Missing Process Is Using CPU

Nov 21, 2007

I have a Athlon X2 4200 with XP installed. I have looked at process manager and I see the one processor is running flat out and the task manager graph says my system is running at approx 50%. Then when i look at the Process list it appears that System Idle Process is using around 99 to 95% of CPU time. There are no other processes listed using significant processing resources. So what is causing my one processor to run at full speed without being visible in Task manager?

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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System Idle Process - Should End Process

Aug 23, 2005

System Idle Process is at top of processes tab in windows task manager. I've read in an earlier post this causes cpu spikes. should I just highlight it and click end process? or is there something else I need to do.

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Process Of Reformatting

Dec 21, 2004

Can anyone help me out with reformatting windows 2000? i dont know how to reformat

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Speeding Up PC Process

Sep 5, 2007

I was in a chat with an HP tech last night, while most of them have been good so far, I can't say quite the same thing about this one. They were changing their responses and such as we went along and it concerned me a little to try the things suggested. So I wanted to ask and confirm some of the things I was told.Basically I am trying to get OE and IE to speed up a little, I only have 1gb RAM but will add more eventually, but this is just to make a bit of difference now.

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Process Running Too Many?

Oct 4, 2009

I have 45 processes running when i do control-alt-delete.Can i get rid of some? If so how? And which should i not touch?

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Xp Desktop Icons Missing,start Menu Missing?

Jul 5, 2009

All my desktop icons are missing ,start menu missing, only thing i could see is wallpaper on desktop right click is laso not working,i could only use ctrl+ alt+del to open task mgr and run a program what should i do to take them back.

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Compaq Start-up Does Not Process

May 9, 2010

i have a compaq presario sr1620nx with windows xp. one day the computer worked fine and the next it does not. the problem: on start up the computer does not progress past the "Compaq" screen. there are no lights on the keyboard so pressing F8 or F10 or ESC does not do anything. Everything is hooked up properly so it is not a power problem.

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System Idle Process 28k - Is Too Low?

Nov 10, 2005

In task Manager System Idle Process is always at 28k. Is this too low? Win. xp2 One user..Also have 6 Sychost.exe running. eMachine W3400 I have [3 startup programs] on start-up in msconfig.

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System Idle Process 48 - 61 Cpu

Jul 27, 2010

iv'e been searching around for 30 minutes of what the problem could be but i have not found anything. iv'e been looking through msconfig startups and there is nothing wierd there, iv'e also been looking up my programs through ad or remove program if there is some random programs that is installed on my computer and i didn't find anything. When i open my task manager it is System Idle Process that is jumping around between 48-61 cpu usage, i don't know what SIP is for or what it do, so it would be nice if someone could tell me little about SIP and give me some tips over how to solve this problem with the cpu usage. I also found out that rundll32.exe is using about the same cpu usage as SIP 50-55 what is rundll32.exe?

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Format Cannot Run Because The Volume Is In Use By Another Process

Mar 5, 2006

i want to reformat my comp (os is xp home), and when i typed format in the comand... this message pops up saying:

"Format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Format may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N)"

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Format Cannot Run - Volume Is In Use By Another Process

Feb 5, 2005

I wanted to install xp over my 2000, and so i loaded everything up installed everything and then got to the partition selection. It would not let me delete C: because it said there were files that were needed for the setup, arent they supposed to be on the disk? So it couldnt delete, but i continued and installed it on that partition (C: ) thinking that after words it will ask me to format. IT didnt.. and i now have 2000 and XP installed and i dont wanna multiboot. I tried going run the format c:, but it wouldnt let me heres wat it said: Format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Format may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPEN HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID. WOuld you like to force a dismount on this volume y/n. If put y or n it just closes either way. What do i do??? Im new this. This was going to be the first time id reformat.

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Mar 27, 2006

I am having this wierd and serious problem, my "system" prcoess causes my CPU usage to jump from any where to 50-90% utilization, causing my computer to stop or hand. It also causes all my sound to dissappear saying that my direct sound source is not working. I just did a format and this problem is still occuring. I do not know what to do. Do you guys have any idea where to go for help, because i am also THAT desparate to go to microsoft. I am wondering if maybe it is trying to install drivers under the ststem process.

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Process List Or Program

Mar 27, 2005

If anyone knows of a place to find a good comprehensive Process list or process list program for WinXP.

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Process Named WC72F4.exe

Jun 22, 2006

I have a Dell Latitude D610 Laptop, running on OEM Windows XP Pro SP2.I am a web developer, and naturally I would have development tools installed in my machine, including Microsoft Visual Studio (2003 and 2005), and Sql Server (2000 and 2005) and I have noticed an increase in my startup time. So i decided to set Sql Server to not automatically load its services on startup, so I can simply fire them up when I need them. As a result of this, i was able to decrease the startup time of my machine.However, lately although I haven't installed any other softwares, I noticed that again the startup time increased. I'm looking through the processes running in my machine as soon as I start up, and I found out that the processes are mostly "legitimate" processes (with the help of the Internet, as I've researched on each and every process). I have however found one process that ran by the SYSTEM, with the name WC72F4.exe. I have searched the internet and found no info on this. Even the mighty google doesn't have info on this. Anybody who can shed some light on this?

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System Process Consuming 99% Of CPU

Aug 16, 2005

One of my friends has a system that has recently slowed down a great deal. The task list Processes tab show "System" using 99% of the CPU. Other WinXP systems I look at show System with about 0%. We've scanned for virii, run AdAware, etc. Any thoughts on what might be burring up all the CPU?

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System Process Using 50% CPU Usage

Mar 11, 2007

I've been having a problem with my PC running extremely slow for the past several days and it seems to be related to the process named 'System' when viewing Windows Task Manager. The CPU usage looks like this:

System 50
System Idle Process 48-49
taskmgr.exe 01

other processes move between 0 to 1 (iexplorer, sqlservr, services) Here is a copy of the HJT scan that I took a little earlier today. what is dragging my PC down is most ...

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System Process Taking Up Too Much CPU

Apr 5, 2007

This is not my pc, but my parents'. It is a Compaq Presario. It has a P4 3.06Ghz cpu, 1GB of ram, and runs XP Home SP2. I remember when my parents first got the pc it was very fast and stable, now however they complain of two problems.Firstly it is really slow, especially if your mouse pointer hovers over the taskbar or if you attempt to do most things with Explorer, like right-clicking. Sometimes this can lock the pc up for minutes at a time. The second problem is that it doesn't shut down no matter how long you leave it. The best it manages to do is remove power from the keyboard and mouse, and then only occasionally.I Have investigated the problems with the speed of the pc, and the problem seems to be to do with the system process. Task manager reports this process as using anywhere between 40% and 99% of the CPU all the time.My actions thus far have been to do a complete sweep with anti-spamware and ant-virus, and they didn't find anything. Next I ran process explorer, which showed that the system was using about 50% on deferred procedure calls, 20% on hardware interrupts, and 30% on the System process itself. Upon looking at the threads running in the System process, I discovered that the thread ACPI.sys+0x10b10using the entire 30%.

I must admit I don't really understand what ACPI is, but an internet search revealed it to be associated with pcs being unable to propperly shut down. For this reason I am now assuming that the two problems (unable to sut down and running very slow) are related. This is just an uneducated guess however.So can anybody suggest what the problem might be? Or how I might solve it?If you need any information that I have forgotten, I will gladly provide it.

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Pro SP3 Locking Up During Defraging Process

Aug 23, 2009

I recently formated my computer and reinstalled Windows XP Pro SP3 on my Western Digital SATA 500 GB hard drive that I had been previously using as a Slave in another computer. All has worked well untill I tried to defrag my computer. The hard drive is split into two paritions C: drive is an 80 gig partion with D: being 385 GB parition. When I tried to defrag my hard drives, (starting with the D: drive) it got to 68% then locking up. Since then when trying to defrag the D: drive it promptly locks up when it reaches 3% complete. Windows does not lock up when doing a scan disk on either parition however.I installed the western digital life guard tools to which in informed me that support for large hard drives over 137 GB was not fully enabled and asked if I wish to enable it. I said yes for it to enable it and it rebooted and tried to defrag D: drive again, with the same locking up happening at 3%.

Issues that maybe linked to the problem: Avast Anti virus when trying to run a virus scan also locks up on the computer however on the C: drive.My USB Keninston optical mouse for odd reasons I have to un plug it and replug it in almost every time I reboot or turn on my computer as the light on the bottom goes out during mid boot up process at the screen where it has you choose which user to log in as.

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How To Kill A SYSTEM Process?

Aug 13, 2009

For you Unix weenies (like me) how do you 'kill -9' a process on Windows XP Home edition? For everyone else (and especially Mr. Gates): How do you kill a process through Task Manager that is owned by SYSTEM? It is a BitDefender (virus scan) process (vsserv.exe) and I occasionally want to kill it just to get some work done on my machine. Task Manager says permisson denied when I try to kill it but I am an administrator on the machine.I tried creating a user account called SYSTEM and one called Administrator (to try and kill it by tricking Bill...oops sorry Mr. G) but in both cases Windows wouldn't create the account because it said an account already exists with that name. Well there are three user accounts created and they ain't Administrator or SYSTEM!

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Generic Host Process

Aug 15, 2006

i have a "generic host process for win32 services" error after i've connected to internet with adsl usb modem.and my connection is lost till i shutdown and restart.i tried lots of things, do a google search but couldn't solve.when i restart the computer and do not dial for internet, no error occurs.
but when i dial and start to surf or download something it gives this error at different times.
sometimes the error occurs 10 minutes later sometimes 1 hour later.when i dal to the internet my network connection icon(near the time in the lower right corner) says limited connection or there's no connection.
i think that's beacuse it cannot receive ip from my ISP.how can i solve this limited connection problem?i removed the drivers installed again, removed the drivers and installed the old ones.do a virus scan with latest updatesdo a system restore but nothig changes.

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Growing Svchost Process Not The Usual One

Oct 28, 2007

one of my svchost instances just keeps on growing and growing. after 2 days of uptime it is about 70mb. i have used process explorer to determine that it is the RPC service that has started the instance of svchost from the Network service account. is it normal that this process keeps growing like this, usually when people have a problem with svchost it is because i hogs the cpu but in my case it is hogging the pagefile. i dont experience any XP slowdowns so i dont know if this actually is a problem. but i want to solve this before it becomes a problem. one time the svchost process was 100mb and kept growing

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Still With Svchost.exe / Generic Host Process

May 3, 2005

I'm still having a Generic Host Process (or something) error on startup. It then says the error is something to do with svchost.exe in: I looked there and deleted the directory as there was nothing in the folder.


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Installshield Process In FRENCH Instead Of English

Aug 12, 2005

I just worked on trying to set up the latest WHQL certified video card drivers for my nVidia Geforce FX 5200. The Installshield process comes up in FRENCH instead of English. I have the English US version of Windows XP Pro. I download the US English version of the drivers. I live in Canada, so I am able to understand French and the install did install the English version of the drivers/files. How can I fix this, so it is back in English?

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Unable To Locate Shell Process

Jul 11, 2005

I really don't know how to start this so I will give you some of the symptoms
1. When I run Panda online scan it hangs on file 319 and will not go any further
2. When I run Spybot at the end I get "Error during check! Xuron55 (Datei C:Windowswin.ini kann nicht geoffnet werden. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
3. When I search for a file in Regedit it searches forever
4. In one of my log files (C:WindowsSystem32WBEMLogs) it says "Shell name Explorer.exe in registry not found in process list Unable to locate Shell process. Impersonation failed.
5. In my event viewer I am getting alot of "The Shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restartedI am running XP Home Edition and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I run Panda Online Scan, Adaware, and Spybot weekly and because I have had a couple of viruses in the past I run Stinger pretty often also.

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Unable To Locate A Runas Process

Apr 20, 2010

I have inherited an image (for one of our products) that I can't get the "Runas" process to work.XP, SP3, latest / greatest patches;I have confirmed that I have the Secondary Logon service running; This is what my "run as" is trying to do: We sell kiosk-like systems for hospitals. We ship our systems to boot to a logon screen so our field employees can configure the system and network settings. Once they log out and log back in with the "Customer" account, I want to fire off a startup script that writes sets the registry to auto-logon with that customer account & password.So I wrote three scripts - one that launches my little "Runas" script, the "Runas" script it self, and a final one to clean up the initial "launch" script from the "startup" folder.The script will launch and call my "Runas" Script - and I *know* that the reg import bit works fine if I do it manually, but it hangs up with a "unable to locate runas process".

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Cant Right Click On Desktop Or In Any Explorer.exe Process

Mar 29, 2005

I can't right-click on my desktop or in any explorer.exe process. Also, my desktop is reading off of C:Desktop instead of C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktop?

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System Shutting Down During A Recovery Process?

Feb 21, 2009

I have a 3 year old Acer Laptop, Aspire 3000 (with only 20 gigs) and have replaced it. I ran out of memory in it, so I am attempting to set it back to its original setup using the System CD and the Recovery discs (3) of them.I did as instructed, and reset the system to boot from the CD ROM and it went through the process and got through disc 1, but after inserting disc two, it simply shuts down and tries to reboot, but can't of course because it hasn't finished the process.

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Change Bandwidth Of Program Process

Jun 23, 2005

I earlier asked how to increase the number of downloads I might run simultaneously and I received a satisfactory answer.NOW (yeah, I'm greedy), I want to know if it is possible when downloading several items to TEMPORARILY cause one download to be able to "hog" most of the link capacity.

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What In The World Is System Idle Process?

Aug 20, 2009

what in the world is system idle process? i have been having issues with my destop for the last several months and when i go to task manager and check processes i see that 98-99% of the cpu is being used by system idle process. the system is old (1.9ghz.), but the hard drive is only 66% full. the disk shows 2 hairline red sectors. what is the major malfunction?

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How Can Stop The System Idle Process?

Oct 30, 2009

How can I stop the System Idle Process, while the computer needs to be working at other tasks.. At times it will run for hours, and slows to a crawl all of my regular usage of the computer.

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