What I'm running into is a problem trying to add a handler for any file to the context menu. I add a key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*shell and add a key to that as command. What happens is, instead of just running the program with filename as param, I get a dialog "always use this program for this file type" with a checkbox checked, or "keep using blah blah"
If I uncheck the box and hit Enter, nothing happens. So I can't run an "all files" handler without assigning it to every file type I happen to open with it. I'm sure the registry is a big mess.
What did they change since Windows Seven? I don't get it.
I must have clicked on something. I used to have a "Playto" in the context menu when right clicking on a video, for some reason it is now missing. How to get it back.
As far I know all MS windows 8.1 updates are installed, but the problem is I don't get the context menu when I right click any tiles in Metro. So I can't remove or re-size anything. When I right click it only give me check mark in right side the box.
I'm using Windows 8.1 x64 and I'd like to add to the MAIN menu of context menu (just right-clicking) the options to create a New Folder and a New Text Document. Right now I have to go to the "New" option and then select Folder or Text Document.
I have the latest version of 7-Zip on my Windows 8 Pro 64 bit system, but if I right click a zip file I do not get any reference to 7-Zip. How can I add 7-Zip to the right click context menu?
I am familiar on editing context menus in Windows Explorer but how do I edit the context menu of items (folders, programs, shortcuts, etc) on the desktop.
I seem to have to rename a lot of files, I would like to have a right click option to "save as" another file name, is this possible? Cannot find anywhere.
I pinned an application to my start menu, occasionally I need to run that app with Admin privs. All I can find in the Start Screen is the "Run As Admin" option that appears at the bottom of the screen.
It's a real pain to have to click the app near the top of the screen and then slide all of the way to the bottom for "run as admin"..aside from pinning it to taskbar in Desktop (whch is probably where it belongs anyway)?
I’m experiencing this odd and selective issue of options missing from folder context menu, under the choice New in most folders. Certain folders seems to have all the options as should. Down's a pic of a usual situation and the rare occasion of full menu, with Finish OS.
A quick scoop around indicates that the few folders to have full options on drive C are Desktop and Program Data. Some seemingly random folders on other drives also provides the full menu, but most only the option for New folder. This has bugged me to a good degree lately and while doing so unnecessarily hindered my desktop work.
I'm running Windows 8 Pro x64 (non 8.1) with Start8 (v1.16).
Any way to add the command to end a task to the context menu. E.G. When you right click something on your taskbar you could click "End Task" instead of "Close", this would be extremely convenient instead of having to open Task Manager.
I installed the new Windows 8.1 Service Package 1 update earlier today. I was loving it. They finally got to addressing how bad Windows 8 was for laptops. However, the new context menu in the Start Screen simply does not appear anymore. It was earlier, and I have made no significant changes to the system in that time. When I right-click on a tile now, the only thing that happens is that it gets highlighted. No context menu to speak of. In addition, I can't get a context menu for the "Apps" section either.
I have windows 8.1 and downloading the 13.12 Drivers gave me this program called "AMD Feature Manager". It has a green AMD logo and shows up when I right click anywhere in the desktop, right under "AMD Catalyst Control Center". Whenever I click on it - the program just loads AMD CCC. It seems pretty redundant to include this since I have "AMD Catalyst Control Center" right above it that does the same exact thing. Is there registry edit that can get rid of the option in the Context Menu or can I just uninstall it completely?
Is there a registry edit that can get rid of "AMD Feature Manager" Context Menu option or uninstall it?
I have ASUS S400CA windows 8.1(upgraded from windows8). When I right click for openwith for jpg,png files, I get option of opening with Photo gallery. But in my Dell venue pro tablet with Windows 8.1, I don't get this option. Any way to get it in dell venue 8 pro?
I'm really annoyed by the context sensitive ribbons in the file explorer. The constantly change the look (a coloured tab pops up (library tools in this example picture) and the title name moves) from the window when I work with various files. Even when I have minimized the ribbon the tab pops up.
How do you feel about it? It's like a flash light which makes the GUI very distracting imho.
change it (disable it or a least make the colour from the ribbon-pop-up the same as the window border colour?)
I'd like to install windows 8.1 on my laptop. Is there a way to export (file/registry) the start menu so I won't have to create all of the shortcuts and tiles order on my laptop?
I've been getting a "File Access Denied, You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this file", popup window even with UAC turned off?
The files in question are shortcuts in the C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms. It also happens in C:UsersUser-NameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms.
Basically what I'm doing is renaming the title of the tiles/programs displayed on the Metro Start screen. If there is a better way I'm all for that as having to click continue every time is getting old.
I've recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. First question is how do i enable a confirm window to pop up when deleting something? I don't like how i can just hit delete and it moves it (Only to the recycle bin, but i'd rather it didn't).
Secondly how do i stop the start menu from switching to that Windows 8 menu view? I did originally change it so that when you click the start menu (Bottom left in) it would actually bring up the start menu, but it seems to have reverted. On top of this how do i change it so that pressing the Windows button brings up the start menu rather than the Windows 8 menu view thing?
Thirdly how do i enable file details when in Windows Explorer. So in Windows 7 when you select a file it would give the size, name, author, date last edited etc in the details pane. How do i get that now?
Finally, how do i change my task bars transparency?
When you launch skype from the startmenu it is a huge square, when i launch task manager from the startmenu it is launched to the desktop.
Could there be a way to make the task menu launch from the startmenu to be a big square like skype is "phone eddition"
This would be useful because when im in games and the game freezes, i can bring up the start menu like SUPER FAST and it is visible but when i launch the task manager it is behind the game no matter what, so im always pressing the key stroke of the first letter of the game and pressing delete to see if i closed the game or not.
I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.
Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.
I have a windows 8.1 64 bit PC with a program called 1stPage.exe installed.
When I right click a .txt file I get 'Edit with 1st Page' in the context menu and it also shows in the open with menu.
However HTML files do not show these options. I have checked the registry and it would appear that the program is set up on the open with menu exactly the same for both file types.
So it would appear that something is blocking 1stPage from showing against HTML files but I can't figure out what I need to change.
The attrib +s +h command that is used to make a file a system and hidden file is no longer working. When i try to use the command on a folder, the folder just shows up as a normal hidden folder which can be easily viewed using show hidden items in view option. It looks as if every system file is not recognizing itself as a system file.
Also every folder in my system has appeared a desktop.ini and thumbs.db folder.
How to make the 'Libraries' folder structure appear when doing a file open file save. In both case I can see the folders labeled Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc. but I cannot see the Libraries folder.
I don't know how I did it but I got both Windows 7 File Recovery and Windows 8 File History active at the same time. I upgraded from Win 7 to 8 Pro and transferred settings so win 7 file recovery was already active, when I tried to turn on win 8 file recovery I got a message saying I cant because win 7 FR was active. So I deactivated win 7 FR then activated win 8 FR, for giggles I went back and turned on win 7 FR and it worked. Now I have both active, from what I have read this was not possible. Did I break my OS or am I just lucky?