pretty sure that's a piece of ... But anyway, how does one remove these icons? I just dragging them to the Recycling Bin, but then I get another warning message and they'l pop back up again
Just about anything that takes a little effort causes the fan to speed up and those popup windows warning me about it. In my Mandriva OS on a separate HD it can work hard and hardly a whimper from the processor. What's going on? I'm afraid I'll burn my processor up in XP Home.
Many new drivers aren't signed by Microsoft so WinXP will warn you or even prevent you from installing new drivers for a device. To prevent this warning or to allow new un-signed drivers to be installed do the following:1. Go to start/run/ then type secpol.msc2. Browse to local policies/security options3. Change "Devices: Unsigned driver installation behavior" setting to Silently succeed.4. Reboot Computer.Another helpful hint from tweakxp.comKen P Or, especially if you are using XP Home where there is no secpol.msc, right click on your My Computer icon, click properties, change to the Hardware tab, click the "Driver signing" button and click ignore.
I've forgotten but in a new install of XP-Pro,SP2 using NTFS on C: I don't have the Security Tab when I right click on a folder to setup sharing. I want this so I can set Permissions, etc. I have it on my other PC set up the same way but for some reason I don't on this new install.
What am I doing wrong? My username is a member of the Andministrators group.
I keep getting warning messages, in a normal warning dialog box, with the title "Messenger Service", saying (usually, although sometimes something similar):
"Message from SYSTEM to ALERT on [precise date and time]
Microsoft Windows has encountered an Internal Error Your Windows registry is corrupted. We recommend a complete system scan
My Windows Secuirty Centre is still detecting an old AV program as up-to-date and active even though its no longer installed... same with the firewall is there any way of resetting the security centre or where in the registry can i find the entrys to modify?
many of the security holes found in software (especially Microsoft Windows) might have been deliberately put there as back doors into our computers for easy access by our governments. I guess my question is this.Will total, absolute, 100% security ever be possible or will our government always demand a back door in? It just seems that if any back door exists, it will eventually be discovered and exploited.
I do not show the Security Center Icon in the Control Panel. I can go to the Security Center by going to All Programs, Accessories, System Tool, route. How can I add Security Center to Control Panel?