Can Ping A IP Address - Can Find The Computer Name
Jul 24, 2005
This is really weird. I am on one machine that can find the other by IP Address, but not by the Computer Name. On both machines, I have done an ipconfig /flushdns and a ipconfig /registerdns.
i cannot connect to my internet connection from one computer, yet another computer in the network (both are connected to a switch and then to a modem outer) can. In cmd.exe in the run command, i can ping any web address with successful results yet i cannot connect to the internet. In the network connections box it shows no data travel between my computer and the server. i have recently installed ed2k and warez but removed both to try to fix the problem. i also tried turning the windows firewall off without effect. when typing in the address of my modem in internet explorer i get no connection either yet i can pping it from cmd.exe so i have no idea wats going on
Pc that serves a file on the network had a static IP address that no one wrote down, the pc had a crash but lost the network card drivers after installing the drivers again, the ip was missing, is there anyway i can find out from the pc what ip address it had before?
I am running xp pro. I can not get an internet connection through my ethernet card. When I hook up my modem through usb it works fine but unable to utilize my full download speed capabilities. Hooked the modem up via ethernet to laptop and it worked just fine. The only thing I can find wrong that I don't know how to fix or what is causing it is the fact that the physical address of the card comes up as the broadcast address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). Very strange.
I opened my computer and decided to goto internet through the my computer window. So I pressed home button of my key board so the My Computer window converted to a web page. But after that the address bar disappeared. I closed the window and restart the machine and opened the internet explorer, but still address bar is missing. I checked under the tools and I can see the tick infront of the address bar.
My problem started when my computer froze up. I was unable to move my mouse or do anything else. I turned my computer off and back on, and when it came back on, the first thing I noticed was that the visual theme had changed to one resembling an earlier version of Windows. I eventually found a solution to that. Now the remaining problem is that I can't connect to the internet. I am "connected" to my wireless network, but it says "limited or no connectivity." My IP address is listed as When I use the "repair" option for my wireless network, it says it can't renew my IP address. It says the problem is probably with the network. Internet Explorer also says that. However, I know the problem is strictly with the computer itself.
When I renew the IP address myself, it just stays the same-- I can't connect to the internet this way. I use a Toshiba Portege M400-S5032 with Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. I have a Netgear 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v7. Please be patient with me, as I don't know anything about how wireless networking works, or very many technical terms assosciated with it.
We have run across a problem here with APIPA addressing. After we install Windows updates, Windows assigns an APIPA address in the 169.254.x.x range, instead of getting an address from the DHCP server. The effect is that the computer loses connectivity with the network and the Internet. You can confirm this problem by running an IPCONFIG and checking for an address in the 169.254 range.
Releasing and renewing the address does not correct the problem. Assigning a static IP address resolved the issue. Searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base, we found a registry hack that will disable APIPA addressing on the computer, and this does correct the problem so the computer can connect to the network again. We assume that the problem is a result of an update from last Tuesday, but we have not determined which update is the problem. We are still looking. Our concern is that as DHCP leases expire with computers in the field, that this effect may appear. If you get calls for loss of network or Internet connectivity, have the user run IPCONFIG, and if they have an APIPA address, the registry hack is outlined in KB article
I am using Windows XP Home edition. How do you delete an address from the list of automatic webb address list in the Address box? I tried highlighting it and entering delete but it doesn't get deleted.
While working on my wireless on my laptop and logged onto our wireless signal, my pc advised me that it had picked up a second ip address that now conflicts with another item running on my network. Why would there be a second IP address? What does this mean? What do I do about it? I am running XP home, Zone Alarm in stealth mode and my router is a linksys. Not sure what other information I would need to provide. I click on the message in hopes that it would provide more info, but it just dissappeared. There doesn't seem any change in my computer as far as I can see.
somehow or another my address bar url r being deleted everytime i restart my computer. I did have some ad ware, and registry fix software installed but I have uninstalled it and the problem is still there.I have searched around the tool menu for what i thought might be a simple solution but I can't seem to fix this problem.
after every use of internet i delete history,cookies and files by using internet option(tool menu)but some address stays and they never get delete please can somebody tell how to delete those from address bar.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, so I hope you will excuse me as it is my first time here. This question is from my brother who cannot get a web address to enter into his address section on IE. What might you suggest he do so I can pass your information on?
Before I did a complete restore of windows home edition, I copied my windows address book to a floppy disk. Now when I go to copy the floppy back to windows address book an error occurs and it won't copy. could it have something to do with a mark that looks like this~.
when i start my pc i get this message which takes a couple of clicks to remove "access violation at address 46243 of address 46243 cof" but it does not seem to affect my pc,just annoying..
Not sure if this is a virus or an install problem or software conflict.Recently, computer slowed a lot and has to search for 2-3 minutes everytime we reference "My Computer".Also, several apps have an error message (usually when running something IE related perhaps a time-out issue?)that say "This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy. Choose "Switch to" to activate the busy program and correct the problem".But the kicker is, there IS no other program running.Sometimes it will connect when I hit the "try Again" button offered on the error message, but sometimes not.
When i try to do the ping command in the cmd prompt, it says "'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
I have 4 pcs on a network. All with same static IP, and Gateway. Connected to 1 Hub. There is no internet connection.
Im having problems getting the pcs to speak to each other. Some PC's can ping anohter, but it wont work the other way fround (eg, pc a can ping pc b, but pc b can't ping pc a). Why?
they are all part of a network, have the same protocols and clients in Netowrking proertys. Firewalls are turned off.
I have this type of internet in my pc and i am confuse cuase sometimes is fast and sometimes so slow ok wen the guy came and install the internet he came and install a big pole with antena in top of my house and he did a check on the computer inserting a PING number so i was wondering what is that for? (so i copy the number wen he was inserting it) so i did it last night it just show me this number and letters
doing ping to the number i have insert with 32 bytes
I use the TP link router( to connect two PC together and there is PPPoE in router and connect to internet . Both PC use cable connect to router. The XP HOme PC get IP . The XP prod notebook get IP . Both network adpator use DHCP to get IP from router. Both XP/PC bootup safe mode with networking . There is no firewall/virus scanner startup . Both PC can connect internet and web browse without problem. I can ping from the notebook to PC But I cannot ping from the PC to notebook Why I can ping one PC from one direction , but it is failure from another PC?
My Windows XP Professional SP2 computer connect to the internet ok through Ethernet cable to my cable broadband modem. If I use the command prompt to ping my modem or any other address it just hangs until I close it down, I have also tried connecting the modem via USB with the same results. Anyone got any ideas as to the cure for this problem. I also have McAfee internet security suite installed and have run complete virus checks and also run Adaware & Spybot S&D.
I have a weird situation with XP Home edition; SP2 is NOT installed: System: XP Home on an eMachines T2742 (2.7 GHZ; 256 Mb RAM; 40 Gb HDD) Problem: Boots to Welcome screen and loops back to welcome screen when any of the UserID buttons are clicked. Ctl-Alt-Del brings up the Classic login dialog box, but still loops back to XP Style Welcome screen when attempting to log in from the Classic dialog. Cannot circumvent the boot sequence, nor get past the Welcome screen to get to any desktop functions in XP. What I Tried: F8 out of startup sequence to safe mode - same thing F8 out of startup sequence to command prompt mode - same thing F8 out of startup sequence to last known good config - same thing F8 out of startup sequence to debug mode - same thing F8 out of startup sequence to boot logging mode - same thing Checked the CMOS settings for odd power or video settings - all default settings appear correct.
I'm a mostly Mac user, so bear with me for a relatively simple question. I am installing a game application on my friend's Dell Dimension 4600 with Windows XP. It has a 75 GB hard drive and it indicates that all but ~9 GB are used. This isn't enough for the game. I need to know how those 65 GB are being used. Simple on a Mac, but the PC has got me stumped. How much of that should be system files?
I have 3 separate PCs with XP installed (all installed manually by me).One of these installations is an old one (without SP2) and another is OEM.However I've forgotten which PC has which version on.Is there anywhere on PC (? registry) which has the product key (as written on the cd package) listed, so I can check which cd belongs to which PC?