About two weeks ago when I right-clicked in the bottom-left corner there would be a menu that would pop up. Now it just moves my mouse a little bit and dosen't do anything.
This menu was really useful...It held things like My Computer, Run, Command Prompt etc.
I updated to the windows 8.1 preview but it was working when I did that. about a week after I got the preview it did this.
My menu doesn't come up. It doesn't come up when I press the Windows button in the bottom left corner either. It only comes up when I press the Windows button on the keyboard.
My problem is that I can't add programs to Start Menu teh way I used to do it, with right click, context menu and Add to Start Menu. It is still there in the context menu, but it doesn't work.
Apart from that, in 8.1 when I install a new program, it won't put a tile in the Start Menu by default. I need to do it manually by looking for the program in the list and righ-click-add-to-start-menu, but again, it not always works.
When invoking the Power User Menu, no shortcut will work except the "Run" command. This has been this way since I upgraded my Win 7 to Win 8. The short cuts do exist in the appropriate $user$/Appdata/.../WinX subfolder, but the menu doesn't seem to connect to them..
Yes, I tried using the Power User Menu Editor suggested in the tutorials, but to no avail.
As another bit of info...When I upgraded from 7, I was using the program Start Menu X (paid version) as a Start Menu replacement. As I liked the Win 8 Start Screen from using the previews for many months, I uninstalled Start Menu X. My guess this may have affected the Power User Menu in some fundamental way, as I was not able to use said menu when a third party start menu replacement was in effect.
Since I turned on a new computer, SEARCH function is not working anywhere.
I can't enter the search mode in Explorer (CTRL+F or WIN+F does simply nothing) and when I go to Start menu screen and start typing, nothing happens. When I'm in Start menu and go to search it gives me no results no matter what I type - it just says: This app can't be searched. (as you can see below).
I installed the new Windows 8.1 Service Package 1 update earlier today. I was loving it. They finally got to addressing how bad Windows 8 was for laptops. However, the new context menu in the Start Screen simply does not appear anymore. It was earlier, and I have made no significant changes to the system in that time. When I right-click on a tile now, the only thing that happens is that it gets highlighted. No context menu to speak of. In addition, I can't get a context menu for the "Apps" section either.
I've had a problem with the app switcher since upgrading to 8.1 ...
When I hover the cursor in the top left corner when two or more apps are happen, I get small white outlines instead of the small preview images that I used to get on Windows 8 (screenshot attached to this thread, with settings), making it impossible to see what application I'm switching to!
PC: Dell Latitude E6220 Windows 8.1 Pro i7-2640M @ 2.8GHz 4GB RAM
All of a sudden my trillian on the left side of the screen is over powering everything else. i can not drag a window over it, Nor can i maximize a window to cover over it. picture below
[URL] ....
So what setting can I turn back on to go back to being able to move firefox across the trillian buddy list and maximize my windows without seeing trillian in the corner holding its ground.
I'm running an old touch screen in a mobile environment. And while I see great benefit to using Windows 8.1, I'm having issues with getting it to cooperate with my older LCD touch screen. If I could increase the size of the corner gesture, it would solve most my problems.
I've already increased the MouseCornerClipLength in the registry to 20, which is the max this will go. My screen just doesn't like the small tolerance Microsoft has given to bring up these gestures. I can cheat the calibration to make it work, but then it throws off the whole screen.
So instead of explaining what I'm looking at right now I'll post a picture here:
So as you can see that bar there is putting my volume automatically up to 100% every single time I touch it. Also, recently this has made the computer unable to drag the top or side or have any Windows 8 features available this includes both Windows buttons on my keyboard. I have tried cleaning my keyboard as that seemed to work last time on fixing this problem for maybe a month, however it worked for only an hour this time. It also seems note worthy that I cannot capitalize these letters at all: z x c v m , . and then I can't capitalize certain letters with certain shift bars so I can capitalize s with my left shift but not my right this happens with many other letters too but the ones I listed above cannot be capitalized at all.
One month ago, I installed Windows 8 with media center pack in HP Pavilion DV 2519tu Laptop. At the beginning it was running fine. But from last 10 days, the Key options at the bottom of welcome screen has not shown. What i think it may be due to some wrong software
The taskbar at the bottom of my screen is unresponsive for the last week, despite the fact that I've shut down and restarted my pc many times. It is extremely annoying to switch between windows without the use of the taskbar; I need to go back to the desktop and click from there. I'm using Windows 8.1.
Today, for the first time, when I started my computer, the icons on the desktop (I use the old-style desktop) had shifted such that there was nothing in the top left corner. And I cannot drag anything up there anymore - there's this blank spot where I always used to keep my "My Documents" user profile folder. I turned off the option to be able to point up there and switch apps, and it didn't work.
Windows 8.1 on a Samsung laptop, still waiting for my recovery disk...
except it works in 32 bit but not in 64 bit windows 8.1 update fresh install. Have checked the apps notification switches in PC settings and they are all on. The one I miss is the email notification telling me I have mail which appears to be enabled but test messages from gmail dont trigger notifcations in right hand top side of desktop.
One notification that does work is when I insert a USB it asks what to do with removable devices but thats the only notification I get.
i have hp omni 105 pc and when i switch on the computer.... it shows a black screen with a sign at top left corner. the sign moves a little down and after some time computer starts up..is it a sign of any thing bad in my comp?
how to disable those messages that slide out from the upper right corner of the screen.
I've tried disabling notifications for 3 hours but it doesn't disable the notification that pops out every time that I go to print a document.
It's basically warning me every time that I print a page on my printer that the ink is low. I know it's low, I will probably be able to still print a hundred or more pages before the cartridges actually have to be replaced.
The main problem is that the way that I have to do real life work, I need to print one page documents one after another, so in an afternoon I may end up printing 150 separate pages, so that means I get that message sliding out 150 times and the warning sound playing 150 times, about once every 20 seconds or so as I submit each page for printing.
Anyway, probably more than you wanted to know, so how to turn off the notifications that appear in the upper right corner of my screen.
Recent apps (top left corner) list still functions as normal, yet selected "tabs" are invisible whilst taking up the same amount of screen space for its click function. (If I hover over the top left, and move my mouse out just a little, i can still click / right click as though it was still visible.) when there are multiple options, the unselected tabs still show an outline visible with a transparent midsection
I am unsure what might have knocked the colour out of the app switching thing (or whatever I might call it, a name for what I am looking has been aloof,) maybe a windows update, or my graphics. i tried rolling back my graphics to no avail. Perhaps it is some arbitrary setting.
I was using the computer, when the power went out for like half a second, the computer ended up restarting, and while starting up, the power went out. When the power came back, I wasn't able to get past the Blue window's icon with a swirly loop on the bottom.
I've created a repair install thing and placed it on a flashdrive, and I've booted from it and tried to do system restore. After around 4-5 hours, a blue screen pops up and said something about window's encountering an error. (Too fast to catch what else it may of said)
What can I do to make my computer work again? Should I try to do another system restore. Also how long does it take to boot from the flashdrive? It takes me around 1 hour. Is it supposed to take so long?
This keeps popping up in the lower right corner of my screen every time I boot up.. What it is.. right or left clicking on it has no effect, nor clicking on any of the 4 icons. The only active area is the little arrow on the left that closes the popup. It may be part of Windows 8 or may be some part of the ASUS addons that were installed with my system..
I'm getting confused about the new start button that was supposedly to come with the Win 8.1 update. I cant' find anything different from Win 8. Is the start button the icon found in the lower left corner of the screen?...or on my computer keyboard?...it looks like a window. I was expecting that I would get a dropdown start menu with Win 8.1 like I get with Win 7 when I click on that button. I would really like to have the Win 7 dropdown start menu when I click on that button in 8.1.
I've recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. First question is how do i enable a confirm window to pop up when deleting something? I don't like how i can just hit delete and it moves it (Only to the recycle bin, but i'd rather it didn't).
Secondly how do i stop the start menu from switching to that Windows 8 menu view? I did originally change it so that when you click the start menu (Bottom left in) it would actually bring up the start menu, but it seems to have reverted. On top of this how do i change it so that pressing the Windows button brings up the start menu rather than the Windows 8 menu view thing?
Thirdly how do i enable file details when in Windows Explorer. So in Windows 7 when you select a file it would give the size, name, author, date last edited etc in the details pane. How do i get that now?
Finally, how do i change my task bars transparency?
When you launch skype from the startmenu it is a huge square, when i launch task manager from the startmenu it is launched to the desktop.
Could there be a way to make the task menu launch from the startmenu to be a big square like skype is "phone eddition"
This would be useful because when im in games and the game freezes, i can bring up the start menu like SUPER FAST and it is visible but when i launch the task manager it is behind the game no matter what, so im always pressing the key stroke of the first letter of the game and pressing delete to see if i closed the game or not.
I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.
Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.
I put Windows 8 back on yesterday, and the build number was not on the bottom right.
However, today I installed Media Center, and now I see Windows 8 Pro with Media Center Build 9200. Why did this all of a sudden appear? How do I remove it?
After updating my GPU driver (and I think, it failed) this red tint appeared It's only at the bottom though, it doesn't affect the whole screen.
It appears at startup and everywhere. It doesn't appear in an external monitor.
I have two graphics cards: Intel HD Graphics 4000 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M The NVIDIA is the one I updated recently.
I also tried reinstalling the NVIDIA driver but I don't know if I reinstalled it properly.
Yeah it's a laptop. A Samsung laptop.
Anyway, is this hardware related or software related? Maybe the failed installation is just a coincidence. I also have problems of ants entering my laptop so maybe they messed up the inside.