CDROM Drives Will Not Read Disk

May 9, 2008

I have a gateway desktop with two harddrives. neither of them have OS on them. I am trying to install windows XP pro. but my CDROM drives will not read the disk.

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CDROM Will Read Only 1 Disk

Dec 4, 2004

XP home-- CDROM will only play Shadowbane game disk--any other disk pop up window --install CD--comes up. Also had window I/O device not acessible pop up. used windows troubleshooter had RED Triangle pop up.Malevalent program installed

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A Disk Read Error Occurred During Upgrading Parts Such As DVD Drives

Sep 1, 2007

Everything has been fine with my 3 and a half year old ADVENT PC, and I've been successful in upgrading parts such as DVD Drives, adding extra RAM and installing my new graphics card.However, in the past few days, when I boot up my PC, it stops at what I believe the DOS screen (part with BOOT FROM CD etc.) and will say A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart. This happens 2/3 of the times I turn on the PC.Also, if I do press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and the PC restart, it is normally successful, and will boot up Windows perfectly. Just this morning, it gave me the error, and with 2 Ctrl+Alt+Delete restarts, it's working perfectly, hence I can type this.

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CDROM Does Everything But Read

Aug 8, 2007

This is a NEC ND-3520AW. Worked fine until ? I don't think I installed anything or saw any other contributing factor.

1. The main problem is if I insert a known good CD, when I open the drive which is the D drive in this case it shows no contents. If I take the same CD to another computer and open it I see folders, files, etc.

2. I can write to the drive on a CDR or CDRW fine using Nero.

3. I can boot from the drive using an Ubuntu or other boot disk.

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Unable To Read Any Commercial CD In Both CD And DVD Drives

Jan 28, 2009

I have two CD-ROM drives on my Dell desktop. Until today they worked fine. I installed a new keyboard driver (which isn't working right) and now I am unable to read any CD in either drive. It's a MicroInnovations KB535BL keyboard with hot keys.The keyboard works but the hot keys don't. Their technical support gave me a different driver to try and that wouldn't install at all. I haven't heard from their second level technical support. So I tried to reinstall the keyboard driver from the CD that came with the keyboard. That's when I discovered that I couldn't read any CD on either of my CD-ROM drives. I haven't been able to contact MicroInnovations second level support.

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Cannot Read Disk

Apr 23, 2007

Just turned on my comp and when it got to the part where it says 'Verifying DMI pool data'It says 'A disk read error occurred' then asks me to ctrl-alt-del I did that and I keep getting the same message. I have win XP pro. I tryed to start it with the XP pro disk in.

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Drive Not Read The Disk

Aug 14, 2005

I am running XP Pro and trying to install a games disk for my granddaughter, the disk works on another computer running XP Pro but not on mine it won't even show up in my computer in the D drive just tells me to insert a disk I have tried going through run to no avail, all other disks work

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Change READ ONLY Disk

Dec 22, 2004

how can or can I change a floppy disk from "READ ONlY" to one that I can read and write to? I am runnning windows 98.

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Disk Read Error

Mar 18, 2005

I've started getting "a disk read error occurred press ctrl + alt + del to restart" on my nearly new alienware bot. i have to use power button to turn off systm, then turn it back on to get it to work.

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Disk Read Failure

Jun 16, 2005

I'm on a Sony VAIO with Windows XP. When my computer goes into hibernation mode and I try to reboot, I get an error that says, "The system could not be restarted from its previous location due to a read failure." There is one option for me to select which reads "Delete restoration data and proceed to system boot menu."I've done a check disk of all of my hard drives, and none of them turned up anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Cannot Read CD Disk From Other Computer

May 7, 2007

My problem is this. A friend has given me a copy of a data base for our club as he is leaving. We both have windows XP MSWord 2003 and MS Works 7 on which the data base was written. I have tried to make my computer read the disk without success. It says �Microsoft Works cannot connect to the data source that contains the information you want to merge. The file may have been deleted, moved or renamed� It supplies the file name and extensions which have made on my computer but without success.

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Unable To Read Disk?

Jan 2, 2008

When I insert a cd into the disk drive I can hear it spinning and grinding but it never plays the disk & If I insert a blank disk to copy music, I get an error reading 'insert blank disk'.

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Disk Read Error

Mar 14, 2008

Upon starting up a Gateway LX laptop, I receive a "A disk read error has occured, press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to restart." Instantly, I know this is bad. So I load in the Windows XP Home disk and boot from the CD. I go to repair and recovery and the console opens up. I run chkdsk and it stop at 13%. Any suggestions. Is the hard drive done? I have backups, I'm just wondering if it's time for a new hard drive.

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Laptop Won't Read Recovery Disk

Dec 5, 2005

Having problems loading XP home, and laptop will not read recovery disk. what do I do now?

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A Disk Read Error Occurred - I've Done Everything I Can Think Off

Feb 22, 2007

I've been trying to rebuild my friend's PC for ages now and every time I get past the initial part of setup (boot from CD, create partition, copy files, reboot) I get this error message.I've done everything I can think off:I still get the same error message when I replace the hard drive with a new one.And I've read about a billion articles about this but none of them have the same solution.

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Cannot Read From Source File Or Disk

Dec 2, 2009

I have a folder on my C drive that does not have a name. I am unable to move or delete, or rename the folder. It contains no sub-folders or files. I get the message " cannot delete file. Cannot read from the source file or disk.

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Cannot Read From Source File Or Disk

Sep 20, 2005

How would I get rid of (ABSOLUTELY) "cannot read from source file or disk"?

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Disk Read Error Occurred

Dec 25, 2007

Custom built system, Primary IDE connects to HDD Hitachi, Seconday IDE connects to Master DVD Burner 1.I opened my case, put in a 2nd DVD Burner in on Secondary IDE Slave. Fired the machine up, and the entire Secondary IDE fails to pick up both DVD's.I put it back the way it was, I swapped cables, ran the HDD from secondary IDE, tested the DVD's on the Primary IDE, and my conclusion is that I've somehow damaged the Secondary IDE from picking up any device.Now I am running the new DVD burner as Primary Slave and the HDD as Primary Master, I boot up and get

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Disk Read Error When Booting

Dec 27, 2009

I just reformatted my hard drive using Windows XP re-installation CD. After successfully formatting and installing xp, it goes to restart to continue with the setup. Once it starts to boot it says that press any key to boot from cd but I don't do anything cause it's not supposed to so it try's to boot from hard drive but says: Disk read error Press ctrl + alt + del to restart. I don't understand whats up. I had Windows 7 installed before but do to unfortunate circumstances I have to install XP for now, but I can't complete the installation.Priority Boot Sequence:1.CD 2. Hard Drive.

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Error Deleting File: Cannot Read From Disk

Feb 4, 2006

Error deleting file or folder? What exactly is this for and why can I not delete this annoying file from my Drive permanently

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At Boot Up A Disk Read Error Occurred

Sep 8, 2005

When i boot windows XP i very often get a A disk read error occured. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart. Does anyone know what is the reason for this? It boots successfully around
30% of the times i try.

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A Disk Read Viruse On Bootup Menue

Feb 28, 2006

Im currently working on a system that has winxp, and the error is on boot up. The drive is seen in the bios but it cant boot, instead this error message comes up after loading the bios"a disk error occured" hit ctrl+alt+del. What tools could i use to possibly fix the mbr if i dont have the xp disc? i have seen some sites like but would a xp boot disc have a recovery console built in?

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Cannot Delete File / Cannot Read From Source Disk

Apr 3, 2010

I have a problem with my USB its a 16gig model but when i go into the folder.where the dubious files are i cant not delete them or cant copy files from the USB itself anyway usb is now 116gig because if this how.cannot delete file:cannot read from the source disk.plz help me i need my USB urgently.what software can i use the lose the error so i can delete.

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Cann't Read From Source File Or Disk?

Jun 2, 2006

I have Bit defender pro 9. Now whenever i download a key logger or any other type of p2p or malicious program i can't open it, but i can't delete it either. This is the meessage i get. I tried FXP delte and GSO but they said the device attached to this system file is not functioning correctly. So how can i delete it. I think it is bit defender causing the problem but i don't know for sure. Can anyone help me delete these files and also run them AND also when i try to run or delete or even click on it will pop up and bit def will say virus alert pc not affected. Also tells me the path mostly it is in my application data. But when i go there and try to delete i can't either.

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Disk Read Error - Does Mean Hard Drive Bad

Apr 4, 2008

I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?

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Disk Read Error Occurred - During Installation

Jul 30, 2009

I've spent about half the day building my new PC - a Windows XP Pro 64-bit box. I've installed the hardware and it is recognized by the BIOS on my Gigabyte PE45 UD3L motherboard.. The next step was to install the OS, a 64-bit version of Windows XP Pro. All went well until the installation program prompted me to reboot. I received the message: "A disk read error occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart." I've done this four or five times now, with and without the installation CD loaded. If the CD is loaded, the installation program tries to copy the files to the hard drive all over again. I went along with this once, thinking maybe the first time some driver had been corrupted. I have also changed the boot order in the BIOS, with first boot to the HD. I have reset the Fail-Safe Defaults in the BIOS. There are two hard drives in the PC, 320GB SATA Western Digitals. One of them has not been partitioned; the other was partitioned by the Win XP installation program.

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Computer Keeps Freezing / Get Random Disk Read Errors

Apr 8, 2008

Ok this problem started about 2 weeks ago when my windows xp wouldnt load it go to the loading screen but the progress bar just continued to act as if loading but windows never came on . Eventually after several restarts windows loaded but this continues to happen randomly. Also my computer keeps freezing and I get random disk read errors I have run a check on the hard drive and ram and both these seem to be working ok I have also run several spy ware and antiviruses can anybody help

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Cannot Delete A Folder - Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk.

Jul 18, 2005

I have a folder in My Documents that has set up permanent residence there. No matter what I do I cannot get rid of it. The message that I get is, "Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk."

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Crash Blue Screen / Read Disk Error

Jan 17, 2008

my Toshiba Satellite M110 recently froze, crashed, displayed the blue screen (beginning dump of physical memory). i restarted the computer, but it suddenly displayed: Read Disk error. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart.I talked to Toshiba Corp. Australia, but they said i had to bring it in to be repaired, or backed up, then a system restore. my dad has a technician friend, who will be able to back it up... but is there any other ideas? i mean, this might sound rather random and deranged, but does anyone here know how to open up and remove a HDD (hard Disk Drive) from a Toshiba Satellite without blowing anything up? my dad's tech friend has a laptop USB HDD Caddy, but i just need to well yea. i have the recovery disk and know how to recover, so i got that bit covered, just the removal of the HDD before 2nite and safely too. other wise i can just get my dad's tech friend to do it.

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Formatting C Drive With NTFS: Unable To Read Disk?

Aug 12, 2005

I'm trying to boot to my trusty 98 bootup disk and it says it can't read the only guess is that it's an ntfs can I format this thing?

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Disk Read Error Occured - No Install Cd To Repair

May 23, 2008

In a little bit of a situation. My laptop is not loading up, after about 20secs it states "Disk read error occurred- CLT+ALT+DEL to restart.But it just happend again and again. I've been reading around and everyone is saying just use the xp install disk to repair the master boot, problem is I have moved that many time is the past 2years I have no idea where that CD is.I've downloaded DiskInternals Boot CD and it will start on this. But it wont actaully repair the disk, just scan it I've used diskcheck via cmd on the boot cd but it states there is a master boot registry failure.

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