Can't Even Get In To Windows / Can't Reinstall Either
Jul 5, 2006
I turned my laptop on the other day, and when it comes to the Windows XP loading screen (where it says Windows XP and has the little blue statuts bar) it freezes. Every single time, I've tried over and over again, but it always freezes there and I can't get past it.I want to try everything else that I can before I take the big step to formatting the drive and reinstalling Windows, as it has all of my work on and everything is set up on there.
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Jan 25, 2005
Is there a way I can update from Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro without having to reinstall my programs and backup/reinstall all of my files? Is it safe to just update like this?
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Jan 12, 2005
I had to reformat and reinstall windows due to a virus . now since I have done that I am back to getting those bloody windows popups . can someone tell me how to stop them again ???
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Nov 16, 2005
Dell Dimension 4300 crashed on me. (I got the "Strike F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility" message).I changed the order to the disk drive under the setup utility and was able to get it to recognize the Windows XP Install CD but that's where I'm unsure what to do. It gives me the option to either set up Windows or repair using Recovery Console.If I reinstall will I lose all the files on my computer? I have photos of my first born on there that I don't want to lose!
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Dec 20, 2007
Problem: Cannot Reinstall Windows > Put Master CD in, loads files, then says "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed on your computer" .BIOS does recognize the hardrive as hitachi 160 GB SATA hardrive and SATA is enabled.Windows Setup disk does not recognize hardrive.I have tried F6 during Windows Setup to load controller drivers but screen says "File iaStor.sys could not be loaded. Error Code is 14."Hardrive seems to work properly becuase I can load windows and do any non-network function.My Reason for ReinstallationRecently messed up my registries accidently concerning installation and uninstallation of AOL and no longer have networking LAN or wireless functions. So for me, "Reformat time." I wanted a clean install anyways. No other hardrives are present, nor are there any other partitions. Currently doing DiskCheck (stage 4 of 5) but so far the disk is not damaged and is normal.My Windows Setup Disk is official and I have tested other Windows setup disks with my laptop but none work.
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Mar 15, 2006
My computer is in real need of a reformat and I have an OEM version of Windows XP Home. Will I be able to reformat and reinstall windows using it? I've heard that you can only do that with retail.
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Sep 1, 2010
I have a very screwed up Win XP computer and am trying to reinstall XP from the CD. I changed the boot order to boot from CD and everything goes fine, files load etc. It asks a few questions during the loading which I answer and all goes fine. Then after it loads the files it finally asks 'are you sure you want to proceed' but at that point everything USB fails including the keyboard, so I can't tell it Yes to proceed. There is no other port to plug in an input device other than the 6 usb ports. Is there a way to get around this?
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Oct 27, 2005
my system is running SLOOOW and it's annoying me. I think it's about time that I reinstall windows and, since my HD has become quiet noisy lately, I've been thinking that maybe I should kill two birds with one stone and replace my HD at the same time. I recently purchased a big external USB HD. I have the Windows CD that came with my Dell notebook, but I've never reinstalled windows. I don't want someone to walk me through the entire process...what I would really appreciate though is some suggestions re: the best way to go about backing up/recovering my settings and etc.I don't really care about most of the programs and etc. (except my anti-virus program whihc I paid for).
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Sep 24, 2009
I have a Dell Inspiron 5100. Its sevice tag # is H65WK31. It's been running really slowly and had a bunch of stuff on it. When I tried to dfragment and stuff it shut down. In the end, I decided to just strip the hard drive and reinstall Windows XP (which is what it had.) The reinstallation went surprisingly well since I don't know the first thing about computers. At first it wouldn't play sounds or let me add or update Adobe flash or anything. I went into Device manager and found yellow exclamation points beside several thing and updated drivers and that fixed everything except beside Other Devices, it has the yellow exclamation mark. Underneath that, it says Video Controller (VGA compatible) and has a yellow exclamation mark beside it. It won't let me update the drivers. It says "The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software." I have a CD that I may or may not have come with this DELL (I have several over the years.) It says it's from ATI. I tried to put it in and go through the cd to update the drivers. I get a message that says the same thing. When I got my computer, it seems like I had an upgrade on the video card, but all that was done before my computer left the factory. As it stands, I have a picture, but it looks like I'm in safe mode.
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Sep 1, 2005
windows messenger wont open. i think i disabled it a while back. when i click the shortcut nothing happens. i went to the messenger folder and click the .exe file but had the same results.
hope there is a way to reinstall it because i need it now.
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Apr 16, 2008
I had to reinstall windows after a virus took out all of the essential .dll files and the computer wouldn't start up, I now have a problem with some of my hardware not working. When I go into device manager the following have yellow question marks beside them:
ethernet controller
multimedia audio controller
video controller (VGA compatible).
The computer itself is an XC cube edition (not sure if that's a brand or not). It was supplied for a disabled student if that helps? It runs windows XP service pack 2.
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Feb 11, 2008
When I turn on my computer, I get the following message:
"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.
If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.
If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.
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Feb 11, 2008
When I turn on my computer, I get the following message:
"We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.
If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.
If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally.
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Jul 26, 2010
Hello, how do you reinstall windows root system32 ntoskrnl exe with out the disk or a disk drive?
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Jun 28, 2006
When I try to boot my computer it says:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file." I tried to boot my computer with the OS cd and got nothing.
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Nov 11, 2006
i'm trying to reinstall my windows xp Pro onto my computer Boot will recognize that the XP CD is in the drive, DO NOT press any keys, let setup bypass the CD boot. and it doesn't display the "Press any key to boot from CD.."All it does is restart the setup again, something flashes past fast and then it starts the setup all over.
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Sep 2, 2007
i tried to reinstall windows Xp and a error came up saying unable to start the partition . then when i press ok on the error it reboots my computer. i cant reinstall my computer
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Sep 1, 2009
I am really hoping that one or a few of you can help me with my issue. Back in June, I reinstalled Windows XP Professional on my computer. Previously, the PC kept freezing, saying Windows Explorer error, etc. Unable to do any work at all on my computer without it freezing, I reinstalled Windows. Problems solved. Except now, since then, I have had no sound at all coming from my speakers! I am missing the audio drivers, I think. Finally, yesterday, I downloaded Realtec AC 97... and now I can hear things opened on Quicktime from the internet, but cannot hear any sounds from websites or other programs I have on my computer. The little speaker control, that is usually displayed permanently in the right hand corner of the Windows toolbar, doesn't show up. I still have Volume Control on my computer...but of course cannot hear anything.Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do? I've tried unplugging the speakers and then plugging them back in to no avail. I don't think I have the installation CD for the speakers anymore, as I got them a few years ago. But if I did have them, is that how the drivers would be reinstalled?
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Jun 2, 2010
i have no idea what im doing, but my son has deleted my sound device some time ago and i want to install it for free.
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Apr 10, 2006
I am unable to reinstall my Epsom printer software due to the following message :
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a laptop on which windows xp home is installed on c drive. It has a hard didk of 160gb all on c drive. Whenever i reinstall windows on my laptop all my data get erased. Is it possible to make another drive and allocate some 80 gb to it so that on reinstalling the data does not get erased.
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Dec 11, 2007
I decided to "reinstall" Windows XP on my laptop. I stuck the reinstall disk into the computer and let it go. After about 1 hour of "reinstalling", the computer restarted, after that, the window was only one half the size and I couldn't change the monitor resolution size. (but, it showed the old desktop information so I knew right away that I hadn't actually reinstalled to the original state, but just reinstalled over the current desktop).
I restarted the computer to see if the window screen would enlarge to the full size. It did return to the full screen size, but Now, it freezes at the part of startup where the screen says "Windows is starting up". I left it on for 20 minutes and it was still frozen. SHould I insert the Windows XP disk again, to start over or what? Or click reboot after hitting the F2 button??
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Apr 18, 2009
I have a copy of windows but I don't want to have to reformat my drive. I have gone into the recovery thing from the xp disk bit that's as far as I can go. I don't know how to use the command prompt
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Oct 12, 2006
computer started to run very poorly: lagging, freezing up, windows end task etc finnaly one day it would not go into desktop. would only give option to start in normal mode or safe mode. so i tried starting in both but would only restart into the same option screen.I decided it was best to format harddrive and reload windows. insert windows disk and proceeded to format partition and reinstall windows. it formats all that way to 90 % and then states cannot format partition further, harddrive problems and to trouble shoot manual. tried quick format and repair but still nothing.tried restarting without reinstall disk. says cant access OS of course!
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Nov 6, 2007
ok i am trying to format my hard drive and reintaling my windows XP b/c right now im running windows xp spanish and i want english.. so when i try to boot in the CD. i go into the windows setup blue screen. but from there it doesnt advance. what can i do?
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Dec 12, 2005
laptop started operating very slow when I tried opening various MS office softwares. took my computer to a local computer store and they told me that because of a virus I needed to have the entire Windows XP reinstalled. However, due to a high price I haven't been able to have my computer fixed. I already have the Windows XP Pro server pack one on a CD. how i can go about reinstalling Windows XP Pro on my laptop? And is there anything i should be careful about while installing the software?
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Dec 8, 2007
I reinstall Windows XP Home because My computer was messed up. It deleted all my files.. so on my desktop screen I don't have any Program Files Icons. BUT it still save my Files. I have my orginial files in my Documents folders and In my Program Files It has all the Programs and files that go with that program? How do I zap everything back on my desktop screen so I don't have to go Download each files as new again??? And I how do i get my Internet Favorite Links and my Notepad with my saved information in it? Yes I did try the "Start" and then program files and none of the programs are there.. BUT yet it is in my Program Hard drive C: Program files. with the Program and all it's content?
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Jul 23, 2005
My Help and Support stopped working about the same time I installed the free utility GhostScript / Gsview so that I could view postscript files. I tried posting a question on another usenet newsgroup, but the answer of: click on install on the C:windowsinfpchealth.inf file - resulted in a search for the file dataspec.xml in the C:windowsinfi386 directory - Unfortunately, such directory does not exist on my C: drive. Furthermore, the "K:I386" directory of my Original Win XP Home CD does not contain any file named "dataspec.xm_ or .xml".And beyond that, I ordered a new Win XP SP2 CD, which just now arrived by mail - and there is no "K:I386" directory on that CD, nor does the CD apparently contain any file called "dataspec" (including dataspec.*).Another effort toward resolution occurred via another usenet post I read, which suggested opening the XP command line feature and executing a system status command, that displayed enabled services - I used that method, and switched the Help and Support service off and then on again. Such action did not in-fact enable the Help feature (including, of course restart), despite the indication that the Help and Support service was enabled. I am, and have been, running a purchased-CD version of Win XP Home, with a downloaded SP2 revision (I have not installed the new Win XP SP2 CD). Basically, I want to find out the means and methods for enabling my Win XP SP2 Help and Support feature, that apparently has been disabled or otherwise rendered inoperative.Is a reinstall of Win XP possible and the best choice? What are the other options?
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Jan 22, 2008
Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?
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Apr 5, 2005
I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.
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Oct 13, 2007
I came home today and found my computer had turned from the sleek silver windows xp theme into the windows classic version. I also have no sound and in the control panel it isn't picking up any audio devices. I cant change the theme back to windows xp in properties either it says im using Windows XP (modified). PLEASE HELP ME! All i know is that the power went out at some point today (about 7 hours ago)
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