How To Clear Facebook Sign In Information From Sanyo Smart TV
Mar 18, 2014How to clear facebook signin information from a Sanyo Smart TV? this user is already in use on another account ...
View 3 RepliesHow to clear facebook signin information from a Sanyo Smart TV? this user is already in use on another account ...
View 3 RepliesIm trying to clean up my daughter's laptop but im new to Windows 8. several apps have been downloaded, ie ccleaner, avast, etc. I have set up/installed them but the downloaded files are still in the download folder and i cant find where I can remove/delete there files.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt has been a long, long time since I have wanted to clear the event log and that was under Windows 7. I would like to clear the log under Windows 8 but can find no way to do it. It seems like I remember using 'Clear Log' under Actions but that doesn't seem to be there in Windows 8.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthread title says it all, how do I clear my cached ram?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a 60 inch smart tv samsung the sound is not as clear as i would like so i am thinking of a sound bar, but where to start i.e., the size .has it got to match the size of the tv has it got to be the same make as the tv ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis script was made for Windows 7 but works perfectly on Windows 8:
Event Viewer One Click Clear - Windows 7 Forums
Note: Some say you should never clear the Event Logs but when "I can't see the forrest for the trees", I run this script (as admin).
How do you clear event viewer? Do windows, do it for you? I have recurring 910 and SENT something to do with taskhostex.exe under performance and slower than usual computer. The only thing I have done is install IObit driver program after MS win update screwed up AMD 7420G graphics driver and caused a crash. Should I uninstall IObit, and see if that fixes it? The drivers installed by IObit will still be there to load? IObit fixed the crash
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Windows 8 Home Premium. This question pertains to Explorer.
In Explorer's HOME ribbon, there are icons for Move To and Copy to. There is a drop down list of destinations for each icon. Is there any way at all to clear these lists? I haven't found a way yet.
My computer system is windows8. When I try to download something or just run some programs, a warning would show up and said that I have low disk space. How can I clear my disk space? Also, I wonder a simple disk defragmentation could be enough.
(Do I need to use a disk cleaner like Colorful Disk Clean? This program looks useful).
I had a virus and needed to contact HP helpdesk but on start-up all my files now look like this "filename (2013_07_30 16_31_09 UTC)" HP said do this manually but not an option. how to remove the bracketed information?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently download Windows 8 ISO image. and i have extracted it with win rar. i have lost ISO image. and i want to make ISO bootalbe image. but whenever i add this folder to power ISO, it says none_ bootable image. how can i add boot information even i don't have boot information for windows 8.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI ordered a touchscreen 8.1 laptop and I got a non-touchscreen which I am returning. The laptop has now got my wi fi connection, my Microsoft account and my pictures on the lock-in screen and start screen and has my email addresses. How do I unregister myself do I need to do a refresh factory restore?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with System Volume Information in my Drive D: (239GB), enlarged from 5GB to 60GB (Check from My Defrag). and the free space down from 113 GB to 51 GB. I don't know how it works, it happen when my System is under Automatic Maintenance (in Windows 8). I want to save my disk space. I have check my disk using CHKDSK. i found error, and fix that. I check again, and found no Problems.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems with this computer and I think some bad software may have gotten into my computer. Which of the following does not belong so I can delete it?
price meter
my search dial
movies toolbar for internet explorer
convert file for free
begin converter
Installed 8.1 about a week ago and I'm fairly happy with it so far (after removing charms, going straight to desktop etc) however I have a few minor problems.
Firstly my windows keyboard shortcut key is not working (Logitech G15)
Secondly in power options there are no plans that I can change, if for example I try to create a power plan I get the message "Your power plan information is not available". Tried sfc etc but no problems are detected.
Finally it just seems slower in some respects vs win 7 x64 ultimate, especially booting up. SSDs are all trimmed and aligned and all drivers are installed.
I would like to change the windows edition in the system information of windows 8.1 Pro
I have attached the image that I would like to change is there any way that this can be done
I would like it to read something custom of my choosing., I hear there is also another place that this is displayed
I have been noticing recently, my C drive gets occupied fully even if there are no bigger programs installed.
Out of 150gb, after uninstalling few programs, the space left was 30gb. Day by day it started decreasing and i saw 20gb today.
I used the disk cleanup tool and it shows only 100mb after selecting all fields.
I was worried still that space was not freeing and ran this program WinDirStat. Here are the screenshots.
System Volume information folder occupies 75% of space - meaning 100gb.
There are lot of files which were around 1gb - 2gb and they are created from 2013.
why 100 gb? I read that this service is important but why is it taking this much of space.. remove these unwanted older files if any.
I tried below options after googling and also searching in this forum:
Used disk clean up tool and selected more options > system restore and shadow copies > deleteDisabling and Enabling System restoreDeleting shadow copies through VSSAdmin Delete Shadows commandVirus scan in System Volume Information folder (after taking ownership of that folder) through Kaspersky and ESET SSManual delete of the files.Selecting delete option in System Protection > ConfigureChanging maximum usage to some x%
I have tried all these methods but still those files are existing.
I've got a windows 8 laptop which gives me this error message when i try to switch it on:
"Your PC needs to be repaired The boot configuration data file is missing some required information.
File:BCD Error Code : 0xc000000d ............................" I'm sure you are all familiar with the rest of this dreaded error code.
I've tried all the repair options, recovery disks to a windows 8 bootable flash disk, the command prompt fix boot commands as well but still I get the same error message whenever i try to boot windows.
Now I'd like to know, can't i just copy the boot folders from another similar windows 8 pc and paste them into my harddrive to fix this?
I recently used IOBit uninstaller to remove all traces of a program from the registry. I'm assuming it removed something that caused this issue, because after I used it all my program information in Add/Remove programs was missing. However, other users on my PC show all information in Add/Remove programs. Is there a way to repopulate this or would I have to create a new user?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhether or not these batch files that I use to clear the Event Viewer logs and to activate the extended disk cleanup prompt of windows 7 are compatible with Windows 8.1.
-Event Viewer log clean up batch file
@echo offFOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%VIF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdminfor /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")echo.echo goto theEnd:do_clearecho clearing %1wevtutil.exe cl %1goto :eof:noAdminexit
I am extremely new to Windows 8. I was handed over a work computer today that runs Windows 8, the previous employee set everything up using her personal email information (IE: the email from the main email envelope is her email, and the calendar feature would add details to her personal calendar not the one for work). She is not set up as a user on the computer at all, but her personal details are linked into the system.
I have searched the documents everywhere and have gone through settings for the two applications trying to work out how to remove her personal information from the system and replace it with the work information. She doesn't need to see the new schedules or the times that our employees will be out on different jobs.
Is there a way for me to go in and remove her personal information and replace it with the information for the company? I could sit and question her ethic as an employee for hours as to why she would do it this way, but honestly if her ethic was great, I wouldn't be taking this over at this point. I just need to ensure that the computer is set up for the business not for someone's personal email and calendar and ensure she isn't getting notifications of our future work schedules.
My computer had 4GB of RAM and an Intel G2030 processor. It worked fine for my needs, but I'm a compulsive tinkerer. I have upgraded to 12GB of RAM (supposed to be 16, but one module of the 16GB kit I purchased was DOA) and to an Intel i5-3550S processor. These were done in two separate installs, and the computer seems to be running fine, as far as I can tell.
My problem is that the System Information screen doesn't seem to be updated with the new processor. It shows the RAM (11.9GB), but still shows the 2-core G2030 processor. When I go to the BIOS, however, it shows the i5-3550S. Is there something I need to do to get this to update? I'd like to be sure that the computer recognizes the new processor...
Few days ago a friend showed me a great OSx functionality - Smart Folders. Basically it is a "virtual" folder, does not really contains files but rather an active search folder.
Let say you want to have a place that will display only word/text documents created within last 5 days, or only doc files.... regardless of where they really are.
Can you get such functionality in Windows? I know "search" pretty good but using it instead of set folder, means we have to perform search every time we want to display files we look for.
I have a second hard drive on my HP DV7 laptop. It's a 750GB Hitachi.
Last week I started getting a SMART event and it would ask if I wanted to check the disk. Now every time I start the computer, it's running chkdsk and found a bunch of bad clusters. Also Some of my directories are missing, yet the space available remains the same, so its not deleting the directories and freeing up the space.
I'm recovering the data tonight but I have a few questions:
1) My data recovery software has the option to skip bad directories. Should I do this? And if I do not skip this, will this simply transfer the errors to the hard drive that I'm recovering to.
2) If I clean and then reformat, will the disk be usable? Or should I just junk it and get a new one.
USB recovery image for a Vivotab Smart? I put mine on a flash drive, deleted it from my tablet's hard drive, and then that flash drive died! It will be a huge file to download but it would be a very important backup.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI got this msg tryng to refresh my pc . because my vaio gate app wasnt working right . so after the restar i just got the blue screen with this error the boot configutating data file dosent have valid infomation of an operating system.
Error code 0xc000098 /BCD
I'm using Windows 8 Release Preview and found a strange behavior when using IE10 with Facebook.
When I click any picture, instead of Pop-Up and bring the selected photo up front, IE10 put it behind main screen as Pop-Under.
This problem is taking place with IE10 only, no problem with Chrome.
Facebook app blank after login - any info about that problem ?
View 3 Replies View Relatedthe tool used to make the 'Smart Copy' is "Link Shell Extension (LSE)" on Windows 8.1 pro
Here I have (2) seperate drives.
I want to Smart Copy source to destination (1 to 2) but synchronization doesn't work. Here I have a .txt file in source but not updated in destination (I really want it to work vice versa if possible).
I have some programs (on my PC) that I would like to install somehow onto my vivotab. I am not super programmer literate so simple terms are best. I plugged my tablet into my PC to try to just drag the program over (apparently that is a no go). I even got so far as to drag it into the public file and it showed up on my tablet but doesn't work when I try to open it so I don't think it actually moved the whole program.
I do have the CDs for the programs but obviously there is no CD drive on the tablet. I do not have an external CD drive and do not plan on getting one, I am hoping there is some way to just transfer the program from my PC or somehow use my PC AS an augmented CD drive.
I upgraded the O/S to Win8 Pro from Standard in order to use the WMC and now the Sleep mode doesn't behave as before.
how to reset it back to the factory settings? The Win8 RESET function under the Control panel returns it back to a fresh copy of Win8 Pro and not Win8 Standard. I also see a recovery partition on its Hard Drive.