Lost Product Key Cannot Reacttive Windows

Jul 5, 2008

Something went wrong with my version of XP on one of my hard drives. It boots up asks if I want to start windows normally, then just crashes. Thus, I tried XP on my other hard drive. It boots up then asks me to activate it. I lost my product key, and cannot re-activate it. I cannot load any key-finder programs because I cannot access windows. I am completely clueless as to how to re-activate. I don't believe it's a pirated copy, but it won't let me activate.

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Key Product- Lost The Key After Forming HD?

Sep 12, 2007

I format my HDD and now when I going to install Win XP Pro, I find out that I lose the key product.

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Upgraded PC - CD Lost Product Key

Jan 25, 2007

Friend has an upgraded PC with XP with a HD that is going bad. He has CD but has lost product key. Does MS put some ID on HD that can be used in replacing HD ? Could I copy/ clone present HD and install on new HD? Can you move OP XP to new PC? He also lost key for MS office CD.

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Home Lost Product Key

Apr 14, 2009

Good noon everyone. Here's how it happened. I went on for a 1 month vacation at our province, when I came home everything in my place was clean, the dust, the trash and even the sticker for my windows Xp Home edition. I know It's also my fault, I should have placed the sticker at my CPU, though I still have my cd for the xp home edition, the question is can I retrieve it from the Microsoft?

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Lost The Product Code For My Installation CD

Dec 8, 2007

I have lost the product code for my Windows XP installation CD.Is there anything I can do?

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Computer Crashed - Lost Product ID

Sep 25, 2004

My whole computer crashed..so I had to restore it to its factory default..I need to have xp pro and office pro on my computer for school...but I lost the product IDs...what can I do?? My university won't give me another office or windows xp disk and I have a paper and presentation that needs turned in on monday..and I can't open them or edit it...so does anyone know what I do if I lose my product id??

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Product Key To Repair Windows

Jan 25, 2007

I don't know what happen to the windows auth. I need it to repair windows.

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Patch To Change Windows Product Key?

Jan 12, 2004

I have heard that there is a patch to change your windows product key. I can not find it on Microsoft's website, does anyone know how to change the product key windows xp pro runs off of???

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2nd Hand Computer With No Product Key: Windows Corrupted?

Apr 25, 2008

i bought a second hand computer but it didnt come with a product key, the computer now wont start because the screen comes up saying that windows has been corrupted, iv been through the process of rebooting the system and it is now asking for the product key, but how can i find the key?

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Registering Windows: No Product Keys 6 Days Left?

Nov 23, 2008

After my neighbour updated his computer with all the latest updates from Microsoft every time he switches his computer on a set of keys appear in the desktop taskbar prompting him to register windows. As he had no product key sticker anywhere on the computer case I downloaded keyfinder from Download.com it found the product key in seconds. but I tried to register windows but it keeps telling me on the windows registration page that this copy is already registered.He only has six days left to register, what happens if after the six days past he still cannot get a product key.

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Product Key-two Copies That Are Idententical Except For The Product Keys Which To Send?

Feb 3, 2007

My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?

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Lost Sound For Windows XP.

Sep 10, 2005

I own at Pentium 4 XP Home Edition PC. Recently, I lost all of my default system sounds--like boot up sound and closing sound. The sound card is okay, because I can play CDs, listen to Real Player and otherwise get sounds.I have gone into the sounds and audio devices properties panel and don't seem to be able to set it to play the sounds. The test button works the sounds fine, but I cannot actually activate them.I have troubleshooted by surfing the web, installing various supposed registry fixes. I have also read the Microsoft data base articles that seem to pertain. SO FAR NOTHING HAS HELPED.Can anyone suggest what I do short of reinstalling Windows? I don't want to take that drastic step!

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Lost My Windows Search Box

Sep 17, 2008

I have Windows XP.My husband was on the computer and looking at something in google.When he was done and went back to our home page our windows search box was gone from our toolbar and in place of it at the top of the screen is a google search box which we don't like. I am computer illiterate when it comes to knowing what to do to get it back. This is the first time we have ever lost our search box.

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Acer Laptop - Seems To Have Lost The Windows.

Oct 2, 2006

I have an Acer Aspire 3000 with a serious problem, it won't load Windows XP and Windows XP is the installed OS.

What happened before the error:
i tried to install Norton Systemworks 2006. Before this, computer was working fine, and yes, I did scan it for viruses. None were found. computer had a partition, but the partition was removed.
Now, I got this computer from a confused cousin, and the history is as follows;

She bought the computer new. However, there was this strange partition in there that seemed to be duplicating everything (or so she told me), so she took it to a friend to have the partitions removed. Okay, the computer worked fine after that. Actually, better than fine, it worked better than it had new. I know, lol, because I tried using it once before and again after.

Now, flash forward a few months and her free trail of McAfee that came with the computer ends and she realizes that she needs some sort of security on it. So she buys Norton as suggested by another friend of hers. Knowing I know something of computers (and she's not all that sure), she gets me to install Norton.

I do.

And upon re-starting, I get after the Acer load screen a black screen with "Load error! Press any key to reboot." I press enter, but nothing happens.

So, in it goes to the friendly computer guy who uses the disks that came with the machine to restore it, and it comes back exactly as it was before I installed Norton, only, minus all her saved stuff. Okay, so obviously if there was a problem it has to be gone now, right?

Well, evidently not as when I install Norton again, guess what happens? Right. It's back to the black screen of death telling me, "Load Error! Press any key to reboot."

Now, it did have Norton Ghost on it, and as per the instructions in the book that comes with Norton, I disabled it before trying to install Systemworks because the first time this happened I didn't. I've tried calling the computer tech that fixed it for me before, but I guess he doesn't want to deal with it anymore because he won't return my phone calls or my emails.
how can she solve the problem?

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Way To Recover A Lost Windows Password?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there a way to recover a lost Windows password? or how can I get in without knowing the password? i have windows xp.

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No Product Key-neither The Case Nor The CD Has The Product Key

Sep 1, 2007

there is a GENUINE XP PROFESSIONAL CD with it's case. But neither the case nor the CD has the product key on it. So I am not able to install it on my new HD. Is there any way to install this XP PROFESSIONAL without the product key or get the product key somehow?

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SP2 / Lost All Video (not Audio) In Both Real Player And Windows Media Player

Aug 30, 2005

Downloaded SP2 for Windows XP Home and immediately lost all video (not audio) in both Real Player and Windows Media Player. Removed each of these and reloaded "fresh" version - same problem. Then removed SP2 and presto - video returns.

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Lost My Wallpaper, Lost Screen Saver

May 7, 2007

My wallpaper has disappeared even though it appears under display properities-themes. Under the desktop tab my wallpaper is set correctly. When I try to change the theme from modified theme to windows classic the change is not accepted. My screensaver was the picture slideshow and is now windows xp moves across the screen as the screensaver. When I try to change it back the change is not accepted.

This all started because I am trying to back up my computer to an external hard drive and keep getting error message "windows delay write failed". I tried updating the hard disk driver but there wasn't any update. While searching for fixes for that problem, I came across Panda Software online virus checker. I used it and it deleted a few viruses. They were all old, some may have only been unopened email attachments and they were all from 2001 and 2002. Two days later, I was using logmein - remote access and while rebooting (not the first reboot) I got the blue screen. Here's the error message.

Driver_IRQL_not _less_or_equal
stop:0x000000D1 (0x502F1F70, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0XF398B203)
VSDATANT.SYS - address F398B203 base at F3966000, Datestamp 4313a6c6

So I looked up vsdatant.sys which is located in system32 directory, and I changed the name of the driver to vsdatant.old but then my zonealarm stopped working so I changed it back.

How do I get my display working properly? Any ideas on the "write failed" error message?

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Lost Photos - Data Lost Writing On Cd

Jun 26, 2005

I have burned some photos onto a CD -R and have gone back into the cd drive but they are missing!! where have they gone. The photos were definitely burned on. I thought that once on a cd nothing could be lost.

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Lost Icons + Lost Taskbar

Apr 20, 2008

when I switched on my computer when I got to the xp wellcome page inviting me to sign in i clicked sign the screen went priefly go's to my home page with no icons and no taskbar nothing, then go's back to the wellcome page again, every time i click sign in it happens again,help me!

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Need Pro SP3 Product Key

Jul 25, 2010

I lost mine and I need one to install XP. Very urgent that I complete this soon!

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Was Given CD With No Product Key

Jul 24, 2005

Can someone please help me out if possible and let me know how i can find out the product key.

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XP Product Key

Oct 30, 2008

I need to reinstall windows on my computer. I have windows xp pro right now, but I lost the cd. I have the cd key and my friends xp home cd. Will my product key work with if I install his copy of xp home?

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Product Key Not Valid

Nov 4, 2009

working on a dell dimension 4600 with the product key reading "Windows XP Professional 1-2CPU" i am re-installing widows xp pro on there and its saying the product key is not valid.

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Product Key Not Working On A Different CD

Apr 21, 2009

My Friend got an old laptop, it has a XP Product Key on the bottom of it. But he didn't have a XP CD. So I let him use mine CD. But the key didn't work. So we tryed 2 more copies of XP CDs, still no luck. we ended up just installing Windows 7 Beta so he could have a temporary solution. (And he wanted to try it out). Any ways I am getting really annoyed, to have a license key and not be able to use it. Any suggestions? Oyeah is there a way to know if a key is going to work with a CD with out having to waste 15-20 minuets for the CD to load all of the files. Spending hours putting XP CD in and typing 25 charters only to get "The Key you ended is invalid" got really boring.

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Change Product Key

Jul 27, 2005

As you all know the new updat eis here as we all thought it would be I have a client with a license key which is not original I have now purchased a copy for her but how do i change the product key to a new one

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Reformatting Does Not Ask For The Product Key

Jan 9, 2006

am trying to reformat a Dell Dimension on Windows XP Home, and have never had a problem like this, don't know what I am missing, the machine was purchased with XP home on it, and there is a reinstall disk. When you do the reformatt when it comes back up and runs through the process it does not ask for the product key? It reformats and when machine is supposedly all set up and ready to go half the information such as ethernet card, audio drivers etc is not there. If you are doing a complete reinstall should it not ask for the product key??? This really has me puzzled, I have reformatted 3 times, and am not coming up with the proper setup.

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Product Keys Able To Use

Jan 4, 2006

Anyone have a generic XP product key I might be able to use? ....

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Product Key Did Not Work

Jun 22, 2006

I was trying to in win xp on the computer, however, the product key did not work. So, I am trying cancel the setup, but the win xp is keep trying to set up. I was trying to upgrade my xp from xp media center to xp pro. how can I stop the setup?

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Reinstalling OS With Old Product Key

Nov 13, 2006

The sellers I've been talking to tell me that the little sticker they include with the case is the product code necessary to use XP Pro. Is this the actual product key that I use when installing XP pro? I realize that Microsoft is now using an online product registration for XP, and I'm ok with that, since I'm buying the license with the machine.

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How To Product Activation

Sep 5, 2005

I've just been round to help my neighbour with her laptop... she's 80 (Bless!) Anyway, when booting up a message appears to say that before windows can log on the product (XP Home) needs to be activated. No problem, so I press OK. But then, in the Product Activation window it says, This product has already been activated, press OK. Which I do but then it shuts down. It's just a continual circle that I can't seem to get out of. By the way, it boots up okay in safe Mode.

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