Corrupt Isapnp.sys On EEEPC - CD Drive

Oct 4, 2010

I have an EEE PC running Windows XP with the most recent updates and service pack. I think I got hit by a malware. All of a sudden yesterday my sound card stopped working, so I rebooted the system and now it won't start because "system32/DRIVERS/isapnp.sys" is missing or corrupt.The problem is that I don't have a CD drive in this computer and I'm not sure how to go about fixing this otherwise. I'd love some suggestions! I really do not want to have to erase it and start over.....that's a last resort as there's a lot of data that I need.

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System32/DRIVERS/isapnp.sys Is Corrupt

Sep 2, 2009

XP wont start and as it came pre-loaded I dont have an XP CD to boot it from

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Corrupt Or Missing Isapnp.sys//Console Wont Load?

Dec 9, 2004

when i'm going to this Repair Console in Win XP, booting from cd, pressing "r" and so on always comes that win setup could not be loaded because cdrom.sys or any other thing could not be loaded from cd. CD is clean and do not have any errors, cant even make new installation. Tested it on other pc there it goes, and tested other win XP Pro version on this PC it stopped. Booting with Kanotix a modified KNOPPIX boot without problems, so cd device has no errors, i think What can i do? Can i do anything? or is formating and reinstall because setup cant be loaded is the only solution??

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Getting Data From Corrupt Fat32 Drive?

Sep 6, 2007

Tomorrow I will be picking up a corrupt fat32 drive containing video files, an incident happened which would have been recorded on the drive, while trying to review the video the the dedicated software reported fat32 corruption, please re-format !I am going to try and mount the drive as a slave on my system if this fails I intend to run spinrite still no go then fsck (XP still has fsck for fat32 - right ?) If all else fails could you guys recommend any (preferably free) software to retrieve files from a corrupt fat 32 drive I have heard there is software that will scan the drive right down at a byte level and retrieve particular types of files ie jpeg or avi identifying them from their byte structure

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Corrupt Data Structures On Drive C?

Apr 19, 2009

How do I check for this and fix it?

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Format Could Not Complete As The Drive Is Corrupt?

Sep 2, 2009

my parents pc was running super slow, like taking 10 mins to boot which it never use to, so i decided to format. All was going how it normally does when i fix computers and then it gets to 3% of formatting and suddenly jumps to 12 then gets to 100% really quickly and states format could not complete as the drive is corrupt, pick another drive.

So i restart try again same thing happens, ive tryed unplugging the cables etc but none of it works.

So i figure the drive must have something wrong, load the recovery console via the disk and trying do a chkdsk where i get the message

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Extracting Data Off A Corrupt Hard Drive?

Aug 2, 2009

I have my windows XP Partition on the C Drive. I am trying to extract all the info from my D Drive and put it onto an External Hard drive. For some reason it is just not letting me transfer the files. I have tried to send and copy them over with no luck. I have tried using Acronis T.Image, but doesn't work (tells me that there is bad sectors and can't transfer). Tried using bootable disks (UBCD 4 Win, Drive XML, Norton partition manager 9.0 etc. As soon as I start extracting files it gives me and error message and asks if I want to ignore, retry etc. What would you suggest. I was going to run a disk check on this D drive, but I am afraid of it wiping out some of my files. Is there another bootable disk that I should use for extracting my files.

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Doesn't Show My C: Drive / Missing Or Corrupt

Oct 28, 2008

I have recently been working on a VB6 Program which was meant to change the registry.After i had tested it, my laptop rebooted suddenly and i got an error saying: The following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM This is a real pain because i got my laptop off eBay and after a small child hammered the keyboard, the CD Drive Became Bust. I only have a 3.5Inch floppy drive and 10 floppy disks. It is quite old and it doesn't support USB booting When i try using a MS-DOS startup disk, it doesn't show my C: Drive

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External Hard Drive File System Corrupt And Unreadable?

Aug 8, 2005

Running Windows XP home, well-protected from viruses and spyware with all the usual recommended programs. I have a 160G external firewire hard drive, NTFS system. Cannot access data all of a sudden, I am getting an error message, "file system corrupt and unreadable." In disk management, the drive is listed as healthy, 160G, but no NTFS listed. What could have caused this, and is there a way to retrieve the data? Are there any low-cost or freeware programs to do this, or is it inevitable to spend a "fortune?"

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Ntldr Missing / Hard Drive Corrupt And Need To Backup Bookmarks

Nov 19, 2008

PC (XP) wont boot, says NTLDR missing.I wonder if anyone could give me any advice about how to salvage my firefox bookmarks from my system which wont even boot. (the bookmarks are all i need to salvage from the c drive as my downloads files and documents are safely stored on my 2nd hard drive) My home PC (windows XP) died a death the other day playing up, wont boot now, says ntldr is missing, wont even boot up in safe mode, it doesnt get as far as giving me an option. (tried swopping cables around and stripped bare to the basics needed to boot but no such luck there either). Boots up with a unix live disc but i noticed it cant detect the c drive on the system, altho it does in bios.

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Repair Console - Corrupt File - Hard Drive From Floppy Disk

Sep 14, 2005

When I boot my computer, it tells me it can't load windows because the following file is missing or corrupt:<windows root>system32hal.dllCan i use the "repair console" to copy this file onto the hard drive from a floppy disk? If not, how do I rectify this problem?

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Corrupt Hard Drive Files: Save The Files And Reformat The Hard Drive?

Oct 18, 2009

I recently helped someone save the documents off of their computer after it crashed (it was missing a Windows file. I tried the repair command and it wouldn't work, so I decided to save the files and reformat the hard drive).I plugged the hard drive into a working computer and pulled all the documents off of it (VERY slowly) onto an external hard drive.

Every once in awhile I wouldn't be able to pull a picture or document off because of a cyclic redundancy check error. I just moved on and saved what I could. I assumed it was because the hard drive was already bad so I just moved what I could.

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Corrupt Ntdll.dll

Jun 25, 2005

I have a problem with an application starting to load and then a message coming up stating that there was a problem with the "ntdll.dll" file.

I even located a copy to download, placed that in the WindowsSystem32 folder and each time I continue to attempt to launch this application, it partially starts up, then hangs and then gives me the error message.

Is there something I am not doing correctly? Any suggestions? It had been working just fine for the past year or so and about a month ago, BOOM, this error message came up.

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Ntdll.dll Corrupt

Jan 11, 2006

I am Running XP home and has a corrupt ntdll.dll. The person I am helping tried reinstalling wimdows to a different directory to bring the computer up. How to replace the nt.dll file from the initial install.

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Ntldr.exe Is Corrupt ?

Jun 13, 2006

it all started when i went on my second partition which had windows vista beta 2 installed on it, well, i started fooling around and i messed something up, so, i went back into my partition 1 which had windows xp pro on it, so i went into a program on my computer called partition manager, and i deleted partition number 2, or i think i just formatted it again, not really sure, but, then i started downloading the vista beta again cuz i needed to reinstall, so then after the download finished, i restarted the computer and came across an error, windows boot manager wasnt allowing me to go into my first or 2nd partition, when i tried to go on my first partition with winxp pro, it said that ntldr.exe was corrupt, and when i tried on my 2nd, the one i supposedly formatted or deleted, it said boomgr.exe is corrupt, so what i did was installed windows xp 64 bit edition, but i am having problems booting into that as well because my monitor is blank and all it says is output signal out of range change to 1280 x 1024, so im running 64 bit edition in safe mode right now, but what i need help is booting into my winxp pro partition

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:Could Not Start.. Corrupt Pci.sys

Feb 10, 2005

Today while booting up my computer I was came across a serious problem. Each time my computer begins to boot up It comes to a black screen saying: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:system32driverspci.sys I have no idea how this problem occured. My computer has been running fine and this is the first time ive ever encountered a problem like this. Problem is after I hit R to repair and it goes to the black screen with just C prompt

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Dvd-rom Driver Corrupt

May 27, 2005

my dvd-rom driver is corrupt or missing (error code 39) apparently!ive tried system restore but it cant be restored and ive tryed troubleshooting but this didnt work, ive tryed uninstalling the device but now it cant be reinstalled so what can i do? i keep going round in circles.

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System32configsystemd Corrupt

Aug 1, 2005

I am running a dell Dimension 4600 that came with windows XP installed from the begining. XP worked fine with no problems at all. All this changed however when i installed Windows 2000 prfessional. It was installed on the same hard drive and on the same partition to XP. Windows 2000 runs without any problems but now i want to remove it. Windows XP now fails to boot if picked from the boot options. Here is the error
"Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windowssystem32configsystemd Startup options for windows 2000, press F8.You can attemp to repair this file by starting windows 2000 setup using the original setup floppy disk of CD-Rom. Select `r` at the first screen to repair. "

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Pro = System32configsystem Corrupt

Oct 9, 2008

Win XP Pro, unknown SP. The computer belongs to a friend, Jo. Someone cloned Pat's HDD to an identical HDD, IDE, Western Digital. Upon boot, Jo was greeted with c:windowssystem32configsystem is corrupt. Problem onset after someone the cloning. As far as Jo knows, the source / original HDD was working fine prior to the clone.

copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsoftware c:windows mpsoftware.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsam c:windows mpsam.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsecurity c:windows mpsecurity.bak.........

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Hal Missing Or Corrupt With New RAM

Jul 7, 2005

I've had the familiar hal.dll missing or corrupt on starting XP SP1 on a mainboard NameMSI KM2M Combo (MS-6738).All I did was to take out the 1 Gig of SDRAM I've used OK for months and fit a new 1 Gig DDR module. A year or two back I had STOP errors through merely changing a RAM module, the simplest upgrade usually, so I kept switching RAM until it went with no STOPs. I resent having to reinstall an OS for a five-minute RAM refit! Obviously the hal error is caused by the new DDR module, since I'm now using the old SDRAM. Is there a way around this apart from the dreaded reinstall of OS? In the rare event the DDR could be faulty does anyone know a non-windows DDR test utility please?

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Corrupt Cd-rom Drivers

Aug 5, 2005

My PC with recently installed XP Home will not recognize the cd-rom drive anymore (after a system error from trying to install a sound card driver).I tried doing an uninstall, reboot, reinstall, update driver, etc nothing works! It always comes up with something about not finding suitable drivers for this device.Is there any easy way to get the drivers back again? I only have a single Windows XP Home cd which is meant to be installed on a new Dell PC, but worked ok with my somewhat generic PC. Someone told me it was just a recovery cd, but it did the full installation.

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Pro Corrupt Disk

Dec 30, 2006

I have an OEM copy of WinXP Pro. I got it in 2002 so long before SP2. Anyways, I'm trying to reinstall Windows due to some problems I'm having and it's saying one of the files on the disk is corrupt. It required me to abort the installation before it even started and I didn't bother to write down what the offending file was because I believed it.I've treated the CD poorly and I wouldn't have been surprised if the drive couldn't read it at all. Basically I'm wondering if I have any options for getting a new CD cheaply since I already own one or if I just need to go buy a new copy of Windows XP? Thanks.

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Check If My Winis Corrupt

Aug 23, 2007

I was smart enough to execute a file i THOUGHT was a .jpg, but it was in fact a shortcut (lnk).The file executed a large amount of commands in dos, and it took me about 1.5 seconds to close the program. I later found out that this "virus" was designed to delete system files from my system32-folder I don't know how much damage the execution did to my computer, but here's my question Is it possible to check if my version of WinXP is still "intact" or corrupt, if any important files really were deleted (without in fact rebooting)? I just want to find out if it is safe to reboot, so I don't need to backup my files and reinstall. I think win982000 had some kind of Systemcheck-tool, but I haven't heard of such a tool in WinXP

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Corrupt Os: Restore Disks Are Bad Too?

Jun 4, 2006

my operating system is corrupt and i think my restore disks are bad too. how do i tell if they are and what can i do about it?

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The File Or Directory C: Is Corrupt?

Jan 13, 2008

when accessing any application or programme from my hard drive I get the following error message "The file or directory c: is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility." I then click to get rid of the error message and the utility works fine. I have run chkdsk several times but it does not shift this error message.

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Missing/corrupt: C:windowssystem32 Tfs.sys?

Jan 12, 2006

I restarted my computer today and right after it started booting from my C: drive, an error came up that said something like "Windows cannot find the file C:windowssystem32tfs.sys because it is missing or corrupted." It suggests that I use the recovery disk to fix it, but I don't have the recovery disk, so I'm kind of in trouble. Luckily, I had some Linux LiveCDs laying around, so I used one to boot up my system.I think that this might have something to do with me trying to change my boot screen, but I didn't mess with that particular file, so I'm not sure. Also, I haven't done anything to the RAM lately.

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Lbrtfdc.sys Is Corrupt When Trying To Install Xp?

Nov 15, 2007

I am trying to reload windows XP on a computer it has become corrupt and when I did I received this message. Can anyone tell me why and how to resolve it?

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Replacing A Corrupt Driver From CD

Nov 11, 2006

Minutes ago I attempted to copy my HDD to another HDD. And I got this message: "Could not copy the file NxFsMon." It IS an XP system driver.Now, I don't know for a fact that this file is corrupt. But let's assume that it is. In which case deleting it and replacing it would, one would think, be a logical approach to the problem. (I fear such an assumption does not always apply in dealing with computers.). Assuming, of course, the file is on the CD. But it's in System32, so would that not be a fair assumption?If the file is corrupt, then there's an XP Repair install or a clean install option. But tell me, could not a copy of the file be taken from the XP CD and used to replace the same file on the HDD. It would seem a quick and much easier solutionthan a repair or clean install.

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INF File Txtsetup.sif Is Corrupt

Apr 12, 2008

My PC always reboot... anyway, when trying to reformat or to repair, this error found "INF file txtsetup.sif is corrrupt or missing, status 4096. Setup cannot continue.Press any key to exit." is this a virus? im using OS (windows xp sp2). Is there a way to retrieve my files using repair? because i have a lot of files there.

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Corrupt W2k Pro Best Reinstalled With Or Without Fdisk First?

Jan 23, 2006

my existing W2K Pro has become corrupt and needs to be reinstalled. I have the original disk but I use the 4-floppy boot set instead. Tried to do reinstall without fdisking first and all that resulted was a blue screen. Should I clean-up the drive completely first with an fdisk then do a reinstall? If yes, what would be the best way to initiate the fdisk procedure?

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupt - Tried A Fixboot

Oct 9, 2005

This is not your typical Hal.dll file is missing or corrupt. I've tried all the fixes, and am getting nowhere. This is a Windows XP Pro install.I tried chkdsk /R in the Windows XP Recovery Console first, and while it did complete, it reported that "the disk contains one or more unrecoverable problems." I also should note that Recovery Console did not ask me to identify the windows install, nor did it ask me to enter the Administrator password.Next, I tried bootcfg /rebuild and got "Error: failed to successfully scan disks for windows installations. This error may be caused by a corrut file system, which could prevent bootcfg from scanning.Use chkdsk to detact any errors."

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