Easier Way To Kill Microsoft Tick Sound

Aug 12, 2002

The annoying "tick" sound is microsoft's default sound for "start navigation" which can be disabled through control panel-->sounds

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How To Disable The TICK Sound?

Feb 16, 2007

Hi everyone i want to know how to change the size of this bar i did it once but i dont remember.And i also want to know how to disable the TICK sound when u enter a folder

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NO SOUND / Even The Microsoft Sound When Starting Computer

Sep 3, 2005

Having NO SOUND problem for 3months. Received tech help from 4 microsoft techs but no success.All set up for sound appears ok.Observance.SOUND & PLAYBACK, SOUND& RECORDING, MDI MUSIC PLAYBACK all grayed out. AUDIO.Cannot adjust volume,cannot select mute.
Audio Driver enabled but inactive due to an unknown problem.

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Computer Has Started To Tick Lately

Sep 12, 2008

My computer has started to tick lately. I clicked the fans in the back of the computer and ran all spyware everything OK.Sometimes a screen comes up saying physcial memory dump taking place, and then suggesting perhaps i've installed or uninstalled a program incorrectly.I don't know what else to do ...is my hard drive kicking the bucket?

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Easier Way To Get To Index.dat File

Aug 12, 2002

Here is an easier way to get to index.dat file as address in another tweak submitted here.1.click on Internet Explorer 2.go to to your root dir 3.open Documents and Settings folder 4.open your username folder 5.open UserData 6.close Internet Explorer if you have it open rename index.dat to index.old logoff and log back on open up Internet explorer and go to a web page or site that always seemed to load slowly. It should load a lot more quickly now. NOTE.Always rename or backup .dat or other system files before deleting.

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Run>msconfig>Boot.ini>tick /SAFEBOOT

Dec 18, 2004

can i turn safemode (Run>msconfig>Boot.ini>tick /SAFEBOOT) if i press f1 or f8 or somelike that when it starts up

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Finding Easier Way To Get Rid Of Search Puppy?

Aug 12, 2002

1. Open the search dialog2. Click "change preferences"3. Click "without an animated screen character"4. The puppy will walk away

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Easier Way Of Right-Click To Go To Command Prompt

Dec 29, 2002

Instead of going through the registry to add a context menu option for opening cmd.exe at any folder, just download the "CMD Line Here" Windows XP PowerToy.

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Turn Off System Restore - Tick Box Unable To Use

Aug 7, 2008

Ive recently had this problem with this vundo strain of trojans and tis located in my system volume information folder.. So i did a little researching and figured out that no virus remover will be able to remove it since windows wouldn't allow me to delete or remove it in the first place.Thus the alternate method being the turning off of the system restore function and thereby deleting all system restore points. Although i came across a roadblock in that even though i am the administrator on my computer i am unable to check or uncheck the turn of system restore option in the system restore tab in the properties of My Computer.

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Finding Easier Way For Fresh Install With No ACPI?

Aug 12, 2002

Here is an easier way to do the Fresh Install with no ACPI. When setup is loading, the blue screen will ask if you have any raid devices, and to press F6. When it does that, press and hold F7, & Congratulations! No ACPI will be installed.

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I Can Kill Someone Now.......

Aug 28, 2007

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Kill This New Version And Fix My Old One

Aug 8, 2008

My motherboard died, I changed it from a Pentium 4 to a Core Duo. The guy that did the installation told me he would need to update Windows. Fine.The thing is, he installed a new instance of XP Professional instead of updating/repairing the one I had. Now I boot on a clean Windows that has no access to my apps. Sure, I can go to, say, the Photoshop dir and click on the exe, but it won't run since its dll's and stuff are all on the old Windows' installation.I have 175Gb of apps and data in the HDD and I don't want to wipe it, especially since I don't have the original CDs of many of my apps anymore. Plus there's years of downloaded stuff I don't want to search,download and fine-tune all over again.So, my question is, how can I kill this new version and fix my old one so it does work; make the new one work with all my apps so I can kill the old one; or in any way have ONE XP on my machine, that actually runs my apps, without having to reinstall them all (some I can't even if I wanted/had to)So I have a PC with TWO Windows in it and I can't use either for anything I need. Both are in the same partition, only the second one was installed in WINDOWS. There's no dual-boot option or anything, my original windows is just not being accessed.I have tried to fix the old Windows with my XP CD, but it goes for the new one and I can't make it fix the old, useful one.

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Way To Kill A Program?

Aug 21, 2005

I was wondering if there is a way to 'kill' a program. Basically for the last few days my windows seems to crash/hang (whatever you want to call it) whenever loading various applications. It seems to be a result of high cpu usage. anyway after is stops i cant end the task or end the process or process tree. It just sits there. I cannot open another instance of the applications either. so my only option is to reboot. I was wondering if there is an application or command that can kill the process. Thus, saving me from rebooting everytime as the shutdown takes along time as well.Also are there any tips on shutting down quickly which making my system unstable.im considering linux as windows just has too many problems.

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Kill All The Visruses

Jul 18, 2005

If I do a clean install of my XP, will it kill all the viruses, spyware and other malware that is on my computer?

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Did A Virus Just Kill Computer

Jan 30, 2005

I have been having problems with my computer perpetually starting itself up, and if it gets that far, hanging on the window xp page. I managed to run a recovery program yesterday which loaded the software , and I�m still having the same problems, but now I�m not even able to run that program again.Is there anything I can do if I can�t even get to the point of logging on in safe mode? I have an ibm netvista that came preloaded with windows xp. I dont have any disk.

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How To Kill A SYSTEM Process?

Aug 13, 2009

For you Unix weenies (like me) how do you 'kill -9' a process on Windows XP Home edition? For everyone else (and especially Mr. Gates): How do you kill a process through Task Manager that is owned by SYSTEM? It is a BitDefender (virus scan) process (vsserv.exe) and I occasionally want to kill it just to get some work done on my machine. Task Manager says permisson denied when I try to kill it but I am an administrator on the machine.I tried creating a user account called SYSTEM and one called Administrator (to try and kill it by tricking Bill...oops sorry Mr. G) but in both cases Windows wouldn't create the account because it said an account already exists with that name. Well there are three user accounts created and they ain't Administrator or SYSTEM!

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How To Know Which Items In MSCONFIG Startup To Keep Or Kill

May 27, 2010

I have a long list of codes that appear under Start-up in MSCONFIG, and suspect they're slowing up my computer. Examples are CFSServ, ctfmon, and quttask. I used to know a website that lists such codes as things to keep or things to remove, but can't find it. Can someone tell me the name of sites that will do this for me?

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Kill A Not Responding Program / Can't Even Re-start

Jul 25, 2005

Sometimes when a program is not responding, I try to close it, but it just can't. I hit ctrl-alt-del and try to close it using the task manager, wait for a long time, and I see it is still there. I can't even re-start the windows because it is stop at the freezed program. I need to hard start the computer in order to get away of it.Sometimes even a program can be killed, some of the icons in the system tray is gone. Is it something wrong with the Windows XP? or is it normal?

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Kill A Process Through CMD Or Batch File

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a command I can use to kill a process or end a program with CMD? Some people say taskkill but this doesn't seem to work.

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Four Spyware Killing Programs - Kill Aurora

Jul 9, 2005

I've got three or four spyware killing programs on this hunk of junk and none
of them will recognize and kill Aurora. If anyone knows how I can do it,
please let me know.

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Batch File Programme To Kill The Process

Nov 6, 2009

I have been working on a batch file where in I want to perform few operations like install, configure and stop the process. I was able to start the processes. Now I am looking to end/stop/kill the process. I want to write a batch file for that in win xp. Has anyone worked on this by any chance? I would welcome suggestions at the earliest.

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Could A Power Surge Kill Hard Drive

Nov 12, 2005

I'm not sure how to explain this but I had left my computer on when I went out of town for awhile. When I got home the computer was in standby mode and I could not get out of it so I tried to reboot the computer. It would not turn on so I checked the fan on the power supply and noticed it wasn't working so I replaced the power supply and started the computer. When it was booting up all I got was a blinking light. So I shut it down and installed my hard drive (thinking that was the culprit) into another computer that the same hard drive use to be in and it wouldnt recognize it. I checked the jumpers and the cable and all was correct.

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Tick Infront Of The Address Bar Address Bar In Internet Explorer

Aug 5, 2005

I opened my computer and decided to goto internet through the my computer window. So I pressed home button of my key board so the My Computer window converted to a web page. But after that the address bar disappeared. I closed the window and restart the machine and opened the internet explorer, but still address bar is missing. I checked under the tools and I can see the tick infront of the address bar.

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Getting Rid Of "puppy" In Search Much Easier?

Aug 12, 2002

To get rid of the puppy or any other character in the search engine for xp, simply open up search and right click on the puppy(or character), the puppy(or character will ask, "you rang?") and choose: "turn off animated character" -- presto! bye bye doggie....this is much easier than downloading powertools for xp(very pointless)

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What Is Newer Microsoft Office 2004 Or Microsoft Works 4 5a

Jan 6, 2010

not sure which is the older ms office 2003 or ms works version 4.5a?

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Microsoft Office - Microsoft Natural MultimediaKeyboard

Mar 13, 2009

i have windows XP home edition service pack 3. and i use Microsoft office 2003, and well recently it began to pop up and say microsoft office word has not been installed for current user. please run setup utility. Well i only have one user, never had another user created until recently (temporary fix) is there anything i can do, the main user is called the owner, it says its the computer admin, but i guess there is still an admin user, i cant get to that. the only way i can get ms office to work was to create a new user, open all the office programs, export the office registry, and import it to my main user, thats the only thing that works, for a little bit.

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TAKE THAT MICROSOFT (microsoft Ordered To Pay 1.5 Billion )

Feb 23, 2007

http://edition.cnn.com/2007/TECH/0 [...] index.html

Quote :NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A U.S. federal jury found that Microsoft Corp. infringed audio patents held by Alcatel-Lucent and should pay $1.52 billion in damages, the No. 1 software maker said Thursday.

Microsoft said it plans to first ask the trial judge to knock down the ruling and will appeal if necessary. It said the verdict is unsupported by the law and that it had already licensed the technology in question from Germany's Fraunhofer.

Alcatel-Lucent had accused the world's biggest software maker of infringing patents related to standards used for playing MP3 digital music files.

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Reinstalling A Sound Driver For Onboard Sound From A Pre-packaged XP

Jul 19, 2005

Reinstalling a sound driver for onboard sound from a pre-packaged XP, I've tried for days to locate my driver with no success.

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No Sound After Fresh SP 2 Install - Downloaded Sound Drivers ?

Mar 16, 2008

I just installed a fresh copy of Windows XP service pack 2 and for some reason the sound doesn't work.


Here is my computer. I tried downloading the sound drivers and restarted ,but I'm still not getting any sound

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Sound Stopped Working: System Sound Freezes?

Jul 16, 2008

After a while my sound will cut out and when I try to play things in Winamp or anything it will stay stuck @ 0:00The sounds will sputter for a second and then freeze. Also when the sound dies, sometimes programs will start to freeze up to the point I can't even kill them in tskmgr. System sounds don't play either.I've tried updating to the latest drivers. I tried an older version of the drivers too.

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Sound Comes From Sound Blaster Powered Speakers - Volume Off.

Aug 19, 2009

I get a series of low pitch beeps about every hour for a second or two no matter what's running.It's not a system beep, much lower in freguency. Everything else is working fine, good audio for all playbacks.I don't have a system speaker attached to the motherboard. The sound comes thru my Sound Blaster powered speakers, even with the volume off.

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