Win 8 - Remove Metro Apps And Restore Standard File Associations To Pictures?
Sep 4, 2012
Any way to get rid of Metro appz which come with Win8 directly working with Dism. Also it's possible to restore standard file associations so that pictures open with Image viewer without switching to Metro UI.
Note: c: est contains my offline image.
dism /image:c: est /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingFinance_1.2.0.135_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe
dism /image:c: est /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.BingMaps_1.2.0.136_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe
[Code] .....
To fix associations, save this XML as "AppAssoc.xml":
I just don't want to use Windows Media player. It is not even there on my pc I guess.
Still, several of my file associations are showing windows media player as associated with it.
When I go to control panel - default program, and untick associations for wmp, then don't stick. unticking them doesn't work, they reappear the next time.
I also have foobar2000, winamp, vlcplayer installed, I have put default for these programs.
However, all the extensions associated with wmp do not appear in the list of extension for these three programs, so I am not able to set them.
I just don't want to use wmp. I want those extensions to remain unassociated with any program, so that when and if I ever player any file with that extension, windows should ask me how to open that, and then I can select .
How to remove wmp associations from all extensions listed there, even without associating it with another program.
I used the file explorer on desktop to move a bunch of pictures off an external backup drive and into the pictures folder within my pictures library. They now show up under the pictures library in desktop. But the Metro Pictures app insists that there are no pictures in my pictures library.
how to dis-associate the file associations in "all my storage" There are associations that stop me from associating my own files. I have a hunch it's a way to make you buy the full version. what a croc microsoft.
How can I change file type associations in Windows 8?
For example .jpg files open in Photos app, fine, but when I right-click and choose "edit" Paint opens up. I want to change it from Paint to Photoshop and there seems to be no way to do that.
In Windows 7 I used Creative Elements Power Tools for this, but it is not compatible with Windows 8.
I made the mistake of including family photos in the lock screen choices.
I am trying to remove family pictures from the row at the lock screen preview. I don't want to change a lot of other things along the way if possible. I was hoping I could just right click the 3 family pictures and remove them but they won't go. The piano is the one I see and that is alright but the 3 to the right are the ones I want to clear. Is there a way to do this?
Within the document libraries there appear to be a number of default folders For Example
PICTURES My Pictures Public Pictures
Whilst transferring all my picture files across from my old laptop I seem to have deleted the public pictures folder within my personal library. After a bid of searching around I have found the Public Pictures folder under the "public" area of the C: directory. It appears to only be missing only in my profile account (other profiles are also unaffected).
My question is how do I restore this folder? If I copy and paste the source public pictures folder I appear to be making a complete copy, rather than a shortcut type link to the files.
My problem is that all my thumbnails that would normally show as the actual picture in any file or folder including ones saved to the desktop have all been replaced with a windows generic mountain and sun cartoon. The only way I can see what any individual picture file is to physically click on it and open it up in a viewer. This is a royal pain to try to find any individual picture to say the least.
.I get a error message saying restore could not be completed...try choosing a different restore date.........I have tried them all.....same error message
I have a system with an SSD and HDD and i store my pictures on my HDD.
Using the properties of the picture library, i added the directory of my pictures stored on my HDD. However, when i open up the standard pictures app of windows 8, all i see are the pictures in my c:usersuesername_000
I wanted to have File History backup data that is not contained in the "standard" libraries so I set up a library for each volume that I wanted backed up. I just included the root of the volume as the only folder in the library. But File History just seems to ignore those libraries.
I have a new Dell Vostro 270MT running Windows 8 Pro 64-bit. I'm having a problem in that the Metro Apps (Music, Pictures, etc) are not seeing any files on a second internal HDD.
I have gone into Windows Explorer and explicitly added the file location (e.. E:Music) to the relevant Library (e.g. My Music). When I click on the library, the files appear there and I can open them from within Windows Explorer (by selecting the file and choosing "Open with"). Individual music files will open with any of the installed programs including Music, Media Player or VLC. Similarly picture files are visible in Photo Viewer or Pictures.
But when I return to the Metro/Start screen and select the relevant app (e.g. Music) - no files appear.
If I copy a file across to the main library on C: - then the file will appear in the app. (But I want to keep all my data on a 2nd internal HDD rather than fill up my C: drive).
I have tried:
- Uninstalling and reinstalling the app - Explicitly setting the folder type to "Music" or "Pictures" or whatever is relevant, as well as keeping it as "General" - I have added the file to the library by (1) going into the library and adding it to the list of locations to be accessed, as well as (2) going to the E: drive, selecting the folder and adding it to the library
I'm thinking of getting a new laptop with an SSD internal drive for OS and an external USB drive for all my user files. Based on my research so far, it looks like 128gb SSD should be large enough for Win 8.1, all Win updates, and my programs. The main programs I use are LibreOffice, Chrome, Firefox, MediaMonkey, Kaspersky, VLC, Skype, Audacity, PhotoScape, iTunes, PDF reader and some misc small utility apps. Just the usual apps for a typical user. I'm not a power user, I don't play PC games and I don't edit video or use any Adobe CS apps.
So do you think 128gb SSD is enough? Or should I play it safe and get larger?
I have just had a factory reset & for some reason I can't get my photos in Pictures in File Explorer back into Photos. If I insert a flash drive with pictures on it & select 'Import' in Photos, it will import the photos but after supposedly downloading them, nothing! I have the 'Show photos & videos' box ticked off in Settings on the Charms panel.
Can i remove this Metro thing? I deleted every tab i didnt need on it and it left me with a blank screen? Why cant it just integrate with the desktop similar to the side widget thing but faster? That way I can still have my start menu but then have live tiles on the desktop.
Anyway how do i remove metro and put my start bar back??? As I can't access any of my newly installed programs without going to Computer>C:Pogram Data> then the program folder and finding the actual exe...
Is it only me or do others experience a drastic slowdown of their PC after updating to 8.1? ever since I updated to 8.1 my laptop is slow and misbehaves in many and various ways.
It seems that the new update soon to be released is aimed at the metro users and if this is true then it is nothing short of infuriating.
My Desktop PC runs win 7 with classic shell and my laptop win 8.1 with classic shell. Any way to REMOVE totally metro from the OS? It keeps infringing whenever I open pictures etc.
Windows 8.1. I had an issue with the general user folder name, which was shown as "Alex_000". Although this was a cosmetic issue only, I wanted to change this to "Alex". I successfully managed this by changing about 50 entries in the registry (via regedit).
So fine so good. Now I found out that there are still some leftovers with "Alex_000" in the Windows system, although I have tried to find every bit and peace, where possible:
When I try to open "Add or Remove Programs" in the Metro surface, I get an error message:
Windows cannot find 'C:Usersalex_000...Classic_{a lot of weird chars}.settingscontent-ms'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
Somewhere in the system, there must still be links with Alex_000 existing. I tried searching the registry, tried a simple search on C: disc - no success.
In other words: Everything works fine - except of starting the apps from the metro surface for "remove software", or "user accounts", and maybe some other system apps, which I havenĀ“t discovered yet. If I do the same from the desktop, no problem - all these apps work well!
So where are the referring links for such system apps within the metro surface stored? Obviously not in the registry... How/where can i find these orphaned links for the said apps in Metro?
I'm having a problem with windows 8 photo app. All of my images in my local drives are not showing in the photo app. It Says " All your photo sources are hidden. To show some, change your settings."
I'm trying to import pictures from external device (in this case - android phone with PTP) and in the import dialog I've selected "import settings" and then I'm trying to change "Import images to" location, but when I click on Browse and select the same path I was using on windows 7 (on E: partition) I get error "You cannot import to this folder.
Choose another location" which, frankly, doesn't make much sense. I've tried permissions and so forth and I can easily browse and save picture there, I'm the owner and all that. Why Pictures Importer complains and doesn't allow me to use this location? I don't want to import to %profile%/Pictures because it's small-ish system drive :|
The Photos app on my Windows 8.1 Pro PC won't show any pictures either in the Pictures Library or in OneDrive. It only can display folders but not pictures. In other Windows Store apps, another weird things happens. The photos show up but with no thumbnails. I tried a reformat and reinstall and the problem disappeared. That is until I signed in my Microsoft account. The problem comes back.
NOTE: I'm using Hotspot Shield because an error appears every time I install Windows updates or Windows Store apps. I use Hotspot Shield to bypass this error but even disabling it doesn't solve the problem.
Use the Windows 8 standard Photo App. There is a slideshow inside, your photos will be displayed randomly. Can you choose a specific order to play the pictures in the slideshow? How?
Can I remove the "Last Printed" detail from file properties->details somehow. Managed to remove all other details but this, and I need to make a clean file with the information inside . Is there any way I can do this?
Just updated to 8.1. Still undecided. Specifically I somehow managed to get the admin apps shown on the was M$ account, now my local account start page. how to put the admin apps in my admin account.
I have Win 8 Retail Final Professional English x64
I have installed and uninstalled many apps from the Windows Store. But I have realized that, after having uninstalled some of them I didn't like, if I go to "Your Applications" and select "Applications not installed in this computer" I still see them like in a kind of "History" (like in the Internet browsers)
How Can I Remove The List Of "not installed apps" in Store ?
Before upgrading to Windows 8 from XP, I backed up all my files through NTBackup utility on hard drive. Now I need to open or restore the .bkf file with windows 8.
How do I remove a library location name - in this case "My Pictures (273) L:UsersM and D" - so that all I see are the folders and files in the library?