Installing XP On New Computer With Changed Motherboard?

Jun 12, 2005

I was just curious as to how I go about installing Windows XP onto a basically new computer. Reason being, my motherboard was recently fried, so I had it replaced, but I have to reinstall windows myself.Now when I turn on the computer with the monitor in and all, it just flashes a screen with blue boxes, and never gets to anywhere. Is this a problem, or am I just not doing the correct way of going about a fresh installation like this?

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Installing Security Updates - Colors And Styles Have Changed

Jan 12, 2005

I went to the Windows update site last night for the lastest security updates for XP, and after installing them the colors and size of my taskbar and toolbars have changed! They are much more narrow than before and all are a dark grey. Even pop-up boxes are the same color. I've gone into properties but can't seem to make it the old blue color again.

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Blue Screen While Installing Windows Xp: Changed HDD Config?

Sep 7, 2008

when i get my Dell Inspiron E1705 to boot from my windows xp cd it goes through the screen where xp is trying install all the raid drivers etc.. before i can actually access my two hard drives delete them and create a new partion. right when its about to get to that screen i get the blue screen of death. well i have been reading around i read that going into my bios and changing my hard drive config to sata auto detect will fix my problem.

well i went into my bios and i do not have any sort of options when it comes to my system to hard drive configuration so im assuming if i do not have this feature or option that i have a IDE hard drive not sata. so if this is my situation how do i get my computer to stop going to the blue screen of death before i get to the screen where i can delete my partion

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HDD Or Motherboard / Computer Occasionally Freezes

Nov 15, 2008

Since a few months after i put my system together I have been having an annoying problem. I have 2 hard drives, a main one and one for storage. When i boot the computer it will occasionally freeze when the bios gets to checking the storage drive. I can usually move the plug on the motherboard to a different port and it will work. But lately it hasn't worked. I had to unplug the drive so the computer would boot. It has been happening more and more until now, when something just quit. ASUS P5RD2-VM Motherboard, the drive that has been giving me trouble is 320 GB Seagate Barracuda. It is the only SATA i have that's why i thought the MB's SATA ports could be bad? Any thoughts?

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Finding Drivers For First International Computer Motherboard?

Sep 25, 2006

Heres the model: First International Computer, Inc. HB11 PCB 1.x I cannot find the board on the Firstt International Computer website.

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Changed From A Dial-up Connection To Cable: Search Engines Changed?

Mar 1, 2005

I changed from a dial-up connection to cable (Road Runner). Since then, my search engines have changed (when I search from the IE address bar, it uses MSN search now), and many pages that load, although faster, have the message "error on page" at the bottom. Outlook Express became my default email with the Road Runner email address, but most of the time it does not respond. Also, several games are slow to respond or do not respond at all (specifically CSI games and Hunting Unlimited). I run adaware and spybot at least once a week if not more, and defrag regularly. Are there extra precautions I should take with a cable connection?

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Computer Clock NOT Stay Changed

Mar 16, 2007

I have done EVERYTHING to figure out WHY my computer clock will NOT stay chaged since the new DST has taken effect. I have unchecked the auto update, unchecked the internet time, changed the time zone and changed it back, went into BIOS and changed it there, d/l the Windows XP (KB931836), and d/l the latest SP2. It will not stay changed.

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I Changed Drive Letter Now Computer Is Not Booting

Mar 21, 2010

I installed a new hard drive, the only drive, in my computer and installed XP pro. There was a card reader in the computer which was assigned c drive and the local drive was assigned h on the disk. I disconcected the card reader and changed the local disk to c from h in the registery. Now when I turn on the computer the blue screen introducing XP comes on and goes no farther.

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Menus In My Computer, Internet Explorer Have Changed

Jun 18, 2005

This is more an annoyance than a problem. The File, Edit etc. menus in My
Computer, Internet Explorer etc have recently changed from the grey they were
before to having a white border and grey area where the menu text is. On
hover, they no longer turn blue, and if they are opened, they have a grey
border around the entire menu.

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Changed Drive Letters, Computer Won't Boot

Sep 30, 2008

I was attempting to back up my hard drive to an external hard drive. The program (Norton Ghost 14) wasn't recognizing the drive. The Norton tech. helped me determine this was because under Disk Management there were no drive letters next to the drives. It showed a small partition on my primary drive, my primary drive, and my usb connected external hard drive, but none had drive letters next to them. I attempted to change their drive letters. It did something, but the letters still didn't show next to the drives. After this, everything disappeared on my desktop. I then rebooted and couldn't get to the login screen.Right now, when I start my computer I get the Dell bios revision screen, then the black MS Windows XP screen, and then the blue XP screen. Everything looks normal except that it stops short of the login area. My guess is that by changing the primary drive letter that my computer now cannot find anything because it appears the C drive is missing.

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Hard Disk Drive Icons - My Computer Folder Changed

Jun 14, 2005

The Hard Disk Drive Icons in the "My computer" folder changed from an XP look and feel to a Win 98 look and feel. I right clicked on the Icon but I cannot change from there. Does anyone know how to change back the icons?

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Set Up Network Setup Wizard / Log In And Log Off Changed / Start Computer Asks For Password

Sep 27, 2007

i set up network setup wizard which led to csnw show in the control panel moreover now the way i log in and log off has also changed and when i start my comp it asks for a password.when i press ctrl alt and delete together instead og task manager opening a window security sumthing opens up i want to restore my log in and log off to normal state and delete the csnw **** and restore the task manager.

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When Installing My Dvd Rom, The Computer Says Installing Cd Rom Why?

Jul 12, 2009

When i tryed installing a new dvd rom on my computer, it installs drivers for a cd rom instead.
And when i try to play a dvd r it won't, it will only play cdr's.

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Downloaded Some Windows Updates / Go To Turn Off Computer / Turn Off Button Has Changed

Apr 6, 2007

I downloaded some windows updates but not all of them installed. When I go to Turn Off Computer, the "Turn Off" button has changed, indicating that when I hit it, it will install the updates. There's also a field I can click which will Turn Off without installing the updates. When I click the Turn Off buttion, it attempts to install two updates. It doesn't appear to be successful. Every time I Turn Off Computer it apparently tries to install the same two updates. I can reboot and do this over and over and they don't "take".There's nothing in Event Viewer to indicate what's going on. I couldn't find any installation logs though I'm not sure where to look.

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Computer Screen Changed Colors - Screen Shot

Oct 6, 2006

I woke up to a pastel colors on my screen. My hubby was the last on it last night and I don't think anything happened.I am not for sure if my screen is going bad or what..Any help is appreciated..I have a screen shot

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Installing On Another Computer

Jan 11, 2008

my brother wants to borrow my XP disc to load onto his computer, I told him this is a no no as I heard it can lead to problems with Microsoft if you connect up to the internet, does anyone know specifically what will happen?

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USB On Motherboard

Nov 29, 2007

One of my computers has had an MSI motherboard just put into it, but the USB ports are not hooked to it. How do I get them connected?

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Jul 27, 2008

I'm looking to buy a new motherboard for my computer but i dont know what i need to look for.

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Computer Locks Up When Installing OS

Jul 30, 2007

I just build a new pc and I'm trying to install windows xp, but it locks up at the first screen and the num locks goes off where it asks you if you want to repair, new copy, or exit setup. I did a thorough get of the hard drive and it finds no bad sectors. Any clue as to what might be causing this? Also I tried installing windows 98. I can install most of windows 98, but the computer locks up when trying to load 98. Not sure where to go from here.

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How To Installing Set 2 Drives Computer?

May 5, 2006

I installed XP into my computer. I didn't mean to, but while I was installing xp i set it to have 2 drives on my computer. Local Disk C - 60gb Local Disk C - 60gb. My computer comes with 120 gb in total. How do I take my C:// and combine it with my D:// so I only have one local disk drive with 120gb in it?

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Pc Won't Cut On - Hooked To Motherboard

Dec 22, 2005

My pc was running just fine but when cut off it wouldonly cut back on when it wanted to couple hours couple days It got to where I didn't cut it off.. justrestarted it otherwise it worked great well lightsblinked a month ago and I haven't been able to get itto come back on since.... but the little light inside is on There is no noise whatsoeverjust kinda like it is dead I took the switch off and took it to two places to try tobuy another and they said those things never go badit had to be the part it was hooked to on the motherboard. My question is can they fix this without having to replace
the motherboard?

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Right Driver For Motherboard

Aug 30, 2005

My friend has recently bought a package PC, and the included motherboard drivers are... well, rubbish. I'm trying to find the right drivers for it, but the SiS website is useless, nevermind the Foxconn website. The motherboard is:Foxconn 655A01-FX-6LRS, Chipset (AFAIK): 655FX 964. I'm only used to nForce drivers (a single download), and this is just painful by comparison!I've already made 2 failed attempts to install the drivers, with no success. Which drivers do I need? At the minimum just the sound would be ok - he doesn't need the onboard graphics.

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Beeping From Motherboard

May 8, 2010

My computer beeps, when i have more programs running or playing games.The beeping is from the motherboard.Checked the internet and nothing worked reinstalled windows etc.Its getting annoying after a while.If there are options to repair it without replacing parts cuz recently i added 1000 ram a 7300 gt and a 2.80 ghz processor.The beeping its since the end of the last year.

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Installing Kazaa Is Safe For Computer?

Sep 1, 2005

Does anyone can tall me if the Kazaa program is safe?

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Installing XP: Choosing The Right Size Of Computer?

Jan 28, 2005

Can someone tell me what size computer i need to install xp, Im mucking with a computer my son was given, its a 3 gig and has 32 meg of ram, I know that it wont fit on there, but wondering if it was worth upgrading it

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Installing Update Reboot The Computer

Sep 2, 2008

Every night my computer links with Microsoft and in the morning it tells me that it has updates to install. I click the yellow shield to install and when it finishes I reboot the computer. Now here comes the problem, then it does the same thing again with exactly the same updates. I have checked by going with the custom rather than the easy install and the updates are the same ones each time

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Re Installing The Application May Fix Crashed Computer

Sep 30, 2008

When I go to start up my Windows XP, where there should be a welcome screen it reads:Unable to Locate Component This application has failed to start becayse SHLWAPI.dll was not found. Re installing the application may fix the problem.

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Computer Wont Reboot After Installing SP 2

Jan 7, 2007

I installed a router so that I could share internet with my girlfriends computer across the room. When I was trying to install a networking program that came with the router, it said install Service Pack 2.So, I did.I went to Microsoft's incredibly confusing website... even got validated and all that stuff. And then downloaded SP2 and installed it. It took forever, but I figured it was for the greater good of my computer.WRONG.I rebooted, and now the computer hangs up at the Windows XP logo screen.The black one with the logo in the middle and the little progress bar below it that goes back and forth.I tried starting it in safe mode, but gets snagged up at agp440.sys

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Installing Two Operating Systems On One Computer?

Jun 28, 2005

I have aquired a second (also very legal) copy of XP Home thru my company/MS HUP. What I'd like to do is install it on my daughter's computer's data drive D:. She's soon to be living several hundred miles from me so any problem with the computer's OS will necessitate a long trip to work on. I don't want to build a backup computer becasue it's cost is greater than I can afford right now.A full install of XP on both drives and then boot from C: or D: based on setup's boot sequence at startup. I know it'll work; I saw it done on a buddy's computer but I never learned how it worked out over time.

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Installing Pro On New Computer - Recognize Mouse

May 27, 2007

I recently put together a new computer for my girlfriend, but didn't have the time to stay during the entire Windows installation. Apparently, while XP was installing (my girlfriend had gone out) her mother attempted to follow the prompts ( ); during this she mis-typed the serial key, and didn't know what to do... according to her, the installation froze. She couldn't tab to get back, and it didn't recognize the mouse. She restarted the computer, and apparently was able to get windows to install. My girlfriend called me later to tell me that "the screen is all wrong, the colors don't look right." Upon asking her what the problem was, she replied "the screen." 'Describe it to me' "it's the monitor". 'No, what's wrong with it?' "THE SCREEN DOESN"T LOOK RIGHT!!!". Heh. You can see what i'm dealing with. I had her go into desktop settings to crank the resolution up to at least 1024x768, and high colors; after she hits apply, nothing happens.

I told her to install the drivers for the graphics card. She's tried twice; each time it goes through the driver installation, and tells her to restart. Upon restarting, it goes to the Windows loading screen, and then (as best I can tell from what she's telling me) the monitor looses signal from the PC. Screen goes black, monitor light goes from green to orange. Computer is still on; it doesn't restart. She can only get back in via safe mode...........

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Installing Microsoft Express In Computer

Feb 2, 2005

I have windows xp Oem, It tells me to uninstall windows Microsoft Express and then try again. But I can not unistall windows ME.I assume It has been installed for along time.I think I have to reformat my drive.I can save my folders and reinstall them. But I want same of the information on Outlook Express.Last time I reformatted I tried to put a copied Outlook Express in to the folder of Outlook Express and it did not work. I would like to load XP without reformatting.

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