Change Of Time On Computer

Sep 22, 2009

After I set the time on my personal computer it holds for a few weeks then another time is in it's place? Sometimes it holds for a week, sometimes a month but always loses the correct time?I'm using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8.

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Have To Change The Time Manually

Feb 20, 2006

I am running XP Pro, and whenever Day Light Savings time comes around I have to change the time manually. I DO have "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes" checked. Where is the problem at

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How To Change My Time To Military?

Jan 3, 2009

I somehow changed my time to military and can't figure out how to change it back to standard?

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Winxp Computer Running Slow (from Time To Time)

Aug 28, 2006

i dont know where the reason could be, since i didn`t install any new programs or had virus problems. It just becomes slow, then I restart and sometimes it helps and sometimes doesn't.

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Change The Time Out Of Pc - Password Logon

Dec 28, 2005

I have Win 2000 Pro Whenever I leave the computer for more than 10minutues, I have to relog back on How do I change the time out to say 8 hours ?

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Cant Change System Date / Time

Apr 1, 2010

i can't change my date/time in win xp

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Way To Change The Format To Military Time?

Aug 14, 2005

Regarding the clock in the XP system tray, is there any way to change the
format to military time?

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Change In Time And Date Properties

Apr 26, 2008

i need to know if windows xp pro, keeps a log file for any changes made in the date and time properties.

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Change Time Format To 12 Hours

Jul 18, 2005

A buddy of mine just moved to the US from the UK and his computer has XP pro on it but it has a 24 hour clock rather than a 12 and I can't find a way to change it and when he goes to certain websites and attempts to DL something it shows him Euro DL sites rather than US and news web sites such CNN and FOX show UK and or Euro versions by defualt even after cookies have been cleared.

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Test For Time Zone Change

Mar 8, 2007

Here is a little test for the time zone updates from Microsoft. Try it and by the way it works, please post the results back here.

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Registry Key That Is Changed After Change The System Time?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like to know what the registry key is that is changed after you change the policy for "Change the system time".

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Change Internet Time Update Interval

Aug 12, 2002

To change the interval that Windows updates the time using the internet time servers navigate to:

1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ServicesW32TimeTimeProvidersNtpClient

2. Select "SpecialPollInterval"

3. Change decimal value from 604800 to some other value in seconds. EX: 172800 (2 days)

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Change Internet Time Update Interval

Sep 21, 2004

To change the interval that Windows updates the time using the internet time servers navigate to:

1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001Services W32TimeTimeProvidersNtpClient

2. Select SpecialPollInterval3. Change decimal value from 604800 to some other value in seconds. EX: 172800 (2 days)

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Change Displayed Date/time Format

Mar 23, 2007

I would like to know how to change the format of how the date and time are displayed on the Windows XP desktop (generally in bottom right of the screen next to icon tray).I have two laptops, both running XP Pro and fully patched. One of them shows the date and time as follows:

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Clock In System Tray - How To Change - Just Display Time

Jan 26, 2006

In the system tray my clock use to display the time only. Now it displays the day and date as well. How do I change it back to just display the time?

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Lock Windows Clock To Make Sure That Nobody Will Change The Time

Jul 26, 2005

How can I lock windows clock to make sure that nobody will change the time?

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Dont Have Administrative Privileges Anymore - Cannot Change The Time

Sep 2, 2005

I somehow ended up in a place that showed Administrative Privileges and I noticed my son had privileges to change things so I changed it so he couldn't. Problem is now I can't now do anything. It says I don't have
administrative privileges anymore. I can't even change the time on the clock.

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Logged In As Admin On PC / No Right To Change Wallpaper Or Date And Time

Oct 18, 2008

Even though I'm logged in as adminon my PC (Windows 2000), I can't change anything andhave no access to the controll panel. I need to change the date and time on my PC, it's stuck on December 2002. I also can't change or delete any wallpaper, no access. I've had this problem for a while, postet it here and didn't get help, haven't been able to solve it, yesterday my PC finally blue screened with a STOP error. I booted from CD and re-installed Windows 2000, so I could at least gain access, but I need help with these issues,

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Can Change The Select Time In Single Click Mode?

Mar 10, 2005

I need to know if you can change the select time in single-click mode? Because as soon as my pointer moves over a file, it selects it. This is extremely irritating, when you only want to select certain files and then try to drag them to another window. Because as you move across the other files, they become selected also!! So, is there anyway to increase the amount of time that it takes for your pointer to select a file, because I hate double-click mode!

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Any Ways To Change Updating Time Of Icons In System Tray?

Jul 5, 2005

Are there any ways to change updating time of the icons in system tray? The only solution I've found is by hoovering the cursor above the area.

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Change In The Start/stop Dates Of Daylight Savings Time Break Auto?

Mar 4, 2007

I have Windows XP Pro, SP2.I was wondering what affect the new daylight savings time start/stop dates will have on Windows and if there is something I should do. Has this been addressed by an update? Somebody please tell me if this has already been addressed and if not is there anything I should do?

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HP Computer Hang Up Every Time

Dec 22, 2004

I have a HP computer with Windows software and starting yesterday it started to hang up and stall. We have to manually turn the computer off and back on and it takes several minutes before it comes to the main screen. I did a system restore, turned off the screensaver, ran a virus check with Norton 2004, and it is still occuring and has hung up 5 times today. We do not have internet access to this computer, so I do not think there is a virus on it.

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Computer Restarts Every Time

May 30, 2006

I was having some Adware and virus issues so I got help with those here, but in the process, it looks like I did something pretty screwy.If I shut down from the start button it only restarts the computer. If I try to open it up in safe mode via msconfig from run, it just restarts the computer in normal mode. If I try F8, same thing.I get a "your system has recovered from a seriour error" every time the computer restarts. When I dig for details on the error, this is what it says.

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Computer Freezing All The Time

Mar 29, 2005

I have the most current hijack this version and I have run Norton, Microsoft antispyware, spybot search and destroy, ad aware etc, and my computer keeps freezing. I thought it was Win amp or AOL instant messenger but it still does it when these programs aren't running.

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Computer Freeze Every Time

Jun 8, 2005

My computer has run totaly perfect until 1 day ago, i left it on overnight to download some stuff, in the morning i turned the screen on and it was frozen, i thought that was weird, so i restarted it, about 2 minutes after it was booted i started connecting to the internet, right when i was typing in the webpage, BAM, frozen again, i was starting to get pissed. To make a long story short, it now freezes EVERY time i turn it on, sometimes its within 30 seconds and i cant even open a program, other times its 10 minutes and it freezes. I dont think its the memory because i just got the new ram about 3 months ago from Mushkin, after i returned a already friend RAM stick and they sent me a fresh one back, and like i said it worked flawlessly and i didnt touch anything, just woke up and turned it on and its all of a sudden got a mind of its own, can anyone help? thanks. I also looked in the BIOS and nothing has changed since like 6 months ago when i built it, im clueless to why it all of a sudden locks up.

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Lock Computer After Set Amount Of Time

Feb 21, 2008

I am running XP professional and want to find out how to set it so that it will lock the pc after a set amount of time when the user has been away. I don't want it to log out, just lock the pc, like when you go to the switch user screen, only automatically.

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Shutting Down The Computer After Defined Time?

Oct 10, 2007

How to shut off Pc after lets say, 3 hours?

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Turning Computer On All The Time Or Shut It Down?

Mar 9, 2005

I use my computer 2 to 3 times a day. Is it best to turn it off each time, or leave it on until the end of the day?

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Does Not Start Computer / Restart Every Time

Jan 19, 2009

when i turn my computer on it goes to windows loading and the computer restart and try to do last nkwn configuration but dint work i try to go safe mode and do system restore i did but nothing work any one help me with diz matter i have important files on my computer thanks alot

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