Tablets :: Surface Pro Will Not Boot

May 25, 2014

I have a Surface Pro which hard froze during a windows update and now will not boot at all. It just sits at the 'Surface' logo when you turn it on with the loading circles.

I didn't have a USB recovery key created and I have no access to another original Surface Pro (no stores have them anymore) to make one.

Every USB stick I created with a normal Windows iso's won't boot. My question is can a Windows 8.1 recovery USB made on a friends computer work on any other or is it machine specific?

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Tablets :: Connecting Surface RT To PC Through USB?

Oct 11, 2013

Is there no way of connecting the Surface RT to a PC through usb to drag files from one to the other?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro Real Hot?

Jun 11, 2013

So I have this Surface Pro as a loaner from MS to use at my seminars, but the back of it is real hot to the touch, much hotter tan I would think, those of you who have the surface pro do you find it gets real hot?

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Tablets :: Download Other Browsers Onto Surface 2?

Mar 15, 2014

Like, Chrome? I know FF has just killed their proposed Win 8 browser.

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Tablets :: Resetting Password On Surface Pro 2?

Sep 15, 2014

Reset password on Surface Pro 2, they haven't used it for a month and could not remember last password they used. Built-in resetting option won't work because it will erase all user files they have on that tablet. I usually use Nordahl password recovery tool when i need to blank or change forgotten password, it worked fine for me on regular non-tablet Windows machines, both options - CD and USB boot.

I'm not familiar with Surface tablet, so i did online research on how to boot Surface from USB, tried all options, but was not able to boot it from USB stick (i used 3 different USB 2.0 sticks).

Here is what i tried: I was able to get into boot screen and disable Secure Boot Control, then able to get into Advanced Options screen, checked USB drive option. Tried 3 different USB sticks with 3 different password recovery software - no luck. Any experience with Surface Pro 2 password recovery? Either i'm doing something wrong, missing a step, or maybe older USB sticks don't agree with Surface USB 3.0 port? Should i try to plug in external DVD drive and attempt to boot from it?

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Tablets :: Syncing Settings Between Surface Pro 3 And Desktop

Jul 23, 2014

I'm having a little bit of difficulty here syncing my Microsoft account's settings between these two devices. I had spent a great deal of time organizing the start screen layout of my Surface Pro 3 the day I received it. My desktop computer, however, has a jumbled mess of a start screen. Going through my sync settings today, I noticed there was an option to sync the layout of the start screen of my specific account. I thought, "Great! All that time I spent organizing my Surface can be transferred to this mess of a machine!"

Instead of syncing my nicely planned out and organized Surface Start Screen to the desktop computer, the horrid and wretched Desktop computer start screen synced itself to my beautiful Surface.

Before I make the same mistake twice, is there a way to choose which start screen syncs to which device? Also, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to reorganize a start screen. I only plan on doing it once and then syncing it to the other device, so would it be safer to do it via the desktop computer?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro 2 Touch Stopped Working?

May 7, 2014

We purchased 15 Surface Pro 2 tablets for our School Administrators. Touch did not work for 3 tablet 'out of the box'...or so I thought. Since receiving them, touch has stopped working on 5 more. Each time Microsoft has replaced the device without question so I assumed this was a known issue. However I am now pretty sure it is happening during my imaging process. I am using SCCM 2012, via PXE and/or USB. The Task Sequence completes successfully and all drivers appear to install. I am using the driver package from Microsoft. The stylus works but not touch. I can't complain about the support MS is providing since they replace the device every time but I am sure there must be a fix I have not tried.

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Tablets :: Surface Pro 2 - Use Camera In Desktop Mode?

Apr 5, 2014

I just got my tablet and the first thing I did is have it start in Desktop-mode so I never have to see that awful and useless toy Metro UI. Even on a tablet the desktop is superior. Go figure. I hate every time I accidentally click that "Start" button which brings me to Metro.

Anyway, the only way I can use the built-in camera from desktop is to "search" for camera and the Metro camera app shows up and I can take pictures. I even created a desktop short cut in desktop mode for that camera. But since that is a Metro app, it doesn't seem to work from Desktop.

1. is there a way to make this Metro camera app work from Desktop?

2. Is there a different desktop app or program to use camera from desktop?

It also would be nice to be able to zoom and have flashlight etc. this camera doesn't seem as great as my phone camera. Or am I missing something?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro / Can't Access IE Touch Version

Mar 28, 2014

I have a surface pro 1 with windows 8.1 installed. When I am on the metro screen and I click the Internet Explorer tile, I am sent to the desktop and the desktop version IE opens. How do I rein-able the touch version of IE.

I have IE 11 installed. I also have classic shell installed.

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Tablets :: Surface RT - Clean Install Of Windows 8.1 Update 1

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to get hold of an ISO or something similar to get a fresh/clean install of Windows 8.1 update 1 on my Surface RT? Via USB i.e.

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Tablets :: Surface Pro - Image Landscape / Portrait Auto-resize?

Jun 16, 2014

I've changed the Desktop background image which looks great when the Surface is in Landscape mode, however when I change to portrait mode the image is cropped.

Is there someway I can resize the image automatically when changing mode's?

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Maintenance :: Surface Pro 2 Won't Boot After Reset?

Jun 12, 2014

bought a surface pro from a friend yesterday, it had been turned on before I got it so I thought I would reset to factory settings, all was fine until the reset was around 90%, then a box appeared saying "the computer has restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click OK to restart the installation". But when it restarts the same message pops up.

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Deleted All Partitions On Surface Pro Now Cannot Boot

Mar 2, 2014

I used Acronis to delete all partitions on my Surface Pro. So there is no recovery, C drive, nothing at all. Just a blank SSD drive without any partitions. Now the Surface Pro refuses to boot to any of my USB sticks so I can clean install an OS like I wanted to do. I've verified both of my USB sticks are boot able, as I'm able to boot my desktop computer to them in order to install an OS. But when I try to boot the Surface Pro Gen1 to the USB stick, I get a quick squiggly screen and then I'm dumped right into the system BIOS. I've made sure to power off the Surface Pro, then hold down volume- while pressing the power button, then releasing volume- after seeing the Surface splash screen. But it never goes to any sort of boot menu or anything. Just takes me right into the EFI BIOS.

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Boot Up Surface To Run Desktop Program?

May 14, 2013

OK. I have searched for "boot to desktop" and I got nothing good.

I am setting up a Surface as an interface for a medical device. Our program runs as a Startup program, and this seems to work- except that it's running on the Desktop while the user stares at the Start screen

Is there something I can do to get to the desktop? (We are skipping the login screen after startup/sleep). I can run a windows DLL call if I need to- I just don't know if there is something to run.

The next question is going to be how to replace the shell with our program...

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Can Boot From USB If Use Diskpart To Clean Disk On Surface?

Jan 9, 2013

Can I boot from usb any more if I use diskpart to clean my disk on surface? I want to know whether its still need some boot efi file in the hidden partition when booting from usb.

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Tablets :: How To Boot Into Safe Mode

Sep 11, 2013

SVF1521P2EB from PC world.Trying to use a recovery program I always use for all my laptops and desktops and have created a bootable USB Stick and also a DVD bootable disk. Both disk and usb work on all other systems but this Sony Laptop.

Have USB stick in the usb2 port not the usb3 port due to compatibility issues with backup/restore on usb3. The stick is a usb2. I have gone into bios and set usb and also tried dvd as first boot device. Will not boot.

Have tried the assist button on the laptop and the restore (boot from dvd/usb media) also does not work, as stated these both work on other laptops and desktops.

I have tried to find the boot option menu or safe mode startup. I have tried this by pressing various buttons each time on boot usually F2, Del, esc, F12, F10 on other systems and also F8 which does not appear to enable the laptop to start with a manual boot.

All I seem to achieve is the Vaio screen and straight to Windows8.

I do see the sony recognise the usb as the green light is flashing, no message of boot failure.

1) What is the boot option at startup to manually select a boot device.

2) How to boot into safe mode.

3) How to possibly rid the boot up screen displaying the VAIO logo.

4) Get the Sony to recognise either the bottable dvd or usb to backup the system without using the sony or built in miscrosoft bootup.

Final result should be a full image backup of the hard drive ona an extarnal harddrive/usb stick for future restoration.

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Use USB Dongle In Microsoft Surface?

Feb 5, 2014

Can I use USB dongle in Microsoft surface ..

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Connecting IPod / IPhone To Surface RT?

Jun 3, 2013

I know that iTunes isn't available for Windows RT and I would think that this would be a big problem for most people, but I can't find much info about it (complaints, solutions, etc.).

Is there any other way to sync music with my iPod? With all the other hacks and ways to bypass things on RT I'm surprised that I haven't heard of anything.

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Hardware Drivers :: Mouse For Surface Pro 2 That Is Not USB

Apr 2, 2014

Just got a surface Pro 2 for work. In addition to the keyboard I need a mouse. normally a cheap USB mouse would do.
however, I also have one of those 4G wireless network USB dongles that takes the only USB port.

Can any of the other ports be used for a mouse? I think it also has Bluetooth, but ideally don't rely on a mouse needing a battery.

unrelated to this, how does one use the camera properly in desktop mode? All I read it is using the cloud? what? I just want to access the pictures I take somehow. and can the camera zoom at all?

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Virtualization :: Hyper-V On MS Surface Pro - Can't Connect To Internet

Oct 13, 2013

I have a Microsoft Surface Pro where I have installed the Hyper-V manager and so on. I have made a virtual external switch and a virtual machine with Server 2012 on it. It connects fine to the switch. The Hyper-V makes a virtual bridge and all seems fine. But the guest does'nt get an IP adresse, and can't connect to the internet/LAN.

I have made the exact same setup on my laptop connected to Ethernet and there is no problem at all.

Does the Surface Pro Wireless have a problem with Hyper-v ?

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Setup Installation :: Install Windows 8.1 On Surface Pro From ISO?

Oct 16, 2013

I have a Surface Pro 64GB, 64GB SDXC, and a 32GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive. I wiped out the recovery partition a long time ago. I have downloaded Windows 8.1 Enterprise using my MSDN subscription. How do I install Windows 8.1 using the ISO and the 32GB flash drive? I have run Rufus but the flash drive does not appear in the Device area. The ISO is on the SDXC drive and when I double click the ISO or try to mount it I get an error that says it cannot mount the file. My question is, how do I install Windows 8.1?

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Setup Installation :: Surface Pro Factory Reset?

Jun 14, 2013

I recently installed linux on my Surface Pro, but decided to go back to Windows 8 since wifi doesn't work properly yet. I thought, restoring shouldn't be a big deal, just insert the recovery USB you made and factory reset it. Boy, was I wrong. Any time I try a factory reset, it fails around 97%-99%. Windows won't even start booting. I kept trying it until I decided to try installing Ubuntu on it then trying to reset it again, hoping that would fix something.

The reset still fails at the same point, but now instead of not booting, it says "Recovery: Your PC needs to be repaired." At first it was because an EFI file was missing, so I booted into the recovery drive again and tried an auto-recovery. It fixed the EFI issue, but it's still at the same screen with WindowsSystem32configsystem missing. How to get my Surface Pro working again?

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Hardware Drivers :: F8 Advance Startup Not Working Surface Pro

Jun 4, 2013

I got a program that I use in windows 7 that requires me to hit f8 and select option "disable driver signature" in order to work. Id like to use it in windows 8, I found on the internet that people use the command "bcdedit /set {default} boot menu policy legacy" in cmd enable this feature when booting, but I tried it and when I hit f8, my surface pro is trying to do an auto repair. How to get this menu up.

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Maintenance :: Surface 2 Tablet / RT 8.1 - Clean Up Temp Files

Jul 24, 2014

I am using a Surface 2 tablet which is RT 8.1. Is there a program to clean up/delete temporary files. I have tried Ccleaner but it says this program will not work on this machine. I have tried to find a way to make it work but could not find a solution. That's why I am wondering if there is a program "somewhere" to clean up those temp files.

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Network / Sharing :: Surface 2 - Unstable WiFi Connection

Mar 1, 2014

My Surface 2 has this issue where it is connected to the wireless network at first and then it gets limited connection followed by no connection until it re- connects. Sometimes it happens a lot, other times a bit more rarely but overall I feel it has been getting worse lately.

I have tried turning off the router as well as removing that specific connection from the Surface through command prompt and re-connect, but neither has worked.

I have tried trouble shooting the network to no avail, and according to device manager my network drivers are up to date so I don't know what's going on.

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Surface Pro With 8.1 Reboots When Pressing Power Button To Lock Screen

Sep 16, 2013

See title. How can I prevent this from happening? If I want to lock my device, I have to press the power button. When I press it again, the whole system reboots. This didn't happen in 8.

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Network / Sharing :: Surface RT Cannot Access Network Folders - Can't Authenticate

Apr 20, 2014

So I've some folders in my Desktop that I want to share with all the hosts in my network, so what i did was to create a new users and set all those folders only to read mode and, everytime I wanted to access the folders on those machines I simply access those folders via that user (in Windows hosts I just enter the network path like ip_addressfolder , windows then asks for the network password, I authenticate with that user and I have access to those folders.

The thing is that in my Surface RT (Windows RT -ARM), every time I try to access those folders via the method above (ip_addressfolder), I do see the folders, but when I double click on one of them in order to have access, instead of letting me authenticate, it simply returns the following error: Windows Cannot Access ip_addressfolder

Why is this so? Why doesn't Windows allow me to authenticate? Is this a limitation of the RT platform?

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Tablets :: Is Hibernate Useful On Tablet?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a tablet with a relatively small amount of space on the internal storage. I noticed today that the hiberfil.sys file is rather large. I have found a way to turn off hibernation.

My questions are: Is hibernate even useful on a tablet? If I disable it, will it hurt anything?

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Tablets :: Run Windows 8 On Tablet?

Jun 29, 2013

I wanted to ask you that can i run windows 8 any version on my Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000?

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Tablets :: Using Touchscreen As Touchpad?

Jan 11, 2013

current versions of Jump Desktop for iOS and xtralogic remote desktop for android is that they allow you to switch the touchscreen to touchpad mode, and then control the pointer with the screen like a touchpad instead of having to hit something with your fingertip. This great for when you need a precise pointer, or for controlling the cursor from a corner without having to release your grip on the device, but in addition to that, on Windows 8 I could also see potentially using this to control a second monitor (like a TV) with your touch monitor (say the newly announced wireless lenovo monitor connected to a windows 8 HTPC).

I don't have windows 8 yet, but I was wondering if there was any such utility for windows 8 currently or in development. If the thin and light wifi monitor idea takes off, it would be great for an HTPC - you could play video on the TV while browsing or such on the tablet, yet you would only have to have and use one computer.

For photographers and artists you could use the USB3 version of the display or small touch capable cintiq on your desk in front of you, pushing your keyboard and mouse out of the way, but with a quick mode switch you could still control your main monitor without shuffling things around (something I've found frustrating when switching between a traditional wacom tablet and keyboard - something is always out of easy reach). Of course that also assumes you could still bring up the on screen keyboard on the touch display.

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Tablets :: Second Monitor Via USB (Dell XPS 18)

Oct 8, 2013

I have here a Dell XPS 18 tablet, which is some kind of all in one pc and tablet (18''). It can be used as stand-alone tablet as well as attached on a powered stand with keyboard/mouse.

Now I wanted to use it with a projector or second screen, which is a bit annoying. Following scenarios have been tried out already:

Connected with a lenovo USB 3.0 dock/port replicator 0A33970, works fine with the software included. However, I do not want to carry the dock with me, it is bulky and needs power connected with a Lenovo USB-to-DVI Monitor Adapter. A nice, small and lightweight adapter. But, that one does not work, even with software installed.

It is proven that it works, but not with the device I wanted Is there a hidden function/system adjustment that I needed to know?

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