I put in my new 4g SD micro I bought off ebay and try to add music to it, instead I get "the Disk in Drive F is not formated". So I try to format it and it says "windows was unable to complete the format"? I look at the "File system" and it show FAT. Now I have read that in order to get mp3's to play you must have it set to FAT32? I can't change the "File system" it has no other options in the drop down?
It's a shame that me did a grave error. I am in terrible shock for that I did the following:
a) Installed Sun Solaris Express x86 Developer Edition with a 7.5 GB partition. b) There is Windows XP SP2 on the first 20 GB partition.
I wanted to toggle boot flag by using DOS based fdisk after the Solaris installation. That's where me screwed up I ran a bootable Russian language DOS tools. Instead of toggling the boot flag (option 2 in the fdisk), me accidentally (while taking an overseas call) selected (option 1) the FAT formatting the existing NTFS partition (fdisk ran for 1%, then me immediately stopped and rebooted. But, already damage done My NTFS got screwed up by me.....
H i have an old 80gb drive that i wish to use for storage by use of a hard drive enclosure. It had an old xp installed on it which ino longer wish to use, but when i hook it up to the pc the drive doesn't show up, i mounted the drive on a linux(ubuntu) system and managed to delete everything except the windows folder, i believe the ntfs file system is stopping it from being deleted, my question is how can i delete the windows folder so that i can format and reuse the drive without putting it into the pc, any further info needed will be duly supplied
For some reason every time I install anything related to Windows Installer I get the error that the access to the file is denied? So why is this happening?
My computer keeps rebooting every time i try to open folders with .avi and .mpeg files. It says that DEP is causing it but I disbabled it and I still can't open any folders, please give me any suggestions short of formatting the computer
I am having some difficulty formatting my hard drive that has XP loaded on it. I use to be able to do anything on my system that used Windows 98 but I'm lost trying to do anything on this system.
the program is saying that hide the file or show the hidden file which do I want? Show hidden or dont show hidden. The do not show is highlighted.Which is the right way?
i'm trying to delete a file in dos that shows up when i do dir but when i try to delete it, it says it can't be found. it is a virus that i'm trying to get rid off. it's in the windows logon shell in winntsystem32 folder.
When ever I open up one of the menus in any program (file, edit, tools, windows etc.) it doesn't show me anything unless I run my cursor down over them all. This all so happens with all the sub menus
I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. In the taskbar I used to have an icon to show the desktop when operating a program.The icon is still there but somehow the supporting file has disappeared.How do I get it back? The file is "Show desktop.scf" but it can't be found in any search I make.
I'm tryin gto format my Hard drive and i'm running wins XP Pro OP sysem. i have tried to use the CD to format but there is no information on the CD to format XP. So having said this
MY Operating System is XP Pro with C to G hard disk partitions.I formatted G drive for install second Operating System.C drive file system is NTFS.Other drives FAT32.Can I install second Operating System without formatting C drive.
I recently upgraded Adobe photoshop from CS2 to CS3. When I try to open a file using Open with by rght clicking a say, a JPEG image file, earlier I used to see the Photoshop Cs2 as an option. But now, I not only do not see Photoshop listed as an available program option, even when I select browse and go to the program folder and select Photoshop.exe for opening with, the image does not get opened in the Photoshop.
I have just had windows xp home reinstalled on my PC due to a fault. I now find that all of my pictures saved show the name plus .jpg If I try to rename them a arning box comes up saying that the picture might become unusable if I delete the file extension. What can I do to only show the picture name.
I've noticed that the dot-url part of the file name does not show in Windows Explorer for web link files/shortcuts even though I have Explorer set to show the entire name, including extensions.Why is this exception made in Windows Explorer to only this one extension?
i have a problem with my windows system.. it has been working highly slowly lately and i cant even run more than two programs on it .. i have windows Xp and i have norton systemworks.. i often use the antivirus.. i was talking with some friends and the fact that i might have a trojan came up. i would like to RESTART everything and boot up the original windows Xp. i have a startup flopy disk and i am not sure if this is needed to format the C drive..
Instead of re-formatting and losing tons of items I haven't backed up I recently performed a system recovery (The F10 command that doesn't destroy your data). Now I have a clean windows setup and can see that the C drive is still more than half full but I have no clue how to get to my data.
I am currently running Windows XP and keep getting this 'Micro Bill' appearing on start-up. Have tried various removal tools: Adaware SE 1.06; Spybot S&D 1.4 but it keeps coming back. Can anyone help with this problem.
i recently tried to run trend micro's housecall,and it said that my java was off. this is strange because i recently updated.so i msconfig'd my xp and i found two files there in start up ,there were a couple of items that were written in a wing ding type font. a whole row of squares and stuff. does anyone know what it is? and if you could help with my java?
I have the following problem: Explorer doesn`t show any details for any media file type like artist or album, when choosing Details view. Additionally, clicking on file properties doesn`t show any info either, nor simple, nor in advanced view.The files are fine, and other software reads the media file info correctly, including WMP 11 and Winamp.
The windows Explorer search feature works well enough for most file searches except when looking for files on a disc. On those occasions, the In Folder results point not to the disc drive but to c:documents & settings[name]Local Settings Applications Data. In short, not to where the files are. To add insult to fubar, clicking on any folder in the list results in -- absolutely nothing because I am clicking on a phantom folder (duh). I know that if I scroll across to the right, miles outside the screen view, I'll finally see where the file in question actually resides -- major and unappreciated pain. Is there a config or reg edit somewhere that will allow me to set the In Folder to show the file where it actually is, referencing the disc drive, instead of the above c:. If not, at the very least, I think Microsoft should share some of what the Einstein was smoking the day he came up with this one.
I want to install trend micro antivirus, but every time i try to install it it says norton 2003 is interupting it. Then i try to uninstall norton 03 and it says "Fatal Eror".
well im trying to fix a gateway pc with almost nothing on it. It is a celeron 2.4ghz and it runs like a 133mhz. It would take an hour to do a hijack scan if I wasnt in safe mode. Here is the scan. By the way, I did the scan in safe mode with networking. I also tried to do a trend micro virus scan but it wouldnt let me on mozilla or IE.
Windows XP Service Pack 2 machines with critical patches and PC-cillin Internet Security 2005 starts to experience high CPU utilization after updating to Pattern 594.If there are any administrators watching, you may want to stick this to the top of the forum for a few days.