Dose anyone know why I cant start messanger.When i click on it it comes up with an error that says he application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000034). Click on OK to terminate the applictaion
i was trying to remove yahoo messanger exploere bar by going to add/remove i clicked on it but nothing is happening i just can not delete yahoo messanger exploere bar.
I really hope someone can help me with this one. I don't know what's going on. I never had any problems installing MSN Live before and now, it's a real pain. I just got my PC back from the tech guy. He formated my computer and reinstalled Windows XP including the Updates, I'm trying to install Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and it's not working. It's giving me errors like, to check that I have enough hard disk space (I have 176 GB free space), If my computer has a firewall , and that I make sure that my computer meets the system requirements I do meet the requirements
What equipment and software do I need to place multiple live cameras in a house I plan to renovate and have the ability to view the screens from my residence in an adjoining county? I have a Dell 8300, 2.6ghz clock speed, 1 gig RAM, 80 gig hard drive. There are two lesser machines in my residence connected through a home network; cable modem, router, hub, then PC's.
I recently installed Windows OneCare Live onto my PC, I did not like it and I tried to uninstall but It gave me an error, so I went to program files and deleted the OneCare folder and shortcuts. Still this did not work, so now I cannot uninstall this program. and even if i try to reinstall it and error comes up saying to install onecare you msut first uninstall the previous one
Updates, OE 6.x, Live OneCare. Nothing works. Nothing updates. For many years this HP PC with XP home worked perfect. But this week after the latest MS Updates 3 things have broke. Updates will not update. The MS Windows Updates pages hangs and will not DL the updates. OE 6.x will not DL the webbased email from: MS Live OneCare will not update. Now this HP PC will not restart, reboot. It just hangs forever. And ever. All 4 things broke at the same time on the same day after DL'ing the MS Updates
I just posted an error message about a dump of physical memory on my XP. I subscribe to Windows One Live. Shouldn't they take care of this and how to I contact them I know they (One Live) do not do new memberships but they must honour their old members.
I am having trouble when going to the c:documents and settingsUser folder it keeps coming up asking for me to sign into Windows Live ID. Just wondering if anyone has seen this before?
When my computer is loading something flashed on screen. The next time it appeared I hit pause. It's called American Megatrends Did a search found nothing . What is it? Also the clock is set back to Jan 1 2001. Norton won't run a live update and under programs it shows new progams added which have been on the computer for a few years
I've tried knoppix, ubuntu and some other ones, but is there any linux live CD's that allow you to save and edit files already on my HD? I'm talking files just like .doc's or .jpeg's
My daughter is having problems with a Intel web cam cs630 w/the XP drivers loaded. She is trying to use Win Live Messenger.When she tries to open the messenger, even without the camera on, her system slows down or completely stops. Is Win Live Messenger compatible with XP? Is the old Intel cs630 web cam compatible (even with the drivers for XP)? It does tell her to have service pack 2 or above and she has service pack 3 installed.
I'm getting ready to do a format/reinstall XP on a friend's Acer laptop that we've been fighting viruses other malware problems- when he finds his disk, that is. I've done several reinstalls before, and I usually just go in and save the Outlook Express mail & address book folders to a USB drive. This time it's Windows Live Mail, which I've never used before. How is the e-mail & address book saved?
I'm having problem with my windows live messenger and its doing my head in. When I get a message it flashes in the toolbar but when I left click the group then the persons id to see the message it doesnt open the message. I am currently having to left click the message and click restore to get the message box open. does anyone have any idea how I can make it work again?
How get rid of Microsoft Live Messenger? We have Windows XP & it seems to have been part of automatic Microsoft Uodate last night. I want to uninstall Microsoft Live Messenger.
Windows XP will not boot. After the first "Dell" screen, a blinking underscore appears on a blank page. The hard drive and all hardware are fine, as confirmed by friend computer wizards. This is without doubt a software problem.
I burned SLAX (a linux derivative) to a live CD and set my BIOS to boot from CD. SLAX is fantastic, but I wonder if I can restore windows to a previous point or investigate my boot sequence using SLAX's file manager There is a high likelihood that I have a trojan.
Side question: Would you recommend trend micro antivirus over norton? is there another antivirus option you'd recommend more highly than both of these?
I use Windows Media Player 10 as my primary media player. But I like to keep Real Player and QuickTime quietly waiting in the wings and call upon them occasionally. Well, I got the latest version of the Real player and clipped its wings so it wouldn't take over every audio and video file i have. Then downloaded the latest QuickTime player (after uninstalling the old one.) Every time an attempt is made to install the QuickTime player after 11 or so seconds into the process it stops and gives me this little message: "1607: Unable to install Installshield Scripting Runtime."
I did a live update to Norton AV. The next day I cannot get into my or my wifes user. The system coms up with only the Admin user available. I put in the Admin password and I get the following message. "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively"
I am desperatly trying to access windows live messenger. I am a real beginner with computers so please, if possible make it so I can understand, thank you. I have installed windows live messenger from the free download (the one with the picture of the two women chatting) 8.0..8.1? I also installed sweetim extra 'winks'etc. My problem is when i go to open 'messenger' i get an error message that reads'live messenger temporarily unavailable , try again later error code 810003od'.
im having trouble with my windos live messenger, i had a virus a few weeks back got rid of it via combofix and smitfix, then i couldnt sign in to the messenger, so i uninstalled it tried to install the new one but it fails everytime?
In windows xp I have tried to repair windows live messenger. Corrupted files rendered it useless. I tried to reinstall-would not without uninstalling present version.....tried to update but said the version I had was newer than the one I was trying to install (not!)-try uninstalling and reinstall. Will not uninstall on this computer (Dell Dimension E520). I have tried add and remove programs, brute force, and creating a new administrator account.
I have a weird login prob. I cant log into windows live chat under one user name, but all others work for loggin in. I can get into hotmail with this ID and can also log into the web messenger with this id. I have been also able to log into windows live on other computers with this ID. It just wont let me in on this one computer! The error id is 81000306. Most repair suggestions assume that NO logins can occur. I've tried so many and still no success. (have even uninstalled and reinstalled, deleted folders and still no luck
I suppose I became bored(or stupid) but I decided to give Windows Live One Care a try. I like the idea that it has a two way firewall.I've tried Zone Alarm, but it's just too much trouble! Any opinions on this? I haven't read anything on this forum one way or the other. It has a 90 day free trial, so if I don't like it I can always reinstall my Avast,which I was having NO trouble with.
I have Windows XP Pro running on a 4 year old Dell XPS Gen 5 machine. Windows Live Essentials has shown up on my Windows Update page and I have tried in vain to install this package. I have gone to the trouble page after the installation fails and complied with everything that they say could be wrong. AFAIK. have used End It All to close everything except the internet connections.The Windows Live Essentials does actually install. It begins by notifying me that there are no conflicting programs found. Then it installs the entire bundle of programs. Then when the overall status bar reaches 100%, the thing automatically Rolls Back everything until the status bar goes back down to 0% and the installation fails. This is really throwing me. How can the installation get to 100% and still fail?
I am trying to save animated gifs to use in MSN Live. When I right Click on the gif and then click on save, I only get a still image. What can I do please. Keep it simple please as I am not computer literate.
i have MSN (Windows Live Messenger Plus) and sometimes it doesn't work. i type in my username and password then it logs in. but it doesn't do anything. and then i have to close it with the task manager otherwise i can't do anything on my computer at all. can anyone help me with this? 2: my rightclick doesn't work. i don't think it's the mouse cause i'm very good in reparing mouses. sometimes my computer restarts when i'm in the middle of something, without me actually clicking restart.
From this afternoon, I've realized something as I attempt to run a Windows Live services installation. More specifically, I am installing Live Mail, Live Space, and Live Messenger and Sign-In Assistant. But when it attempts to download, the download always ends up half-way (e.g. Sign-In Assistant goes until 20%+ downloaded) and goes straight into installing, which failed as a result. I tried the whole afternoon fixing this, but the same thing happened