AntiVirus Sites Blocked Even After Clean Install.

Jul 9, 2009

For some unknown reason my anti virus will not update as it says there is no connection that it could find to update with, which I find rather suspicious. I could neither access ANY antivirus websites either. ex,,

So I done a clean install formatting my hard drive fully and starting from scratch. And to my fear I still could not access ANY antivirus sites still.

I had only installed AVG Free and Firefox. Even before I connected the net to the computer I put AVG on just to be safe and it still would not update.

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Hosts File Not Blocking Sites Properly / Sites Blocked In Options?

Sep 9, 2005

Is there any reason the hosts file should not block sites properly?Certain sites I have put in there aren't being blocked, and this is a problem. Also, does it only block the major site (just the and not all subdomains of that? (for example "")

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Can't Access Antivirus Sites - IE Switches To Ad Sites

Jan 3, 2009

One of the kids downloaded rapid antivirus and it's screwed everything up. I've managed to get rid of therapid AV, but it looks like I've got some malware/adware of some sort running. Attempts to get to symantec, mcaffee, avg, etc give site not available results in IE 7 - includes!!!!, but non-"fixit" sites like google and everything else in the world I can get to. Every few clicks, the url is redirected to an ad site. I've run adaware and trendmicro which found Troj_vg_fcx and removed it, but the problem persists.

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Internet Explorer Blocked Sites From Using ActiveX Control?

Sep 21, 2009

My work computer has all of a sudden stopped allowing active x to run on our system that prints our reciepts.. we get this message when it should be printing the reciept"INTERNET EXPLORER HAS BLOCKED THIS SITE FROM USING AN ACTIVEX CONTROL IN AN UNSAFE MANOR, AS A RESULT THIS PAGE MIGHT NOT DISPLAY CORRECTLY." how can i get this to go away and allow us to print our customers reciepts.. we are using XP with IE8.

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IE Won't Browse To Antivirus Sites

Oct 18, 2005

Ive got a computer that will browse the net fine, but when i try to go to an antivirus site like "" or "" or "" is this maybe some bad sypware or a virus?

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Get Clean Off Permanently The Files And Sites Visited

Nov 3, 2005

what i would like to ask is that, how could i get clean off PERMANENTLY the files and sites i visited while surfing or paying bills, such that i leave somethings behind me,and does the CLEAN HISTORY can clean me out of any left prints on my computer? or any softwares any of you can recommend ?and where exactlly are they stored if i would like to erase them manually

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Ewido And Hijackthis Are Clean - Keep Getting Popups For Antivirus Crap

Sep 25, 2006

all i can say is ewido and hijackthis are clean, but i keep getting popups for antivirus crap. i'm going to try to delete mozilla, and then re-install it as some of the popups mention it. here's what one of the popups said:

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Connected To The Internet, Can Ping Sites, But Can't Open Sites In Firefox

Apr 5, 2007

I'm really clueless as to my next, step possibly a re-install of windows, i have a laptop and another PC both networked to my PC using crossover cables. 2 network cards in my computer bridged and ICS shared over the bridge. Both can access the internet with no problems using internet explorer, MSN etc. open web pages using Internet Explorer or Firefox sign into msn has once or twice since this problem started I have scanned with ad-aware and norton 2007 both up to date, found some things and fixed them but still not working.

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Pc Won't Let Me Go To Certain Sites Like Paypal Or Anti-virus Sites, Malware?

Aug 2, 2009

when out of no where, I received those weird progams on my PC which are those fake Virus scanners and such. i then deleted it from the source, and ran my Nortan scan and my spysweeper, and they found nothing wrong with my pc. Now, the PC will NOT let me go to "important" sites. For example, Bank of America, Paypal, anti-virus sites, Ebay, etc. But will let me go to sites like Myspace or forums. I had my favs on my toolbar as tiles so its easier to access them, i had about 10 of them, and now only 5 remain after the whole thing happened, and the 5 that were removed were "important" sites. Almost every thing on my tool bar was removed, including File, Edit, View, Tools, and such. My search engine is still displayed though.

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McAfee Antivirus Not Able To Install

Mar 5, 2009

I have McAfee antivirus , while try to install in windows xp , it says " no network connectivity" eventhough my network connection is alive.

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Two Antivirus Install In System

Jan 5, 2009

We install two or more antivirus software in a system having WXP?

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Can't Install Antivirus After Beeing Hijacked

Oct 5, 2007

Well I installed a program called snagit which i thought was totaly safe in the begining but out of nowhere
my taskmanager shut down button etc disappeared or i didnt have acces to itafter reading some on the internet i found a way to work around thisI fixed most of the things but there is still the darn antivirus that is missingfiles but when i look at the map its there

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Cant Install EZ Trust Antivirus - Gives Error

Sep 4, 2005

I downloaded EZ Trust Antivirus 2005, but am not able to install it on my Windows XP 2002, Service pack 2, Dell Optiplex Dim2400. The original download was done on my personal desktop and then copied to "admin" desktop. The error message is "You do not have authority to run this program, please log on as administrator." This error appears even in safe mode and even when I am logged on as administrator.

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PC Acting Weird - Install Norton Antivirus

May 20, 2006

it isn't acting right, but I have been trying to install norton antivirus. She bought the package and has a 2 year subscription, and afterwards we ran live update. It then asks for an activation key, which we have from the email sent to her. When we click OK to tell it that we want to put it in, it does nothing. No matter how long you wait or how many times you click OK, the box just sits there. For this reason, we cant update her virus definitions or get norton to protect her computer. norton is not the only button that will not respond. Somehow the viewpoint toolbar was installed on her computer. When we try to uninstall the viewpoint toolbar or if I go to add/remove programs and try to uninstall it from there, it brings up a box that asks are you sure you want to uninstall viewpoint It does the same as the norton box; it will not respond, even if I click yes and wait

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Unable To Install Norton Antivirus - Cd Does Not Works

Sep 5, 2005

I am trying to install Norton Antivirus 2005 to my computer but it will not go. All other cd's work except that one. I have Windows XP and I installed the Service Pack

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Can't Install Any Antivirus Without Problems - Very Slow Loading

Apr 24, 2009

I have run into a snag. After installing Trendmicro I started having problems. After the install it took forever to load, and when it did I get a warning that I have no virus protection. I removed Trend with it's own removal tool and installed AVG Free, I get the same thing, The resident shield and email won't start. I install Vipre and the same thing protection is turned off and won't turn on. I have cleaned the registry of all norton traces, avg and others. I have did a scan with viper while it was installed and found a few items that I cleaned. I'm at my wits end and have never seen this happen before.

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Unable To Install McAfee Antivirus Because Of Nortons

Apr 24, 2007

I am trying to intall McAfee Antivirus supplied by Comcast as a perk for using their services but I get an error code saying it will not install because I have Norton Antivirus 9 still installed on my PC. I removed that software over a year ago

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Can't Install SP3 On My Home Build Pc - Disabled Antivirus

Oct 23, 2008

I have tried three times to install SP3, (winxp) mob asus M2V-MX, cpu AMD Athlon (tm) 64 x2 dual core processor 4400, each time I get right to the end of the install and it says access denied, I disabled my anti-virus and firewall and tried to install it in safe mode,
but I still get access denied, and each I have to do system restore to my pc to get back to how it was

I got in touch with microsoft and this what they want me to do, but to be honest I don't trust them I don't want to mess my system up, so would you please have a look at what they have sent me.

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Cant Install Trend Micro Antivirus - Fatal Error?

Jun 19, 2006

I want to install trend micro antivirus, but every time i try to install it it says norton 2003 is interupting it. Then i try to uninstall norton 03 and it says "Fatal Eror".

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Window Upgrade - Can't Install Norton Antivirus 2004

Jul 2, 2005

I installed Window XP upgrade and didn't realize that it would disable my Norton antivirus 2004. After installation, Windows informed me that Norton would have to be reinstalled. I tried reinstalling it, but couldn't until the disabled one was uninstalled. When I tried to uninstall it, there were some files that the uninstall program couldn't find, so the uninstall failed. I need to know how I can get the disabled one off my system so that I can reinstall Norton again.

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On Clean Install, Cant Install Office

Jun 17, 2008

This one has really got me stumped, and even worse, I need this stuff installed ASAP,So yesterday I formatted/install windows xp pro sp2, I did my usual thing, windows updates, fire fox,Skype. I then tried to install MS Office 2007 Enterprise. I (still do) recieved the following error message, "Setup cannot find Office.en-usdwtrig20.exe. Browse to a valid installation source, and then click OK", allowing me to browse for dwtrig20.exe.dwtrig20.exe IS THERE, the installation works perfectly on another machine of mine!I then tried to install MS Visual Studio 2008 Pro, this time, i received an error while trying to install Visual Studio. It failed while installing "Visual Studio Web Authoring Component". I extracted this component and attempted to install it 'on its own' and it failed.

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Antivirus Won't Install - Gives Message "installation Process Is Already Running

Jul 16, 2005

I can't install norton antivirus 2005 , basically what happens is that when I run the install.... it doesn't start anything and I get a message saying that an installation process is already running... I have attached a pic with the explanation of the situation.

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Like To Clean Install On New HDD From Old HDD

Jul 16, 2005

I bought 2 SATA HDDs and would like to set them up as RAID and clean install XP and all the drivers/programs on them. I don't want to use those image drive programs to transfer the old drive to the new drive. My old HDD has XP on it (activated) and I would like to format it and use it for data storage later. Do I need to reactivate after I clean install XP on the new HDDs (same mobo and CPU)? I have NOT plugged the HDDs in my computer yet.

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Try To Do Clean Install Of XP

Sep 6, 2007

I am going to try to do a clean install of XP. When i am ready to get my updates do i download all of them at once then reboot or do i have to get one at a time and reboot after each one?

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Need Help With A Clean Install

Jun 23, 2005

what drivers will I need? ..I have most of the stuff but some of the disks were for my winme OS I think. How do I find out what motherboard I have and what driver I need?if it all goes pear shaped will I be able to put my old master in and get back to square one?if it the Xp install goes fine can I put in my old master as slave and copy the needed files over to the new master? The old master is fat32, so would that be a problem?I only have the winme version of word but my dads laptop has word perfect for xp...could I use this?

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Clean Install Of Without CD

Oct 21, 2007

What would be the easiest way to do a clean re-install of Windows XP without the manufacturer's CD?

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Clean Or Re-Install Of XP

Feb 23, 2010

I am unable to reinstall my HP printer driver and accompanying software and after spending more than enough time trying to remedy the problem, I've decided to reload Windows XP either by a clean install or a reinstall per this thread. I hope to get some advice here.The details that led to the problem of being unable to install my printer drivers and my attempts to remedy the problem are very long and drawn out and may not be relevant to this post or my desired solution, so I will not go through them unless requested. Suffice it to say that I have spent a good 30 hours attempting to remedy the problem, with a good portion of that time spent with free HP Support. None of their "fixes" or any of my own attempts after lots of research have been successful.

I have installed XP several times on several different machines and thus, I'm very confident with a routine install. However, due to a special configuration on this computer, I need some advice.First: Will a reinstall per this thread potentially fix my printer problem? I know there may not be a definitive answer here, but I would just like to get some feedback.If more detail is needed on the problem, I will be happy to provide it.Second: Due to space restraints on my boot drive (18 GB SCSI drive), I moved the Documents and Settings folder to a large IDE storage drive (E:) on this machine. Will I be able to refer to the Documents and Settings folder during a clean install, so that all of the current settings will load? If not, is there a solution for getting the current settings loaded into the clean XP install?

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Clean Install Of XP

Jan 28, 2006

In reinstalling Windows XP, I did a full format to erase the old programs. While reinstalling the various programs, Sun Java, it posted a screen stating that a version of this program was present in Document and settings. I thought that the full format would clear this out.but evidently it didn't.

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Clean Install XP Again - Formatting

Jul 27, 2005

get winXP to format my sata drive at bootup, so I can clean install XP again I'm resorting to this measure 'cause XP seems to be hanging during bootup

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Reformat C To Clean Install Pro

Aug 27, 2005

how can I clean my c drive so that I can do a complete clean install of xp pro. I do not need to save any of my files or programs. I would rather get rid of all the bugginess and start fresh.

xp pro is the current OS.

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Clean Re-Install Computer

Sep 4, 2007

Plan to do a clean re-install of my Toshiba Satellite P10 series , I have the disc's that came with the computer IE . Microsoft Works , and two Discs marked Product Recovery CD-ROM, is this everything i need to do a re-install and what order do i use the Disc's , as you may gather i haven't done this before.

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