"My Documents" Folder Missing From User Accounts?

Sep 14, 2005

Well, not actually missing because you can find them if drill down enough: but in some user accounts the my documents folder ('User's Documents') is not immediately visible under 'my computer' whereas in some it is.Also, the administrator can see these folders, but sometimes they are called 'User's Documents' and sometimes, just 'User'! Hmmm.

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"My Documents" Folder Missing From User Accounts?

Sep 14, 2005

Well, not actually missing because you can find them if drill down enough: but in some user accounts the my documents folder ('User's Documents') is not immediately visible under 'my computer' whereas in some it is. I would like all users to have a view of their 'my documents' folder.Also, the administrator can see these folders, but sometimes they are called 'User's Documents' and sometimes, just 'User'!

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Missing Documents/pictures/corrupted User Accounts?

Dec 29, 2008

My wifes laptop(which had 3 yrs of mba coursework on it) has just had her user acct corrupted/no documents/no pics.i tried recuva and it said not to restore files to c drive,so i restored them to a usb drive.problem is they just look like shortcuts.my son was surfing the net when mozilla went down abrubtly.when he tried to go back on mozilla it crashed 3x.he then restarted and thats when my wifes account came up corrupted and w/missing files+pics.it now has the windows default wallpaper.

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Unable To Access Documents Under Old User Accounts?

Jul 13, 2005

I was not able to restore the system back to a previous state, nor was I able to back-up my documents, so I was forced to reinstall Windows XP Professional version 2002 and all of my other applications. A new Active Directory was created, giving me new user accounts, even though I used the same user names that had been created under the old installation. Under one of the old user accounts, I had a folder that was password protected, and it contained several important documents. Since the new Active Directory does not recognize that old user folder, I can not gain access to the folder to retrieve the files, even when logged on as the administrator. I get an error message that reads: Documents and Settings My Documents is not accessible.

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User's "My Documents" Folder Missing

Aug 13, 2005

XP Pro SP2, everything up to date. When I log on the Administrator account I can see the Shared Docs, Admins' Doc and all the other user's "My Documents" folders except for one user account which seems to be invisible for some reason. The user account in question is a member of the following groups: Users, Power Users, Debugger Users. How do I get this user account's "My Documents" folder to appear in explorer when logged on as Admin?

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Missing User Accounts In Logon Screen

Jul 30, 2005

during a registry clean I accidently deleted the following folder HKCRCLSID
though I immediately imported my latest registry backup the computer froze. After manual restart the Windows logon screen misses the account names even the default administrator account and no way to shut down. I tried starting in safe mode and with the OS CD and always come back to the above mentoined screen. I donnot want to reinstall Windows XP completely new

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Granting Folder Permission In Limited User Accounts?

Aug 11, 2005

I have a network of 20 computers with three workgroups. One workgroup (three computers) would like to have shared folers within the workgroup that are NOT
available to Everyone outside their workgroup but on the network. All 20 computers are on windows XP I went and unchecked simple file sharing so I can have the permission tab available. However I am having hard time finding the othertwo computers in the workgroup so I can grant them full access permsission. I assume I need to remove 'everyone' and add the other two computers in the work group and grant them full permission.

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Cannot See Other User Documents Folder

Aug 7, 2005

I share computer with my wife. Both we have administrators rights.When I opened "My computer" view in Windows Explorer I used to see items like:

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Unable To Find Missing User Documents?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a small domain with about 20 XP SP3 client machines. There are 25 or so domain members. One of my users had some files "disappear" from his My Documents Folder. After checking the recycle bin and searching for hidden files and folders with no luck, I logged in as admin and looked at his C:documents and settings'username' folder and found that it was created on his original hire date in 2009. (nearly a year ago)

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User Profile Corrupt, Lost My Documents Folder?

Jun 21, 2005

when I booted my XP Pro system, my user profile admin) was corrupt and all my user settings were lost.Then I found that my documents were gone too.The files do not appear anywhere on my hard drive. no docs & settings folder has them. btw, no viruses found on my pc.When I use a undelete file utility, I can see the files at cdocuments & settings/temp, but windows explorer does not see this folder. Nor does explorer see any *.doc, *.xls, *.jpg, or any other file that I had saved in "My Documents" The file resoration free ware that I downloaded (to usb drive) does recover some files that have not been written over. However, I have multi GB of data

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Un Able To Open , Delete , Rename User Folder In My Documents

Dec 24, 2005

To begin with. My Hal.dl file ended up missing, so I got an error and had to reinstall windows, bla bla bla bla. i didn't lose all my data, and just reinstalled windows. I had to reinstall all my programs again, and everything went swell, untill I hit one problem. I had a ton of data (over 15 GB of pictures/music, etc) on my desktop. Since it was on my desktop, I now have my previous user folder in my documents, and I am un able to open it, delete it, rename it, etc. I know that the data is still there because when I check how much of my drive is taken up, it is obvious. (22.2 GB DOES NOT just disapear

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User Profile On Pro Disappeared -folder In Documents And Settings Gone

Jul 26, 2008

one of the user profiles in Windows XP Pro has disappeared. I cannot recover the files because the folder in Documents and Settings has disappeared too. I am running a virus scan now

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My Documents Folder Missing

Jul 19, 2005

One of the users on my PC does not have the My Documennst folder appearing the list "Files stored on the this computer".

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Shared And User's Documents Folder In My Computer Window Have Disappeared

Oct 22, 2007

My problem is that, the Shared folder and "User's documents" folder in My Computer window, in XP Pro are not visible. I think it s possible that the registry keys are missing.

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My Documents Folder Appears To Be Missing

Jul 19, 2005

One of the users on my PC does not have the My Documennst folder appearing the list "Files stored on the this computer".it is just a registry tweak

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Missing Documents & Settings Folder

Oct 29, 2009

I am running Windows XP Home version 2002 with SP3 and cannot connect to the internet with 2 of the User Accounts. Account No 1 No problems Account No 2 IE freezes whenever I try to connect to the internet. Account No 3 I set up this new account to see if a new account would have the same problem connecting to the internet as Account No 2. It does. On checking both Accounts I found that the Documents & Settings folder is missing. In Account No 1 it is present. Would this missing folder have anything to do with being unable to connect to the internet and if so,

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User Accounts "learn About" Options Files Missing

Mar 30, 2010

I've lost files that one sees under the 'Learn About' options on the User Accounts page, eg
? User accounts

? User account types

? Switching users

I have a backup and another computer to copy files from but don't know their location.

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Start Menu Items Missing - User Folder

Jan 14, 2009

Items place in my user folder are not appearing in the Start/All Programs menu.For example, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsusrnamStart MenuAccessories they do not appear in Start/All Programs.But, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessoriesThey do show up in the program menu.

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Change The User Accounts - Disabled Welcome Screen And Fast User Switching

Oct 27, 2009

as soon as i log in instead of welcome screen to choose logins i go to a dialog box where i have to give my password and usernam... i tried to change this by going to control panel and user accounts. as soon as i clicked on "change the way user logs in or logs off" i get a error as 'A recently installed program has disabled the welcome screen and fast user switching . to restore these features , you must uninstall the program. the following name might help you identify the program that made the change - KLGina.dll"

so i tried to delete i couldnt ... eventually it got deleted by software "unlocker" but as i log in again an error as "please contact system administrator as klgina.dll is missing'.. i got that back again by system restore..

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Creating 30 User Accounts - Else Switch Off / Disable For Each User

Sep 12, 2010

I'm going to create 30+ user accounts. They will be all running at the same time, running the same program. (the only way I've figured out how to dual-boot the same program) and I was wondering... Is there anyway to make it somehow use less resources doing so? Like, so far I've gone into Advanced > Performance and killed the switch on everything. I was just wondering, after days of running non-stop, it is bound to start eating up RAM or even cache to much, right? If so, what can I do to stretch the time this happens in? What else can I switch off/disable for each user to eat up less resources?

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XP-Home User Accounts Vs User Profiles

Nov 2, 2006

I am having some issues with trying to share files on my home network.My first questions is,are the names listed in user accounts, (in the control panel under user accounts) have to be the same as user profiles listed under my computer in order to share files on my home network?

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All Users Display As My Documents Rather Than User Documents

Aug 30, 2005

All the 'My Documents' folders for all users display as 'My Documents' rather than '<User> Documents' in My Computer, so it is hard to distinguish between them. Is there anyway to change them so only the current user's are displayed as 'My Documents?

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Renaming My Documents Folder: Immediately Reverts Back To Username's Documents?

Jun 22, 2005

I have a user's My Documents folder redirected to a share on our domain controller. The name of this user's My Documents folder is username's Documents. Whenever I try to change this to My Documents, it immediately reverts back to username's Documents.However, if I open a command window and say dir, I see My Documents which is what I would expect.

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Deleting Shared Documents Folder W/o Removing My Documents

Apr 17, 2008

I want to remove the shared documents folder from everywhere but I want to keep the my documents folder in my computer.i am using winxp sp2.

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Target Folder Location - Shared Documents - Pc1's Documents

Jul 27, 2007

im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see:
Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)

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Pro User Accounts

Feb 23, 2008

i am trying to restrict users on winxp, but not able to do so. i would like to restrict logon hours, restrict ie usage (not only parental controls, but be able to let the user still be logged on but without internet), restrict downloading, and restrict install/uninstall programs, pretty much lock like in a corporate environment. it is 1 pc with 3 users.

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Cant Get To User Accounts

Jun 11, 2005

I want to make a new user account and every time i click on user accounts in the control panel nothing comes up.

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2 User Accounts On 1 Screen?

Oct 12, 2006

Is this possible? If so how can i accomplish this?

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No User Accounts On Screen?

Aug 23, 2007

I really hope that someone can help me, I can't seem to log on to my laptop. I am using an XP operating system on a toshiba laptop.

When my laptop boots up, I get the standard blue screen that tells me to log onto my user area but for some reason my user area has vanished, i.e. I have nothing to click on. I normally only have one user area and it does have a password but it is not there.

If I press Ctrl+Alt+Del a "log on to windows" bos appears with my user name already but it will not accept my password.

I have tried rebooting in safe mode but still no user administrator (or indeed my own) user area appeals for me to click on either.

With nothing to click on there appears no way for me to actually get into windows.

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Shortcut For The User Accounts

Apr 4, 2005

Does anybody know the shortcut for the User Accounts, where you can change the properties for the accounts that goes into the Run Dialog Box so that you have more options e.g. power user etc. instead of the main options Administrator or limited account.

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Recycle Bin And User Accounts

Sep 11, 2006

I'm using windows xp pro on a dell inspiron 6400, and I have two issues. One is that when I put a file in the recycle bin it is instantly deleted and can not be recovered. When i drag it to the recycle bin it asks if I am sure I want to delete it, I say yes and it is gone. However, I would like to be able to put things in the recycle bin and remove them later. My other issue is that I am not asked for a password when I turn the computer on, however when I lock the screen my password works there.

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