Hibernation And Standby Hangs When USB Mouse Is Connected
Jun 23, 2007
I'm using WIN XP PS2 fully updated, and a Logitech Cordless Optical mouse connected via USB port. Whenever I try to Hibernate or Standby, the computer hangs, and I just see the "Preparing to Hibernate..." message.
I searched in a lot of forums, and most suggestions involved updating the Logitech mouse driver. I have the latest driver now (Setpoint 4.00, April '07), and the problem persists.
Note that when I disconnect the mouse from the USB port, I can enter and exit Hibernation or Standby modes without any problems.
I've seen very clear instructions on how to put a PC or laptop into 'standby' or 'hibernation'. but I can't find ANYWHERE how to bring the PC or laptop out of standby or hibernation. Can someone please tell me1. How to come out of 'standby'?2. How to come out of 'hibernation'?
i can't get my Dell Dimension 8100 (640MB RAM, 1.3 GHz P4) to go into standby or hibernation mode. When I manually put the computer in standby or hibernate, it wakes back up in about 5 minutes or so. I've looked/read the articles in the knowledge base, which mentioned that there was a problem with SP1 and USB mass storage devices. Well, I've got SP2 and there still is some problem going on!
Windows XP Media center. The power button turned orange and will not restart by system. I have shut off the power bar and turned it back on. Pushed the power button and still have the orange light. The system will not even attempt to restart.
I've never been able to resume the computer from hibernation, which is a feature I really miss. As this is OEM software Microsoft won't support it, although they provided me with this hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/defau [...] -us;815304 which I thought would help because it seemed to be the problem, but doesn't.
The computer hibernates or goes into standbye without any problems or errors, but never resumes. The screen gets all black, although I get the mouse's arrow moving. Sometimes my desktop background appears, sometimes it then disappears.Once it went to the login screen, but was really slow. All of this ends up with me having to hold down the power button until the computer shuts down.I've tried disabling hibernation, restarts, re-enable hibernation, restart... and so on.I've also run disk defragmenter and disk cleanup. I've read anything possible, looked at the BIOS
I have a dell e1705 laptop and when I close the lid the system does not go into standby or hibernation mode. I do have everything set correctly and the system will go into standby or hibernation just fine if I select one of those options manually, just not automatically when I close the lid.I have tried contacting dell, but their support is horrible and got nowhere.
every time i push the power button on my laptop, or try to enter hibernation or standby mode in any way, an error pops up that says System Hibernation Failed The device driver for the 'Quick Launch Buttons' device is preventing the machine from entering hibernation. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver.i have searched for updates for my driver already so i don't know what to do here.
I am using Windows XP Home on my laptop and XP Pro on my desktop, both connected by a lan. When I connect to my ISP, and the 'Connected' Icon appears, (using either PC's modem) The connected PC hangs or freezes for up to 13 minutes. I can move the mouse pointer around, but no clicks of either mouse or keyboard appear to have any effect, not even CTRL+ALT+DELETE.After some time the programs I have been clicking on do appear and the problem seems to have gone, until next time I restart the PC and connect via modem.This is only when using modem connections. I have no problem with broadband, and it makes no difference whether or not I am connected to LAN. I am using Norton Antivirus, my definitions are up to date. I have also connected to 2 Internet sites who scanned my machines for viruses but did not find any. Any ideas? Obviously the problem does not seem serious but it is very annoying to have to wait 10 or more minutes every time I connect, before I can go anywhere, wouldn't be so bad if I could play a game while waiting, but as I say, nothing works during this time.I had posted a similar thread on the Internet and e-mail section, but at that time I thought it was just the Browser and client would not start. I have since noticed that it is everything.
I am experiencing a problem with the XP hibernation. The PC is resuming from hibernation with mouse and keyboard activity instead with the power baton. Almost like a standby mode.
whenever i connect my printer or my flash drive into the usb ports my computer freezes up and i have to power off manually and remove the device for the computer to start up correctly. any suggestions to help solve this problem?
After hibernation, cannot resume from ps2 keyboard or mouse. Resumes OK by momentarily pressing power button. Intel MOBD D915GAVL, WXP OS. No options in BIOS.
My Inspiron 6000 would freeze after being put in standby mode overnight and I would have to force shutdown. Soemone on this forum advised me to check the Power Options in Control Panel. How should I set it up so the system won't hang after overnight standby? My current settings: With AC adapter plugged in: Turn off monitor: Never Turn off hard disk: Never System standby: Never System hibernates: Never
I have an issue with waking my computer up. I should be able to wake it up from standby with a mouse click. It says so in BIOS, and it works in Vista. It does not work, however, in XP.
No one, even Compaq, can figure this problem out. Most times this happens when I am opening IEXPLORER or sometimes it just seems to happen after it's open. I will attempt to open IEXPLORER and my mouse will hang (stop responding) for about a second, then jump back into action. Say like opening up the web browser, and moving your mouse around in a circle, it stops even though you are still moving it. It also does this just when NOTHING is open on the desktop. Just stops for about a second, then springs back.
When i right click on any file the windows hangs, but if i click the right mouse on the desktop its okay as long as you don't right click over a file, What is the solution for this?
All of a sudden recently, my mouse pointer hangs then freezes my PC. I have to reboot and everything is fine until the next time. I have run all my spyware/ anti-virus and it shows nothing. Is it time for a new mouse or is there a setting I am not familiar with?
I have two computers connected through a home network. One of the computers is very new and the other, two years old.Both run XP-SP2. I use one mouse for both computers - connected through a 2 port KVM switch. On the older machine, the mouse hangs after I close Internet Explorer. After a delay of a minute or so, it does come back most often. This does not ahppen on the new machine. Mouse does not seem to hang after I close other programs..(tested a few, but cant swear by it). This gets very annoying when I am in a rush.
All of a sudden, since yesterday, my comp hangs ramdomly. It freezes completely except for the mouse pointer I have noticed that sqmdata and sqmnoopt files appear on my root dir. These are apparently related to the MSN messenger, only I don't use that thingAnyone knows what they are? And if they may be connected to my computer hanging so frequently now?
I have G speedbooster router and setup MAC address and WPA with password. My laptop can access fine. I have emachines t2882 with xp and USB wireless g speedbooster adapter. I can access internet when plugging in computer lan to lan on router. When using wireless usb, I key in code and says I am connected and green lights show, but when pulling up explorer, it says no connected? Device manager shows device is working properly.I tried setting up automatically assign IP's on the computer and got same result, and put in specific IP I have assigned from the router to this computer with same results as well.Again, looks like I am connected, but explorer does not seem to recognize I am connected.
I uses a laptop as a workstation. i uses it to get online from here at the school and at home. Recently, i can surf fine from work but when gets home when i plugs into network and gets all the signs of connectivity but when using the internet explorer, i only gets the "Work Offline" option and is unable to use the internet. I have a wireless connection set up as well as the regular ethernet connection. I usually only uses the ethernet port and rarely uses the wireless connection but both are running simultaneously.
the dial up worked fine until i took my computer to the high speed net at work. when i got the computer back i hooked it back up and dialed up it connected then i tried to view my webpage. it said page cant be displayed. my downloader was disconnected to. i had all the signs i was not connected to the internet but i was.
I have a new Dell Inspiron Media version of Win XP- a Laptop I am using as a desktop replacement. It simply won't remain on Standby for longer than 10 or 12 minutes and then goes back to desktop and then in time, the screensaver.
I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.
So I lost my hibernation function after going from 1GB of RAM to 4GB(dual channel). I've done plenty of research and found all the hot fixes and MS support articles, one catch...... They are all for x86 while I'm running' a 64x system. I want my hibernation back! Give me hibernation or give me death...well maybe not death but I'm considering downgrading back to 1GB just to get it back.
Every time you open an program or window in my wife's computer it immediately goes into hibernation mode. You can then go back into window/program out of hibernation, but then it immedaietly returns to hibernation.
I have recently hibernated my computer and now I cannot resume it. It comes up and says "Resuming Windows" to a black screen except for the white text.I cannot seem to find the hibernation file to delete it to see if that will fix it.
Right, got a Toshiba A30-151, had XP Home OEM installed on it when it left the factory (so no install disk), finally got round to doing a reinstall (been messing about with OSX, needed clearing off and starting from scratch anyway). Some time ago a copy of XP Pro (fully legal) was posted through my door addressed to someone else, with no return address, so i kept it. anyway, thought i'd finallly use this and installed it, but now i have no option to hibernate the laptop? The hibernate tab is not there in power management. I know it's supported, as i could hibernate it before i reformatted and reinstalled. any way round this, other than using my mate's Home OEM disk and my serial to reinstall?
I go into Control Panel >Power Options>Hibernate and I click on "enable Hibernation" then apply and I get the message that process cannot be enabled as another process is using file. I do a clean boot and try again but get the same message. Does anyone have an idea of which other process might be using the necessary file and how I can reenable Hibernation?
I have a web cam in my house and a web cam in my mother's house. We both use Windows Xp,is there any way we can see each other and stay connected through web cam? Is there any free product we can use?
My friend has a VPR Matrix Desktop (2.6 Ghz, 512 megs Ram) with Home Edition that would not power up. I replaced the power supply and it powered up fine. It booted up and worked fine until I started trying to remove spyware. My friend said it would just reboot for no reason. It'd die, reboot, die, reboot constantly. I think this may have burned up the power supply - it probably did this while he wasn't around (maybe during the night).... anyways that doesn't matter.
I was able to get into safe mode and thought I had the issue diagnosed. I wasn't able to work on it for a week or so and when I booted it back up, it worked fine. I backed up all of his important files and then started working on cleaning it up some (it's slow, I don't know if it's the lack of ram or spyware). When I reconnected it to my dsl, it worked fine for a minute, it was a little slow connecting to the net but then I recieved a "Error, run dll as an app" message. It continued to run for a few minutes afterwards then it started crash/rebooting like it had earlier................