I am having this wierd and serious problem, my "system" prcoess causes my CPU usage to jump from any where to 50-90% utilization, causing my computer to stop or hand. It also causes all my sound to dissappear saying that my direct sound source is not working. I just did a format and this problem is still occuring. I do not know what to do. Do you guys have any idea where to go for help, because i am also THAT desparate to go to microsoft. I am wondering if maybe it is trying to install drivers under the ststem process.
System Idle Process is at top of processes tab in windows task manager. I've read in an earlier post this causes cpu spikes. should I just highlight it and click end process? or is there something else I need to do.
I have an XPS 400 Dell computer XP Media Center Operating System. Recently my son added modzilla to our computer. In doing so he deleted internet explorer. The computer was running sluggish so I went back to a later restore date. When the computer came back up after restore only my husband and my profile were shown. while signing into my profile i get the following error message:
EXPLORER.EXE - Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because WININET.dll was not found. re-installing the app may fix the problem.
what do i do to get this back? There are no icons or start menue on my deskdop just my background. I can view files if i go to task manager but nothing else can be done. I know very little about computers and I need help very stressed. My kids need a computer for school.
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
i have 2 hard drives in my system h/d 1 is 40 gb and holds windows xp and few applications, h/d 2 is 15 gb and holds all my games. i am going to ureplace h/d 2 with a larger h/d (80 gb), my question is can i copy my games over to the new hard drive and remove h/d 2 without causing system problems/comflicts or should i just uninstall my games and reinstall them onto my new h/d (80 gb).
Ok I'm getting this message now saying that something called lsass.exe is causing my pc to just shutdown while I'm right in the middle of something. And, earlier today I deleted some registries by mistake and computer just went haywire. I think for the most part I got them fixed but now pc freezes up and some sites take forever for me to load or certain programs like musicmatch radio and mtv.com.
after copying win xp setup files n re-starting i get this message "system manager initialization system process terminated unexpectantly with a status of 0x000026c, the system has shut down" need explanation and help to resolve this issue thanx.......also note, winxp was installing on the same hard drive just fine on another motherboard so.........could the M/B be the prob?
I ALT+CTRL+DEL to bring up my processes and i noticed at the bottom of that window that SYSTEM IDLE PROCESS is taking up 80-99% so i watch it for awhile and it doesnt go down at all, the lowest i seen it was 77%.Now i have about 30-40 things running in the Background not a problem for my computer. I have 2 Gigs of RAM should be more then enough. but this process is really slowing me down.
Whenever I pop in a CD, my computer freezes over, and if I happen to get into the Windows Task Manager screen, it tells me that the System Idle Process is using 99 of my computer. What is happening here? This also happens when I leave the computer on for too long
In task Manager System Idle Process is always at 28k. Is this too low? Win. xp2 One user..Also have 6 Sychost.exe running. eMachine W3400 I have [3 startup programs] on start-up in msconfig.
iv'e been searching around for 30 minutes of what the problem could be but i have not found anything. iv'e been looking through msconfig startups and there is nothing wierd there, iv'e also been looking up my programs through ad or remove program if there is some random programs that is installed on my computer and i didn't find anything. When i open my task manager it is System Idle Process that is jumping around between 48-61 cpu usage, i don't know what SIP is for or what it do, so it would be nice if someone could tell me little about SIP and give me some tips over how to solve this problem with the cpu usage. I also found out that rundll32.exe is using about the same cpu usage as SIP 50-55 what is rundll32.exe?
One of my friends has a system that has recently slowed down a great deal. The task list Processes tab show "System" using 99% of the CPU. Other WinXP systems I look at show System with about 0%. We've scanned for virii, run AdAware, etc. Any thoughts on what might be burring up all the CPU?
I've been having a problem with my PC running extremely slow for the past several days and it seems to be related to the process named 'System' when viewing Windows Task Manager. The CPU usage looks like this:
System 50 System Idle Process 48-49 taskmgr.exe 01
other processes move between 0 to 1 (iexplorer, sqlservr, services) Here is a copy of the HJT scan that I took a little earlier today. what is dragging my PC down is most ...
This is not my pc, but my parents'. It is a Compaq Presario. It has a P4 3.06Ghz cpu, 1GB of ram, and runs XP Home SP2. I remember when my parents first got the pc it was very fast and stable, now however they complain of two problems.Firstly it is really slow, especially if your mouse pointer hovers over the taskbar or if you attempt to do most things with Explorer, like right-clicking. Sometimes this can lock the pc up for minutes at a time. The second problem is that it doesn't shut down no matter how long you leave it. The best it manages to do is remove power from the keyboard and mouse, and then only occasionally.I Have investigated the problems with the speed of the pc, and the problem seems to be to do with the system process. Task manager reports this process as using anywhere between 40% and 99% of the CPU all the time.My actions thus far have been to do a complete sweep with anti-spamware and ant-virus, and they didn't find anything. Next I ran process explorer, which showed that the system was using about 50% on deferred procedure calls, 20% on hardware interrupts, and 30% on the System process itself. Upon looking at the threads running in the System process, I discovered that the thread ACPI.sys+0x10b10using the entire 30%.
I must admit I don't really understand what ACPI is, but an internet search revealed it to be associated with pcs being unable to propperly shut down. For this reason I am now assuming that the two problems (unable to sut down and running very slow) are related. This is just an uneducated guess however.So can anybody suggest what the problem might be? Or how I might solve it?If you need any information that I have forgotten, I will gladly provide it.
For you Unix weenies (like me) how do you 'kill -9' a process on Windows XP Home edition? For everyone else (and especially Mr. Gates): How do you kill a process through Task Manager that is owned by SYSTEM? It is a BitDefender (virus scan) process (vsserv.exe) and I occasionally want to kill it just to get some work done on my machine. Task Manager says permisson denied when I try to kill it but I am an administrator on the machine.I tried creating a user account called SYSTEM and one called Administrator (to try and kill it by tricking Bill...oops sorry Mr. G) but in both cases Windows wouldn't create the account because it said an account already exists with that name. Well there are three user accounts created and they ain't Administrator or SYSTEM!
I have a 3 year old Acer Laptop, Aspire 3000 (with only 20 gigs) and have replaced it. I ran out of memory in it, so I am attempting to set it back to its original setup using the System CD and the Recovery discs (3) of them.I did as instructed, and reset the system to boot from the CD ROM and it went through the process and got through disc 1, but after inserting disc two, it simply shuts down and tries to reboot, but can't of course because it hasn't finished the process.
what in the world is system idle process? i have been having issues with my destop for the last several months and when i go to task manager and check processes i see that 98-99% of the cpu is being used by system idle process. the system is old (1.9ghz.), but the hard drive is only 66% full. the disk shows 2 hairline red sectors. what is the major malfunction?
How can I stop the System Idle Process, while the computer needs to be working at other tasks.. At times it will run for hours, and slows to a crawl all of my regular usage of the computer.
After my computer finishes the boot process, I start Windows task manager and click on the processes tab. I scroll the listing and at the end I find "System Idle Process is cycling CPU usage at 25,44, and 98 percent within an approximate four second sequence. I do this because I normaly boot and try to run Outlook Express to no avail and I am trying to find out the problem. When I try to open Outlook Express I always get the following dialog. "Outlook Express could not be started because another instance of it is still running on your computer. Please log off of windows and then restart Outlook Express. If the problem persists, save your work and then restart your computer." I go to start and click on Log Off. I wait two minutes and try to start Outlook Express. I get the message the application failed to initialize as the workstation is shutting down! I try to restart the computer but it won't restart or even shut down. Any application I then try to start results in the message "the application failed to initialize as the workstation is shutting down!" I have to Power off the computer.
my computer is running super slow. I ran a virus scan and it didn't find anything but when I look in the task manager something called System Idle Process is taking up over 80+% of my cpu and it wont let me turn it off. How can I stop this program?
i have recently added 1 GB RAM in slot M2, and after that the 'system' process at sr. no. 2 is showing memory usage of 73,844 K and it goes back to around 300 K if i remove the newly installed RAM and revert to old 256 MB but the system becomes dead slow.this high usage is also slowing down the system.
so i recently got sum serious ad pop ups on my comp, think it was about 10 a min at sum points! anyways wen i pulled the internet plug out my comp, i started to get 'cant work offline, connect, tryagain' These were popin were poppin up in extreme amounts aswell. I was doin sum work at the time on the comp, so i figured a quick and easy (TEMPORARY*) solution for the promblem would be to try and find the process and delete it. I deleted one process to many, by deleting a system process. I didnt think much of it at the time, but when i restarted my computer all that would load is the desktop backround and the mouse (no start menu, or desktop shortcuts). I can bring up the windows task manager, but it aint much good to me as aint got a clue how to fix my probelm
In my list of processes under task manager, the process "System" runs every about every five seconds for a split-second, taking up about 20% of my CPU. This doesn't matter too much when running lower-end applications that require little activity, but when I run games that need much more of the CPU to run, I get skips every 5 seconds because "System" will run no matter what every 5 seconds.
My system process under Taskmanager-processes-image name-system is taking up 61000k memory. I recently reformatted my computer and before the reformat it only took up less than 200k memory. I have windows xp up to date and i only have my video drivers/ directx and a few steam games installed, i have done a full virus scan and found nothing. this is my gaming computer so i like to keep it as fast as possible. does anyone know what could be cause system to be using so much memory?
I ran the System Recovery by going into the Program Files and Compaq instead of using the CDs.I thought I would be prompted to insert the CD once the program started but I wasn't. It took about 20 min. to complete. That was a red flag to me because it was so quick. It restarted and brought me to the registration process. Once through that,I was at a screen that basically said I was done and in order to go to my desktop, I should click on the "Finish" button.it booted up again with the 1st CD in the drive, there was a black screen that prompted me to type in whether I wanted a Restore, Full Recovery or Quit.I couldn't type anything in because, my keyboard didn't work. I ejected the CD, shut it down cold again, re-booted it and my keyboard started working again but I ended up back at the registration screen where it froze initially.
In the Task Manager it goes between about 85 to 99%. And no, I'm not looking at the System Idle Process as so many newbies do. A few days ago I had the motherboard replaced as it was bad. It was done at a service place in Tijuana. They had to reformat the hard disk and reinstall my versions of XP and my upgrade to XP Pro. Then I have been updating via the internet to the Windows updates including Service Pac 3.
could someone please explain to me the purpose of the "System idle process" from what i can tell, it doesnt do a great deal, it starts up at the most inconveniant times, and takes up 99% of my cpu resources. is it possible to kill it?