Bunch Of Errors Including Firewall And Antiviruis Down

Jan 20, 2006

Virus is on my computer.it attacked within a matter of hours and shut down my antiviruis and then my firewall and in the windows firewall options it grayed out the buttons on off so theres no way of turning it on, windows update is fine for right now. i need a way to get rid of it and fast, internet shut down for a while but its back again.im just gonna post a hijackthis log right now because i know these forums basically run on that.

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Scrtip Errors Page Errors Behind Firewall

Jun 30, 2005

I am being shown "script error","page error, you may need to change browser
settings",and "behind firewall" when I try and send files and photos. I've
tried everything I know to fix this, but I still see these errors and still
cannot send photos while I'm online.

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Locked Out Of Everything Administrator Including REGEDIT

Sep 17, 2007

Im running windows xp, and Im locked out of everything that is considered 'administrator' and i cant access my calendar, control panel, internet options etc etc. I am the administrator, and i cant access these applications in any of the user accounts, OR make new user accounts. Its clear that some kind of spyware or malware, or SOMETHING that i dont want on my computer is doing this to me and ive had a problem similar to his in the past and a little program i think i downloaded off this site helped me out, but i cant seem to find it again.

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2K Boot - Cannot Open Any Programs Including IE For Several

Nov 4, 2004

About a month ago, something strange began happening on my computer. After the desktop icons and the system tray icons have loaded (they havent been updated or changed for a long time), it's seems like some other process is being loaded or run which I cannot see. When this is happening, I cannot open any programs including IE for several - maybe up to 30 or even 60 - seconds while my computer does "something".

For the first couple of weeks, I could open IE after systray progs loaded, but as soon as opening IE something invisible would steal the focus of the IE window. This behavior then turned into it's current state a couple of weeks ago, which is that I can't open anything at all for quite some time after systray loads. If I try clicking on any programs to open them, then after my computer comes back from whatever it's doing, all the progs will open up for as many times as I clicked on them. I would like to clear this up for convienece sake but more importantly to make sure there's not something invasive going on with my computer.

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Backup Whole Drive Including Both Partitions And Transfer It To Other PC

Jun 20, 2005

I have a pc with Windows 2000 installded and has two partition C and D. Iwould like to backup the whole drive including both partitions and transfer it to a better pc I have, but the new pc of mine has XP installed on it. I already backedup the hard drive to the network file server using windows 2000 default backup wizard, but when I want to open the file on my XP machine, It curupts the system files and next time I restart it crashes. I need to findout a way to backup the hd exactly as is on 2000 and transfer it to Xp.

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Slow Pc Including Startup, Running Programs

Oct 18, 2005

I have performance problems with my pc, it takes too much time to start and the PC ussage is constatly at near 100% with any program, for example, playing a video or starting word. I have run several anti-virus, and spyware programs, but no solution yet.

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Reformat Hard Drive - Including Every Thing

Mar 9, 2005

I want to reformat my hard drive, including windows xp. I know this will erase ALL information. that's what I want. Are there any free programs to download or is there a utility already present to do this.

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Slow Boot Up/ Lost Ability To Online Including Outlook Express?

Aug 14, 2005

my computer Seems it ran and ran behind the scenes when I booted up and would take 10 minutes to hit another key and wait again. I went to MSCONFIG and removed the x from most ot the start up programs. It now works but some where I lost my ability to get on line or onto Outlook express. I have highspeed cable, with a backup computer, my backup computer works I have tried the hookup wizzards several times but in vain

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Firewall Acting Weird - Using ETRust EZ Firewall

Apr 27, 2006

I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off

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Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors

Dec 4, 2004

When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.

There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.

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Getting Whole Bunch Of Windows Updates?

Dec 21, 2006

what is up with that? i have been getting like 7 or 8 per day the last few days? i have internet explorer 7.on xp? any idea i'm baffled?

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After Disabling / Bunch Of Services

Feb 18, 2008

I am having problems with my shared printer. I do not use a local area connection for anything except just printing, but it appears I disabled a service i shouldn't have to get it working.

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Removed Bunch Of Viruses

Aug 4, 2005

for some reason i was under the impression that my work computer had virus protection. well... nope. i had to reload the o/s (windows 2000 pro) after the computer crashed but fortunately i lost none of my data, mostly because i keep it on a thumb drive so i can work on it at home. i now have norton AV on it and got rid of more than 14 viruses or threats, and now i am wondering if anything else was left that wasn't detected. oh, and the computer is a dell optiplex gx150 workstation.

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Spyware Although Run A Bunch Of Programs

Apr 25, 2005

i have a computer that's being hounded by spyware. everyonce in a while on bootup a folder called ISTsvc will popup. i've run AdAware, Spybot, Spyware blaster, Shredder, AboutBuster, CCleaner and FxIstbar. i've run these in safe mode too. they've removed a bunch of bugs, but when i reboot the problem surfaces again.
i have mcafee virus scan and a firewall. So, i'm kind of out of ideas. Also, my little windows update (which i've told to notify me only of updates) says its downloading but it hangs at 0% and it WONT CLOSE. so can someone take a look at this hijack this log and throw me a bone.

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Sp2 And Firewall - Firewall Settings Are Greyed Out

Jul 14, 2005

My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work

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Router Firewall OR Comodo Firewall??

Mar 6, 2010

I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.

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Security Center Says Firewall Off, Firewall Says On?

Jul 1, 2005

Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.

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Bad Image Errors / Application Loading Errors / HiJack Log

Oct 22, 2007

The family computer is playing up and to the best of my knowledge the computer in question just simply suddenly stopped working as it should. I am unable to get the 'default' welcome screen upon start up and am getting the logon box where you type in a username and passworld. I know how to get rid of this, user accounts>enable welcome screen - but it will not solve the problem.This is just the start of the problems. I get a whole host of errors which popup one after another.

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Kapersky Av Detecting Bunch Of Viruses

Dec 9, 2006

I recently donloaded the trial version of kapersky av since i heard its the best. It detected a bunch of trojans that AVG and CA antivirus never detected. Any ideas wat hese are or where they could have come from? Is this the system restore directory? Are these maybe older viruses still stuck in older system restore folders?? Please help, im a pretty careful web surfer and always have AVG active protection running so i dont understand how thse viruese got through?

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Bunch Of Stuff Doesn't Work

May 19, 2009

Alright, my in laws are having a problem with their computer and they said that last weekend Windows XP (SP3) asked to reactivate so they did without a hitch. I've never had a computer ask to do that unless I changed some hardware (which they did not) but maybe it's just never happened to me! So last week (a couple of days after the reactivation) they said weird things started happening. For instance if you go to the start menu to active windows, it comes up with a blank screen, the Windows search function comes up with a green screen and the little dog but that's it, IE doesn't load unless you type in an address and I couldn't get any web page to load that uses Active X. I ran the Kaspersky online test with no problems found and I couldn't run the antivirus from Eset because it requires Active X. Windows media player also doesn't load, it just brings up a blank screen. My father in law was able to defrag the computer though. I didn't have much time to really play with it so I'm not 100% sure what else isn't working but I know Firefox, Utorrent and VLC work fine. Has anyone had a similar problem or know where I should start to fix this?

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Recycle Bin - Discovered Bunch Of Files

Feb 19, 2007

Upon opening my recycle bin before deleting all trash, I discovered a bunch of files with .bak after them. Since I don't know how to open them and see what they are, they look like information I had moved to my filing system to the left of my messages on IE. I have no idea how they got into the recycle bin as I didn't delete most of them. How do I find out what they are and where they are if I should undo delete? If I undelete will they go somewhere I can read them? Using XP

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Noticed A Bunch Of Square Symbols

Sep 17, 2006

I was looking at my start up folder & noticed a bunch of square symbols as the startup item & the command with the location of HKCU/SOFWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Windows: Load.Does anybody know what this is? should I take it off of my start up?

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Whole Bunch Of Program Icon Images Are Missing

Nov 2, 2007

I don't know what I did I think it was yesterday and I was rearranging the start menu.but now a whole bunch of icon images are missing and even if I right click into properties the box to change the icon is greyed out. I don't know what to do.now 3/4 of all my shortcut icon images are gone, and all my office documents, etc. are just the standard window icon. What do I do?

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Hard Drive Get Bunch Of Numbers And Letters

Jan 14, 2008

my friend told me to take a looka t his computer and wheneverhe turns on his computer, this is what he gets.

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Mouse Is Not Working - Deleted A Bunch Of Programs

Oct 2, 2009

I had to delete a bunch of programs on my dell dimension desktop because it needed memory ( i think) to perform simple tasks such as loading a photo program like kodak. Anyhow, since then, the mouse refuses to work. I can always reboot...till the cows come home; but I'm unable to click on any icon on the desktop because the mouse appears stuck in one postion.

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Auto Arrange Icons Bunch Up Close Together

Apr 22, 2006

Using Window Blinds, a software to customize your computer. So I was just check how different themes would look, then at the end I put it back to normal, but my desktop is acting really funny, because when I right click on the desktop, then go on Arange Icons by, I click on Auto Arange, all the icons bunch up really close together, so the My Computer Icon covers the My Document, name and so on.

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Bunch Of Internet Links - Icons Are Unmovable

Nov 15, 2007

this all started after I was reading a post about someones sound problems that were similar to mine. Someone made a post saying to download a registry entry and run it. I did and then i restared the computer and got a buttload of symptoms. (trying to find the link to the editor)Starts slowly and waits at the welcome screen for awhile.All I see is the desktop backgound, no toolbar or icons.I can get the icons back thru Cntrl-Alt-Dlt, Run new task "explorer.exe"This brings back the icons but not the toolbar and the icons are unmovable.A bunch of internet links dont work and get alot of errors saying i dont have java enabled.

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A Bunch Error Messages Popped Up From Various Software

Mar 17, 2006

I use Windows 2000 professional edition.It has both service pack 4 and ws2_32 package.I was trying to install iTune.After I restarted after installation, the process stopped at a blue screen saying there is a critical error,or something like that. So I restarted computer and this time used F8 button to make it start at last known good configuration. When Windows started again, iTune finished installation. Then a bunch error messages popped up from various software's. The messages included ws2_32.dll invalid or too old, sockets initiation fail, and TCP/IP not installed. On top of that the internet stopped working. I have tried installing ws2_32 package again, but it didn't work. I am about to try reinstall service pack 4 roll up 1.

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Search Desktop Screen - Bunch Of Outlook Messages

Jul 5, 2010

On Windows XP, when I click on "Search," I come to a "Windows Search" screen that has "Desktop" and "Web" as choices for a search. I typed in ".pst" and got a bunch of Outlook messages and not where the Outlook .pst folder is. Is there another choice for "Search" that will show me where the searched-for is?

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Bunch Of Error Logs And Uninst Folders - Very Slow Start Up

Nov 28, 2007

when I turn my computer on each day, it takes FOREVER to start WINDOWS. I get the black WINDOWS XP screen, then, the screen goes BLANK for anywhere from 3-5 minutes before it proceeds. There are a bunch of error logs and uninst folders in my WINDOWS folder on the C:| drive.....any suggestions?

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Bunch Of Spyware / Root Kits / Hacker Tools Found On PC

Feb 26, 2007

i been noticing my pc not running as smoothly lately so i decded to run a panda activescan virus scan and it camse up with 5 spyware files and 17 rootkits/hackertools here will be my HJT log and my Panda Log Can you please tell me everything that definately needs to be removed and just some things that i should remove for some reason. thanks what could be the cause of all this spyware/rootkits?,and also what startup items need to be removed,

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