Windows 8 - Recover Embedded Key?

Apr 26, 2014

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise Evaluation, 64 bit
Processor: AMD A6-5400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 21 Model 16 Stepping 1
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 5526 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7540D, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 953516 MB, Free - 934184 MB;
Motherboard: MSI, 2AE0
Antivirus: Windows Defender

Any utility that actually works for retrieving the product key embedded in the BIOS of a computer that came with 8 installed originally. My machine crashed and the only way I could restore it was by downloading and installing the Windows 8 evaluation version, which is only licensed for 180 days. I have tried several programs that claim to be able to recover the embedded key, but none of them actually work. They just find the key to the version I'm running right now.

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Setup Installation :: How To Install Windows 8 And Use Embedded COA

Apr 15, 2014

We got a nice Samsung Series 5 Ultrabook and all it needed was a hard drive. Now.. here's the problem.. I'm good with a screwdriver or a soldering iron but software isn't my strong point.

It's a genuine Windows 8 machine and as I understand it, it will have the genuine COA embedded in the bios right?
Now I've tried installing Windows 8.0 64bit OEM which I believe is the correct uk ISO, and I've tried the Pro version also but with both, neither seem to pick up the embedded COA and therefor do not activate.

Am I correct in thinking that it might be because I have to use CSM mode in the bios to get it to recognise my installation media? If I had a UEFI version would it make any difference?

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Can Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64) Be Used As Everyday Desktop OS

Sep 10, 2013

I have a product key for Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro (x64). I was wondering if it can be used as an everyday OS (listening to music, surfing the web, playing games)? I am aware that in Windows Embedded 8.1, metro apps/Windows Store are disabled. I was not going to use metro apps anyway.

Do regular desktop applications work perfectly on Windows Embedded 8.1?

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Setup Installation :: Can Install Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a dreamspark account and in that I am provided with the Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro . So, I was thinking if there are any differences in that one and also would I be able to use it like a Home User?

I am also getting the Server 2012 Datacentre Edition. So which one should I go with? I plan to use VM's in the future though.

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Setup Installation :: Develop App With Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro

May 19, 2014

I want create dual boot with windows 7 home basic 64bit and Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit. I also want install visual studio 2013 with update 2.

About my laptop:

i5-2450m, Windows 7 home basic 64bit, 500GB HD, 4GB ram, NVIDIA 410M.

I get Microsoft developer account via there is all so available free Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit and Visual Studio Professional 2013 with Update 2 RC. I don't have knowledge in develop app and in OS installation but I decide just try to develop some app for windows 8 and wp8.

I have following question:

1. my laptop can support to run dual boot with Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit and windows 7 home basic?

If support dual boot,

2. what is size of Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit ? i seen this is 3GB download file. if 3GB can i download in disk and install by restart computer?

3. I can able to do install Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro in my unallocated logical partition?

If able to install in unallocated space,

4. i can able to do install Visual Studio Professional 2013 with Update 2 RC in Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit?

5. what is size of Visual Studio Professional 2013 with Update 2 RC?

6. i can able to do access my Windows 7 home basic files in Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit?

7. what is difference between Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit and Windows 8 pro 64bit? I don't know anything about Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro 64bit.

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(DOWNLOAD) Windows With Unified Write Filter And Embedded Lockdown Manager

Aug 20, 2013

Abandoned due to modified iso not allowed.

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How To Determine What Version Of Flash Is Actually Embedded In IE

Mar 7, 2013

How do I determine what version of Flash is actually embedded in IE?

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Setup Installation :: How To Install 8.1 Core With Embedded Key

Jan 17, 2014

How I can go about installing 8.1 on a blank hdd using my embedded product key. I hate using the manufacturer recovery because there is a slew of bloatware that I need to get rid of.

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Lenovo Site Embedded In Home Page

May 10, 2014

I don't know how this happened but for a week every time I open my msn homepage this Lenovo site opens like a attachment to my home page. How can I eliminate this.

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Setup Installation :: Embedded Product Key (8.0) For 8.1 Install

Nov 6, 2013

So, I have purchased some computers from Dell and they have Windows 8.0 Professional from the OEM. So, it was very easy for me to use my MSDN media, reinstall Windows 8.0, and it simply detected and used my Windows 8 embedded BIOS key. From there, I would make any adjustments needed, run sysprep, and grab an image. This allowed me to use that image on any of the Dell's that I purchased with Windows 8 and all was great.

Then, along comes the free upgrade to Windows 8.1. I took one of my Dell's, and laid down a clean windows 8.0 image. Then I ran the Store "free" upgrade to Windows 8.1. All was well. I then cleaned up the temporary files and whatnot and tried to run Sysprep only to be greeted with an error that said, "I cannot validate your OS installation". Did some research and found that you aren't supposed to run Sysprep on a machine that you ran an "upgrade". Instead, you are supposed to install from scratch.

Ok, let's do that. Grabbed the 8.1 ISO from MSDN, put it onto an installable USB key, started the install and it now prompts me for a key. It won't detect or use the embedded 8.0 key that is on the box. So, I cannot actually clean install Windows 8.1 with the embedded OEM key, even though I can freely upgrade to 8.1.

I'm not going to take my new Dell computers, lay down the clean 8.0 image and then upgrade each of them manually via the store to Windows 8.1. This takes way too long.

I'm not going to use my MSDN keys to install onto these machines, because I don't want them to activate these keys. They aren't the legit keys for these machines. These machines have legit OEM Windows 8 keys and 8.1 is a free upgrade to 8.0, so it seems like these legit keys would work. I paid dell to have a valid OEM license on the computer, that is what I want to use.

Any way to get 8.1 Pro to install clean, on a machine with an embedded 8.0 Pro key.

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How To Convert Embedded Hyperlinks From Doc To Docx And From XLS To XLSX

Aug 31, 2013

I have many files with several thousands hyperlinks embedded in them. How do I convert the embedded hyperlinks from .doc to .docx and from .xls to .xlsx. I do not have hyperlinks to internet sources in there.

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Debugging :: BSOD Watching Embedded Videos 2 Or 3 Times A Day

Mar 2, 2014

I recently bought new hardware to upgrade my system. The whole works, motherboard, SSD, i7 processor, new RAM.

computer name: STINKO-MAN
windows version: Windows 8 , 6.2, build: 9200
windows dir: C:WINDOWS
Hardware: MS-7816, MSI, Z87-G43 GAMING (MS-7816)
CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz Intel586, level: 6
8 logical processors, active mask: 255
RAM: 8531210240 total
VM: 2147352576, free: 1917751296

I get the WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR 2 or 3 times a day. I found this mainly happens when I watch videos embedded in websites or browsing the steam store (when you browse a game there are embedded videos that play automatically in steam).

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Debugging :: BSOD From YouTube / Sites With Embedded Ads (New Computer)

Jul 17, 2014

I just put together a computer yesterday, and while most things seem to be working fine, I've been having some problems with YouTube and certain websites that have embedded ads with animation. The computer either freezes up completely or sends me to a BSOD that cites the problem as WHEA_uncorrectable_error. It happens almost every time within a few seconds of the video starting. It also froze once just sitting on the desktop with only a Steam download in the background, but I haven't seen that happen again.

Oddly enough, I've run several games on Steam to see if it would have the same effect, but I haven't run into that problem yet while playing games. Netflix and Hulu also seem to work fine.

Nothing is overclocked. I got drivers for the video card and mobo from the company websites, although I'll admit that I don't know much about that. My report from the diagnostic tool is attached. My build is posted below.

CPU: Intel Core i5 4590
Graphics Card: Radeon R9 280X (Sapphire)
MOBO: Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H
Power Supply: EVGA Supernova NEX750B (750 W)
HD: Seagate Barracuda 1 TB 7200 RPM
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8 GB
OS: Windows 8.1, 64 Bit

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Apps / Software :: Embedded JPG Links In Excel 2003 Insist On Opening IE11?

Nov 27, 2013

I have a lot of excel spreadsheets with embedded links to jpg and pdf documents stored on an NAS. In both Win XP and Win 7 I could set the file association to make them always open in the Win picture preview pane.

In Win 8.1 they will ONLY open in IE11.

I have changed the registry as directed by MS in this article to no avail.

How to configure Internet Explorer to open Office documents in the appropriate Office program instead of in Internet Explorer

Locate the subkey for the specific Office document type.The following table lists the subkeys for several common Office document types. Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet Excel.Sheet.8

After you identify the subkey for the specific Officedocument type, follow these steps:

If the Office document is an Microsoft Office Excel document, add the following value for all Microsoft Office Excel subkeys except the Excel.Sheet.5 subkey:

Value name: BrowserFlags
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value: 8

I do not want to view them in IE which is harder to zoom, and my habits do not change as easily as MS thinks they should.

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How To Recover Windows 8 Key

Sep 1, 2013

I Installed Windows 8.1 Pro RTM. How Can i recover windows 8 product key to activate it.

I Only find windows 8.1 default product key, that cannot be used activating windows 8.1 pro RTM.

Do i now have to buy external DVD rom to install windows 8 and then i can get the product key?

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Can Recover 8.1 Without Loading Into Windows?

May 18, 2014

I pressed shutdown and install updates. The computer has since been unable to restart. It keeps giving the message that it is repairing the error and going to restart. Which is the message it keeps giving every time it restarts.

I recovered as much as I can by loading Ubuntu through a USB drive. I do not want to send the laptop back to the manufacturer to reinstall Windows because the process is going to take far too long and I really need my laptop.

Is there any way I can either recover the system or format and reinstall Windows? No recovery cd was given or USB produced before the system

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Recover The Windows 8.1 Desktop Background?

Feb 24, 2014

To see if I could get control over the Windows 8.1 folder, I came to try the Windows 8 Forum Tutorial published by Brink on 03 March 2012 on "How to Disable Auto Arrange in File Explorer in Windows 8.1." When I did, the Windows 8.1 desktop background was replaced by a blank dark green background. Nothing I have been able to do has enabled me to recover the Windows desktop background. I now have no Task bar, no Charm bar, nothing.

I still have my browser open, and a folder open. If I closed them, I would not be able to access anything. I accessed the Control Panel through the folder, but it would not reload the background, and told me to change the background settings. The Control Panel has the option, "Change desktop background," but that's what wouldn't reload. I've done a System Restore, but it did not return the desktop background. Finally, I tried the other Brink program to "Enable Auto Arrange" to reverse the Disable and restore Windows back to what it was before I tried the Disable program. That effort didn't work either.

How can I recover the Windows 8.1 desktop background?

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Maintenance :: How To Recover Backup Image Of Windows 8.1

Mar 1, 2014

I tried to start windows 8.1 this morning and it was stuck in a boot loop. System tried to carryout repairs to no avail.

I re-installed Windows and I have some drives that are setup in a raid configuration which has a system image I created some time ago after I performed a fresh install of windows 8.1. However, I can't seem to get recovery to locate it.

Is there a way of restoring from this backup to save my having to install each programme from scratch? The file is 141 gig and is an ADI file with an XML and disk image text file.

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Setup Installation :: How To Recover Windows 8 Onto Laptop

Jul 24, 2014

My asus Laptop, K55N-DB81 has Linux on it. BUT before I had windows 8 on it. Now I want to re-install Windows 8 on it, but I don't know how to. I didn't create any recovery disks , and the Product Key is embedded into the Bios. I know what the Product Key IS just in case I would have to enter it again. Do I need to get an iso. to boot from and then go from there or something?

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How To Recover Lost Email In Windows 8 Mail

Feb 18, 2014

I was setting up a signature in windows 8 mail, it requires that the sync email box be checked. I exited the setup screen and the program began to sync to (nothing?) no warning that what was about to happen is the loss of all email in the account. Can I recover my emails from the apps EML? and how. Since I am using Gmail and not clearing the server, all of my incoming email is accessible, My sent mail is not accessible. This seems like a heavy price to pay for setting up a signature.

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Can't Boot Windows - Unable To Recover Data?

Sep 15, 2014

Asus Zenbook UX51VZ / Windows 8 OEMUpgraded to Win 8.1 around three weeks agoFaced no problems (surfing, media programs, games worked fine)Last Friday during startup I received an error message telling me that something isn't correct and that windows will try to find the problemGot “directed” to the following menu Refreshing doesn't work as my hard drive seems to be blockedCan't select any restorable system images (as there aren’t any)I really don't want to format my hard drive! Tried to safe my data by looking everything up, managed to gain access to my second partition on which I had only media files. Still, I urgently need to get the files on my C: drive back.

How I recovered my data on D: :

Ubuntu Live CDBoot Ubuntu instead of windows (which can’t be booted anyways)Nautilus, selected D:/ (called DATA)Received following error message: "Error mounting /dev/dm-6 at /media/ubuntu/DATA: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=999,gid=999,dmas k=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/dm-6"


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Recover Lost / Deleted Files After Windows 8 Reset?

Jun 6, 2014

So, my problem started earlier this week when I tried to scan my Hard Drive using my antivirus system. Never do that.

My Vaoi laptop froze at 27% during the scan, and I had to manually shut it off (hold down the power button) and then restart it. Well, it started the scan again, and got stuck again, so I had to restart it again. The next time, I was able to read this millisecond long message about how to "cancel dskchk by pressing any key", so I did, but then it just took forever to load and opened on an error message saying that windows couldn't load, or something along those lines.

Eventually, after figuring out how to open safe mode, I tried to use a Restore point (which didn't work), Refresh the System (which couldn't complete), do a lot of maintenance scans (none of which worked), consult the internet off of my friend's computer (where I heard about the windows.old folder), and then I was finally forced to use the Vaio Recovery Tool and do an emergency backup onto my new External Hard Drive... It semi-worked, but a lot of my files weren't passed over to the external drive, and I'd like to get them back.

The files I care about are mostly image and document files (jpg, bmp, Word, and Notepad) and the folders they were in were all on my Desktop, but I don't know how to get them back. Some are there, some aren't, it's all just really confusing. So, now, I'm currently running three different Data Recovery programs (Wondershare, EaseUS, and Recuva - all free versions), but I'm basically wondering if there's anything else I can do to fix this. I don't have a windows.old folder on my C drive, but I do on my external hard drive, but it's half empty, like the rest of my folders..

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Setup Installation :: How To Recover Windows 8 On Acer Aspire E1-571

Mar 2, 2014

I wanted to install w7 so i accidentally formatted some drives. then noticed i cant install w7 because of the gtp partition. as you can see in the pic partition 1 the recovery one looks like it wasn't formatted( i cant remember as i formatted the partitions 3 months ago) so is there any way i can use that recovery partition to restore windows 8

I have tried the alt+F10 menu. none of the following ways in the menu let me restore or reset the laptop. i tried all of the options in the picture none worked

So I am left with an laptop with no os how can i restore the pre installed Windows 8 or install w7 (i have a w7 cd)

The laptop is an aspire e1-571

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Setup Installation :: Windows 8 Can't Find Recover Partitions

Aug 6, 2013

I have an pre-installed Windows 8 in my notebook. When I first got the PC, I got only C:/ partition so I needed D:/ and for doing this I used EaseUS Partition Manager. This is just a guess but I guess Windows can't find those recover partitions that are in my HDD. I haven't deleted those partitions just created D:/ and here is a screenshot I just take to show you the partitions I have.

I have already tried copying the Install.wim from my BIOS_RVY partition which was about 9GB and I moved it to C:/WinRec and used this command as I saw it from internet : reagentc.exe /setosimage /path C:WinRec /target c:Windows /Index 1 But i still get the error:

"Insert media some files are missing. Your Windows installation or recovery medial will provide these files."

This method didn't worked so any other too. I wonder how can I refresh or some sort of return my notebook to the factory settings from the recovery parts I have.

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Dell :: Windows 8.1 After Creating Partition / Cannot Boot Or Recover

Sep 17, 2014

I have a new Dell 5537 comes with Windows 8.1. Day before, I tries to create a new partition in C: where is the the OS sits. After created an unallocated partition, I did not format it, jjust restart my laptop. Then it won't start. Even I use its Recovery disks, it cannot recover my system. NOW, I can see the Partition detail: 1: ESP Total 500MB Free 494MB SYSTEM2. DIAGS Total 40MB Free 35MB PRIMARY3. Total 128MB Free 128MB MSR(RESERVE)4. Total 2GB Free 1.7GB RECOVERY5. Total 920.6GB Free 920.4GB PRIMARY6.PBR IMAGE Total 8.2GB Free 4.3GB RECOVERY#5. Partition is where I have created a new partition but not format yet. Now I have a new Widnows 8.1 image file and tried to install in this partition, but it gave me an message: "WINDOWS CANNOT INSTALL, IT IS OF GPT PARTITION STYLE". so that I can install my new Windows 8.1 in this partition.

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Accounts :: Windows 8 - Forgot Administrator Password / How To Recover

Jan 26, 2014

My dad has forgot Administrator Password for our Windows 8 account, but we have access to a non-admin account. Is re installing Windows the only way? It's a local account.

I have no recovery disc, no password reset disc. How to recover Administrator password?

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Dell :: Recover Windows 8 After Changing Hard Drive

Feb 18, 2014

I have an Inspiron 14Z 5423, and my hard drive crashed, after running the dell diagnostic tool, it pops up an error code 2000-0142 when it starts analyzing the hard drive, but despite this, i can still access the hard drive using Ubuntu Live DVD ...

Any ways, i noticed there is a second hard drive/partition of 32 GO which i think is supposed to contain the OS image or something similar, so if i buy a new hard drive, could i recover my original windows OS ?!

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Maintenance :: Unable To Recover System Image Made With Windows 8.1

Mar 23, 2014

We're unable to restore/recover a system image we created recently using Windows 8.1.

System details:

Windows 7 w/SP1 installed on a 240GB SSD. All available Critical/Important updates also installed.

Windows 8 installed on 80GB SSD. Updated to 8.1 successfully.

In Windows 8.1, changed default OS to Windows 7 w/SP1.

Dual-boot works OK. Win 7 boots after 5 second delay unless Win 8.1 is selected manually.

PC also has 3 other internal HDDs used for various data storage.

Used Windows 8.1 to create System Image backup. Secondary internal 2TB HDD chosen as backup location.

System Image backup dialog box had checkmarks in both Win 7 and Win 8.1 checkboxes. In other words, it insisted on creating a System Image backup that included both OS's.

System Image backup was created successfully on chosen backup location.

Today i inserted the original Windows 8 install disc and selected Advanced Tools, then opted to recover a system image.

Recovery located the system image on the secondary HDD and began recovery process.

A few minutes later an eror message appeared saying System Image recovery failed, and he reason was (i think) that the recovery disc was different than the recovery System Image.

I'm guessing it meant it couldn't recover a Windows 8.1 System Image when using a Windows 8 install disc? Or did it mean it couldn't recover Windows 7 using a Windows 8 disc?

Re-booted in BIOS and changed the "1st hard disc" from the Win 7 SSD to the Win 8.1 SSD and tried the Recover System Image process again. This time it said it couldn't find a System Image to recover and when i tried to browse to the system image another error meassage said that the drive is "locked", and to unlock the drive before trying again.

Finally, tried to re-boot back into Windows but error message says "No operating system found".

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Setup Installation :: Custom Recover Windows 8.1 Without Affecting Linux?

Jul 18, 2014

I am clean installing Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu on a friends new laptop and although I have taken Clonezilla images of partitions on my personal laptop should I ever need them I was hoping there was something more user friendly I could install on my friend's laptop. Anarethos Recovery Toos with Media Creator seems to be what I am after but I am not sure if that will mess up the boot settings or even completely remove Linux.

Ideally I am looking for something that can be launched by holding a hotkey down at boot. When launched it will offer to restore the main Windows 8.1 system partition (GPT) with all drivers and programs installed exactly how it is when I hand it over, and if possible offer to restore the Ubuntu /home partion. The crux is that Windows can be restored without affecting Ubuntu.

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Maintenance :: Windows 8 Is Stuck On Boot - Can't Recover / Restore Or Reset

Apr 13, 2013

Laptop Information- HP 2000 Notebook PC

Well, yesterday night, everything was going good until I tried to download League Of Legends on my laptop. I was multi-tasking on facebook, youtube, and a whole other stuff while my laptop was downloading League Of Legends, and then the whole laptop frooze and then I panicked and pressed the power button a couple times. When the laptop booted back up, it was all black and nothing happened.

I was searching online and pressed the F11 button to try and restore the laptop and it did work and I also got into windows 8. It was lagging and very slow when I booted into windows 8, and so I just decided to shutdown the laptop and try to refresh and reset the laptop from boot.

However the automatic recovery didn't work and couldn't repair the laptop. When I was refreshing and reseting the laptop, it wouldn't finish all the way, because it would stop at like 60% and then just stop and freeze. Now, I think I messed up a bit and now I can't boot into Windows 8 or even RESET,RESTORE,or REFRESH. Also I just dod a diagnostic check on UEFI, and my Hard Disk Short DST has failed, so I think that I need to replace my hard disk.

Your PC needs to be repaired

The operating system couldn't be loaded because the system registry file is missing or contains errors.

File: Windowssystem32configsystem
Error code: 0xc000000f

You'll need to use the recovery tools on your installation media. If you don't have any installation media(like a disc or USB device), contact your system administrator or PC manufacturer

Press Enter to try again
Press F8 for Startup Settings
Press ESC for UEFI Firmware Settings
Press F9 to use a different operating system

All these options won't work because it will just loop back to this screen that I just showed you.

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Setup Installation :: Samsung Laptop Won't Start After Windows 8 Image Recover

Sep 13, 2013

I have two laptops, both Samsung, one mine and one my sisters. My one is Windows 8 and her one is a slightly older model so Windows 7. Now both are are very similar in spec, being 4GB and Intel Pentium 2.3GHz models. She recently asked me if i could sort out her laptop with Windows 8, so I said yep should be no problem.

I went and bought a Windows 8 Pro 64bit and was at first going to just do a plain install. But then had a bright idea and thought why not do an image of mine and recover it to hers, and then when started up just enter the key of the new one. that way she gets a full original Samsung install along with all the apps and everything.

At first I tried the samsung built in Recovery software but had no luck as it was just a complete nightmare. Not booting the USB I put it on for the first few times, then eventually after changing the BIOS setting to UEFI and formatting her Disk to GPT it started but then said no image found. In end I tried the old way by using the Windows built in File Recovery Image tool which made me a repair disc and 3 discs for the image itself.

This booted first go and went all way through the recovery, and then did the usual "restarting in X seconds ..." But after it rebooted to my horror the Samsung Logo screen appears and then after that it just stays blank.

It does every few seconds momentarily flicker on the screen but then just goes bank again. I cant even get into the BIOS anymore or boot from anything.

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