how to setup skydrive. I have always used Drop Box in the past, but with windows 8.1 and my xbox one, I want to start using Skydrive. Few questions. How do most people set it up? Do you use your default My Documents folder for skydrive? Or do you create a separate folder just for skydrive stuff? What kind of things do you have in your skydrive folder? I would imagine many people would stick with just documents and pictures.
I have 8.1 on an SSD 128 GB with some nominal programs. It seems, no, it is suddenly filling up. I have 17 GB left. The other day had over 60 GB remaining, then it got smaller and now the 17. After some poking around and thought, it seems that my making a backup image of this SSD with 8.1 and my other SSd with Windows 7, and putting them on Skydrive, it is somehow attached itself to my physical drive. In the Skydrive folder, these two folders have an attention icon on them. What does that icon mean and could these folders (whose total GB just about equals what I have lost recently) have become associated with the physical SSD?
I'm having a pretty major issue with Skydrive on Windows 8.1. A vast majority of my files are unopenable from Explorer (or the Modern UI app which seems to just open them through explorer in the end anyway). When I try to open one of these files, I receive an error message titled "1 Interrupted Action" and displaying the message:
An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search to solve this problem.
Error 0x80040A41: No error description available
I have yet to find anything even resembling a solution when I search for that error code. The options this error window gives me is to "Try Again" which presents a typical explorer progress bar that never goes anywhere or to "skip" or "cancel" which do the same thing. Essentially this means that I have to use the skydrive web client to download the file to some other location locally and then edit and reupload from there. As far as I can tell there also isn't a traceable logic to what files are going to be accessible and which ones are not. I could literally be just finished working on a file, save it, and have it inaccessible when I try to reopen it. This error has not improved or changed at all by my making any files "available offline" or "available online-only" (in fact clicking those options doesn't seem to actually change their Availability that is listed in explorer).
I've used Skydrive for a few years now (since the beta I believe) as my primary cloud storage service, I pay for Office 365, and therefore I have access to a larger amount of storage on Skydrive than I do on other cloud services. I'm using Google Drive temporarily, but its incredibly inconvenient given how invested and reliant I've become to Skydrive.
Ive been using a method to access my Skydrive files in explorer without the need for the Skydrive app. The process is explained here: How To Map SkyDrive Folder As Network Drive In Windows 8 And RT .
It works great on 1 pc I use but on another it doesn't. The problem is it is only showing the Public folder and nothing else. I cant work out why this is the case.
It accepts my credentials fine and connects the drive it just doesn't show the files there. It also doesn't allow me to upload anything else to the drive.
I have three computers that are used for different purposes. I want to be selective on which files/folders have local copies on the different machines. Here's an outline of the system and the goals:
One SkyDrive account with folders F1, F2, F3.
Laptop 1 runs Win7Pro and needs local copies of folders F1, F2, F3 Tablet 2 runs Win8Pro and needs local copies of folders F1, F2 Laptop 3 runs Windows 8.1Pro and needs local copy of F3 only
With Windows 8.1 upgrade. My SkyDrive folder now become "smarter". It knows every online files on SkyDrive. But I want to (recursively) check which file/folder I really have it locally. How can I do that?
I use SkyDrive as my cloud storage and have 5GB of files in it.
But I want it to be IN THE CLOUD and hidden, not accesible to everyone using my laptop and not duplicate copies of the files in my hard disk (actually triplicate copies).
For example, let's say my 3GB music collection. I keep a copy in my hard disk within "My Music", a copy in the cloud in Skydrive, but now I have a third copy in my hard disk within the Skydrive folder, which I didn't want and I wasn't asked about.
Microsoft assumed I want this third copy for some reason and downloaded everything automatically to this Skydrive folder. Great.
So, the first thing I do is uninstalling Skydrive, if I want to upload something I do it via browser, but the folder and copy of my files is still there.
My question is, can I delete those files, my music collection and so on without deleting at the same time the copy in the cloud? I mean, if I delete them here they will be deleted in the cloud too?
I have a photo in SkyDrive that appears when I click on shared, to the left. It is the same as the photo I see when I sign in to my pc. Is it in SkyDrive because it is shared with my sign in?
I wish not to have anything in SkyDrive but when I click on the file and click to remove it, nothing happens.
It seems to say it is a file I shared but that no one can share. I wonder if I have to remove all my family photos in my pc for this file to be removed from SkyDrive.
Obviously my knowledge of this is quite limited although I have read many tutorials and other pieces of information. How to remove this file?
I use SkyDrive quite every time. For each file, I copy to my Windows explorer folder of SkyDrive, I have to individually right click each file and select Make Available online only. I want the explorer to do this for each and every file I copy to the folder so that I don't need to waste time to do it all by myself.
Before installing Windows 8.1 anything that I put into my Skydrive folder (I had the desktop app) were automatically synced to as well as my Android phone app, and anything I uploaded from my phone app were synced to and were automatically downloaded to my Skydrive folder. Now my phone app and still work fine, but the Skydrive folder does not. That is, nothing gets downloaded to my Skydrive folder and nothing gets uploaded to from it.
I've tried different settings for it, I've tried offline only, online only, I've toggled settings in the Settings app, and nothing.
Something else that happens is that now there are duplicates of all of the files in the My Documents folder. Say that my PC is named Smith-PC. Now, for example, there is a file called Random Document.docx and Random Document-Smith-PC.docx. And this is for every single file in the My Documents folder. Furthermore, only the version with the Smith-PC in the name works. When I open the normally named file, I get an error:
"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for solution of this problem. Error 0x80070490: Element not found."
This is really annoying and now I have duplicates of all of my documents, half of which won't open and the other half which are named wrong with Smith-PC at the end of all of them.
I have a problem with SkyDrive. Windows 8 is now using OneDrive, but I still have the SkyDrive icon shown in Explorer on my computer. When I try to open or delete it, it does not work. What should I do?
I recently did a clean install of Windows 8.1 x64. I have a Synology DS213+ NAS server in my LAN. Before doing the clean install (had Windows 8 installed before), all hardware being identical, I could launch setup programs from the NAS volume without any problem.
Now, after the clean install, I get an "Incorrect parameter" error when trying to run setup.exe files from the NAS. Some other exe files, like small programs that only consist of one exe file, can be run without any problem.
The following things have been ruled out so far:
- When first copying the installation files from the NAS to a local hard drive, they can be run without any problem, so it's not the installation files being corrupt. Also tried with many different installation packages. - I can directly launch the same installation programs from other computers in the same LAN, without the need of first copying to their local hard drive. - If I am in front of the computer causing trouble and run the same installation package from another computer in the LAN (having copied the files there in the first place) I can also execute the setup without that error. - The NAS firmware or configuration has not been changed. - The hardware of my main computer causing trouble in question has not changed. - It does not make a difference whether the setup.exe on the NAS is accessed through the network drive letter of the location or whether I browse to the location via the network address, e.g. //MYNAS/Software/setup.exe
==> Hence it must the software (Win 8.1) and its configuration. And it has also to do with the interplay of the computer with that particular network share.
I have an iPhone 4 and it has the ability to share its 3G data connection over USB (or WiFi)
When I had Windows 7 and I put the option to share over USB, the minute I put the iPhone 4 in over USB, the connection would automatically be detected and used. But with Windows 8, I am forced to use the WiFi feature which is bad for my battery and speed and I wouldn't prefer this of course.
How to set up Windows 8 to use the internet connection over USB?
I'm trying to discover my Wi-Fi enabled printer (Brother MFC-J425W) by trying to plug in the ip address of the printer manually. I am currently using this online reference - How to install a Standard TCP/IP Printer on Windows 8? - Welcome to TP-LINK - to go through the particular process. When I open up the advanced printer setup window in the hardware & sound category of the control panel, it starts searching for printers and then freezes on that task. I cannot press the next, cancel, or quit ('x') button at the top right of the screen. This is a brand new laptop that I just got in today with some top of the line hardware for its class, and I am currently connected wirelessly to the same network that the printer is on, so there should be no issue as far as I'm aware of on the discovery of the printer.
I'm trying to set up my router to the new internet connection and get the wifi going but for the life of me I cant get it set up. The internet connection itself is fine, from modem to pc. Once I have the modem in the mix,it gets no/limited connectivity and cannot reach the setups. I have tried the classic and and about 5 other variations, along with 'http://router'. My router is a Belkin N300 Wireless N Router. If I use a command prompt and do 'ipconfig', there is no ip address beside 'gateway default' once the router is connected. I have reset my router to factory settings. I've tried using a static ip address for my computer [though not sure if i did it correctly]. My DHCP is enabled.
I install Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 someday ago. but I can't connect my Internet connection via Modem. in windows 7 I can connected it easily, but now I can't.
Im looking for a way to have wifi access per user for example one user can have access to wifi while another user cant have access. (Currently Using Windows 8)
In Windows 7 I used this method (Profile types) to allow wifi per user and it works great. How to Enable User-Specific Wireless Networks in Windows 7 But in Windows 8 I cant seem to set wifi access per user.
I am trying to share a specific folder on my Windows 8 computer with my Windows 7 computer. They are both on the same network connected to the same router. The Windows 8 computer is connected through ethernet, while the Windows 7 computer is connected wirelessly.
Here are my settings on my Windows 8 Computer:
This is the error I get on my Windows 7 computer:
What's up with this? On a related note, is it possible to share this folder with a specific PC, rather than "Everyone" on the network?
I am having trouble with ICS on win 8. On my old laptop (win xp) I used to be able to share my 3Connect dongle internet to connect to Xbox live. I recently got a new laptop with win 8 and whenever I share this internet connection I can never connect on my Xbox (the network to internet part fails). When everything is connected up and shared the Ethernet says 'Unidentified Network' which i believe is the cause of the problem. I've read i may require a driver update but i cannot seem to find one.
My Laptop: Toshiba Satellite C855-29N
what to do, maybe i am not setting up the connection sharing properly?
I've been trying to set up an old Savin 9033 printer through the company's router, but I couldn't find the network it's set up on from any other computer.
So I pull up Network & Sharing, see that Network Discovery is turned off.
I check it, go to click on "Save Changes" and nothing happens. I click it a few times and it kicks me back to the previous page, nothing saved. No password prompt or anything.
I double checked that all the appropriate services are running (DNS Client, SSDP Discovery, UPnP Device Host, Function Discoveryr Resource Publication, etc.) and made sure Network Discovery was allowed through Windows Firewall.
Is there a way to setup network profiles or something so that when I bring my Surface Pro to work and connect to the wireless network there it will use the static ip address I have but when I disconnect and then connect to my home wifi it will go back to DHCP? On my MacBook Pro I can go into the network settings and change the location profile I have setup for networks but I don't see anything like this for Windows 8.
This morning I installed an optional update from Windows Update. It was Ralink Technology WLAN 802.11 wireless LAN card.
Since then, when I try to print to my wireless network printer, the network would disconnect then come back on after a while. The update shows up in Update History as successfully installed but not in the installed updates. System restore is of no support here. The network configuration page shows normal. The web does not appear to be affected. I made a new network connection for the printer but it did not work.
Is there a way to reverse this update or should I uninstall the 802.11 LAN card and let windows re-install anew.