Disc Trouble Consistency Message

Oct 26, 2007

On booting up my pc I get the following message before windows can be loaded.Windows has detected a consistency error on one of your discs. It then recommends I run the check disk utility. Despite doing this a number of times, I continue to get this message..what could be the cause, and how do I rectify the problem?

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FAT32 Checking For Consistency?

Mar 9, 2006

When I start my computer it goes to a screen saying "checking file system FAT32" and then proceeds to check disks and says "one of your disks needs to be checked for consitency" then it runs through the process to 100% and is up an running after that. My question is why is it suddenly doing that and does that signify a problem? Do you need a HJT log of my system?

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NEC DVD RW ND-3550A - Disc Full Message

Aug 3, 2005

Having problems burning CDs to NEC burner. Keep getting the message that the disc is full. It's just started doing this. Installed firmware 1.07 and it's still not reading the disc properly. Have cleaned it. Have tried to burn using the Windows program (whatever you call it), CDXP and Nero. It will burn one backup of Quickbooks but will not add to the cd. It's like the CD is closed, but it's not.

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No Disc Exception Processing Message C0000013 Parameters

Jul 29, 2007

i am getting this error message. Windows - no Disc Exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b4bf9c 4 75b4bf9c 75b4bf9c

i have taken a system scan with hijack this and here its, hope you can help me

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 17:18:40, on 29.07.2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473) ...

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Taking Backup Stops With The Message : Disc Full

Dec 28, 2007

I have a new Toshiba laptop with win. xp profesional and I want to make a backup of all my hard drive on the DVD.I chose the backup option from win xp but after the 1st DVD is full doesn't advice me to insert the next DVD, it stops with the message:disc full.

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Computer Froze, Restarted, Blue Screen "disks Need To Be Checked For Consistency"?

May 6, 2010

Computer froze, restarted, blue screen "disks need to be checked for consistency"? It ran through, not sure what that means.

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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I Have A Labtec Web Cam With Disc But My Mini Doesn't Have A Place For The Disc

Nov 15, 2009

i have a labtec web cam with software but i have a dell mini and have no where to insert the disc, please help

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Not Enough Disc Space To Complete Disc Defragmenter: Something's Fishy Here

Sep 27, 2007

I'm running XP Home on a Sony VAIO. The PC has a partitioned HD: C (main), & D (storage). I defrag every night.

This evening, I got the dreaded "not enough disc space to complete disc defragmenter" message. Suddenly tonight I'm showing only 2% free space on drive C. I went in and changed my System Restore percentage from 12% to 6%. Now I'm showing 6% free space (but still can't defrag).

I shouldn't have had to change my System Restore percentage tho. I'm sure that's not the culprit. Up until last night the C drive was nowhere near this full. Something's there tonight that wasn't yesterday. ...A whole LOT of something. The Defrag graph is showing a nearly FULL C drive with a LOT of red "fragmented" files"

I've been doing a bit of downloading, but after it's on the desktop (part of C), I move it to the D storage drive (which has a LOT of free space remaining).

Something's fishy. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking I need to find some type of application to tell me what's suddenly on that drive taking up all this space. Anyone have any helpful suggestions?

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Cannot Burn Disc - Roxio Recognize Blank Disc

May 8, 2010

neither wmp 11 or roxio recognizes a blank disc. when i try to burn a disc (dvd or cd) both wmp 11 and roxio tells me to insert a blank disc. i have tried putting a disc in first, or wait for the program to tell me to insert disc but neither way works!:

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How Can I Reload From The Hardrive With No Recovery Disc Or Disc?

Nov 4, 2006

My packard bell notebook model (easynote) E-3242 running windows XP. After installing SP2, XP wont load, even in safe mode. I already used cd-bootable Knoppix to copy all documents i needed to rescue. At this point a complete Re-install would be great, but alas, no install disk came with this notebook, And i lost the recovery discs i made. I do NOT have any XP disc available.How can I begin a re-install or similiar from the Hardisk with no Discs?

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Bootable Disc/Recovery Disc Terminology

Jul 19, 2005

I get a little confused by terms like restore vs recovery, which are often interchanged incorrectly IMO -and then there are the terms bootable disc and startup disc, which can also get confusing - and I have seen other terms used also.

please explain exactly what you mean by the "bootable XP CD". I have a new XPsp2 home edition pc, and I had a millennium before that (which I made a "startup disc" for in add/remove programs - so I guess a startup disc is yet another term for boot disc - it was only a 3-1/2" diskette (less than a meg), and it would get my millennium to boot by typing "scanreg /restore" at a prompt that you eventually came to.

For my XP, I immediately made a Compaq "recovery dvd" (it took 2-dvd's) utilizing the "Compaq recovery cd-dvd creator" in start/programs/pc tools. This dvd (can also use cd's but it takes 8 or 9 cd's I believe) contains everything that is on the pc (from the factory), and which is also in the system recovery partition D:. There is also something called a "Recovery Tools CD", which I did not burn, since it did not seem necessary, after
reading about it in the "troubleshooting and system recovery guide" that came with my Compaq. I will burn that one to, if you can explain what it will do, that I can't ultimately achieve by using the "recovery dvd". The manual said that one of the things the "recovery tools cd" did was to remove the system recovery partition (drive D), so you could use it - but I'm sure there is another way of doing that from within the pc once you got it running using the recovery dvd - am I right - I've never messed around with partitioning, since I have no need to.

My new XP did not come with any "bootable CD" per se, and I made the "recovery dvd", as stated above. So please shed some light on what the "bootable XP CD" is that you refer to (because you said that a "restore Cd is really overkill" - I assume you mean the "recovery CD" that I mentioned). Also please provide your comments on the "recovery tools CD", and any other comments you have on the various terminologies I have mentioned above.

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Computer Tries To Reboot With Disc, But No Disc

Nov 28, 2007

After putting the windows XP CD in and rebooting, now whenever the computer is restarted I get the blue screen that says unable to find disc press F3 to exit setup. How do I stop this so computer will reboot normally?

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No Disc In The Drive. Please Insert A Disc

Mar 27, 2007

Windows XP Home Edition (sp 2) HP Pavillion After I start the computer, I get this message---Red circle with a white x message states There is no disc in the drive. Please insert a disc into drive. This started this morning. Didn't have it last night when I shut it down. Have no idea why this all of a sudden started. Any help would be appreciated. I have tried clicking on cancel

comes right back. Went into Task Manager and clicked End Task.

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Pro Sp3 Disc Installation / Disc Key ?

Oct 14, 2008

I have tried to install a new xp pro sp3 disc on a new computer but have been getting errors in the installation. I have tried 3 different times but it says that the disc is missing some components and when it is final it does not work properly.

I finally talked to a tech person that asked me if I had another disc and I have an older sp2 disc. He said to install that but when I put in the key for my new disc it does not work with my older disc. I finally put in my old key and it worked fine. THe installation went off without a hitch but I won't be able to use my old key when I activate it. When I install the sp3 download will I be able to change my key to the new disc key?

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A Lot Of Trouble On Vista

Jun 4, 2006

Im downloading right now and since they is alot of trouble on vista its probably not gonna come out for another year or year n half they were gonna resale it summer 2006.

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Having Trouble With Headset

May 12, 2008

First of all, I'd like to address the fact that this thread is on the wrong board, but I'll be honest and say I picked it because so many people are viewing, and I really need some help. I don't exactly know where to put this thread, so if a mod feels the need to move this, go ahead. I am using Windows XP, though.Anyway, my friend let me have his old headset a few months ago, and it, basically, isn't working very well. For some reason, some days it works decently, and others not at all. I've found out that for the times it does work, I need to have the mic right up to my lips, and even then my friends have a hard time hearing me. My headset is always turned on, and I have the sensitivity all the way up. It's one of those headsets where two jacks come out the end, one a headphone and another a microphone jack. They are both firmly stuck into my motherboard.

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Pro Dvd Trouble Getting It To Boot

May 31, 2005

I have a copy of XP Pro here on DVD and having trouble getting it to boot. I downloaded setup onto six floppies and they all install fine but when it is time to put in DVD it says something along the lines "you have a faulty cd".I checked it out on another computer and the XP Pro seems to be on it alright but how do I get it to boot.

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Trouble Booting From Cd

Dec 6, 2005

I had windows 2000 pro. I wanted to do a full format and completely wipe my hard disk, and install windows xp pro. I did it wrong though, and when my comp was on and i was on windows 2000 desktop, I inserted the windows xp cd and chose a new installation. Windows XP installed, however since I did it wrong and did not format, I now have both XP and 2000 on my hard drive. I tried to fix this problem by going into my BIOS and changing the boot order. Currently it is set to boot 1st from my cd rom. However, when I turn it on, it begins to start up, and says hit any key to boot from cd, but when I hit a key it just continues to load windows. the next screen asks me to chose an OS or press F8 to go into advanced setup. However, again it does not let me give it a command to change the highlighted OS, or go into F8. I can still go into my BIOS, and once windows loads up, my key board works fine, but for whatever reason when windows is starting it seems like it's not communicating with my keyboard. I do not have an A drive so I can not boot from there. I tried to reformat within windows, but since I'm asking it to reformat the drive I am already using, it will not do that. All I want to do is format my harddrive and wipe all OS's off and all info, then install XP. Can I do this without A drive, or without it recongizing when I hit a key to boot from cdrom.

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Trouble With System

Feb 19, 2009

I am having trouble with my system. I had recently upgraded my sytem to 2 GB RAM. I click on the folder for viz. when I Click on my computer>>d: folder>file it sould go step by step. But instead of going step by step after I click on back button it directly goes to my computer instead of going like file<<folder<<d:<<my computer And also like Whenever I click on any folder or application it opens up along with the other folder and applications.

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Having Trouble Formating

Oct 28, 2007

i'm having trouble formating my computer i pop in my boot window xp pro sp2 cd and run it and half way through... it pops up a window saying the file corrupted and it ask me to restart the computer and i tried installing windows through desktop + putting in the cd still doesn't work.my computer running SATA Harddrive was wondering if theres any other method i can do to format my OS hard drive.also anyone ever encounter a problem where they idle there computer for couple hours and it freeze ?

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Trouble Activating XP

Jul 2, 2006

First off, this is a legit copy of XP Home, and I've used it and successfully activated it in the past. The problem is that when I click on Activate Windows, this is what appears. I've tried waiting awhile, but this is all the farther it gets. Nothing is sucking resources while it's sitting there, and everything seems to be working just fine otherwise. I really have no idea what to do other than reformat and reinstall everything again.

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Trouble With Re-install Of XP

Feb 5, 2007

I just re-installed XP on a different machine. I kept all the files (c: etc) but none of the settings seemed to have saved. WHen i tried to set up my internet connection, I couldn't. I think I need to install the drivers for my ethernet and stuff but I am confused.. i dont have any disks and Im not sure exactly what to look for.How can I find out what drivers I need and how can I get them working with my newly installed xp?

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.chm And Regsvr Trouble

Feb 16, 2008

I'm having a few problems which I can't solve, which I assume were caused by CCleaner or Windows CleanUp!. I am running Windows XP Home Edition 2002.I cannot open "Windows Help & Support" from the start menu. If I try to open a help file, I get something similar to:Windows Cannot Open the File mk:@MSITStore: "file path here"I googled for a solution and Microsoft mentioned this solution: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/312456.I already have the correct version of hhctrl.ocx on my computer, so the next step was to register it. Upon doing so, I get the error: "Cannot find regsvr."Lastly, shortcuts to tools in Control Panel>Performance and Maintenance>Administrative Tools don't work.

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Trouble With Pandora.com

Apr 28, 2008

Can't access so they say to use Internet Explorer or Firefox. No matter what I do I can't find Firefox or Internet Explorer on my computer. SO, I tried to download Internet Explorer but when I try I get a message saying I already have Internet Explorer! When trying to download Firefox, I get a message saying I'm not connected to the internet even though I accessed while on AOL. I am soooo confused. I've heard my friend use Pandora.com on his computer and I'd love to be able to use this service too.

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Trouble To Get Mcafee

Apr 3, 2008

A friend is being pestered by mcafee pop-ups telling her that her firewall needs updating. She does not use mcafee at all . She has Windows XP and its firewall is switched on. When she tried to delete it at 'Install /uninstall programs' it froze the computer. I suggested she start in safe mode and try. Here is her reply to me this morning: You won't believe this, but I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to get rid of mcafee. In safe mode you can remove all but the personal firewall. In normal mode it froze when I tried to remove it. In the windows security section it tells me mcafee personal firewall is on and you can't switch it off there....and under "add/remove programs" it doesn't appear, yet it is still running and still giving constant error messages.

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Computer Has Trouble Starting Up

Oct 9, 2006

I started up my computer today (Dell, running Windows XP) and it was taking a long time for windows to load. Then I just got a message that said: "An error occured while initializing Active Shield. Your system might be running out of resources or disk space. Please close other applications and try restarting Active Shield". Right now I have no toolbar for windows, and no start menu, it's just empty down there. I just have my desktop icons that I can click on, but I can't move them around on my desktop. I tried to remove the McAffee Active Shield I can't because when I click on "remove" nothing happens and the computer just freezes for a moment. I have plenty of space on my computer so I know that's not a problem.

Some backround info: whenever I used to start my computer before, I would always get an update offer from McAffee which would slow windows down (I couldn't get anything to load if I double clicked on an icon) until I hit cancel. It seemed to just slow things down until I closed the McAffee offer.

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Computer Has Trouble Starting

Mar 25, 2008

my computer didn't star. It's not an overheating issue because everything inside is cool. I managed to get my computer to start a few times and it would get stuck at part where windows plays a noise to symbolise the computer is being started, the sound skips andnasty sounds come from my speakers.

this gave me the idea to go ahead and turn off my speakers andunplug everything. It still all didnt work. Then I went to bed and woke up the nextmorning and tried again. It started right up! then 20 minutes later i realised I didnt have the fan next to it to cool it down so I put the fan back, as soon as i swung the fan around it froze up and wouldn't start.

I didnt have time to mess with it and went to work, came home, still nothing. So I went to school, i just got home and got the idea to move a cable going from my sound card to the front of my computer around. I did that and partially perched it on the outside of my computer so it would stay in one spot.
So I beleive the problem stems from my sound card, but i'm not sure if it's just coincidence.

it seems my keyboard is messing up too and I can't space properly or whatever.

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Trouble Starting Up Computer

Apr 30, 2008

Recently I have had trouble just starting up my computer after the computer was in hybernate and then sometimes it would just freeze up. When I shut down and push the computer's on button it took more than a dozen times before it would even come on. What is the cause of this and is there anything I can do to resolve this issue. I at first thought that my monitor was not working but it happened even after I installed a new one.

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Encrypted File Trouble

Nov 12, 2008

so i was not sure what i was doing when i was messing around with encrypting files,I have my external hard drive and encrypted around a dozen video files, then my copy of windows xp crashed due to a virus, i lost the previous version of xp due to reformatting, however i would like to access the video files again on my external hard drvie. I do not also remember the password from my previous copy of xp also.

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