Tablets :: Surface Pro - Image Landscape / Portrait Auto-resize?

Jun 16, 2014

I've changed the Desktop background image which looks great when the Surface is in Landscape mode, however when I change to portrait mode the image is cropped.

Is there someway I can resize the image automatically when changing mode's?

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Portrait And Landscape Button

Dec 10, 2013

I have accidentally hit the Landscape mode button.

Now the screen is running parallel to the keyboard rather than vertical like normal.

How do I change it back?

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Tablets :: Connecting Surface RT To PC Through USB?

Oct 11, 2013

Is there no way of connecting the Surface RT to a PC through usb to drag files from one to the other?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro Real Hot?

Jun 11, 2013

So I have this Surface Pro as a loaner from MS to use at my seminars, but the back of it is real hot to the touch, much hotter tan I would think, those of you who have the surface pro do you find it gets real hot?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro Will Not Boot

May 25, 2014

I have a Surface Pro which hard froze during a windows update and now will not boot at all. It just sits at the 'Surface' logo when you turn it on with the loading circles.

I didn't have a USB recovery key created and I have no access to another original Surface Pro (no stores have them anymore) to make one.

Every USB stick I created with a normal Windows iso's won't boot. My question is can a Windows 8.1 recovery USB made on a friends computer work on any other or is it machine specific?

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Tablets :: Download Other Browsers Onto Surface 2?

Mar 15, 2014

Like, Chrome? I know FF has just killed their proposed Win 8 browser.

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Tablets :: Resetting Password On Surface Pro 2?

Sep 15, 2014

Reset password on Surface Pro 2, they haven't used it for a month and could not remember last password they used. Built-in resetting option won't work because it will erase all user files they have on that tablet. I usually use Nordahl password recovery tool when i need to blank or change forgotten password, it worked fine for me on regular non-tablet Windows machines, both options - CD and USB boot.

I'm not familiar with Surface tablet, so i did online research on how to boot Surface from USB, tried all options, but was not able to boot it from USB stick (i used 3 different USB 2.0 sticks).

Here is what i tried: I was able to get into boot screen and disable Secure Boot Control, then able to get into Advanced Options screen, checked USB drive option. Tried 3 different USB sticks with 3 different password recovery software - no luck. Any experience with Surface Pro 2 password recovery? Either i'm doing something wrong, missing a step, or maybe older USB sticks don't agree with Surface USB 3.0 port? Should i try to plug in external DVD drive and attempt to boot from it?

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Tablets :: Syncing Settings Between Surface Pro 3 And Desktop

Jul 23, 2014

I'm having a little bit of difficulty here syncing my Microsoft account's settings between these two devices. I had spent a great deal of time organizing the start screen layout of my Surface Pro 3 the day I received it. My desktop computer, however, has a jumbled mess of a start screen. Going through my sync settings today, I noticed there was an option to sync the layout of the start screen of my specific account. I thought, "Great! All that time I spent organizing my Surface can be transferred to this mess of a machine!"

Instead of syncing my nicely planned out and organized Surface Start Screen to the desktop computer, the horrid and wretched Desktop computer start screen synced itself to my beautiful Surface.

Before I make the same mistake twice, is there a way to choose which start screen syncs to which device? Also, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to reorganize a start screen. I only plan on doing it once and then syncing it to the other device, so would it be safer to do it via the desktop computer?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro 2 Touch Stopped Working?

May 7, 2014

We purchased 15 Surface Pro 2 tablets for our School Administrators. Touch did not work for 3 tablet 'out of the box'...or so I thought. Since receiving them, touch has stopped working on 5 more. Each time Microsoft has replaced the device without question so I assumed this was a known issue. However I am now pretty sure it is happening during my imaging process. I am using SCCM 2012, via PXE and/or USB. The Task Sequence completes successfully and all drivers appear to install. I am using the driver package from Microsoft. The stylus works but not touch. I can't complain about the support MS is providing since they replace the device every time but I am sure there must be a fix I have not tried.

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Tablets :: Surface Pro 2 - Use Camera In Desktop Mode?

Apr 5, 2014

I just got my tablet and the first thing I did is have it start in Desktop-mode so I never have to see that awful and useless toy Metro UI. Even on a tablet the desktop is superior. Go figure. I hate every time I accidentally click that "Start" button which brings me to Metro.

Anyway, the only way I can use the built-in camera from desktop is to "search" for camera and the Metro camera app shows up and I can take pictures. I even created a desktop short cut in desktop mode for that camera. But since that is a Metro app, it doesn't seem to work from Desktop.

1. is there a way to make this Metro camera app work from Desktop?

2. Is there a different desktop app or program to use camera from desktop?

It also would be nice to be able to zoom and have flashlight etc. this camera doesn't seem as great as my phone camera. Or am I missing something?

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Tablets :: Surface Pro / Can't Access IE Touch Version

Mar 28, 2014

I have a surface pro 1 with windows 8.1 installed. When I am on the metro screen and I click the Internet Explorer tile, I am sent to the desktop and the desktop version IE opens. How do I rein-able the touch version of IE.

I have IE 11 installed. I also have classic shell installed.

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Tablets :: Surface RT - Clean Install Of Windows 8.1 Update 1

Apr 11, 2014

Is it possible to get hold of an ISO or something similar to get a fresh/clean install of Windows 8.1 update 1 on my Surface RT? Via USB i.e.

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Tablets :: Asus Transformer Book T100 - Auto Rotate Option Disappears

Dec 14, 2013

I have an Asus Transformer Book t100 and I have a problem with auto rotation. It stopped working and the buttons that switch it on/off (in the settings menu, the resolution menu) disappeared. I tried reinstalling the system and it worked but then the problem came back after about 30 minutes. I dont feel like reinstalling it whenever the problem appears.

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Tablets :: System Refresh And Image Recovery On Asus Vivotab

Jul 26, 2013

I have made a System Image & a Custom Recovery Image on my Asus Vivotab but I cannot get the system to recognize them on a USB Hard Drive.

I got into this by testing the Refresh Custom Recovery Image. The system did not find the image as the system allocated a different drive letter so I have basic Refresh. I have found my way to the Administrator Command but cannot find RECIMG on either the x: or C: drives. Do I need a Path Command from System32?

I also have a System image on a USB Hard Drive but cannot get the system to find it. I have tried putting the files folders in the root directory but the system still does not recognise them.

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Tablets :: Samsung Ativ Smart PC - Restoring Windows System Image

Aug 25, 2014

I bought a sumsung Ativ smart pc about a year ago, recently had to take it in for repairs (still under warranty), before taking it in I used the "windows 7 recovery" system (despite being in windows 8) to create a system image, I then reset my computer to factory settings

Have the image on a USB drive, just got the computer back, however I cannot restore my computer. Not sure why but whenever I select the restore option it wont let me pick a local folder or usb drive as the location of the backup image, it seems to be looking exclusively for networked drives/machines

I've read I may need a restore cd to get this working, however my tablet only has 1 usb drive and no disk drive, what should I do?

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Windows 8 Snap Feature Portrait Mode?

Feb 27, 2014

So I've never seen how 2 apps snapped look when using a tablet in portrait mode. All I seem to see is landscape snapped apps. So can this even be done on a tablet.

It looks rather useful, but not sure if it can be used in landscape and portrait?

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Hidden Files - Auto Disable / Restore Auto Enable?

Jan 21, 2013

I enabled display hidden and system files, but system auto-disable its... I make it about three times, always with the same result. I don't know what causes this problem, I can't reproduce its (it isn't after reboot).

Also I have similar problem with system restore.I disabled it, but system turned it on again.

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How To Resize Photos

Jan 12, 2013

I used to use Picasa to resize photos when I used Vista. From what I've read, Picasa and Windows 8 are not compatible. I'm looking for a way to resize photos that is free. Can I do it with what is already in Windows 8 or do I need to download software? One possibility seems to be pic resize.

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Resize Calculator In Windows 8.1?

Jun 21, 2014

Is there any way to resize the calculator in Windows 8.1 so that is does not take up the entire screen when opened. I would like to work on an excel file and have the calculator small enough so that I can see the file I'm working on.

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How To Resize Metro UI Without Changing DPI

Nov 3, 2012

I have a computer that connected to a 42 inch lcd and I use 1920x1080 and dpi is already on 20% but the metro interface is to small and aps on the metro are burly Readable if there a way to make metro bigger?

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Cannot Resize Partition Even With Free Space Available

Feb 4, 2013

I have a 200 gig partition on 1 drive that I have dedicated for games. But now it is filled, and even after shrinking my C drive to make space, I find that I still cannot extend my games partition. I've done a little reading and it appears that the issue is due to the free space not being directly beside the Games partition. I'm not sure, exactly, all I know is, I want to install more games and this technicality is preventing it.

Another thing that makes the situation more complex is that I have 2 other partitions on my drive that belong to Linux Mint. One is the main Mint partition, the other is a swap partition (similar to the page/swap file in Windows). I'm hesitant to try to mess around with moving those partitions since I'm not very experienced with Linux and if it doesnt boot I know I'll just reinstall it instead of trying to fix it. But I would like to avoid that in the first place.

I have tried with Disk Management, EaseUS, Paragon, Partition Wizard and GParted in Linux but they all wont let me make the games partition bigger, only smaller.

What I would like to do is to find a way to add free space to the Games partition, but without deleting other partitions or having to reinstall Linux. And more importantly, figuring out how to handle this kind of thing now so that I wont have issues extending partitions in the future. I also just figured I would say that I've converted the Games partition from primary to logical, due to the limitation of 4 primary partitions on a drive (maybe I'm wrong , but that's what I've heard). I say this because I recently had 4 primaries before trying to install Mint and Ubuntu, and neither of them would let me install. But as soon as I reduced to 3 primaries the issue went away and I was allowed to proceed. I figured that out after a bit of reading.

It is possible to move partitions on a disk so that they will be adjacent (either to the left or right) to another partition that needs to be extended?

I'm also posting a screenshot to make it easier for people to understand. The 36 gig partition is Linux's main partition, and the 15 gig partition to the right of it is Linux's swap partition. The pic also shows that both of those lie between the C drive and my games.

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How To Resize HD In Dual Boot System

Jun 13, 2014

Didn't plan ahead Dual boot Windows 7 and 8. I only initially allowed 100 GB for my primary Windows 8 on a 2 TB drive. I'm hardly using the W-7 and now find myself out of space on the W-8 (C) I'd like to repartition to give (C) 1 TB and 1 TB for (D)

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Setup Installation :: Cannot Resize / Move Partition?

Jun 6, 2013

Need to move partition over, did a minimal image restore with my new laptop. What it does is skip the recovery partition setup. So instead of 4 partitons I have 3. The problem is the first partition is now a 401 mb unallocated partition, the second is the EFI partition, and c: drive is last. When attempting to move unallocated 401 mb to the end of drive, so I can extend it, the program I use, EaseUS partiton does not "see" the first 401 mb and intead shows 0.0 unallocated space. Because of this I cannot resize/move the partition. What other method is there to remedy the situation.

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Setup Installation :: Resize Partition On Windows 7 And 8 PC?

Jan 26, 2013

I had a Windows 7 laptop until I decided to upgrade it to Windows 8. What I did was create a partition on the Windows 7 side and went through setting up the dual boot process with no problems. Now, after using Windows 8, I would like to expand the partition size on the Windows 8 side since I only created about 30GB and Windows 8 will become my primary. So, what I was wanting to know is how easy or difficult is it to resize he partition without corrupting the OS.The closest I found was from this link Dual Boot Windows 7 and Windows 8 - Delete Windows 7 which discusses how to delete the old Windows 7 partition. Would this work on reducing the Windows 7 partition as well? I am thinking it should? I have backed up both partitions using True Image and there really isn't any valuable data on the laptops, so not concerned about losing anything.

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Setup Installation :: Windows 8 - Expand / Resize Partition

Jun 15, 2013

Is it possible to expand a Windows 8 partition into free space BEHIND it? I've tried Gedit and Windows 8 disk admin but none let me do that.

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How To Manually Resize Icons Sizes In Quick Launch Toolbar

Sep 15, 2014

What I am asking for is a request to manually size the icons in the QuickLaunch toolbar. I do not want a suggestion that states an alternative way for viewing my icons (for example, pinning programs or what-not).

I am asking to see if there is a registry tweak that manually sets the size of the icons in the QuickLaunch toolbar (refer to the image). They are a bit small, and want to slightly increase their sizes.

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Cannot Move Or Resize Windows - Drag Mouse - Slow Response

Aug 15, 2013

Besides not having any drag and drop features for icons or files, I also cannot move the entire window by clicking and holding the mouse button on the title. I cannot re-size a window either. The close, minimize, and restore down/maximize buttons work. Sometimes when I double click on the title bar the window will restore down/maximize, but not always.

The slider bars only work if they are clicked in (and then only sometimes) and take a second to respond or will not respond at all; I cannot drag them. I cannot highlight any text to copy it; I assume because that is also a drag function.

Frequently, windows will not respond for up to a minute or longer and sometimes I stop them because they have not responded for more than 5 minutes. Mouse clicks frequently take 3 or 4 seconds to respond in all programs. I am not a knowledgeable computer person and do not know if this is caused by Windows 8 or the hardware.

I have tried to restore the system (three times), but there was only one restore point and that failed. I have tried using escape, various other keys, the right mouse button, and restarting. I gave up on restarting after well over 3 hours because there is a queue of 21 updates that have failed before and it was only on update 10. Shutting down and restarting does not work.

I have McAfee and have scanned the computer 3 times and not found anything wrong.

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Setup Installation :: How To Resize Partitions Splitted By Recovery Partition

Oct 27, 2013

Recently I got my new laptop running under Windows 8.1 and was surprised with how the partitions were sized.

Here is the screenshot from the DiskManagement:

So I shrank the size of C: disk as you can see and got unallocated space. I want to attach that space to D: disk. I thought that is possible to extend recovery partition to unallocated space, then shrank recovery partition, and newly appeared unallocated then attach to D:/ disk. But failed with that.

I don't think that I really need those 900Mb and 350Mb recovery partitions and that they are useful, but it would be unwise to delete them while I don't know what are they for. Latter 20Gb recovery partition at the picture at least has the significant size to store something

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Windows 8 Pro Tablet - Resize Onscreen Keyboard And Excel Tabs

Mar 19, 2013

I've got a tablet that runs Windows 8 pro. When the keyboard is up it takes up half of the screen, making is difficult to see whatever it is I'm working in and I can't figure out how to re-size it.

I'm also trying to re-size the tabs in Microsoft Excel. I know how to do this in Window 7 but I can't find the proper place with in the control panel in windows 8 to do it.

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Thinkpad X61 Tablet - Touch Keyboard Automatic Screen Resize

Nov 27, 2012

I have a Thinkpad X61 Tablet. It was running Windows 7 Ultimate before I upgraded to Windows 8 Pro. When I invoked the Touch Keyboard in Desktop mode, the window would automatically resize as I type (i.e. window on top, keyboard below). However, this weekend I performed a clean install of Windows 8 since I wasn't happy with some of the quirks from an upgrade. Now, I can no longer get the automatic screen resize when I initiate the Touch Keyboard (i.e. window stays behind keyboard, making it hard to see what I am typing). Are there settings I need to change? Is it something that was carried over from Windows 7 during my upgrade but I deleted it with my clean install?

Update: Just figured out how to get the automatic resize. You have to maximize the Touch Keyboard. I guess I must have been using it in maximized form without realizing it.

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Maintenance :: System Image Recovery Can't Find Image On USB Drive

Mar 7, 2013

I've been dual-booting Windows 8 Pro and Windows 7 Ultimate, but a while back my Windows 8 kind of went "South" and wouldn't boot at all (I got an error message that a device was "not attached"). I have a recent system image on an external USB hard drive, but when I boot to "system recovery" using my repair disk it can't seem to find my USB drive at all.

The tutorials here mention installing a SATA driver to access disks that are not recognized, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

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