Lost 60GB After System Recovery

Apr 21, 2006

My Computer started crashing around a week ago to what I suspect was a "windows updare" problem, Well, Microsoft suggested I run a System Roll back... but it didn't take, So they suggested I run Sytem Recovery... Well this sucks because I had about 60GBs of music,video and pics on my computer. But I decided it needed to be done so the crashing would stop. So after running the process everything seemed hunkydory, everything was back to the factory defaults and my documents were all cleaned up... yet I went to My Computer and I check my free space and the 60GBs are still there! I decided to try and fing out where they were hiding and from what I have gathered they are in a file called "USERDATA" in side my C drive

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with windows...free cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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Lost Photos System Recovery

Dec 14, 2008

I have Windows XP and have done this several times before, but this time I lost all of my photos. None of my other files were lost, only the pictures. I ran HP PC System Recovery, the non destructive version because some of my system files were missing. Problem solved on that, but now my photos are all gone. I looked at the hard drive space and I cannot remember what the exact amount was before, but it looks like I have about the same amount.

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Lost All Files In System Recovery - Recover?

Jul 19, 2007

hey i just did a system recovery, thinking it was a system restore, and now all my files are gone. i have a few programs, but other than that it seems as if i just bought the computer, it took me through the welcome speech and everything. i really want my files back, don't care as much about the programs because they are all replaceable,

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Lost Files After A Non-destructive System Recovery

Jan 23, 2008

Last Saturday I had to use the recovery disc that came inside my computer because when I tried to start the computer; just the black screen appeared, saying 'ntldr is missing Press ctrl + alt + del to restart' . I did that several times but the problem was still there. So, after the recovery I normally started the computer and logged on. I did the non-destructive system recovery. Anyways;I noticed that all my files I had in the Shared Docuemnts were stil there. I noticed that the storage percentage on the C Drive was the same I had before (93%) So, I assume that all my files, documents, music files and videos are somewhere in the computer

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Lost Documents And Pictures After System Recovery

Oct 27, 2008

i need help to get back my pictures i had to do a system recovery in september i just now found out i could recover them but when i tried some of them have been overwritten is there any way that i can recover all of them i did try system restore but it is not letting me restore back please if there is someone out there who can help me i would greatly appreciate it the pictures are very important to me they are of my dad and brother who have both passed away

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - Checked The Soundcard

Aug 24, 2005

carried out a system recovery (xp home) now i have lost my sound.no audio device is detected. (on board sound card)i've checked the soundcard (AC'97) is set to 'auto' in the bios.have installed new up to date driver.
have done system restore.

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - Driver Not Working

Aug 28, 2005

I have somehow misread your entire post. I thought you had a sound card installed. If it is the AC'97 codec here is the> download page for it. I believe it is the third one down:

> http://tinyurl.com/808g

> Hopefully you can try this first and everything will work out...Let us> know the results.

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Lost Hard Drive Memory After System Recovery

Dec 6, 2009

I have a 60 gig hard drive and after i did a system recovery i only had 12 gigs free on the hard drive

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Lost Sound After System Recovery - No Discs Or Driver Information

Aug 24, 2005

Evolution54 Wrote:

> Try installing the driver for the motherboard if you still have it.

> not download from their website.
> my system is OEM so i have no discs or driver information.

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Data Lost After System Recovery - Can Access Files In Safe Mode

Jan 24, 2007

my question concerns an HP Pavillion Desktop with Windows XP Home Edition Operating System. About a week ago my computer was degenerating to such a condition that it would no longer start up properly: it would not load some of the host process properly at start up and the desk top would not appear. The system would hang up, and the only way I could access files was in safe mode.So I decided to do a Full System Recovery and allow the computer to restore itself to some sort of usable condition. Upon completing the initial set up I was presented with, I pressed FINISH and the system froze again, refusing to load the desktop.
So, perhaps foolishly, I attempted a System Recovery from the Recovery DVDs the computer had prompted me to make a while ago, as well as a few more System Restores and Recoveries

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Lost Files Recovery?

Jun 2, 2010

My computer was recently in for repair. I told the technician under no account were any files to be deleted/erased. When I got the computer home after repair I noticed that although my files were indeed 'untouched' (not deleted) they were however in a 'place' where I knew I would have trouble finding. I made a mental note that I would get back to finding my photos later. I had to download and re-install my security system first and foremost as well as Windows updates. One of these Windows Updates (Service Pack 3 maybe) advised to back-up my files before installing. I didn't.
Now I can't find these files/photos/pictures anywhere on my computer. There were over 4000.
Have I lost these for good ? Or is there a way to recover them ?

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HDD Data Recovery From Lost Partition?

Dec 30, 2007

I was running on Windows XP SP2 working fine for me. Last week when I connected to the internet while browsing may be some virus came into it and my Laptop (Acer Aspire 5050) start malfunctioning. I decided to install windows XP SP2 again, while installing it started formatting my hard drive without prompting for it in the mean while it got restarted and I lost my whole data. I again repartitioned it and install windows XP some how.

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Lost Sound After Rebuild/recovery

Feb 13, 2009

Recently i had to basically kill my computer to rid it of viruses etc. i had a recovery disk that came with my laptop so i was able to rebuild windows xp as well as an lg disk that restored most of my settings and programs. except now i am without sound which is turning out to be a big pain in the butt. The device manager has only one yellow warning sign over 'Other Devices - PCI Device'. could this be the reason for my missing sound? or is there something else i need to do

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Recovery Disk - Lost Pictures

Feb 23, 2009

I have a Toshiba A105.with windows xp os. I got stupid this am and thought I would run my recovery disk. No real problems with the laptop I was just hoping to clear up outlook. I started the disk and remember I had pictures I had not copied to disk yet. are they gone forever or any chance I can get them back.I only ran disk a few minutes and canceled it. but computer will not start up i get a message NTLDR is missing. I would be more than willing to take it somewhere for repair if you think they can save the pictures if not I guess I will just put the disk back in and restore it.

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Recovery - Lost Folders - DISCover.EXE File?

Oct 26, 2010

My XP system (Compaq) failed to start up completely after booting. Claimed 'Missing' DISCover.EXE file, others, locked up. Hit F10 for system recovery to makes repairs from the hidden partition. It assured me that my data would not be lost

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Laptop Crashes: Key Data Lost/Non-Destructive Recovery?

Jan 16, 2006

I had just turned our home into a wireless environment.....all machines working well. had just downloaded Service pack 2 from Microsoft site....and laptop crashes and I have to do a Non-Destructive reovery. Many, many data have not re-appeared.

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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System Recovery-Dowloaded 87 Updates From MS, System Wont Start?

Apr 29, 2010

Had problems with virus, couldnt update Virus or Malware Protection. I did full shred System Recovery from partition ( HP- A1130N -Windows Media Edition- Version 2002 Service Pack 2. Dowloaded AVG Virus and ran scan, all OK.Went to MS Dowload center and downloaded and installed 87updates to include IE8,started computer, all OK. Then updater said needed to download SVC Pack 3- took a loooooooooooooong time. THEN COMPUTER WOULDNT START- tried the two options it gave me but no go back to same black screen with boot options-- regualar- last working point- safe mode etc. no go.
At this point I did a full System Recovery again and downloaded virus protection again.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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Compaq Recovery Tools CD /Compaq System Recovery

Aug 18, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3 with everything up to date as far as I know. I have the complete set of my PC's OEM Disks that I've used once when my OS was completely messed up, had Geeks Rescue out and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I know what they are for.What I'm not understanding are the several tools I'm afraid to open listed in my "Start"/"All Programs" I have both "Compaq"/"Compaq Presario PC Tools" with "Compaq Application Recovery"/"Compaq Recovery CD-DVD Creator"/"Compaq Recovery Tools CD"/"Compaq Support Information"/"Compaq System Recovery"/"Remote Assistance"/"Safety and Comfort Guide"

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System Recovery/ Updates Installed: System Is Slow?

Nov 27, 2008

i just performed a complete system recovery. started the computer, installed windows xp sp2 and sp3, went to the microsoft download center to get my updates and also got all my extras like, java, flash player, shockwave and direct x among many other updates. i also scan my computer with secunia just to make sure i had everything installed on my pc. i started noticing that my computer was working kinda slow.

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Using Operating System CD For System Recovery

May 8, 2010

I am trying to do a system recovery back to the original condition and I have taken what I need to save. I have talked to HP tech twice and 1 told me I need to buy a special automated recovery cd from them. The other said not to do that and I need to use the two cds I have (1. operating system cd, 2. Applications and Drivers dvd). Operating system is Windows XP professional on a HP laptop.I have completed the following steps. Can any one tell me if I am doing the right thing?
1)I put in the operating system cd and shut down the computer.
2) I started it back up useing the cd (by hitting any button when it asks).
3) I press Enter on the next menu to "set up windows xp now"
4) I press F8 to agree to license agreement
5) I press ESC "to continue installing afresh copy of windows xp without repairing". Below it has the following highlighted "C:windows "microsoft windows xp professional"

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After System Recovery - Pc Is Not Working Well

Aug 18, 2005

Having problems after a System Recovery. HP Pavilion Desktop 980-XA. Used the 7 System Recovery disks provided by HP. All seemed to go well. No errors appeared until I restarted.

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System Recovery Disk

Dec 27, 2004

Purchased a Presario SR1220nx two months ago. It came with a 'System Recovery Disk".(SRD) Is this all I would need incase of a complete software problem to get back in operation again or should I be copying some additional OS files to a CD ? What are the disadvantages of the SRD and the advantages of having the WinXP software ? Seems to me that the SRD is all that I need in case of a failure?

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What Is System Recovery Disk?

Mar 22, 2005

I've just bought a used laptop running XP Home. It comes with a system recovery disk. Can I use that to do a clean install of the OS so as to remove every trace of the previous owner whose name keeps popping up in folders that can't be deleted or re-named.

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Recovery System On HP Pavilion

Oct 8, 2007

I have been trying to help a friend update or correct her winxp on her HP pavilion 520w I have a copy of my winxp cd from my dell system however I dont have the product key code to use it. So I have tried repeatedly to reset her computer to boot from her cdrom without success. I even posted here last week and someone suggested to tap the delete key when rebooting to change the boot sequence. I wasnt able to get it to work. However I did accidently discover that tapping F10 brings up the Recover system on her computer. Not knowing exactly for sure if I could just correct her winxp with recoverying the whole system I turned off the computer to stop it. I have 3 questions if the Recovery System on this HP model allows you to correct a current copy of your windows without reformatting? how to set this HP model to reboot from the CD-rom?

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Recovery Of CD Key After System Crash?

Jun 2, 2006

I recently had a full motherboard "meltdown"........I was able to recover all data on the hard drive.I am trying to locate my CD Product Keys so I can re-install softwear (of course I lost the various books).

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Compaq System Recovery

May 3, 2007

Compaq will not start. It gets to the welcome screen, where you press F1 for Setup F10 for System recovery, but nothing else is happening. I have tried to get into both Set up and recovery with no results. I have also tried safe mode, but nothing happens.

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Cannot Install System Recovery Cd

Apr 14, 2006

Cannot access the system and was not able to ad or remove anything to recover.

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Pressing F10 For System Recovery Nothing Happens

Jun 16, 2010

i am helping a friend and his computer has basically come to this point that Internet doesnt work and lots of other programs too, he think that he might have uninstalled the internet card with other things, i tryed to do a system restore and failed. His computer is in need of serouse renewing and he had a enough of his computer so he asked for help he has tryed and i have tryed too, to do a system recovery and every time i press F10 nothing happens it just ignoring every thing i do so can some one plzzz help my friend+me plzz. I also Scan his computer and found lots of virus's and removed them iam not sure if that has anything to do with it just saying everything so u guys get an idea whats going on so if anyone can help me how i can get this F10 working.

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