Icon Without Any Text

Mar 24, 2006

Running Windows XP SP2 on a Dell Dimension. And for instance, when you go to the Set Program Access and Defaults, on the left I have the icons, but I don't have the text below. There aren't any words underneath the icons. Also, Certain web pages only partially come up. For example the text will show but only half of the pictures or ads will show.

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Text On The Icon Are Always Transparent

Dec 25, 2006

THe text on the icon are always transparent if u are using the XP version. I dont know how to make them transparent again. look at the attch.

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No Text Icon Method

Jan 29, 2003

Just click on rename and type alt + 0160 (on the numeric keypad) it will make a invisible character.This will only work if you have the file extensions hidden.You can use this only for one icon of each type (shortcut, folder, exe, txt, jpg or whatever you have on your desktop)For the second icon type: alt+0160 alt+0160For the third type:  alt+0160 alt+0160 alt+0160.

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Desktop Icon Text Suddenly Highlighted

Sep 7, 2008

I am not sure what I did but the text on my desktop icons is suddenly highlighted and despite trying several things I can't make it go away! All I have managed to do is change the color a few times. I googled this problem and tried the several 'solutions' that I found but none of them worked. Can anyone help me solve this annoying problem?

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Icon / Buttons / Drop Down Text Disappeared

May 3, 2007

One of my users reported that their icon text had disappeared. I went to check things out and it looks like all text in Windows had disappeared as well! Buttons, icons, drop down menus, etc.User said they hadn't gone anything recently and that the PC was just like this after being off for five days (yeah right ).

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How To Remove Background Color Brick Text Desktop Icon

Jun 25, 2007

How do I remove the background color brick from behind the text on a desktop icon in Windows XP Pro.?

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No Text Is Visible On Icon Titles, Menu Bars, Or Notification Message?

Feb 24, 2005

windows boots normally although no text is visible on any icon titles, menu bars, or notification message texts. Any Ideas? Thanks.

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Specific Text Over Desktop / User Change Wallpaper / Text Appearing At Same Position

Nov 20, 2006

I want to know if there is possible to put a specific text over the desktop and when the user change the wallpaper the text continues appearing at the same position (basically I want to do it on Windows XP).People says that an image worth more than thousands of words... Ok this is a screenshot of what I want to do

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Change Text Size Shows Small Text In Web Sites

Jun 26, 2006

Change the text size.I already change my text size by using view in tool bar,but it works on some websites and some are very small.

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Internet Explorer Icon - Shows Up As An Unknown File Icon

Aug 28, 2007

I was wondering how to fix this problem, the icon for internet explorer in the start menu shows up as an unknown file icon. The icon on the desktop for IE shows fine but when i try to click on it, it creates a shortcut for internet explorer. if click on IE from the start menu, it opens IE with no problems.

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Adding Own Icon To The Existing File And Folder Icon?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).

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Lost IE Icon And Sound Controls Icon From Taskbar?

Nov 7, 2006

no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?

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System Showing Strange Icon In Icon Tray?

Aug 2, 2008

i had attached a snapshot of the icons in my icon tray..pass few days back i found this "X" icon in my tray and i cant remove it and also it doesnt display anything..

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Missing Display Icon In Control Icon?

Aug 30, 2005

After looking at the display settings and closing them, my icon disappeared. A file search on all *.cpl files show that the display.cpl file still exists
and I can create a shortcut to the desktop and run the program.But, I'd like my icon back.I believe the problem was created by having all my icons underlined so I only have to do a single Left click to bring up the program.

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Partition Icon Missing : System Placed An Other Icon By Itself?

Aug 30, 2007

I've winxp Home with SP2 system, yesterday my daughter had installed the program 'MS Plus' from the XP Installation CD which was not installed earlier in the machine. My OS is original, but to-day on opening the system I'm seeing that the icon of Hard Drive(E : Drive)to which the program was installed went missing and in its place another icon (which generally represents for any unidentified file) has taken its place.

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IE Icon And My Computer Icon Vanished From Desktop

Jan 14, 2009

I don't know what i did but my "IE" icon and "My Computer" Icon vanished from my desktop and start menue.

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Audio CD Icon Will Not Return To CD/DVD Icon

Aug 19, 2005

problem setting the CD/DVD icon to return to it's normal icon in My Computer. It currently has the Audio CD icon. I've played an audio CD awhile ago and since then, the icon has remained. This icon is causing problems when I open a Data CD. When the Data CD is inserted the Audio icon emains. When I click on the icon, Media Player starts. I have disabled the auto-run or auto-play setting prior to this problem. I would have to right-click and select Open to get to the data files.

Under Windows Explorer, when I click on the icon, it shows the contents of
the data CD but the Audio icon is still present.

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Desktop Icon Not Using The Site Icon For IE?

Dec 6, 2004

Just wondering why when you drag an IE http short cut to the desktop, it does not display the site logo icon. Sometimes, they will show and others not. I have had them even come and go after different sessions. I log on to Internet both through work firewall and at home on network through firewall and in motels through open and firewall protected isps.

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Display Text Changes

Sep 22, 2005

I installed a new hard drive, and the text in all my file/edit/view menus, start menu, explorer, etc is different than on my old hard drive.

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Start Menu Text Is Too Big

Apr 29, 2010

I can't get to "search" or "run." I changed the icon size to "small" in the properties>start menu>customize, but that isn't helping at all. In my other accounts the start menu text is fine.

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Text Disappears While Typing.

Jun 26, 2010

Gateway Pc Laptop thunder bird email Windows XP.While I am typing an email, all of a sudden my message disappears. What can be causing this?

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Drop Down Text Will Not Display

Jan 8, 2007

I am having difficulty with text diplaying in bizarre fashion. The machine is a Dell Optiplex tower operating Windows XP Pro. When I am in an application or browsing web pages and choose one of the dropdown boxes, the box drops down and shows the outside lines of the box. Then when you swipe your cursor over the dropdown it will display the text that is invisible. All that I have to do to show the text is pass the cursor over the area. If I do not swipe the are with the cursor the text will be there, I assume, but never display.Has anyone encountered this issue before.

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The Text Under My Icons Disappeared

Feb 6, 2006

That's the text under the icons on my desktop. Anyone know how to get them back?

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Text Under Desktop Icons

Jul 29, 2007

I have done a search but cant find anything about my problem. Problem= The text under my desktop icons are a bit difficult for me to read, and i use a clear wallpaper.I would like to change the text color to black.I did try and try again, ended up a disaster, had to reinstall an older backup.Windows XP SP2.

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IE Text Size Is Not Visible

Jul 23, 2005

I have my text size set at Largest in the view menu on IE6, lately it isn't working and I am really having some serious problems I had a cornea transplant last Jan and I have not gotten new contacts yet, ( my Doc told me I am good to go for using the puter, in case anyone's concern) I HATE HATE ATE the magnifier, its very disorienting, so what could possibly be causing this, my spyware sanners turn up nothing Norton turns up nothing, I went t0o a sight for ASAP or some thing for "professionals" thru a link on the board, and I got an X-Clean thing, I figured it was safe cause another member had it as a link, was I hijacked someplace else. Could this be the problem?

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Print Text And Picture

Dec 25, 2006

HP psc 2410 photosmart all-in-one printer. Whats happening is it's not printing the text of documents but if i insert a picture it will print that with no problems, even printing from the internet it will only print pictures. I scanned something that was only words and it printed that. I thought maybe it was the black ink cartrige so i put a new one in and it still isn't printing. If i put the words in a different colour it will print them just not in black.

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Can't Highlight Text & Then Copy

Dec 3, 2006

I am just recently having problems when I am on a webpage trying to highlight some text and then copy it somewhere else.My problem is: sometimes after placing my cursor near the text I am trying to highlight and then copy. it will not highlight at all. Or either it does highlight a bit then stops and will not continue to highlight the text so I am able to copy it.How can I fix this problem. I have never had this problem til just a couple of weeks ago.

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Can Not Paste - Text And Pictures

May 30, 2005

I can copy pictures, links etc. but when I go to paste them, the paste option is not highlighted so I am not able to use this. What do I do to fix this?For example, I can highlight the link above, right click and select copy. When I want to paste it, the paste option is not highlighted, I am not able to use paste. This is same for all text and pictures.

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Grabled Text Regarding HP Printer

Aug 22, 2005

This question is regarding a hp deskjet 3650 printer.When I installed the driver for the printer, I'm getting some of the property pages with garbled text.

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Squares Instead Of Text In Message With Paint

Apr 20, 2005

When using Paint and I go to save an image I get the attached message. It's not an error, but the normal text is replace by squares. I've tried to uninstall paint then reinstall it through add/remove but it did not change anything. My scans show no viruses or spyware either.

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Gibberish Text After Spyware Removal

Jul 16, 2005

The machine: Compaq Pressario SR1103 Window XP Home, 256 MB PC2700, ASUS CDRW, NAV.I ran Microsoft Antispyware Beta 1. Found and removed eZula.WebOffer, eZula.TodText, Target Saver Trojan Downloader, SearchForIt.Adshooter, and Hotbar Shopping Reports. After rebooting, all the text in Windows is gibberish, (Symbols). Will a system recovery, using the recovery disk fix the problem, Are there other possible fixes?
The system has a D: partition, which apparently contains the Recovery Console. It's an option at the boot screen. Is it possible to repair this particular problem from the Recovery Console, or is the Repair install my only option

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