Keyboard Delaying In Typing Text Or Emails?

Dec 30, 2005

I am running Windows XP; just reinstalled Windows and all was well until I allowed downloads of Windows updates.Installed a batch of updates and now whenever I type an email message or anything else on the screen (except this...seems fine here); I get lags of about 5 seconds. I type and nothing happens, then the text snaps into place a few seconds later. Sometimes the screen refreshes. No error messages...but the change has been the update of Windows. Wonder if that has installed something that has caused my problem. Clicking seems to be problematic as well with lags.

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Text Disappears While Typing.

Jun 26, 2010

Gateway Pc Laptop thunder bird email Windows XP.While I am typing an email, all of a sudden my message disappears. What can be causing this?

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While Typing Text / Cursor Jumps Around?

Oct 3, 2004

I've been having this problem a lot over the past year or so where I might be typing a sentence (and I think this only happens when posting at message boards) and sometimes in the middle of a word the cursor will suddenly jump to another place in the paragraph. As an example, it happened just now. When I was typing the word "sentence" above, in the middle of typing the word, the cursor jumped up to the title and the "ten" part of the word got mixed in with the word "typing" in the thread title. Sounds more complicated than it is, just wanted to give that as an example...and oh, it just happened again haha, while I was typing "give." I'm not sure if this happens to me in Word too, but I don't think so. Anyone have an idea why the cursor would just randomly and suddenly jump to another point in the text?

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Keyboard Keys Wont Work Properly / Writing Wrong Text?

Jun 14, 2006

I was in the middle of typing and suddenly none of the keys work properly. Most of them won't type anything and the rest are jumbled. "c" will print "-", n will be 7, ";" will be the "page up" key etc. I've reinstalled the keyboard drivers but no success. language/region settings are US as always. no idea why it's suddenly scrambled. keyboard is microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0A. batteries are fine. XP system. Please help. this is really causing a ton of trouble. I'm using software kboard to type this.

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Specific Text Over Desktop / User Change Wallpaper / Text Appearing At Same Position

Nov 20, 2006

I want to know if there is possible to put a specific text over the desktop and when the user change the wallpaper the text continues appearing at the same position (basically I want to do it on Windows XP).People says that an image worth more than thousands of words... Ok this is a screenshot of what I want to do

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Change Text Size Shows Small Text In Web Sites

Jun 26, 2006

Change the text size.I already change my text size by using view in tool bar,but it works on some websites and some are very small.

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No Keyboard Or Mouse:keyboard Works On Bootup?

Jan 30, 2005

I have a friends PC, a gateway P4 2.6, winxp home. The mouse and keyboard up and died. He had a kvm switch, the electronic kind when it stopped functioning. I have tried usb, ps2 everything. The keyboard works on bootup, so I can get into bios etc... but when it gets to the windows screen, nothing. No mouse or keyboard. Safe mode is the same thing. Dont want to format and reinstall windows. On that note, I did try a repair, when it asks for admin password it wont accept it. Says invalid admin password.. The password IS windows admin password though. With no mouse even in safemode, and windows not accepting my admin password during repair,

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USB Keyboard Won't For Setup - Keyboard Works In BIOS

May 10, 2008

I just finished assembling my new build. It boots and I can get to the BIOS. I even have it booting from the DVD drive so I can load Win XP.However, when I get to the Windows Setup and it asks me if I want to setup windows(press enter), Repair(some other key), quit(F3) my keyboard won't work. I hit "Enter" because I want to install XP and nothing happens. It is not responding to my keyboard strokes.
This is strange because the keyboard works in the BIOS.

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Keyboard Not Working / No Lights Come Up On The Keyboard

Mar 3, 2005

My friends keyboard is not working. When she turns the computer on no lights come up on the keyboard. Have tried another keyboard and still the same. Unable to get into the computer to check bios etc as there is a password on the account.

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Fat Typing Cursor

Jul 19, 2008

I'm at his friend's house trying to fix up their SONY VAIO XP desktop computer. One thing I can't fix is that there is really fat line when I type instead of just a straight thin line. It's like a black square.

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Computer Typing By Itself

Apr 1, 2009

I have run a Norton 360 computer virus scan several times which has picked up nothing. My computer sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. it starts flicking back through pages in my documents or through internet pages i am looking at, starts typing in capitals by itself, opens up yahoo messenger and starts typing messages to rrr and as i type this my cursor keeps moving back through the text and is all over the place. have I got a virus?

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Loss Of Cursor While Typing

Jul 15, 2005

While typing a document, a sound will occur and I will lose my curser. Subsequent typing does not appear on the screen. I have to click where I want to type to reset the cursor. This happens frequently while typing. This occurs in my Word Processor, in my email, or anyplace I type. I found that the Title Bar also dims at that time and if I click on the Title Bar the cursor will return. My operating system is Windows XP. There are no error messages.

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Cursor Jumping When Typing

Dec 22, 2008

I am running XP on my Compaq laptop. When typing in any field of more than 1 character, my cursor insists on placing itself randomly within material already typed and continues my typing stream at that point. From there it will place itself randomly somewhere else and continue my typing. This is maddening. I have scanned with several AV, Malware, spyware and other utilities and the PC is cleaned of anything possibly there. I have manually inspected all directories for suspicious and unknown files that could be causing this to no further avail. I regularly use AVG, Malwarebytes, Glary utilities, Cerebus utilities, Regcure, the Uniblue suite, Counterspy and others(all sequentially). This problem has persisted for months and need advice on what else to try to eliminate this problem.

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Cursor Vanished While Typing

Jan 25, 2005

I recently upgraded my Intellimouse Optical's drivers to version 5.2. After doing this, however, I noticed that the software is automatically hiding my cursor when I begin typing. I definitely do not want this happening, and I was a bit mad to find out that the option to "hide cursor while typing" is unchecked. I tried rolling back the drivers with no luck. Microsoft's knowledgebase is of no help as usual and I am running out of options. Does anyone know why this behavior would be occurring?

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Moving Cursor While Typing

Nov 2, 2007

searched previous forums for similar issues, and saw others complaining of moving cursors while typing. The only response I saw to this was maybe the pressure on the touch pad from wrist was causing. Not the case with me.On 10/30/07 I had (i believe) a backdoor trojan creep in. I have since removed and fixed all errors (allegedly) the only lingering glitch is that while typing, (Word, Powerpt, Search bars, etc.) the cursor repositions itself either ahead or behind my typing. This is making my work take twice as long! This happens at either fast or slow typing speeds. It really is frustrating.To be a little more specific, the movement of the cursor is not visible. It happens between flashes. One flash, it is before the next letter; with the next flash of the cursor it is behind by a paragraph (or more or less).

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Jerky Scrolling & Typing

Apr 6, 2007

I tried this under security but maybe it should have been here. I've check out several boards and seen problems close to mine but the fixes don't work. This started a couple months ago about the time I upgraded Netscape but I can't swear that has anything to do with it. I've always used Netscape because it runs faster for me. When I scroll it is either very slow or it stops for a few seconds and then jerks to catch up. Typing does the same thing. I will type several words before they all of a sudden show up on the screen. All this is happens about half the time. I've noticed even when I play Hoyle card games it sometimes is jerkly. I am mostly looking around Ebay so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I absolutely never open emails with attachments or click on anything in an email. I use Norton Systemworks, Norton Firewall and I've recently used AdAware and CWShredder. I had a tech person "tune up" my computer, rid of temp. files, defragged, antivirus, etc. My computer is only 1 1/2 yrs. old. Please help me and keep in mind I know more about the Internet than I do the computer itself. This has taken all the joy out of being on line.

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Can't Execute .exe Files Without Typing .exe

Sep 13, 2005

This just started happening. When I click START-RUN, I can no longer just type in msconfig or cmd. I must type in msconfig.exe or cmd.exe. Even when I get into the command prompt, I cannot just type in ping, i must type ping.exe Is there any way to fix this problem?

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Typing STOP On Screen / Then Appear?

Aug 31, 2006

It happens typing OUTLOOK messages or messages on online forums. I'll be typing and suddenly everything freezes; but I keep on typing and about 5-8 seconds later the characters suddenly catch up.Seems this began after a recent Windows XP update, but I don't know. I've experienced it on my laptop as well, but since some of the same software is installed, could be that. I have VCom's Fix-It 6, but don't know whether that could be the problem or not. Oooops...did it just now.

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Typing In All Applications Slow

Nov 24, 2008

i recently began to experience slowing typing in all apps on my laptop the typing speeds are fine at the log in screen (when i type my password).i already checked msconfig for PCMService.exe, it's not there so that shouldn't be the system performance is how it has always been, i tried to play a large movie and it worked i type about 5% of the time typing speeds are fine. sometimes if i type a long phrase and wait it will quickly fill in what i have typed after stalling for a second.another forum post i read suggested deleting the keyboard driver and let it install again but i haven't tried that yet.

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Changed Scheme - Typing Now

Jun 3, 2006

Recently, I changed the Windows Scheme and since then,the cursor does not show in the window as I am typing now.

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Typing A Shows J - Language Settings Are UK

Aug 18, 2005

when I try to type £ into yahoo messenger it comes out as J.

Have checked my language settings are UK.

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Typing Mistake NOT FRAUDULENT Software

May 2, 2009

Sorry, I should have said FRAUDULENT instead of NOT FRAUDULENT software, I hope you all understood, I mixed up ideas

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Explorer Address Bar Overwrites Typing

Sep 9, 2005

For several months now the address bar in Windows Explorer will not let me finish typing a directory, URL, or file name in the text box. It reverts and selects whatever is the current directory or takes a few characters of what I am typing. The only way I can put anything into the text box is to cut-and-paste it. The other account on this computer does not have this problem.

I have tried to turn off auto-complete and several other things, but nothing works. The address bar in IE does not behave like this which surprises me.

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Cursor Disappears While Typing Or Scrolling

Nov 27, 2009

Every few seconds the cursor disappears and I have to move the mouse back to where I was typing and left click. When this happens the browser area also turns grayish until I left click. So frustrating! Have tried all the suggestions I have found online such as unclicking the "hide pointer while typing" box.

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Choppy Typing And Cursor Pauses

Mar 11, 2005

No matter what program I'm using (word, excel, firefox) , when I type, my cursor freezes/stutters causing every fifth or sixth letter I type to not show up. When I hold down a directional arrow within text, the curser freezes for a second, maybe twenty letters along. I have Norton's and Spyware Doc running, but this still happens when I shut them off. I'm trying to figure out if there's something running that I don't know of that's causing this, because it's really annoying, I usually have to type and re-type passwords three or four times before all the letters show up.

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Delay In Response As Typing Or Selecting

Mar 7, 2008

I come now with a new problem. I pretended for some time I did not care, but that is now making me pull the hair from my head.I installed something (which I did not pay attention to at that time and I don't remember what it was) and too many other programs after that (programs I constantly use, and therefore I don't want to get rid of). If I roll back my computer to an earlier time to dismiss this problem, I would be uninstalling all those valuable programs I am talking about

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Typing Password Hanging Startup

Feb 25, 2007

I try to start up, and it doest freeze, but it hangs after I type in my password, I can move the mouse, but my busy light blinks in controlled blinks... either way, It just did this after I removed some old nForce chipset drivers, then reinstalled them. I used DriverCleaner, and updated to my motherboard's latest drivers. My mother board is a MSI K8N Neo4-F (Socket 939)... AMD Athlon 64 3500+, 2gb ram, XFX 7900GS XXX Edition. Before I backup drivers and files and reformat? I have to restart the computer a few times to get it to get past the login screen, and the nVidia BIOS screen will change font sizes, but not by much, after every other restart... But everything runs smooth when I start in safe mode. Also - Once I turn the computer on, the busy light is going on full, all the way untill windows gets to the login screen. UPDATE: Loads have not been as slow, but I cant still log in, unless in safe mode.

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In Typing Zero Decimal Automatically Added

Aug 27, 2005

After I type a zero (0) a decimal (.) is automatically added and vice versa.

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Losing Cuser While Typing Document

Jun 11, 2005

While typing a docment, a sound will occur and I will lose my curser. This causes me to put the arrow where I want to type and left click to reset the cuser. This incident seems to occur every so often at about a minute or use. This is annoying and I do not know why this is occurring. My operating system is XP. There is no error message just a sound. May I hear from you at your earliest convince.

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Emails - Don't Know Which One To Open With

Jun 6, 2006

I am getting a lot of e-mails with attachments that require an "Open with" window. Trouble is, I don't know what to choose and even doubt that I have the correct program to open it.

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Cmd Prompt Typing Repeat Rate Slow

Sep 6, 2005

I got this problem, my cmd prompt typing rate is very slow. This happened after i have enabled my HyperThreading in my system through some hacking of boot.ini and bios setup,Installed some patches with MS automatic update. And turned off some services in my system. Now it's like about only 20% of the speed of the previous cmd prompt

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