In windows 8 everything worked pretty great, but now after doing a clean and fresh install of 8.1 pro it can sometimes take up to 30 seconds to access any of my external usb or esata hard drives. This never ever happened on windows 8. It doesn't always happen but it happened enough for me to make this thread. I tried changing ownership and security policies to my account just to make sure, and i tried reinstalling the drivers for the drives too and it still does this!
My Home Computer (HC) has Windows 8 as the OS. It is wired to an Asus RT-AC66U wireless router. The router is directly wired to an Asus RT-N66U wireless router converted to an access point. My GoFlex HDD is connected directly to the Access Point (RT-N66U).
From my HC, I can open the RT-N66U, and look at the network map, and see the GoFlex listed and the network address, XXX.XXX.X.XXX. If I go to run on the HC, and typeXXX.XXX.X.XXX, it says Windows can't communicate with the device. The Home Computer shows nothing under Network. If I look at "Computer" I can see all the HDD plus GoFlexHome:UPNP and even open the external HDD. But I cannot copy or move files from my computer to the GoFlex external HDD.
I called Seagate Tech Support who said the GoFlex had to show under Network for me to use it.
My wireless laptop(WL) is connected to my network. The GoFlex HDD is under network as is my HC. I can use the GoFlex drive normally and transfer folders or files back and forth. The WL also shows my HC under network, but when I try to access the HC, "Windows cannot communicate with the device"
Both computers are joined to the same workgroup. Under Network and Sharing Center the WLactive network is the name of my wireless network, and is joined under Homegroup. My HC under active network states Network 2, joined under homegroup. The connections are Wireless for the WL and Ethernet for the HC.
How to get my HC on the proper network or settings?
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x86 WMC External Hard Drive: Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex (No external Power Required) Problem: I can't access my External Hard Drive. See The Screenshot Below.
Solution Applied: Drive letter changed. (Not Worked)
Also tried Properties - Security - Advanced - Owner to Everyone. (Not Worked)
Checked the HDD in another PC Windows 8.1 x64. (Not Worked)
I connected the HDD then I installed the "Better-Explorer" through that i can access my external hdd normally but If I Reboot my PC then same Problem with the "Better-Explorer". & If I install The "Better-Explorer" Then if I connect my HDD Then from the beginning i can't access the HDD.
In Tune-Up Utilities Their is Disk Explorer through that I can explore my Ex HDD Drive. I right clicked on my drive from Tune-up & checked the disk for error and then repaired it (Windows Error checking tool) and then reboot my PC but it is still the same.
I have this annoying problem that just showed up recently since I've changed/upgraded laptops the past week.
I can't seem to access or rather run the files on certain folders for my portable drive. I've already changed permissions and made myself owner for the files but it seems it won't accept it and it's giving me off an error still saying that access is denied.
I've searched high and low on how to solve this but nothing seems to work.
- I tried the registry trick to "Take Ownership" and it didn't work - Also tried various (advanced)security settings to allow/deny etc. No dice.
**Last option would be to reformat my portable drive and then just recover the emails again, will the permissions/ownership reset if I try to format the drive? Since deleting them is out of the option since I don't have "permission" for those folders/files.
I have an iomega portable usb drive. I can plug into any of my windows 7 machines and access the files and store data on it. when I put into my win 8 machine it shows in devices and printers and in my computer shows as removable disk but you cannot open it up.
I have went into device manager and tried to update the usb driver installed but no use at all.
really strange that it shows in devices and printers but I cannot get the files.
the thing is I need to install and transfer some backups onto my win 8 machine so I need it to work desperately.
I bought my Dell desktop about 3 years ago. Since then I replaced the HDD with a new Samsung SSD and reinstalled Windows 8 on it. After that it started running really fast.
I usually don't reboot it too often, I do it maybe once a month after installing updates. What I've been noticing lately is that it takes progressively longer to boot this desktop up. I initially thought that the SSD was going bad, so I cloned it 1-to-1 to the original HDD that the desktop came with and that I never used, but the boot time didn't change. I timed it today and it took about 5 minutes to boot up while showing this window:
Windows 8 which I installed recently (from factory recovery image) suddenly now takes too long to shutdown.
Around 2 minutes and 20 seconds. I tried disabling and enabling "Fast Startup" but that didn't affect the shutdown time.
Also reduced the "WaitToKillServiceTimeout" from 5000ms to 3000ms but also there is no effect.
Also the "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" is set to 0.
I even tried hibernating instead of shutdown and it took 2:20 minutes too !Also disabled hibernate with "powercfg -h off" and tried to shutdown , and took 2:20 minutes too.
Im having a nightmare getting my Windows 8.1 to boot properly. I've Had Windows 8 for over a year now! and I was forced to roll back to Windows 7. But now it's time to get it working properly!
Here is my problem:
My pc boots to a black screen after windows logo (no cursor or anything) and when it does i have to reboot my pc about 5-6 times before it actually boots properly. Now here's the biggest problem--> when I have made a succesfull boot (after rebooting 5-6 times) i have to shutdown my computer and wait 2-3 hours at least, before i can recreate the error again. This makes the problem solving process even more painful.
I've tried just about anything that I could find on the web and weirdly enough, My problem doesn't seem to be quite the same as all the other posts -_- ..
Here's a list of things that I've tried that i can remember:
Updated all drivers to latest versionsReinstalled several timesenabled UEFI boot (and disabled)Booted with only 1 monitor connected (tried VGA and DVI)disabled fast startup
(I didn't connect unessecary hardware or had cd's in the machine. Only a monitor, keyboard and mouse)
I've properly tried more than that, but can't remember it all.
I was told that i should try to connect a monitor using a hdmi cable, because Windows 8 could shoot the signal out of the HDMI port.
Now for the problem when I receive the laptop it was preinstalled with window 8 and on the first boot it took around 5 to 6 mins to boot to desktop..I reinstalled the windows considering it to be the bloatware fault..
The problem gets solved but after i download alienware osd drivers , alienware command center and nvidia drivers the delay is back ..
It starts with a bsod (your pc ran into problem)error window minidump memory.dmp.etc and after that windows boot restart and shutdown after almost 5 to 10 mins..
In the duration of delay there is no hdd activity and after 3 to 5 minutes when the hdd gets actives it boots to desktop in 5 secs..
My new laptop is crashing multiple times every day. It freezes, reboots itself or I get BSoD. I use it mostly for playing League of Legends and watching videos on Youtube , but it crashes on everything.
I tried to reinstall Windows 8.1 (OS I had when I bought laptop), reinstall all drivers, install new drivers but its still crashing. Also tried to run it in safe mode but it crashed there too.
HP Pavilion17-f001sm Notebook PC (my laptop) specifications: CPU - AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphic 2.0GHz RAM - 4GB OS - Windows 8.1 x64
how many times i should reinstall windows or other os or how much time i can formate my pc? is this any harfull effect by installing windows many tmes( i did 30 times till today). some of my fren tell me there is certiain coating or layering in the harddisk which may break or run out with repeated format or reinstall....and drive will crash ..
There is a very annoying issue with my Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit. For some unknown reason sound stops working several times a day. Audio usually crashes when I start, pause/unpause or stop a video (XBMC, KMPlayer, Youtube), music, game, or anything that involves sound. The only thing what can make audio work again is restarting Windows Audio Service.
This crash does not happen in every case, only several times a day.
One more interesting symptom: when I listen to music on foobar2000 and audio crashes, then the playback of music doesn't stop, sound is still working (only on foobar2000, anywhere else it stops), but I cannot change the volume inside foobar2000. Once I stop the music stream and try to start it again, then the sound does not work at all in foobar2000 either.
This problem exists on laptop's built in speaker, audio jack and HDMI output too. Interesting though, when sound is on HDMI output and crashes, Windows system sounds (such as sound for UAC prompt) are still working, but they are outputted to the built in laptop speaker.
My laptop is ASUS K55VJ
Previously I had Windows 8 installed, it didn't have the issue. This is a clean Windows 8.1 install, not an upgrade from Windows 8. Reinstallation of drivers does not work.
Whenever I open a folder with more than a couple of icons it takes about 10 seconds for the icons to appear correctly. Sometimes some icons won't even display the way they should even after those 10 seconds, it's just a generic blank icon.
Is there a way of correcting this?
My Windows is the 8.1 Pro 32-bit (6.3, build 9600).
I am creating a Windows 8 recovery drive on a new 16GB flash drive (The only option with my new refurbished Gateway NE56R49u Laptop). The process has been running approximately 5 hours now with the green progress bar being only 1/32 inch from complete for approximately 4 hours. Should I click the "cancel" tab and/or the "red X" to close the program? If I do, will I be able to start the process again? This just seems like an extremely long time to complete such a small portion (1/32 inch on the progress bar) of the process.
Why Windows 8.1 is giving me so many issues. My laptop is unable to stay connected to the wifi for long and sometimes I am unable to connect. My phone and tablet stay connected to the wifi while my laptop can't. I tried all the remedies for it and yet it has issues. Is it because I had installed spotflux and tunnel bear on my laptop?
So, I have been running 8.1 pro for some time now. During the last 2 or 3 weeks, I started having a login issue.
It loads bios, loads windows fine. I get to the login screen, and it seems to take forever to recognize internet connection. Gives me the little "!" over the internet. I put in password. Takes about a minute to finally log in.
I have gone to start up in task manager and disabled everything. This does nothing. I have changed from a live to a local account. Nothing. I have not installed anything recently other then video drivers. Internet seems to work fine while logged in.
Have all the most recent mobo drivers.......
Hardware Asrock z77 Fatality Pro Core i7 3770k Kingston X SSD for OS drive.
Anything else in my hardware does not really seem relevant.....
I am attempting o OC my cpu and gpu and have to reboot a lot to dial it in.
Here is a really bad pic of what I am seeing on the login screen. It takes up to 3 minutes to establish connection when it used to be almost instantaneous.
Here are some other things I have done.
-Updated router firm ware: no change -Tried static ip: nodda -Disabled all virus software: nothing. -Differnet cable. nothing
This is Windows 8.1. When I wake my computer from sleep, regardless of how long the computer has been sleeping, it takes 10-15 minutes to complete the process. It takes about a minute or so for the lock screen to show up. When it does appear, everything seems to be working but I click on the lock screen to reveal the password entry and a grey screen emerges but no password box or profile photo. Its as if the password box and photo are just missing on the page. So as I wait for the password box to appear, the lock screen will eventually return. I have to keep clicking on the lock screen to see if the password box has appeared.
Sometimes instead of the grey screen, the loading circle of dots animation is displayed but still behind the lock screen as above.
My system freezes randomly for a few seconds. In the eventviewer i see often these ESENT (508) warnings:
LiveComm (1680) C:Users lv02271AppDataLocalPackagesmicrosoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbweLocalStat eLiveCommcostongs@hotmail.com16.2: A request to write to the file "C:Users lv02271AppDataLocalPackagesmicrosoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbweLocalSta teLiveCommcostongs@hotmail.com16.2DBStoreLogFilesedb.log" at offset 974848 (0x00000000000ee000) for 4096 (0x00001000) bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (20 seconds) to be serviced by the OS.
This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem.
I've an odd issue. Every time I boot up my computer for the first time in the evening after work, it will freeze and crash several times but then remain fine for the rest of the night after multiple restarts. The cycle then repeats itself the next day.
After spending hoursonline on these BSODs, I finally decided to spit the error out somewhere since BSOD can occur out of nowhere and situation is different for everybody.
My friend and I bought Asus N55 and N56VM on 27th Feb 2013 respectively. We both had Windows 7. Unfortunately, after a few updates, I got BSOD on the very first day. I've had Vaio F113fx/b before.
After days of trials on figuring out problem and experiencing BSODs 3-4 times a day on average, I planned to update to Windows 8. For the first 7-8 hours after install, it was clean and there were no BSODs but right after few games installations and updates, boom, had a BSOD on 'Memory Management 0x0000001a".
Therefore, I installed BlueScreen Viewer to find out what was causing these BSODs and same as before (in Windows 7), it's ntoskrnl.exe.
Over the past couple days I've been experiencing a BSOD 1 or 2 times a day during what seem like, random times. The BSOD is a little funky because the screen is skewed pretty badly and no text is visible. Where do I start troubleshooting this error?
I built my current system about a month ago. Since then, I've had numerous BSODs, some caused by my graphics card driver. I updated the driver and the BSODs became less frequent. However, I still get them regularly, usually when waking the computer from sleep mode. I've had a couple at random times as well. I've tried to figure out (using WhoCrashed and WinDbg) what was causing these issues but to no avail. I ran Driver Verifier with all the drivers checked and have not gotten any BSODs from it. I have not yet run a Memtest since WhoCrashed said that the BSODs were not likely to be caused by hardware issues.
Windows 8 boots up pretty quickly, but it takes a notably long time (compare to Windows 7) for it to show up the system tray applications. In Windows 7 it is almost instant.
Is this Microsoft's problem or the app maker's problem?
Also, the apps seem to load sequentially. Is there a way to rearrange them so that the ones I want load quickly. I need AutoHotKey, Logitech Setpoint and Logitech Gaming Software to load up ASAP. Rest can take their sweet time.
Also this is what the TaskManager's startup performance analysis looks like.
Having this *feature* means that Microsoft can blame the app maker for the slow startup. But why doesn't that happen in Windows 7? Is this because Desktop is another app, and stuff don't really get priority?
Also I still cannot find why PeerBlock would not start when placed in the classic Startup folder.
I'm running windows 8.1 x64. When I insert a usb flash drive into my PC, it takes maybe over 2 minutes before windows "finds" it and has it appear in windows explorer. I have the latest BIOS for my motherboard and I don't think there are any specific usb drivers to install.
I have recently bought an Acer S670MG or M679G desktop computer with the following specs.
Intel core 2 due 3.1ghz. 6mb L2 cache. 6gb ddr3 ram at 1066mhz bus Nvidia Geforce 9800GT 512mb/256bits external graphic card. 1tb SATA WD hdd.
And I have facing a problem that when I turned ON computer it sounds a beep and Acer Empowering People appears a couple of seconds then display is gone. then after coupe of seconds, again beeps sounds and again Acer logo appears and then starts the windows. Why this happens. because of that booting time is much longer.
In bios. I tried two hard drive modes. native ide and Raid. third is AHCI I think and this I did not try yet.
The file Name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. I have get this message while coping the files from one External HDD to another. I found this solution, You cannot back up a file in Windows Server 2008 R2 or in Windows 7 if the path length is longer than 260 characters but it is only for previous version of Windows OS. How to fix this on win 8 x64? The file sysytems on both HDDs are exFat.
I upgraded my dv6 to Windows 8 and wasn't completely happy with the way it was running so I decided to do a full reset including all of my files. Its been going for a few hours now and only up to 32%.
I have a software on my notebook called Lenovo Energy Management, and there's 2 battery mode available, the one is "Maximum Battery Life" and the other is "Optimized Battery Health" so I choose "Optimized Battery Health" mode, and leaving my notebook while it is charging for about 5 hours.
When I am go back home, I saw that my battery is stay on 60% and it say "Plugged in, not charging". It won't charge the battery higher than 60%, so I guess the battery is limited to 60% from it's full capacity. The question is, is it safe for the battery if I leave the notebook while it is charging for more than 5 hours even the battery capacity is limited?