How To Change The Registered Name - Also On C::documents
Jan 13, 2005
Since my dad got this computer for me years ago, his name has always been registered or whatever you call it that makes his name appear as the author of html and java files... and also be the name on the "C:Documents and Settings His Name Here Desktop...."
when I write a java class in eclipse, or html, it automatically says his name as the author at the top, and I have to change it. Any way I can change it more permanently? I dont think I can change the user folder under his name, because everything is installed there
I just baught a laptop only 6 months old. I want to be the registered owner of the XP Home edition thats on the laptop, cause the late owner are still registered in XP
I don't want my computer anymore, so I'm giving it to my mom. I changed my name on her name on the admin account. But in the "Windows Task Manager", under "Users", it still lists my name (not hers). And in the "System Properties", where it says "Registered To", it has my name.Other than re-installing the OS, is there anyway to change these two things to her name?Windows XP MCE
My new laptop came preinstalled with Windows XP. When it booted up, it asked me who would be using this computer, saying something about how it would create new profiles for them. I whimsically decided to enter "THE KING" (to be the admin) and "peasant" (for other users).
Apparently that was a bad idea because now it says the computer is registered to THE KING (for example, when you click My Computer, then properties). Is there any way to change it?
My 'computer guy' installed WinXP Professional SP2 on my newly-constructed computer last week. I was disappointed to note that he registered the end-user license agreement under my nickname, rather than my given name, hich I would have preferred. Is there any way at this point to change the 'registered to' name to my correct name.
In most of my applications, it can bring up the name of my computer, I just installed MS Publisher and it brings up my company name which is great but the word "Mountain" is abbreviated and I want it to read Mountain. I go in to control panel, system and it shows it there as being Mtn
Okay so the title of the thread is a bit misleading, because I was able to get in and change who my computer is registered to... However, When I go to save or open something on the desktop it still says C:Documents and Settings(the name that I used to have the computer registered to)Desktop etc etc... in the navigation bar, How do I get the computer to change that?
How do you change the details of the registered owner and company in XP so that on change of machine ownership the old owner's details no longer appear when installing software etc?
I had a problem with the Joe Hill virus last year. I just went into properties of my computer and Joe Hill is listed as the registered to: person. I also can't find out what name is my admistrator. I can't get into documents and settings.
I have loaded XP home onto a laptop but in the process I typed the wrong name and now although the start up user is correct the 'Registered to: ' in System Properties - General is the wrong name.
I want to sell my computer, desktop XP SP2 but I want to change the name as registered user to my friend. How do I do that or can it be done without re-installing windows?
I keep my docs and importante files on a hard drive separate from my C: hard drive where I have XP Pro SP2 installed. On my second hard drive (E I have a folder called My Documents. I know that the normal My Documents link in explorer is some kind of dynamic link because it points to Document and Settings user My it possible to change the path that the explorer My Documents use to point somewehre different than the Docs and Settings path.
I have done this many times but right now I have a brain malfunction & can't remember how to change the my documents folder icon.Searched google for an answer but not getting what I want.Searched TSG threads & not finding answer there.I have changed the icon many times because I have a custom icon that gets replaced with default icon when I make a system change.But today I just can't remember how to do it.It's such a nice day that my brain decided to take a walk & hasn't come back yet
two new computers a router and networked the home. I have the host computer and my children are each on wireless as clients. Both children can access internet, but only 1 can access printer. I actually figured out the problem that's huge as I'm a network idiot. My son's computer (can't use printer) is using my old computer with MY name on it. I am on the new computer with MY name on it. So when he tries to access the printer it doesn't know where to go. I have windows xp HOME and from what I see I can't change the name on his computer the folder immediately under documents & settings). I followed instructions to copy from one folder to another (ie, Mine to his) using a 3rd administrator account. I could copy any account but mine.
I want to delete the company name in the SYSTEM PROPERTIES > REGISTERED TO field. I figure there must be a registry key that holds the info? Can I just delete the key and re-enter my name? The name itself is right, but some ninny who worked on my computer must've entered my old company name. It's annoying.
I have a user's My Documents folder redirected to a share on our domain controller. The name of this user's My Documents folder is username's Documents. Whenever I try to change this to My Documents, it immediately reverts back to username's Documents.However, if I open a command window and say dir, I see My Documents which is what I would expect.
How can I check with Microsoft online to see if a copy of Windows XP Professional has been previously used and registered? I have the CD, the original box complete with the PRODUCT KEY.Explanation:I bought what was supposed to be a NEW and UNUSED copy of Windows XP Professional on through a 3rd party seller.When I got the software the box looked like it was indeed new and still sealed.However, when I opened it, it had some writing on the CD that leads me to beleive it has been previously used.I would like to check online to see if this copy has been previously REGISTERED with MS.
Im using XP and the classic start menu. I like how under documents I can view my documents but I dont like how it shows recently used documents. How can I make it so that it does not show this.
im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see: Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)
I have an Acer Aspire laptop with WinXP and all the usual rubbish installed, I have had this since around September of last year and got it for a little less as the packaging was opened 'basically someone decided they didn't want it?' i'm more than happy with it and have installed lots to keep me and family happy - the problem i've got is it won't update via Windows Update: i get an error message:
"Files required to use Windows Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer. To continue: Register or reinstall the files for me now (Recommended) or Let me read about more steps that might be required to solve the problem
Is there a way to get a list of all registered file typesand there program association.If you go under folders and then the File Type tab it will show you all the extensions and programs there associated program.I have a program that hijacks some extensions as its own and I want to go back and associate the extensions with the proper program
I have a computer that I bought cheap that has a factory(OEM) XP Home installation on it. It has the original user name listed on the Start Menu andSystem screen. How can I change the registered name to mine? Is there a program/patch that will change the name and registry to me?
I tried to update my Acer laptop and I get a message "files required to use windows update are no longer registered or installed on your computer" There is then a radio button filled in and a "proceed" buuton to download and register the files. It then churns a percentage thing fro 0 to 100% and then I end up on the normal download page which I was on before, I hit "express - recommended" and I get the message "files required.........." again. And thus it never ends. After spending money on Microsofts premium call line I am told to contact Acer