Desktop After Loggin Keeps Going To Safe Mode

Oct 4, 2007

Sometimes, when I log in, the desk top for my log in seems to be set to what looks much like a safe mode. Still does it after running Super anti spyweare.

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Unable To Get To Desktop Without Going To Safe Mode First

May 1, 2008

Really feeling desperate here. Win xp home. The only way I can get to my desktop without waiting 25 minutes AND having start button and others freeze up and then taking 5 min for each click, I have to first go to Safe Mode and change sometihng in mcsonfig and then restart.

Then I use Normal Mode and get to my desktop with no problem and nothing freezes BUT I then have to reset all my SERVICES in "Sevices ans applications" since they become disabled each time I use Safe Mode. Note: I made sure to diable all unnecessary servies and use only the startups I need in msconfig.

All very time consuming and debilitating. Then I can get online and everything is fine.BUT then each time I shut down or restart my computer its the same cycle all over again. Note: The problem seemed to occur when one day semingly out of nowhere I turned on my compuyer and my logon was apparently corrupted. NO spyware, viruses. Clean machine. When I got to my desktop there was a white screen as oppsoed to blue with an alert to restore my desktop. But when I clicked the restore button notihng happened. Someone told me I may have a corrupt logon name and to set up another which I did and everything wokred fine except for, as I said, when I shut down or restart my computer.
I tried system restore but apparently there are no options/dates to restore back to.
Ive spent 200 hours on this and am ready to throw in the towel. I dont want ot have to resort to a clean reinstall of Winxp but if I have ot can you please inform me about how to keep my files intact (pdfs, word docs and pictures). and if I need to back them up,

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Cannot Start Up Even In Safe Mode - Compaq Desktop

Aug 20, 2006

I was running a Compaq desktop on Windows XP Home Edition, halfway through an excel spreadsheet when my PC shut down. I have not been able to bootup again and keep getting a message to install WindowsRoot>, I don't have a system recovery disk and now that I cannot boot up, I cannot use the recovery function on my PC either.

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Only Works In Safe Mode / Otherwise Just Desktop Background

Aug 4, 2005

My computer starts but the only thing that appears is my desktop background. No start menu or anything. The last thing I did was install and run Avast anti-virus scan and AdAware.It works in start mode and I tried to restore to an earlier point a few times and to different checkpoints but they failed and "no changes were made."

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Desktop Freeze - Hardware In Safe Mode

Oct 29, 2007

when i boot up, i can sometimes get to the desktop, then i hear a click from my tower and everything is frozen. all fans are still running. and power is still on.i've tried a clean install of windows to no avail. this happens everytime , but the freeze can happen before i get to the desktop and also in safe mode.
seems to be a hardware issue. i may be able to get a friends graphics card to see if that is the problem

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Not Able To Access Safe Mode On A Media Edition Desktop

Dec 21, 2007

I was having problems with my XP 2005 Media Edition desktop freezing while watching TV so I uninstalled the ATI Radeon Connect3D 9600 256mb video card. It restarted no problem. I lowered the resolution to 800x600, no problem. I turned on the media center and let it sit for a bit. It froze. Now on start up I get the following: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

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Can't Get A Desktop In Safe Mode / Administrator The System Freezes

Oct 10, 2005

I'm trying to fix a virus problem (trojan.vundo) and need to boot in safe mode. When I try to boot in safe mode I get the user icons, but when I log in using any of the user icons including administrator the system freezes and I don't get a desktop.

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Desktop Has A Triple Screen But Safe Mode Works

Aug 20, 2007

I have windows 2000. I turned it on and when I got to the desktop it was all weird. It has like three or four fuzzy split screens. I can get into safe mode and even ran the AVG to check for viruses. I didn't find any. I tried to get the computer to last known good configuration, but that didn't work

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Desktop Comesup In Safe Mode - Computer Might Crash

Feb 17, 2007

My computer has an explorer error message- has to close. Windows loops back and the same message appears. I have the details but not sure what to include:

Details as follows: AppName: explorer.exe, AppVer: 6.6.2800.1221, ModeName: mshtml.dll, ModVer: 6.0.2800.1528, offset: 000f40b5 My desktop comes up in a safe mode. I am afraid to restart the computer - might crash.

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Desktop Does Not Load, No Icons,cannot Load Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2007

1. My desktop remains blank without any icons.

2. clt+alt+del shows all choices except task manager - so I am allowed to reboot and shutdown

3. When I enter in safe mode cannot see desktop nor icons

4. Ran Norton Antivirus 2007 boot with CD - no virus found

5.Prior to crash desktop went RED, hence I rebooted and then the issues.

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Manually Start Pc Safe Mode F8 Click Debugging Mode - Can't Locate HPOIPM07.exe

Mar 1, 2005

this is the best way I know to explain all of this. I am running a 3 yr old Gateway with Windows xp and Sp 1 & 2. I have always stayed up to date with my Windows updates deleting cookies, defrags and so on. I am running Avast anti virus and Armor 2 Net firewall. I have noticed over a period of about a mth that my system has been getting pretty slow to boot up and load up web pages. Now I am having to manually start my PC and I have to do it in safe mode F8 and click on debugging mode. If I don't do it this way then everything loads up and then my PC just turns itself off. I have PC doctor and I have done a complete diagnostic test and I have gone to and did a virus scan there as well as with my Avast. I am thinking that I may have to totally take everything out and reinstall everything back in. The only thing is -is that I don't know what to type in to get the whole thing going. Also I have been getting a message but only sometimes that says RTL cannot locate HPOIPMO7.exe (HPOIMO7.exe) I haven't a clue what this is. Might it have anything to do with what is going on. I don't mean to write a book here but there is one other thing, the other day I had a window pop up that said that windows needed me to reinstall my xp software and when I tried it said that the version that I was already running was newer than the cd software I was trying to install and wouldn't accept it.

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Virus - Browser Issues In Safe Mode/hangs In Normal Mode?

Dec 23, 2008

computer was in blue screen. Unplugged and rebooted. Hung at Starting Windows. Unplugged again and rebooted. Selected user and continued on. Hung after desktop image was downloaded and normal desktop was presented. If I moved the cursor to the task bar, got hour glass. Could not get task manager to appear and could not start any program.Booted in safe mode with networking.

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Monitor Display Issues-distorted View On Normal Mode But Fine On Safe Mode

Jul 26, 2005

we cant change the display depth below 16bit. we can only see windows in safe mode it just shows a garbled screen in normal mode

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Safe Mode - Couldn't Delete Normal Mode Suckers

Dec 18, 2004

but i think i posted this in the other area before. i had some bugs i couldn't delete in normal mode, so im like oh kay, easy, go in safe and delete the suckers. i restart my computer and f8, and try to go into safe mode, said something about your computer was shut down incorrectly or power lost and some files are missing now.

so im like, ummmmmmmmmmm... how do i get round this. so, i restarted my computer and put it in to the (Last Known Good Configuration), i know, i went to Run>msconfig>Boot.ini>tick /SAFEBOOT and restart my computer, not knowing this was one of the biggest mistakes i've ever done. it starts and it runs a little big and boooom!!! blue screen pops up and this is what it says, "a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damange to your computer....

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Windows Xp Will Not Start In Safe Mode/normal Mode

Sep 17, 2009

An infinite loop it seems. i was trying to start my pc in safe mode, to delete a .exe file from C:WindowsSystem32 which was suggested by a post to fix the "windows not genuine problem". To be able to do that, i ran msconfig and selected /safeboot under BOOT.INI tab. now everytime i try to reboot my pc it asks me to select an operating system (windows xp pro/microsft windows) if i select windows xp then it asks me to select a startup mode (safe/normal/last successful) and then no matter what i select it will reboot it self, and do the same again. If i select microsoft windows (instead of xp) then it shows MS Windows 98 screen and then goes into DOS prompt. from what i have read in some of the threads is that, i have a virus which is preventing my pc to boot in to safe mode, and because i have selected /safeboot from msconfig windows will only boot in safe mode, meaning i am stuck. the workaround these threads were suggesting was to find the boot.ini file and rename it to something else, which would fix the problem, because this file holds the info about in which mode your pc should boot. i tried to rename this file from command prompt (i cant get into windows, thats why), using "ren c:oot.ini boot.ini" but it says file name invalid. i think this is because its a hidden file. then i tried "attrib -h boot.ini", but it says attrib cannot be used in DOS mode.

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Wont Boot In Safe Mode Or Normal Mode?

May 3, 2005

I went into MSCONFIG and checked the box to go into safe mode so i could run some virus scans and adware scans and stuff like that. Now when it gets to the desktop it has the window that says Loading Windows and then after like 2-3 min. it says password is incorrect and that i should retype it and becarefull of caps lock and stuff like that. The thing is don't have a password. It does this when i boot normally too but it lets me hit ok and hit Cancel without a password entered.

All of a sudden it tries logging me in automatically when I start up but the thing is i dont need to log in. So I try to go back into normal mode and Ican't. I hit F8 during startup and went to the Boot Normally option but it still does to safe mode. What do I do? How do I log on or how do I get rid of this password thing? One more thing, the window that tells me the password is wrong has an OK box but theres no mouse on the screen for me to click it and I can't use the keyboard to select it.

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Wont Get Into Safe Mode Even Though Normal Mode Works

Jul 26, 2005

I've got a problem booting Windows XP in safe mode though it works wll in normal mode. I press on f8 at the begining, I do get the menu where I chose the option "safe mode" and then it seems to boot up but after a few seconds all I get is a black screnn and a blinking cursor on the top left (this lasts for more then 15 mins when I get fed up and try again) What can I do?

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Get Online In Safe Mode W/ Networking, Not Normal Mode?

Dec 14, 2005

I am working on a computer now that is failing to get online in normal mode. It can get online in safe mode.

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BSOD When Booting To Safe Mode, Not Normal Mode?

Oct 10, 2007

I've got a Dell Dimension 4550 running windows XP w/ SP2 and ALL the latest patches here in my shop, and I've got the weirdest problem. I wanna sweep it clean of viruses and spyware, but can't boot to safe mode. It boots completely fine in normal mode, no errors or anything. The BSOD I get is: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT _LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

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PC Slow In Normal Mode , Fast In Safe Mode?

May 21, 2008

Hello everyone , i have read a lot of posts about slow pc in normal mode but i cant find any help. My PC Starts up very slow... WinRAR , Winamp .. starts also slow , for example i download a file which is rared. i press Open and then it stop responding for awhile

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Computer Wont Enter Safe Mode- Or Any Mode?

Apr 1, 2006

I went into bios and disabled the search for the A: drive , because i couldn't care less. then it brought me to the screen to choose to open in safe mode, normally, or from the last point where windows worked well. problem : i can not use my keyboard in this setting, it works in bios, but i cant choose to load from the last working point of the OS.

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System Start Normal Mode Even Set As Safe Mode

Oct 13, 2009

Went into msconfig and set up safe boot on restart.PC will not load in safe mode or in normal mode it just keeps looping back to the same screen.I have tried all the options on the screen.Is their anyway to get back to msconfig.I have the XP setup disk.

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System Freeze In Safe Mode And Normal Mode

Sep 29, 2008

Ran smitfraud and rebooted but my computer keeps freezing both in safe mode and normal. I tried last good configuration but the same thing happened. Either just a black screen with the mouse icon or frozen on the long list.

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Scanning And Running Is Safe In Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2006

That is my simple question...How it was name safe mode? is it really safe?what happens during safe mode as compared to normal mode and all of the experts suggest to do these(scanning, running, etc) in the safe mode?can files be affected in this mode?

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Can Start In Debugging Mode And Safe Mode Only

Jun 7, 2010

Computer restarts before login screen unless I interupt boot to choose debugging mode (or set it using msconfig). I've disabled everything in msconfig with no change. I've removed all hardward except the minimum. No change. The error I get if I prevent auto restart during boot is a "Multiple_IRP_Complete_Requests) error. This problem started without anything being installed or removed. If I go in to the BIOS and disable ANY devices (i.e. sound), then the Debugging mode trick to get the computer started doesn't work which seems backwards.

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Win Xp Can Boot Safe Mode, Not Normal Mode?

Mar 20, 2007

I have a dual boot linux/xp system.I was looking at partitions - just listing them - in linux, and now win xp won't come up in normal mode. It will come up in safe mode, however. Can you help me get my "normal mode" back?When the horizontal moving bar comes up in normal mode, it just goes on forever. I see the disk light go on for about 8 cycles of the bar. It usually runs 11 cycles before giving me the user selection screen. Now the disk light goes out after cycle 8, and the bar keeps going. I waited 32 cycles before giving up.

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Loads In Safe Mode But Not Normal Mode?

Jul 7, 2007

I can boot up in safe mode, but it's frozen up a couple times, over about 20 hours of usage, and I've had to restart.I've tried running adaware, windows defender, housecall, kaspersky online scanner. They came up with 4-5 items but it didn't fix the problem.

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From Safe Mode Canot Go To Normal Mode?

Nov 17, 2007

On System Configuration utility (start<run<"type" msconfig) on boot ini tab I selected Safe mode & Minimal (Alternateshell) & restarted. Then On the screen I see only a dos prompt window, CMD.exe. No graphical window. No start menu or other destop icons.Restart & try with F8 key, other F keys...... no use. Then I repaired with the win xp cd. The problem going more worst than before. The machine display a message "Windows xp setup cannot run under safemode . Setup will restart now". Either I close it or OK it, machine restarts. I can't even try anything now

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Login Neither In Normal Mode Nor In Safe Mode?

Jul 4, 2008

I can not log to the admin account (no password set for the admin, hit enter).I tried that in normal mode and safe mode but no success.It is not a password problem.When I tried to log in it logged me out immediately.

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Shuts Down In Safe Mode - Not Normal Mode?

Apr 9, 2010

Installed drivers - now it wont shut down in normal mode, but will do in Safe Mode

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Loggin In - After Switching Users - Then Getting Screen-Saver

Jun 2, 2006

Whenever I switch users then log back in after 3 seconds my computer goes into my screen-saver. The only way I can keep it from doing this is to franticly move my mouse all over the screen. This happened just 30 seconds ago and its really annoying

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