I want to swap the OS's, putting 8 on the SSD, and 7 on the HDD.
So far, I've made Ghost images of both drives, and the system reserved partitions.
I have a boot-able thumbdrive, and multiple ways to make the ghost images available [External HD, Server, large Thumbdrives] so restoring them will not be an issue.
The largest OS uese 89 Gigs, so that is not an issue, and I will redo several installs of software, but that's not important right now.
Are there ANY concerns with doing such a swap?
I'd rather not, but I can change the connections of the SATA cables if I HAD to! The BIOS is pretty advanced, so I don't expect that to be an issue.
I have two monitors and when I boot up my computer the UEFI splash screen appears on my smaller second monitor, rather than on the main monitor where I want it, but the login screen appears on the main monitor. As I normally only switch the second monitor on when I want to put something on it to avoid obscuring what is on my main monitor this is rather irritating.
I am assuming that the reason for this problem is that my main monitor has an identity number 2 and the secondary monitor is numbered 1.
My setup is :- Windows 8.1, 64 bit; Asus RAIDR Express PCIe SSD; Asus GT630-SL-2GD3-L GPU; Asus SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1 Motherboard, BIOS version 0602; Processor Intel i7-4770S @3.1 GHz; Kingston Technology XMP Beast Series 32GB 2400MHz DDR3 Memory.
I have tried uninstalling the drivers for the Dell monitor and rebooting the computer but it still comes back with an identity number of 1. There is nothing in the Nvidia control centre to enable me to swap the numbers. Is there any way of swapping the identity numbers over?
The iiyama is connected from the DVI port to the DVI port on the graphics card, the Dell connects from a DVI port to the HDMI port on the graphics card.
I've been using Win7 Ultimate 64x for sometime now and i have all my software Installed on it. I recently bought a copy of Windows 8 and I've been trying not to install it now because i haven't studied a lot of things about it it yet and i need to keep my PC in its current state because of work, but i cant wait anymore..
So here are the FAQs if i may.. 1- Can I install Windows 8 and keep my old copy of Win7? 2- Will software such as Adobe Photoshop be installed on Windows 8? 3- Is it as good of a System as Win7?
Win7 installed on SSD for 1 year now. 2 more HDD: one 2TB (name K: ) one 4TB (name T: )
About 3 weeks ago tried WN8.1 on a third HDD (1TB). After install all looked OK. Boot on WIN7 and windows tried to check disk. I let it and all looked OK. Worked normally in WIN7 and add 300GB+ of MXF files (video recorded with my camera) and 100GB+ on NEF.
After a week (approximate) boot again in Windows 8.1 . Moved from another 1TB HDD (name J: ) 55GB date on partition T (4TB HDD) and downloaded from camera 6GB MXF on partition K. On this moment I realized that on K I don't see recent MXF wrote on WIN7 after last Windows 8.1 boot.
Boot again in WIN7 and let it do Check Disk. No result: in WIN7 a see only what I see in Windows 8.1. Check Disk made an FOUND.000 on K but no files. On T I had back-up all K but some back-up was not complete after writing 55GB on it in Windows 8.1.
Now I'm scanning with recovery programs but on T I thing all is lost because of those 55GB wrote. On partition K a don't see hundred of GB (1.14TB see windows as properties of files but only 150GB free on partition so ther ar some files that ar not see by WIN7 or Windows 8.1). On T partition no unseen files (total partition space - free space = total file properties).
For testing I tried on another 1TB HDD: partition created in WIN7 and write file on it, boot Windows 8.1 and see all files, boot again WIN7 and write another files, boot Windows 8.1 and second write files are not seen.
Now I bought new 4TB HDD for scaning partition K and saving all files from it on new HDD. At this moment I have aprox. 100GB of NEF and MXF on partition K that was overwrite in back-up on partition T and for the moment is lost. Didn't work dual boot with WIN7 and Windows 8.1
I upgraded my system from windows 7 to windows 8 and now my external WDD 1TB drive is displayed in my computer, but when selecting it I get an 'Access Denied'
I have a Windows 7 computer with Lotus 8.5 on it and I need to transfer Lotus 8.5 and all it's files and emails and the encryption key to the Windows 8 computer. I do not think that Windows 8 will recognize Lotus 8.5 so I had the idea to partition the Windows 8 computer and install Windows 7 on one of the partitions thus making it a dual boot computer, then install Lotus 8.5 to the Windows 7 partition. My problem is Windows 8 is already installed on the computer and Windows website warns not to install the older operating system second.
Windows website warns, "You must install the older operating system first, and then install the more recent operating system. If you don't (for example, if you install Windows Vista on a computer already running Windows 7), you can render your system inoperable. This can happen because earlier versions of Windows don't recognize the startup files used in more recent versions of Windows and can overwrite them." What should I do? I have found some information on installing Windows 7 as a second operating system on a Windows 8 computer thus creating a Dual Boot computer and giving you the best of both worlds and full app compatibility as some of your Windows 7 applications may not be supported in a Windows 8 environment. T
I have Windows 8 PRO, one PC with 5 users profiles.
Before I change to using either of the above WIN tools, I'd like to know if "they" backup ALL users at once and if the backup can be done unattended, meaning the PC is obviously ON, has a scheduled backup task to run, but ALL users are logged OFF?
The two 3rd party utilities I've tried only backup if you are logged on and only backup each user individually, so there are 5 different tasks!
I've jumped straight from XP where I could backup ALL in one go. I s'pose there are "tighter" file restrictions with 8
I just got a new laptop that had a second Hard drive bay, so to speed up copying all my information from my old laptop (which had Windows 7) I just took the HD out of the old and put it in the new.
Everything seems to work fine unless I try to access the files stored in the /users directory (which is where almost all of my work files were). When I double click the file for my username on my old computer, it tells me I do not have permission to view this folder.
Under that is a button that says Click here to permanently gain access to this folder (with an admin icon).
So... I click there. Then as it begins to open the folder, the green bar flies up and stops at about 95% and just sits there.
I had about 40GB of data in subfolders to this, is that how long it takes to change all their permissions? Or do I have to put the HD back in the old laptop and copy it another way?
I have a dual boot Windows 8 (64bit) and win7 (32bit). wen i have text file to open in Windows 8 from win7 it will be denied access. all protections are off, uac, in the register different things.
I had to buy a new laptop that I could take with me to work, and of course it runs Windows 8 (which I absolutely hate, incidentally). I decided it would be nice if I could share files with my primary computer when I'm at home, which is a desktop running dual-boot Win7 and Ubuntu.
I initially set up a homegroup, but whenever I try to access laptop files from my desktop it always pops up with a "enter network username and password" dialog. I tried looking up solutions to that but so far haven't found anything that works. I made sure the clocks on both computers were the same, and I made sure that all network settings were the same on both, including the setting "do not use user accounts/passwords," but I'm still having the issue.
So, what's the best way for me to share/sync files on my laptop with the desktop's files while I'm at home?
Anyways, my machine is running win7 HP with the drive bitlockered, can i just go install Windows 8 straightaway or do i have to decrypt and disable bitlocker first?
I have tried installing Win 7 in UEFI on my old Asus K56JV Laptop.
I have used a tutorial by Brink to create the bootable usb. The system can see it but after it has loaded, I get the following message:
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix problem
1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart 2. Choose your language setting and click next 3. click "repair your computer"
status 0xc0000225
What should I do from here?
I have tried to make the usb both manually and with rufus usb software. The system does not currently run on UEFI, but it supports it, and I have changed it in BIOS. Also I run Ubuntu in dual boot. I don't know if the GRUB interface does anything here, because the recovery will not start either, though I believe it did so last time I formatted the laptop
Goal: run both windows 7 and windows 8.1 native from VHDX (currently only success with Windows 8.1 on vhdx and win7 vhd)
I have a windows 8.1 installed in the system and rebooted into a command prompt, created a vhdx image, converted to GPT, and then install windows 7 on this vhdx (both with and without KB982018 integrated). The install went through (copying files etc) and it then rebooted itself and finish off the reset of the installation. After it rebooted it the boot menu is the old style black and white (which is fine), and choose win7 vhdx to finish off the installation. However an error comes up - An unexpected error has occurred.
Having no luck therefore instead of installing to a VHDX I now boot up with the win7SP1 USB and install onto a VHD instead. Everything went well and booted into windows 7 (expected). I then install KB980218 and then it rebooted itself, again everything is ok. I then booted back into windows 8, converted the windows 7 from VHD to VHDX and set the sector size to 4096 as per How to Convert a VHD File into VHDX. Boot entry has also been updated to vhdx instead of vhd.
I now try to boot to this new win7 vhdx, and instead of getting an unexpected error, it booted into a graphical screen and ask for repairing the window. (which means it's unsuccessful).
I have an SSD drive with 2 partitions on it. 1st partition has Win 7 on it as drive letter C. 2nd Partition has Win 8 on it as Drive letter W. At 1 point in time if I booted to Win 8 the drive letter would dynamically change from drive letter W to Drive letter C and make Win 7 drive letter W. The revers was true if I booted to Win 7. Something has changed somewhere, where this dynamic drive letter changing is no longer working. When I boot to Win 8 the drive letter remains to be drive letter W & Win 7 is still drive C. This is causing problems when I'm booted to Win 8 with regard to installing & using apps while in Win 8 since the C drive is really the Win 7 system drive.
How can I fix this to get back the dynamic flip flopping of drive C? I confess to being somewhat ignorant when dealing with this particular area of things.
i have one 750GB hard disk with 8 partition. i installed windows 7 in first partition and windows 8 in second partition. i want to hide windows 8 drive when i boot in windows 7 and hide windows 7 drive when i boot in windows 8. with NeoGrub tools in EasyBCD can do this,
Upgraded my win 7 pro that had virtual XP mode to win 8.1 pro. Everything from Win 7 came with it including my install programs. Noticed the virtual xp file .vmcx is there but can't access it. So I installed Hyper-V and got to the point of connecting to Virtual Hard Disk. Noticed it creats a .vhdx file. I assume this would be a new file with nothing I had on my old .vmcx file. How do I get my old virtual files over to the new one?
If I can't would I be able to install the virtual file that I got from Microsoft's website, WinXpVirtual6.1KB958559x64RefreshPkg.msu (it included a license key), or I need to have another installation disk that has Windows XP with a license key?
1st partition is Win7 SysPrep and the 2nd partition is Windows 8.1 Sysprep. I install Win7 and press Ctrl-Shift-F3 to form SysPrep, same as Windows 8.1 in 2nd partition. I made this becuase I've 25 Dell new Windows 8.1 Computer which are UEFI. I want to clone it to the other 24 Dell computers.
CASE 1 : 2 different partitions with 2 different Windows : --------------------------------------------------------------- If I install both Windows like above, when Sysprep Generalize Win7, it works fine. But if I SysPrep Generalize Windows 8.1, it's fine also, but never can boot again back to Win7. The start boot option is like this : Windows 7 Windows 8.1 If I choose to boot Windows 8.1, it's fine. If I choose to boot Windows 7, it ever boot to Windows 8.1. It means nomatter I choose to boot which Windows, it all goes to Windows 8.1 ?
CASE 2 : 1 partition for Win7 + Win81.VHD : --------------------------------------------------------------- I install Win7 (C and press Ctrl-Shift-F3 to form SysPrep. I create a Win81.VHD in Drive D: , imagex Windows 8.1 install.wim in it. Also press Ctrl-Shift-F3 to form SysPrep. Sysprep Generalize Win7 is OK , SysPrep Generalize Windows 8.1 is also OK. But after that I can only boot to Windows 7 fine, when choose to boot Windows 8.1 , it always restart and back to the boot menu ?
I am dual booting Windows 8 and Win7, using one 500gb hard drive. Win7 has been my main OS, so all of my music, photos, etc. are stored there.
How can I access the user data from my Win7 install , from my Windows 8 install?
Everytime I try to go to it from Windows 8 ---- > My computer it says that I don't have permission to access the files for that user,then attempts to do so for some random period of time, and in the end nothing happens.
I bought an upgrade version of 8.1 Pro from my university, so I need to have an os installed before upgrading. However, I want to install it on my new PC, which means I have to install Win7 before upgrading. I wanted to know if I can install win7 and immediately install the upgrade, or is it better to go to windows update and install all the updates before upgrading?
I had a computer with windows 7 home premium x64. A while ago I decided that I wanted to up grade to windows 8 and so I partitioned my os drive and installed (OEM) windows 8 Pro on the new partition. During the set up I was able to set up a duel boot system with windows 8 and windows 7. When I look at the drive structure I noticed that there isn't a system recovery partition for windows 7 or windows 8.
I would like to generate a system recovery partition for windows 8 and remove windows 7 but I am not sure how to go about doing this.
have Acronis 2013 Plus. What I am trying to do is image the disk of a Windows 7 machine (source) to a machine that had Windows 8 pre-installed (target - Gateway SX2110G).
I connected the Windows 7 drive to the new machine (USB data cable), disabled Secure Boot, and enabled Legacy. Booted to True Image and started the cloning of the drive. Everything seemed to go ok, but as soon as it starts to boot Windows 7, it gives a 7D BSOD. (the same BSOD it gives when I simply plug the source hard drive into the target and try to boot from it).
The source HDD (win 7) boots fine in its original machine.
*I tried the startup repair that's included with the image.. does it matter if I use the one from a disc instead?
My five year old HP Pavilion crashed with virtually no signs of life, although the 2 320GB drives are only 8 months old, and are spinning when startup is attempted. No messages of any kind on the display; I checked the display and it is good. Bought a new HP, but it has Windows 8.
All my backup data is via Norton Ghost 15/Windows 7 and is intact on a 1 TB external Passport drive. I need to figure out how to retrieve this data.
A suggestion was made to just install the old Win 7 hard drive in place of the Win 8 hard drive in the new computer. New computer can't accommodate both old Win 7 hard drives, so I stuck the C: in, it per normal containing the startup and OS files. The computer would not boot from this drive, and delivered an error message to the effect "No bootable disk or drive has failed."
So the question is would there be anything in the BIOS of the new PC which would make it expect to see Win 8?? why it wouldn't boot from this drive? I realize the drive could be bad, but given the age of the drive, it seems unlikely...
I had a Seagate MyBackup 1TB external drive. When it was half full I decided to buy another one, the same Seagate, same model, same 1TB.
So I copied the files to the new one and I do backups every week or so for the changes.
Today I noticed that the old one uses 70GB more than the other.
I mean, 70GB is a lot. I checked the files carefully, it's all my movies. Both are the same capacity, 931 GB. Even same color. The only difference I found is that the newest has 16MB buffer and the old one only 8MB.
Just in case it is relevant, I first used a program called Cobian Backup to make incremental backups and so on, but it was a mess and I uninstalled, formatted the new one and copied the files directly.Maybe Cobian took 70GB of drive #1 and they are now lost in nowhere? I don't detect hidden files, hidden partitions, etc.