Error Loading CMICNFG3.CPL RUNDLL / Specified Module Not Found?

Mar 8, 2005

Running windows XP operating system.I am getting a message which states Error loading CMICNFG3.CPL RUNDLL This specific module could not be found.

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Rundll Error / Module Not Found

Jul 4, 2009

how do I turn off the RUNDLL error module not found (C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32bmqjtwi.dll when I turn on my computer?

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Rundll Module Cannot Be Found

Feb 2, 2005

how can i stop the small gray box from popping up that states RUNDLL and also states cannot be found. I have tried several system restores to no avail. Plus I tried system configuration numerous times. Now I am unable to system restore to the previous month.

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Getting Message Of Error Loading / Specified Module Not Found?

Dec 29, 2007

Error loading C:Windowssystem. gvnficb.dll the specified module could not be found

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Error On Startup - Specified Module Not Found

Nov 6, 2008

I receive the following error on startup of my laptop (XP SP3 operating system) Error loading C:Windowswftadfi16_080707a.dll The specified module could not be found Is this a major problem? How can it be fixed?

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RUNDLL Error Loading On Start Up

Mar 24, 2007

I still can't get rid of the RUNDLL error message I've been getting. I thought I uninstalled the Kodak shareware on my Dell, Windows XP, ages ago

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Rundll Notification At Start Up - Error Loading C:windows

Jul 18, 2005

I am getting the following Rundll notification on WinXP SP2.

Error loading C:windows
The specified module could not be found

I have checked on the C:windows|npatchw32.dll file and it appears to be spyware that has been removed but I need help in removing the run dll notification

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Getting Error Loading Message: Wont Find Cfgmgr52.dll Module?

Jun 19, 2005

Everytime I turn on my computer and windows starts up. It tells me it cannot find cfgmgr52.dll module. error loading it states. Our daughter opened a link
and just loaded it up with so many stubborn adware. That with norton I was finally able to get rid of them.

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Specified Module Could Not Be Found

Mar 24, 2005

I uninstalled the Nvidia driver, powered down and pulled the card then installed the Radeon card powered up and am now getting these two rundll error messages. Can somebody tell me how to make them go away?

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RUNDLL File Not Found

Jul 27, 2008

c:Program FilesWild TangentAppsCDAcdaEngine0400.dll RUNDLL not found is being displayed in an error box when I re-start my computer and I'd like to know how to fix this.Last night I ran a diagnostic with Registry Booster and over 1,000 errors were found.I bought the software and fixed them.Today, I installed SP3 but I think this error started yesterday.I've also been learning about how Task Manager works and msconfig and I might have terminated something I shouldn't have.Any thoughts on what my problem is?

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Specific Module Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

RUNDLL Error Loading C:Program FilesCommon FilesParetoLogicUUS2UUS.dll The specific Module could not be found Don't know what it means. 1st Day-This popped up while writing a letter in Word. 2nd Day-- It popped up while playing Freecell. 3rd Day it popped up while working on genealogy. There seems to be no common thread when it pops up.

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DLL Library / Module Not Found

Aug 24, 2005

I m using windows xp I can't download Yahoo Messenger. A two step process, it gets stuck on the second process. Right after I hit the second "run" button it tells me: "Could not load the DLL library. The specified module could not be found." When I go under system 32 I find a ton of dll files.I am pretty new to computers. I asked a friend who isn't sure and another suggested googling DLL, which is what brought me here. One of the websites said i would find the files in the System 32 folder and so looked in there. Now I am writing you.

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Loading M3000Rmv.dll - Spesific Module

Sep 21, 2009

I'm not sure why this error started showing up but every time I reboot my computer I get a box that pops up and says "Error loading M3000Rmv.dll The specified module could not be found." It has an "OK" button and if I click it the message goes away and the computer seems to run just fine.I did some research about this error but everything that was suggested to do, none of it applied to my computer.

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Loading SRCLIENT.DLL - Module Hided

Jul 11, 2005

I receive this message every time I open Win XP Pro. It also says "The specific module could not be found". I just click OK and continue on, it does not appear to be hindering me in any way. I am curious about any error messages because they might be a problem somewhere in the future.

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Loading System32dcanylro.dll - Spesific Module Can't Find

Apr 2, 2007

Recently, at every start up I have been receiving an alert shown below:Error Loading
C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32dcanylro.dll The Specified Module could not be found.

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Rundll Loading - Invalid Backweb Application ID137902

Aug 25, 2005

1. Invalid backweb application ID137902
2. Microsoft visual c++ runtime library runtime error! program files common filessonicupdate managersgtray.exe thsi application has requested the run to terminate it in an unusual way. please contact the applications support team for more info
3. rundll error loading C:program fileswild tangentappscdacdaengine 0400.dll the speciified module could not be found
4. also when I try to open the windows media player it will not opne Any suggestions on how to fix these error messages

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User Accounts - "specified Module Could Not Be Found"

Oct 19, 2008

I've been having a problem with my laptop XP install for a while. I've lost the easy XP login screen at startup and now only have what I assume is the NT looking login dialogue box at startup.

When I go to User Accounts in the Control Panels I get the first "Specified module could not be found" and try to re-enable the "Use the Welcome Screen" login and save it seems to go okay, but when I try to reopen the "Change the way users login or logoff" I get the "Specified module could not be found" error again. The option to use the welcome screen never saves when I hit Apply Changes

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RUNDLL Error On Start Up - P2esocks_1043.dll

Aug 12, 2005

I have a problem this past few days about the start up of my laptop microsoft windows XP home edition version 2002 service pack 2. Everytime i start up my computer, it say RUNDLL error, p2esocks_1043.dll could not be found. what should i do with this problem? nowadays, i also found that my computer is not responding sometimes even i give a bit more time to wait on it to processed. i did the the update of my norton antivirus and scan the entire pc. i update the microsoft windows but the problem is still the same

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Application Error Module Ntdll.dll

Jan 8, 2008

Windows XP Media Center Edition Ver 2002 Acer Aspire e360

12/3/2007 10:26 AMApplication ErrorFaulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16544, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

12/28/2007 6:28 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16574, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

12/28/2007 7:32 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application avant.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

12/30/2007 8:49 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application avant.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

12/30/2007 8:55 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application firefox.exe, version 1.8.20061.20418, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

12/30/2007 8:56 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application avant.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

1/1/2008 9:08 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application firefox.exe, version 1.8.20061.20418, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

1/3/2008 10:17 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16574, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x00018fea.

1/3/2008 4:46 PMApplication ErrorFaulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.6000.16574, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x0002ae22.

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Having A RunDLL Error With The Windows Dll "streamci.dll?

Apr 24, 2010

I am having a RunDLL error with the windows dll "streamci.dll I am getting this error while trying to install my Audio Drivers on my newly set up XP OS. During the installation of XP, a couple of files were not copied properly. because the CD was scratched up pretty badly, but I had no other copy of the CD, I had to just skip and hope windows installed, and was usable...Are there any tools, that can scan your computer for missing windows DLL's and re-install them?

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RUNDLL ERROR Windows System32 Cpmsky.dll Always Appear Upon Pc Start Up

Apr 17, 2008

This error always shows upon turning on my pc

Here's my HJT Log:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 10:28:33 AM, on 4/18/2008

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Stuck At Loading Personal Settings - Cd Boot HD Not Found

Feb 13, 2008

I am having a major problem logging into windows. When I get to the log on screen, and click my user name (the only one available) it gets stuck on "loading personal settings".My first reaction was to boot from CD, at which point I could not get my USB keyboard to work during the boot which made it impossible to "hit any key to boot from CD", so I fixed that by plugging the keyboard into the default keyboard port with an adaptor.
When I managed to boot from CD, I tried to do a repair install and got the message "Setup cannot find Hard disks bla bla cannot continue, windows will restart".

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Start Up ERROR MESSAGE "rundll" - Deleteit?

Dec 8, 2006

Does anyone know HOW to delete, an error box when I start up Win XP home sp2? I believe this crept into my system, from downloading MS windows screensavor/background theme for desktop, from WIN MS website. I have gone into "search", and tried to find this error in C drive, folders, programs, searhing under "MYWEBS", MWSBAR, DLL, bar, bins, etc. No luck! I think it is located in HKLMsoftware? I did the same stupid mistake over a year ago, and the cox dsl man, removed the error message. Here is the error box:

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DEP Error And Now Drwatson.exe Error And Loading

Aug 10, 2009

I started receiving at startup the following error: "Data Execution Prevention - To help protect your computer windows as closed this program Name: Windows Explorer
Publisher: Microsoft Corp" I had gone to MyComputer, properties and put windows explorer in the exception list. And it loaded up ok after that. This morning it started giving the same error plus another one: "DrWatson Postmortem Debugger has encountered a poblem" and has closed. In addition to the above, I can't click or start anything. The screen looks like it's loaded up correctly but then I am not able to start or use any program.only option I can choose is to see the task manager. Now the screensaver has come on and moving the mouse doesn't take it back to the normal screen. I really am not sure what the problem is I am writing this post from another PC.

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ERROR - IM32fax DIL Not Found

May 25, 2006

When booting up I get this ERROR msg. ERROR-IM32FAX.DIL not found Anyone know what it is. Happened after I installed my all-in-one Lexmark printer.

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Ctmn Error - Db Not Found

Mar 22, 2006

Just bought a new Dell 520, and i get continuous pop-ups with ctmn error, db not found plus a "Codebase Error" stating

Codebase Error
Error#: -200
Error#: 83805
database corruption detected

I'm pretty much a beginner but these look and feel bad!The only thing I can think of is that somehow ctmn may be an abbreviation for Chat

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Cant Install - Error No HDD Found

Jul 23, 2008

I have one HP Presario C700 with Windows Vista. All my family know on XP. When i try to install windows xp , i have one problem :no HDD found. The error is : Setup did not find any HDD installed in your computer. Make sure any HDD are powered on and properly connected to your computer and that any disk-related hardware configuration is correct. This may involve running a manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or setup program. Setup can not continue. To quit setup press F3.” Dont have floopy disk, with pressing F6 not happens nothing. The version of Windows is SP2. When i enter in BIOS, i dont see my HDD disk.

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Firewallrc.dll Was Not Found - Error Messages

Mar 26, 2005

I find these things on the computer and i am running xp windows and these are the messages, qkwoa.exe and they tell me to send to microsoft and i do and still keep getting this message. Now the other one is firewallrc.dll was not found.

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Error Pops Up - Application Not Found

May 17, 2008

After having the comp for a week or so (got it from a friend for cheap, in perfect condition) any time i try opening a program such as Word, the Open With screens pops up, and i have to find the program manually and open it. when try to open anything in the control panal, such as add/remove programs, an error pops up that reads:

Application not found

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Error 3024 File Cannot Be Found

Feb 3, 2006

i had to upgrade a file from hrclub.when i did it went to wizard and downloaded but said file could not be found yet i did no delete it.I phoned the company and they said i had to rename it so i did now i cannot open it .error 3024 comes up cannot find file

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No Debugger Found - Error Code 0x2(2)

Jan 31, 2006

After installing a couple of programs I was receiving this "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" it asks to press ok to terminate and cancel to debug. Once I press cancel to debug it comes up with "No debugger found. Registed JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2(2). Please check computer settings." How do I fix this problem? I am running a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with WinXP Home.

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