Message - This Software Can Only Be Installed On A Designated System

May 13, 2005

We purchased the Video Advantage ADX (can be found here:We double checked to make sure that the computer we're installing it on has all of what the manual said is needed for the card and the accompanying software to work (it's running windows 2000, has a graphics card we think is compatible, the right space, audio card, and hard drive, etc). We followed all of the steps for installation - so far so good - until we got to the point of installing the powerdirector (another bit of software included). That wouldn't install. It instead gave the message: "This software can only be installed on a designated system".Since we think all of the requirements are met, we don't know what else is wrong nor what it means by "designated system".

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IIS Installed On Xp: Received Message Unable To Connect?

Jul 11, 2005

I have installed IIS v5.0/Windows XP. When I try to connect(using an administrator user) to the server(localhost) running IIS, I receive the mesage 'unable to connect'..

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Installed System Updates: System Wont Allow To Install Audio Driver?

Aug 10, 2010

On reinstalling my Windows XP x86 and using Windows Update to get everything back uptodate to the present day. I am having serious problems getting my sound drivers to install. I have tried everything under the sun, also tried a few things which i found while roaming the internet (Mainly google searches for the problem).

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System Recovery/ Updates Installed: System Is Slow?

Nov 27, 2008

i just performed a complete system recovery. started the computer, installed windows xp sp2 and sp3, went to the microsoft download center to get my updates and also got all my extras like, java, flash player, shockwave and direct x among many other updates. i also scan my computer with secunia just to make sure i had everything installed on my pc. i started noticing that my computer was working kinda slow.

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Deleting System Alert Message In Operating System?

Dec 31, 2006

my computer attack viruses last i got system alert message. since i deleted that viruses.But system alert message didn't go.Please tell any for how delete or cancel that system alert message.

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SP3 Installed On System Is Best

Sep 4, 2008

Should Windows XP SP3 be installed? Why or why not?

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Transferring Installed Program To Another System

Apr 26, 2008

is it generally possible to transfer the files of a program installed on one system to another (i.e. I don't the install software to hand and am hoping perhaps a simple transfer of files will have positive results). I know my way around windows but not the more technical aspects of software.

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Recently Installed Sp3 - System Reboots By Itself

Dec 17, 2008

My system reboots by itself. I haven't noticed if it does this after the same amount of time each time. I recently reinstalled Windows, I didn't have this problem before. If anybody has any thoughts on what might be causing this

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Installed SP3 - Know System Has Fatal Error!

May 8, 2008

Well I have never had 1 single problem with my computer until now. I decided to check for windows updates since I haven't done so in awhile. When I did, windows prompted me to install SP3 for XP. Everything ran smooth upon installation, so I restarted the computer as it suggested. Now, windows will not boot and it blue screens to "windows fatal error".

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Getting Security Updates Installed On System Without Going On Web?

Dec 6, 2008

How can i know that i have all security updates in my computer without going to microsoft web? Is there any free tool that can allow me to know the updates that i need?

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Finding Last Application Installed On The System?

Dec 21, 2005

How do I find what was the last app installed on a pc The Add/Remove section of the control panel does not appear to give a date when such an application was installed

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Finding The Installed Operating System Is 64 Bit Or 32 Bit?

Jan 22, 2009

I recently bought a Canon PowerShot SD430 Digital ELPH Wireless for use in my chiropractic practice. It will be used in posture evaluation and I selected it for the wireless feature. After unsuccessfully trying to install it on my samsung laptop R710 AS04 I was informed by canon help that 'Windows XP (excluding the 64-bit version) with Service Pack 2 installed is required to use the wireless function.' while the samsung came with Vista pre-installed.

My question is this: I still have an old CD of XP Home Edition, it is version 2002 with a part number do I know if this is the 64 or 32 bit version? Will I have problems installing SP2 on such an old version or should I pop for a newer one? I'm determined to make the danged camera work wirelessly, any other suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

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Installed Double Operating System

May 21, 2006

I accidentally installed a second copy of Windows XP, and don't know how to remove it. My computer prompts me with two options when I boot my computer up. Kinda looks like this:Please Choose an operating system:Windows XP Home EditioWindows XP Home EditionOption will be automatically selected in:

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System Restore Hangs After SP2 Installed?

Jul 23, 2005

Using XP Pro - installed SP2 two days ago. I did everything recommended prior to install, such as updating everything possible (including BIOS). Ad-Aware and NAV 2004 (up to date) both indicate a clean system. NAV 2004 disabled during SP2 install. Defragmented and checked disc, etc, etc.Since installing SP2, System Restore has stopped working. I noticed it first when auto update downloaded updates after the SP2 install. When I tried to install them, the install just hung (because it tries to create a restore
point prior to installing the updates, and System Restore won't run). So I can't install updates either. I'm not even sure what 'HarddiskVolume2' refers to? I only have one disk (C with a very standard XP Pro configuration.In September last year I tried installing SP2 but ran into the same problem. I spent days trying to sort it out, but eventually the MS people recommended I remove SP2. They said it may have been a corrupted download, so this time I ordered the CD. This install was from the CD, but exactly the same problems have occurred.Booting in safe mode doesn't help because it doesn't let you create a restore point, only to restore to a previously created one.System Restore was working perfectly for 2 years prior to this under SP1. I would rather not turn it off, because I don't want to lose the restore points I have to get back before the SP2 install! What else can I do???

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Re Installed Windows - Boot Up Asking Operating System

Sep 15, 2005

I recently reformatted my HD and re-installed XP home. Now when I boot up it asks me which operating system I want: either Windows XP Home or... Windows XP Home. Why is it showing the same OS twice? Can I get rid of one without having to re-format all over again? What might have I done wrong when installing the software?

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Installed Updates In SP3 System Wont Boot Now

Apr 14, 2010

I have purchased a Windows XP with SP3 OS. After installation of the OS I installed the high priority updates from Windows. Following that the boot up screen would keep cycling without ever logging into Windows. The BSOD error is STOP: C000012a. I have read many forums and I believe the best course of action is to reinstall the OS. It seems there is an error with the Windows updates when being installed on a version of XP which is bundled with SP3 already installed.

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Installed New Motherboard: System Wont Load OS?

Jan 7, 2006

I just got through a rough few days fixing some hardware problems and testing different things, to find out that my motherboard, power supply, and 1 of my 3 dimm of ram all went bad at the same time. Anyway I finally got it where the mobo would actually post and I get get into edit bios settings and stuff.My new problem is that since this has happened my windows does not load. It only goes to the screen saying it failed to load and I can choose safe mode options or normal.

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Re Installed Operating System - Running Very Slow

Mar 1, 2010

i have a dell dimension e310. 2.9 ghz. 4 gigs of ram. windows xp... umm so just recently we took it into the shop and they re-installed the operating system. because we thought it was infected with virus' or w/e.ever since, its been running slow. it boots up ok...and for the first few minutes its running...not fast. but not too slow. and then it kinda just freezes. i can move the mouse but if im running windows explorer(havent been able to re-install firefox) it kinda just sticks there. i installed norton 360 and it says the pc i running fine. i dont know what to do about it. i have to wait an hour just so windows explorer can close..very frustrating...

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System Running Very Slow: Installed Spyware Removers?

Jan 30, 2007

System running very slow. Have run spyware removers, etc. Windows XP, running AVG Antivirus and ZoneLabs Firewall.

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Cleaned Installed : Unable To Install Java On System?

Jul 31, 2005

After a clean install, I'm not having much luck installing Java. All I get is this...any ideas as to how I can fix this?

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Installed New Hard Disk: System Wont Recognize ?

Oct 7, 2009

my hard drive was going bad so i bought a new one. With my old hard drive still connected to my computer, i installed my new hard drive, and formatted windows xp on it. Everything was running well, until i removed my old hard drive from my computer and whenever i boot up my computer with my new hard drive, i get an error saying "No device found, please insert a boot disk and press any key". the only way i could boot into windows xp of my new hard drive is by a boot disk i created from another computer. Is there any way that i can boot into XP without always having to use a boot disk?

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Installed Farstone Virtual Drive Causes Crash The System?

Apr 17, 2006

When trying to install farstone virtual drive on a computer it reboots during the driver installation phase. After the reboot at the desktop windows says new hardware found and asks to install it. It's the offending driver, fcdabios. Windows installs it and says it was installed successfully. Then the computer spontaneously reboots again. It seems to start alright back at the desktop but again reboots after 2 minutes. The only cure is to do a restore from a norton ghost image. I sent a debug file to farstone but haven't received a reply yet.

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Insufficient System Resources Exist To Complete The Api - Nothing Installed

Aug 23, 2009

I had Win XP and my laptop does not start it only gives me this message and then reebot and the window with these message only has the option ok so its a cycle I look to other post about these and says that I shoul liberate some of my disk memory but I can't enter in safe mode I already tried and this is a real problem cause I have 2 disk one of them removable but is only 8 GB and its completely clean it has nothing on it and the other one is the disk of my computer I can not remove it and is 8 GB too. I didn't install anything but the programs that I really need and my messenge

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Phoenix Hardware Install - Not Installed Close Down System

Apr 12, 2008

while composing an email i suddenly got this " Phoenix Technology" Recover pro msg. "Operating system or hard disk partitions have been altered. The current restore point does not match either your current hard disk setup or your OS" I am unware that i have any Phoenix hardware install. I have win XP ver 5.1, i have not installed any new hardware, or partitioned the disk, and everytime i close down the system this msg appears. The main start-up screen and desktop reappears after "ok". need advice. email is

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Installed Service Pack 2 / System Working Very Slow?

Mar 22, 2007

my girlfriend had been adamant about not updating her computer because she claimed that is a way to get viruses.I scoffed and updated it anyway.I downloaded almost 2 years worth of updates over a two week period, the last update was the XP Service Pack 2 update.The very first time the computer was started after her SP2 update it loaded extremely slowly. The mouse doesn't work correctly (I can only right click) and most programs are inaccessible. I tried to System Restore (which is no easy task without a mouse) but it fails each time. I ran a virus scan with AVG but had no luck finding any infections.

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Media Edition Installed - System Restore Without Discs

May 31, 2007

I bought a HP Pavilion a4210n with windows xp media edition installed. I created the discs as told but am not sure I did it right therefore am afraid to use them to do a total system restore. Does F10 work on my computer and do I push anything with it?(like ctrl)

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System Is Not Fully Installed - Virtual Part On Back

Nov 6, 2007

my compy has been broken for almost a year, but i finally took it upon myself to find a solution. i followed the instructions for the problem "the system is not fully installed. please run setup again." and it seemed it was going to work. but now i'm getting stuck at this screen that says "please wait while windows prepares to start" and the dots just keep going forever! XD it feels like i'm close to finally fixing the frickin thing, but i can't get past this. so if someone could please tell me how to get past it, i'll give a virtual pat on the back. oh, and it's a compaq windows XP.

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Installed Operating System - Copy Files On Desktop

Oct 23, 2009

i installed an operationg system (service pack 3, but if i want to copy a file either from desktop or any where,i do klick on the right side of the mouse and shose ( send to ),and i dont see hard disks among the lists of where to send to,while i have 2 hard disks installed

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Finding The Product Key For Win98 That Was Originally Installed System Before Installing XP?

Nov 26, 2006

I need to find the product key for my Win98 that was originally installed on my system. It nows has the Win XP upgrade installed, several years ago. I can get the product key for the winXP no problem but cant get the 98!I did use the Belarc advisor but it only shows the XP stuff!

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Installed New Hard Drive / System Crashed / Drivers Missing?

Oct 22, 2007

Installed new hard drive, along with XP Home (recovery disk).Before my system crashed all my motherboard drivers were on D: partition.XP loads okay, but it is unstable - for example I cannot start msconfig under "Normal" start up. It crashes. I will not list all the BSOD - but XP doesn't like something.I have no devices connected apart from basic graphics card (which XP loaded the drivers for okay). I am waiting for XP Pro to be delivered, so I am hoping that my unstable XP will become stable after I upgrade (or full installation) of a retail version.

Prior to installing my current XP (one time of at least 30 others - as kept crashing),I tried to load my motherboard drivers from the disk my manufacture it possible that my XP Home is unstable BECAUSE I do not have my motherboard drivers loaded? That might seem a naive question - but I honestly do not know, and I've started to become a tad paranoid as these problems have been ongoing for 5 weeks.

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Installed Norton System Works: Javascripts Wont Work?

Jun 28, 2005

Since I tried to install Norton Systemworks 2005 (uninstalled since),I can't run any javascript. When I click on a link that's suposed to execute a script, nothing happens. I tried to uninstall/install J2SE runtime 1.5. No change.

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