Automate Series Of Keystrokes - Single Command To Initiate Entire Series

Aug 23, 2005

for ex - when i open my wireless modem it requires the following series of
keystrokes 1. ctr+alt+I 2. enter 3. password 4. enter 5. enter 6. it possible to set up a single command to initiate the entire series of keystrokes?

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Series Of 6 Or 7 Beeps The First 2 Times

Aug 23, 2005

When I tried to power on my personal computer this morning, I got a series of 6 or 7 beeps the first 2 times and my personal computer didn't turn on. The third try did turn it on. What does this mean? Is it indications of serious problems?

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Slow - New Computer (PCU 70 Home Series)

Oct 24, 2004

I have a fairly new computer PCU 70 Home Series, running Windows XP Home Edition. For protection I have: McAfee Firewall Norton Anti-Virus Spybot Search and Destroy Ad-Aware SE Personal CW Shredder iClean and the XP Security Centre. System seems to be running slow and not it self. Downloaded unregistered version of 'Registry Mechanic' telling me I have over 350 errors with system, but don't understand what or where these are.

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BSOD On HP Laptop 8000 Series

Sep 18, 2010

I came back from shopping with the laptop frozen so I turned it off. It started with a BSOD. The BCCode is 116. My wife said that it had completed some updates this AM when she turned it on. This computer has a GE7600 video card. It also runs very hot so I'm wondering if perhaps the card might have cooked. Should I try to reinstall the driver?

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Hp Psc 1100 Series All In One / Pro - Connecting To Computer

Oct 14, 2009

1.Problem connecting to computer
2.When connecting flash cable no installation screen
3.yellow question mark on device & driver in device manager help / support screen when activated
5.error message "when reinstalling CD due to newer version on system"

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Series Of Six Beeps?

Feb 22, 2010

When I fire up my dell the fan turns on full blast and there is a series of 6 beeps. Not sure what to do.

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How To Reinstall XP On Dell Dimension 1100 Series?

Oct 9, 2008

May seem like a dumb question but I've never had a dell before and this one is getting on my nerves.Ok short story is I inherited this PC from my late mother in law.She had only 256 ram so I bought 1GB and installed it and it still ran slow.Now my 7 year old downloaded a trojan virus which made the PC run even slower.I got rid of the trojan and it still runs slow.I figured I'd be better off just reinstalling windows but everyone wants atleast $80 to $100 to do it, I'd figured I could do it myself but have no idea how to with a Dell.It's an Dimension 1100 Series, has Intel Celeron CPU 2.53 Ghz, DVD/Cd-Rw, that's about it.

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How Download Lenovo 3000 H 220 Series Desktop Driver From Net

Jan 30, 2010

how i download lenovo 3000 h 220 series desktop driver from net

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Common Shortcut Icon Series Of Orange Circles

Oct 22, 2005

I noticed that occassionally I see this shortcut icon on some Web sites I visit. They aren't really the site's shortcut icon, but it just sometimes appears.screenshot.On my old computer, this "common shortcut icon" was a series of orange circles.

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Lexmark 4200 Series All In One Printer - Scan Document To File

May 16, 2008

i have a dell inspiron B130 laptop with a lexmarx 4200 series all-in-one printer. when i try to scan a document to a file,it goes directly to my photo editor instead. i have tried restarting the computer and turning off the printer to no avail.

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CS-P Series Scanning Program - Program Has Encountered

May 2, 2005

I have a Canon CanoCraft CS-P Series Scanning program and when I logg on as guest, I get an error saying, " Canon CanoCraft CS-P Series has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. " On all other accounts, the program works normally. It only doesn't work on the Guest account.

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Way To Run Media Player In Single Line Command

Dec 6, 2006

I'm writing a C++ program that plays an mp3 playlist via the command line.Is there a way to run media player in a single line command if you're in a different directory than media player is located? Media player is located in "C:Program FilesWindows Media Playerwmplayer.exe".Say I was in the directory C:Documents And Settings (or any other directory but the wmplayer one..)Is there a way to run media player in a single command if i'm not in C:Program FilesWindows Media Player? When I try windows yells at me because of the space in "Program Files". Obviously I could change to the directory first, and then type wmplayer.exe, but I want to be able to do it without actually changing to the directory wmplayer.exe is in.

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Initiate Repair Without Booting To Disc?

Nov 2, 2009

I am stuck in a odd situation with my laptop. It's now gotten to the point where I just want to do a repair of Windows and hope that fixes things, but whenever I boot into my Windows XP CD, it says that it can't find any hard drives on my laptop. I can still boot into safe mode and access my files, so my hard drive is obviously there.Is there a way to initiate a windows repair WITHOUT booting into the CD? Or, can anyone think of why my CD can't find my hard drive?

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Automate Disk Cleanup

Feb 13, 2003

Cleanmgr.exe is designed to clear unnecessary files from your computer's hard disk. You can use command-line options to specify that Cleanmgr.exe cleans up certain files. You can then schedule the task to run at a specific time by using the Scheduled Tasks tool.To start the Disk Cleanup tool, either run the Cleanmgr.exe command, or click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Disk Cleanup supports the following command-line options: /d driveletter: - This option specifies the drive that you want Disk Cleanup to clean. /sageset: n - This option displays the Disk Cleanup Settings dialog box and also creates a registry key to store the settings that you select. The n value, which is stored in the registry, allows you to specify tasks for Disk Cleanup to run. The n value can be any integer value from 0 to 65535. To have all of the options available when you use the /sageset option, you might need to specify the drive where Windows is installed. /sagerun: n - This option runs the specified tasks that are assigned to the n value if you use the sageset option.For example, in Scheduled Tasks, you could run the following command after you run the cleanmgr /sageset:11 command: cleanmgr /sagerun:11This command runs Disk Cleanup and includes the options that you specified with the cleanmgr /sageset:11 command.

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Automate Batch Files When Loading

Aug 12, 2005

I have a batch file (used to autoexec.bat in earlier Wins) that cleans temporary folders and gets rid of a couple of files that Paradox creates.I've tried the run command in Win.ini - any other ideas ?

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How To Automate Outlook Email Account Setup

Jun 24, 2005

Is there a way to automate email account setup (Outlook) for Windows XP from workstations? We have users that need access to email at different locations. Currently the first time they logon to a machine we just go there and setup an email account, but it would be really helpful if the account would set itself up tied to the user's logon ID.

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Cursor Will Just Pause And Several Keystrokes?

Sep 19, 2005

Occasionally when I'm typing out something in a text box, program, whatever, my cursor will just pause and several keystrokes might be dropped if I'm typing fast. This seems to happen randomly in spurts, like some days it's really bad and other days the problem doesn't occur. However, something related happens frequently in games, where I might press a key to go forward and it'll register as being continually pressed until I press the key once again. Specific keys don't do this, it seems like all of them do!

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Keystrokes Won't Appear - Can't Enter Password

Feb 21, 2006

On a laptop with Win 2000 operating system, while working in Word the keystrokes stopped appearing. Closed Word and started a new document, still the problem exists. Restarted the laptop and now cannot enter the password. The keystrokes do not appear.

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Shutdown In 2 Keystrokes - Touch Pad

Oct 5, 2003

Although I have a mouse with my laptop, I sometimes just use the touch pad if I'm not going to be on very long. With the touch pad being, well, touchy, I experimented with keystrokes.I found that the laptop (with XP Home) will shut down if I press "Alt+F4" keys, then the "U" key for shut down.  I tried it on my desktop (with XP Pro) and it worked there too.If it doesn't seem to work, click somewhere on the desktop and try again. 

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Missing Keystrokes Part 2 - OE

Aug 5, 2007

by posting this here but the threads go by so fast I don't think someone that may have an answer can help. My topic, the title of this post is now on page 10 of the XP forum. I hae a Dell e310, xp home, sp2, IE browser, optical kb and mouse. Itried a usb kb on here but same thing happens. I am handicapped and most everything I do has to be doe twice....another typo.....t wrks ok in OE, notpad etc, but not in boxes like this. anybody ever heard of this? I've correced many keystrokes in this ost just to make it readable.

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Keystrokes Remembered-how To Change

Jul 24, 2005

when I perform a search the previous letters I typed show up -anyway to set
the computer not to remember previous characters typed?

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Certain Keystrokes Severely Lag My Computer

Mar 2, 2008

Well a few months back, I had a problem in which pressing the DEL key repeatedly, no matter where, would cause my computer to freeze up momentarily. I formatted my computer and the problem was solved. Now, recently, I'm having the exact same problem, however it's not the tilde key. It doesn't matter if it's a text box, or in winamp, or anything. By just pressing this key twice or more times, my computer will freeze for about 5 seconds

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Hyper Terminal Not Responding To Keystrokes

Jun 18, 2005

This is my first time using hyperterminal. In the "connect to"windows, I entered the name of the remote computer and portnumber. I was able to see the greeting message from the remote computer. But the windows did not respond to the keyboard.Whatever I typed did not show up in the windows and had no effect.How exactly should I communicate with hyperterminal? How do I makeit recognize the keyboard input?

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Chimes.wav Sound Occurs After Several Keystrokes

Jul 28, 2005

After I enter a series of keystrokes and stop, I get the chimes sound. This
is quite annoying but I can't find a setting to turn it off. The only way to
make it stop is to select "No Sounds" in the Sounds and Audio Devices section
of Control Panel

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Setting Up Multiple Cut Paste Keystrokes

Sep 19, 2007

I'm not sure if this is something that is possible with Window's native software. But, hopefully, it is Basically, I am working with an online database. My work requires me to cut/paste different lines of text from my hard drive onto the online database Typically, to cut/paste, I highlight the text, right click > cut > paste. However, this text is erased as soon as I select something else.Is there a way I can set up keystrokes to get around this?For example, Say I need to cut/paste the following:1) "Red" 2) "Rubber" 3) "Ball" Can I set up Windows so that "Red" will be outputted whenever I press a certain key combo (say F1/C) and that "Rubber" will be outputted when I press F2/C?

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Won't See Entire HDD

Apr 10, 2010

I got the win32/rootkit virus, tried to reinstall XP pro and had a tons of problems now when I try to install xp all it will see is 132GB of my 500GB drive. I have two 500MB drives and for whatever reason it will only see 132GB or either drive.WHat can I do to get XP to see the entire 500GB so I can reformat the HDD's and start all over from scratch? I've tried and tried and treid but I can't get XP to see the whold hard drive and now I'm at a complete loss as to what I can do next?Is there some kind of program I can download that will restore my hard drives to new condition with nothing on them so I can reinstall XP from scratch so it will see both hard drives and all 500GB of each drive?

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Keystrokes Doing Strange Things - Virus Scan

Aug 21, 2006

I have a proble+m with +my keyboard. When I hit certain keys +my co+mputer does strange things. Here's a list of things I've found wrong:

"u" brings up windows standby +mode.
"end" places a period where the cursor is.
"m" types +m
"7" opens my IE home page
right bracket - shuts down windows

I haven't knowingly changed and key settings. Virus scan co+mes up negative.

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Keystrokes To Change Default Screen To Ext. Monitor

Sep 17, 2006

My VPR Matrix (XP Home) Notebook's screen can ONLY be seen in the sunlight--but even then it is nearly impossible to see! What I want to do is view the computer on my external monitor, so I can transfer some files to another computer--but I can't see to change the settings. Can this be done just using 'keystrokes' or is there some other way?FYI: I bought this computer from BestBuy. It was quite expensive in 2003. recently, I brought it back to have it repaired. The Geek Squad wrote up a work order and charged me a $238.00 non-refundable deposit (as the warranty was no longer in effect). They told me they'd have to send it to California to be repaired.

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Filter A Folder - Special Command To Type At The Command Prompt?

Nov 21, 2009

I would like to know if this can be done in win xp environment. say I have a folder, A, of pictures only and they all have file extensions jpg eg abc.jpg, xyz.jpg. say I have a second folder, B, which contains all the files of A(if you ignore extensions) and more(but all are pictures.) But all the files in B has extensions NEF instead of jpg eg abc.NEF, efg.NEF, xyz.NEF. My idea is to extract all the files from B that has the same the name as A(ignoring extensions) and either move or copy to a separate folder ie if A contains abc.jpg, xyz.jpg then abc.NEF and xyz.NEF will be extracted and moved/copied to a new folder. I'm not sure where to start. is there a program out there that can do this? or there's a special command to type at the command prompt?

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Command Line Interface - 'ipconig' Is Not Recognized Command

Jun 28, 2005

When I try to run command line utilities such as ipconfig, netstat etc.. on
the command line interface I get message such as like that:


'ipconig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

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Ping Command Does Not Work Properly In Command Promote?

Jul 19, 2010

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

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