Computer Booting Up Very Slow

May 26, 2005

my computer seems to be booting up slowly.Any ideas on how too speed up its performance?

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Computer Booting Incredibly Slow And All Apps Slow

Nov 22, 2009

I am running PC, Windows XP and recently had several viruses deleted from system. Problem started when running Internet Explorer and would receive an error tab every time stating IE must close. The data error was a mcsvrt.dll problem. Now when I start the computer it takes 10-15 minutes to boot completely and accessing Mozilla or any apps after about 3-4 mins takes ages. It runs so slow, something has it almost completely bogged down. I run spybot but after a while it freezes up

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Computer Has Started Booting Extremely Slow - Add Win Cleaner OneClick

Feb 8, 2007

my computer has been booting slower and slower.It is now taking 10-15 minutes to boot to a usable state. I haven't added any new programs in the last few months. I did add Win Cleaner OneClick Cleanup about 2 days ago thinking that it might help, but it did not. I know it must have to do with the number of start-up programs there are, but since this just started recently

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Very Slow Booting Laptop

Mar 31, 2005

Computer: Dell Inspiron 2600 laptop running XP.

Problem: A few weeks ago, the laptop became noticably slower to boot. I get an hourglass that lasts for maybe a minute. I can't do anything until it goes away.

Possible cause: Spyware? Hijack This log at the bottom of this post. Spybot tells me I have two "confirmed as malware" BHO's

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Slow Booting After Update Sp1 To Sp2

Jun 16, 2005

where to begin to trouble a Slow Boot with WinXP Professional SP1 a (updated as far as SP2----but do not have SP2 installed).

Norton System Works 2005 with Norton Utilities, Norton Antivirus, GoBack
4.0, Trojan Hunter 4.0

I don't remember doing anything in particular, but at boot up 36 hours ago is when the problem started. After Choosing WinXP Professional (or any other choice from boot menu) it takes 20 minutes to get to WinXP boot screen (slows during white progress bars across botton of black screen). Boot from there appears to be at usual speed, about ninety seconds until windows desktop loaded and able to access programs. Nothing, to my knowledge, was added or updated before this problem. I need a starting point here to try and find the problem. I know I can do complete format of C drive and a complete new install of windows, but I
don't really want to do that unless I have to.

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Very Slow Booting - No Taskbar And No Icons

Nov 13, 2007

This is new install of XP (less than a month). Recently something happened where it now takes over 2 minutes to boot up to the desktop. A large majority of this time occurs after the xp splash screen and login screen where my background picture actually comes up, but there is no taskbar and no icons on the screen, only the background. I timed it last night, and it was about 90 seconds from when the background picture comes up until the taskbar and icons appear! I've done spyware scans (ad-aware, spybot, windows defender), anti-virus scans, and made sure all my drivers are up to date. I've cleaned out my startup folder, and stopped unneeded and unwanted services from booting up. I even downloaded and used winboot (or whatever that software is that M$ no longer supports that is suppose to speed up your boot time). I "optimized" my system with it, but it still takes forever to boot up. I know my computer is fast enough.

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Too Many Errors In Application - Slow Booting

Mar 4, 2005

I have Windows XP. I have over 300 errors in Applications & System. What does this cause and how can I fix them?

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Laptop Is In A Booting Loop - Very Slow

Aug 5, 2007

I started getting ad popups and it started running very slowly. I didnt think anything of it at first but then it started freezing and having a hard time closing windows and it was BARLEY running. And the bar at the bottom would disappear. I had to restart the dern thing 5 times just bc even ctrl/alt/del didnt even work closing these windows. Then it happened. One day when I was trying to restart it, It was in the middle of booting, and when the 'Windows is starting' screen comes up, the blue one right before you would select a user and put in a password comes up, the laptop just CLICKS OFF then restarts the rebooting loop over and over again.

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PC Running Slow: Booting Without Necessary Processes?

Aug 9, 2007

The problem is on a system running XP Pro. Windows boots very slowly into the admin's account with only the background image visible; the taskbar, icons, etc. never load. A runtime error appears after a while, which ends the explorer.exe process. Opening task manager reveals that only a handful of processes are runnning - svchost, crss, winlogon, and a few others that I don't recall. The only thing I can do is use Window+L to switch users and open things manually via the run function in task manager.

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SP3 Booting & Closing Extremely Slow

Sep 12, 2008

1. My Operating Sytem is WindowsXPSP3 with $ GB of RAM.

2. For past few weeks my system Booting & closing Extremely Slow.

3. I have tried all the tricks, Removing temperory files, Defragmentation of Hard Disc, Running Norton 360 Full Scan, Removingg ad ware and Spy ware.

4. I have also run the following Programs;

a] Advance Spyware Remover,CC Cleaner,Easy Cleaner,Ensuing Free Registry Cleaner,PC Optimizer,Spy Bot Search and Destroy, Special Page Defrag.

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Slow Booting - Keyboard Not Working

Jun 1, 2006

Firstly it's veeeeeery slow booting up, when on the xp loading screen the scrolling blue bars will stop, sometimes for over a minute. When it eventually gets to the user log on screen it again takes forever to load. Secondly. I removed a couple of progs. msn and google search bars and motorolla phone tools. On restart it just kept rebooting after getting a BSOD. I started in safe mode and took the check out of automatically restart in startup and recovery, and it now seems to be ok. Thirdly. my keyboard isn't working, I am having to use the onscreen keyboard which is a pain.

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Slow Booting - Gets Where It Loads The Background But None Of The Icons

Mar 6, 2006

Everytime I start my computer up, it gets where it loads the background, but none of the icons. It takes a minute or two for it to load the icons. It doesnt even sound like its loading anything during that minute.

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Booting Extremely Slow - Cleaned My Registry

Apr 11, 2006

I'm having problems with XP. The bootup always takes around 5-10 minutes. I've virus scanned and defragged a number of times. My cousin cleaned my registry. The system runs slow when I have AIM and iTunes running. Whenever I minimize a window, the music will play extremely it burps or something. The CPU usage is always high and I don't know what's eating up the memory. Is reformatting the only answer?

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Slow Booting - Startups Profile Causing The Delay

Jun 9, 2005

A while back I ditched my DSL in favor of a cable modem. I bought a new Linksys wireless gateway to go with the cable modem and since then my laptop (Compaq Presario 2570US, Win XP Pro) has a long delay right after booting into Windows where the computer just seems to freeze up. The mouse will move and you can highlight/click on icons but nothing will open or happen for about one minute until the wireless connection icon appears and picks up the network.

I thought maybe I had something in my startup profile that was causing the delay - I still haven't figured out the delay but I do have two startup items that I'm questioning... one is "carpserv.exe" which I believe accompanies the Conexant modem in the laptop. The other item is "kmw run.exe" - any idea what this is and if i can delete it safely? There are also a couple of 'blank lines' in the Startup tab (within msconfig) that have no title or command listed, only the registry location.

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Fake Software Or Hardware - Booting Slow - Fans Make's Loud Noise

Apr 11, 2008

my xp software is fake as i am always reminded of by the computer,but the problem is that now, everything is comparitively slower, even for the computer to fully boot takes about 6 minutes and cpu always makes a loud an annoying noise which i think is from the fans. i want to know if the slower rate and the noise is a hardware problem or if the two are caused by two different problems

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Computer Not Booting

Aug 20, 2006

My computer was freezing and I went thru the processes running on my computer and i saw that explorer was taking up a lot of memory, and I assumed that it was internet explorer which i wasn't using, so i ended the process. The desktop blanked out, so i turned off my computer and turned it back on. Here lies the problem, my computer won't start! All my monitor is getting is blackness, and if i turn off the monitor and reopen it says no signal.

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Booting The Computer Log On Window Comes Up

Jan 31, 2005

Have finally reinstalled XP Home and everything is looking good (fingers crossed). The only problem I have is when I boot the pc up and the log on window comes up, I have the message below my name that I have 125 unread messages, I have double checked and I have not got any unread messages at all.

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Computer Not Booting With Several Attempts

Oct 1, 2006

Computer blue screens with no specific error msg and everytime i try to do pretty much anything with safe mode regular mode last known good configurations but here is it blue screens off of two different windows xp pro install cds. I ran several of their debugin tests that came up clean although there was an error about the cpu fan speed. The tech support guy said that i need to wipe the hard drive. I have tried booting with only one of the two ram chips and that didn't help at all.

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Personal Computer Was Not Booting Up At All

Jun 24, 2007

Having a problem with my friends personal computer. He has a Fujitsu Siemens 'Cordant' Personal Computer which was not booting up at all. I managed to fix this and install the xp home recovery disk that came with the personal computer. Unfortunately he now needs XP Pro which hangs at "press any key to boot from cd" when i put it in his machine. The cd itself is in perfect working order and will boot on other computers. All hardware is fine as XP home installed fine and when i try to press enter to boot from cd, the computer makes a beeping noise so the keyboard is recognized.

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Booting Computer Hard Disc

May 4, 2008

I live with went on a rampage and felt like throwing my desktop around. Anyways, when I go to boot it up and use the Boot disc (XP Home Edition) It goes through but says it can't find the hard drive. Can someone please tell me how to fix this. I know how to open the case of my computer and everything.

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Computer Not Booting Unless Plug And Unplug

Sep 27, 2005

monitor stays yellow.I have to plug and unplug to actually boot and it is slow. Last week I couldn't shut off computer, because spysweeper and other programs were not responding, I had to cancel programs for computer to shut off.I thought it was virus because 1 month ago I allowed communication when prompted from Norton that suspicious malicous activity possible if I continue , I was trying to download my picture onto a website. I ran a scan and it was clean. I called Norton and they said to deactivate spysweeper and it would take care of the boot problem.

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OS Booting Choice - Computer Partitioning

May 30, 2009

Hoping someone can help. Just reformated my hard drive and since then, everytime I boot up, it asks which OS I want to uses, Windows XP Media Centre or Windows 2003. Don't understand since I have only one system (Media Ctr). Aslo, there is only one HD in my computer and it is not partitioned.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Computer Starts Slow, Works Slow Then Hangs Or Shuts Down

Sep 26, 2006

computer now takes half an hour to an hour to reboot. in doing so, it tells me that it does not do the startup and services. it is so slow it is unbelievable. sometimes even being so slow that the words we type take a few seconds to show up on the screen. after working for a time it will invariably hang. or it will shut itself down. in either case we have to reboot, it takes that half an hour to an hour again

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Computer Starting To Freeze After Booting To Desktop?

Feb 16, 2005

Got a P4 1,6Ghz Dell that starting to freeze after booting to desktop and then rebooting.

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I Changed Drive Letter Now Computer Is Not Booting

Mar 21, 2010

I installed a new hard drive, the only drive, in my computer and installed XP pro. There was a card reader in the computer which was assigned c drive and the local drive was assigned h on the disk. I disconcected the card reader and changed the local disk to c from h in the registery. Now when I turn on the computer the blue screen introducing XP comes on and goes no farther.

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Hard Drive Is Going Bad - Computer Would Freeze Up While Booting Up

Apr 30, 2009

Every 3-4days my computer would freeze up while booting up at windows XP screen and scroll bars would freeze.What bohers me about this is i am sure what could be causing this. I use avg as my antivirus,and run A2, spybot,regcleaner, tweaknow on a weekly basis. I keep my system really clean, so now i am wondering is it my HD. PC: Win XP-PRO, 800MHZ AMD Athlon, 1024mb,80gHD. I did what cleaning i could in safemode, it still freeze on scroll bars. I tried last good config, result is the same. The last time i got pass the freezing was by doing a restore.

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Computer Stopped Booting - Freeze In The Process

Sep 23, 2007

This computer stopped booting. It would freeze in the process. Since there was nothing on the hard drive worth saving, I used the recovery boot cd. It went though the process, rebooted, and returned to the setup process. In the middle of the setup, while installing devices, the computer froze again. I have tried repeating the process to no avail. I have tried turning off some of the not so necessary things in the BIOS and trying it.

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