Network / Sharing :: Make SkyDrive Explorer Folder Files As Online Only

Jan 22, 2014

I use SkyDrive quite every time. For each file, I copy to my Windows explorer folder of SkyDrive, I have to individually right click each file and select Make Available online only. I want the explorer to do this for each and every file I copy to the folder so that I don't need to waste time to do it all by myself.

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Network / Sharing :: Access Skydrive Files In Explorer Without App

Jul 25, 2013

Ive been using a method to access my Skydrive files in explorer without the need for the Skydrive app. The process is explained here: How To Map SkyDrive Folder As Network Drive In Windows 8 And RT .

It works great on 1 pc I use but on another it doesn't. The problem is it is only showing the Public folder and nothing else. I cant work out why this is the case.

It accepts my credentials fine and connects the drive it just doesn't show the files there. It also doesn't allow me to upload anything else to the drive.

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Network / Sharing :: Windows 8 Using OneDrive But SkyDrive Icon Shown In Explorer

Jul 9, 2014

I have a problem with SkyDrive. Windows 8 is now using OneDrive, but I still have the SkyDrive icon shown in Explorer on my computer. When I try to open or delete it, it does not work. What should I do?

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Network / Sharing :: Unable To Access Files Within Skydrive On Win 8.1

Nov 18, 2013

I'm having a pretty major issue with Skydrive on Windows 8.1. A vast majority of my files are unopenable from Explorer (or the Modern UI app which seems to just open them through explorer in the end anyway). When I try to open one of these files, I receive an error message titled "1 Interrupted Action" and displaying the message:

An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search to solve this problem.

Error 0x80040A41: No error description available

I have yet to find anything even resembling a solution when I search for that error code. The options this error window gives me is to "Try Again" which presents a typical explorer progress bar that never goes anywhere or to "skip" or "cancel" which do the same thing. Essentially this means that I have to use the skydrive web client to download the file to some other location locally and then edit and reupload from there. As far as I can tell there also isn't a traceable logic to what files are going to be accessible and which ones are not. I could literally be just finished working on a file, save it, and have it inaccessible when I try to reopen it. This error has not improved or changed at all by my making any files "available offline" or "available online-only" (in fact clicking those options doesn't seem to actually change their Availability that is listed in explorer).

I've used Skydrive for a few years now (since the beta I believe) as my primary cloud storage service, I pay for Office 365, and therefore I have access to a larger amount of storage on Skydrive than I do on other cloud services. I'm using Google Drive temporarily, but its incredibly inconvenient given how invested and reliant I've become to Skydrive.

Any way of resetting or jarring Skydrive on 8.1?

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Network / Sharing :: Can Delete Skydrive Duplicate Files In Laptop

Jun 29, 2013

I use SkyDrive as my cloud storage and have 5GB of files in it.

But I want it to be IN THE CLOUD and hidden, not accesible to everyone using my laptop and not duplicate copies of the files in my hard disk (actually triplicate copies).

For example, let's say my 3GB music collection. I keep a copy in my hard disk within "My Music", a copy in the cloud in Skydrive, but now I have a third copy in my hard disk within the Skydrive folder, which I didn't want and I wasn't asked about.

Microsoft assumed I want this third copy for some reason and downloaded everything automatically to this Skydrive folder. Great.

So, the first thing I do is uninstalling Skydrive, if I want to upload something I do it via browser, but the folder and copy of my files is still there.

My question is, can I delete those files, my music collection and so on without deleting at the same time the copy in the cloud? I mean, if I delete them here they will be deleted in the cloud too?

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Network / Sharing :: Skydrive No Longer Syncing - Makes Duplicate Files

Oct 22, 2013

Before installing Windows 8.1 anything that I put into my Skydrive folder (I had the desktop app) were automatically synced to as well as my Android phone app, and anything I uploaded from my phone app were synced to and were automatically downloaded to my Skydrive folder. Now my phone app and still work fine, but the Skydrive folder does not. That is, nothing gets downloaded to my Skydrive folder and nothing gets uploaded to from it.

I've tried different settings for it, I've tried offline only, online only, I've toggled settings in the Settings app, and nothing.

Something else that happens is that now there are duplicates of all of the files in the My Documents folder. Say that my PC is named Smith-PC. Now, for example, there is a file called Random Document.docx and Random Document-Smith-PC.docx. And this is for every single file in the My Documents folder. Furthermore, only the version with the Smith-PC in the name works. When I open the normally named file, I get an error:

"An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for solution of this problem. Error 0x80070490: Element not found."

This is really annoying and now I have duplicates of all of my documents, half of which won't open and the other half which are named wrong with Smith-PC at the end of all of them.

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Network / Sharing :: W8.1 - Can't Open Files On SMB Folder Shared By A Mac

Oct 29, 2013

I have a PC with Windows 8.1 and a Mac with Mavericks. I have a folder on the Mac that is shared with the PC. When I'm on the PC and I try to open a file that is shared by the Mac, such as an ISO file (a disk image), then I get a message saying that I cannot open the file, or the file is in use (it depends on the app/filetype). I have the same problem when I open a video file. Strangely, text files and PDF files are just fine. And if I copy any of the problematic files to the local Windows disk, then I can open them just fine.

The specific error messages are:

- AVI files opened in VLC: "Your input can't be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL."
- ISO files opened by Windows Explorer: "Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file."

This only started happening after I upgraded to Windows 8.1 on the PC and Mavericks on the Mac. Mavericks upgraded its SMB version from SMB1 to SMB2, so perhaps that is related?

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Network / Sharing :: Unzipped Files Blocked From Preview In File Explorer?

Feb 6, 2014

I often unzip compressed folders sent to me by email containing several pdf files. When opened in file explorer the preview pane is blocked.

I have to right click and select properties, then click unblock button individually on each file if I want to preview them in the preview pane.

Any way I can set an option either to not automatically block these files when transferred from compressed email attachment to the folder?

Or any way I can use the parent directory and unblock all the files in all the subfolders at once?

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Apps / Software :: Skydrive Modern UI App Works Only Online - No Offline Data

May 11, 2013

My friend recently bought a Windows 8 (Pro) Tablet and I suggested that she should use skydrive,but there are two unexpected behaviours:

1)On the Mordern UI I try to access files saved in the skydrive, but this only works with an internet connection.Without I only got an error/warning message that I need a connection.Why there are no data sored offline? This is a no go!How can I change this?

2)On the Desktop I don't found the folder where to store the skydrive data.I think this is a problem in connection with no (1).

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Network / Sharing :: Internet Shows Connection But Can't Do Anything Online

Mar 27, 2013

Internet worked fine for about a week until I started watching shows online and using a lot more data then suddenly I could no longer visit sites or use web based programs even though 8 says its still connected to the internet

If I restarted my computer it would work for maybe an hour then would happen again it seemed like if I deleted my cookies it would work for a longer period of time. If i reset the router or modem it would work for a bit as well. it has gotten so bad it stops working after about 30 seconds of usage now but after clicking my wifi connection and clicking reset estimated usage I was able to get about 20 minutes

If I plug into Ethernet into it instead of wifi it works for a while then has same issue I've also tried it on 4 seperate networks all were using the same model router ive since upgraded to a better router issue stays the same. Ipconfig sees the gateway and has an ip address but if I try to ping out or even to ping the router itself it times out Reinstalling windows 8 started the issue over could use the Internet heavy at first then progressively less as time went by No antivirus software, disabled firewall, disabled protective mode, all updates are done, did the netsh winsock reset

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Network / Sharing :: High Latency / Lag / Ping When Playing Online Games

Feb 9, 2013

I installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview last december and since then, all my online games both from local and international servers have been experiencing extreme lag during gameplay and loading. This only happened after i installed the consumer preview and since then has been happening everytime i try playing any of the online games. I tried playing offline games to see if it might be the graphics but did not encounter any graphics lag and the offline games played perfectly.

I've contacted my ISP and one of their techs came over to check my connection and found nothing wrong with it or from the connection from their servers. Even streaming and downloading speeds are normal.

I've checked my connection at and my ping and internet connection are also registering as normal

Now i tried contacting support for 2 of the online games Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, they requested a pathping file which i sent to them and copied below:

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

0 Boni []
2 []
4 []
5 []

[Code] ....

My graphic driver is up to date and i'm running a 2GB RAM 800 mhz + 8 GB readyboost RAM

Seems my problem is loss of data packets during the exchange of data going on during online gameplay.

How to resolve this problem, considering streaming and downloading speeds are fine and only online games are affected, both the game support and isp support are blaming each other for the problem and i'm still left back in square 1 with my problem.

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Network / Sharing :: Skydrive Says No Space?

Dec 6, 2013

I have merged two screenshots. Skydrive doesn't sync my phone images with my desktop. All is good on my laptop.

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Network / Sharing :: How To Setup Skydrive

Dec 7, 2013

how to setup skydrive. I have always used Drop Box in the past, but with windows 8.1 and my xbox one, I want to start using Skydrive. Few questions. How do most people set it up? Do you use your default My Documents folder for skydrive? Or do you create a separate folder just for skydrive stuff? What kind of things do you have in your skydrive folder? I would imagine many people would stick with just documents and pictures.

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Network / Sharing :: How To Synchronize SkyDrive To Another Windows 8.1

Nov 15, 2013

I can drag/drop or copy/paste into the SkyDrive folder easy enough. How do you synchronize SkyDrive to another Windows 8.1 computer?

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Network / Sharing :: Skydrive Folders Have Become Associated With The Physical SSD?

Feb 20, 2014

I have 8.1 on an SSD 128 GB with some nominal programs. It seems, no, it is suddenly filling up. I have 17 GB left. The other day had over 60 GB remaining, then it got smaller and now the 17. After some poking around and thought, it seems that my making a backup image of this SSD with 8.1 and my other SSd with Windows 7, and putting them on Skydrive, it is somehow attached itself to my physical drive. In the Skydrive folder, these two folders have an attention icon on them. What does that icon mean and could these folders (whose total GB just about equals what I have lost recently) have become associated with the physical SSD?

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Network / Sharing :: Selective SkyDrive Sync For Work Stations

Jan 13, 2014

I have three computers that are used for different purposes. I want to be selective on which files/folders have local copies on the different machines. Here's an outline of the system and the goals:

One SkyDrive account with folders F1, F2, F3.

Laptop 1 runs Win7Pro and needs local copies of folders F1, F2, F3
Tablet 2 runs Win8Pro and needs local copies of folders F1, F2
Laptop 3 runs Windows 8.1Pro and needs local copy of F3 only

Can this be done?

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Network / Sharing :: Win8.1 SkyDrive - Filter For Offline File Only?

Oct 30, 2013

With Windows 8.1 upgrade. My SkyDrive folder now become "smarter". It knows every online files on SkyDrive. But I want to (recursively) check which file/folder I really have it locally. How can I do that?

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Network / Sharing :: Sync Onenote 2010 With Skydrive (Windows 8.1)

Dec 1, 2013

I have no problem syncing in a W7 environment but if I do it in Windows 8.1 it fails.

Using the Onenote Metro App (also installed locally) it works.

Can it be fixed? I much prefer the complete MS Onenote 2010 than the Metro App.

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Network / Sharing :: Removing Photo In SkyDrive Shared With Sign In

Dec 19, 2013

I have a photo in SkyDrive that appears when I click on shared, to the left. It is the same as the photo I see when I sign in to my pc. Is it in SkyDrive because it is shared with my sign in?

I wish not to have anything in SkyDrive but when I click on the file and click to remove it, nothing happens.

It seems to say it is a file I shared but that no one can share. I wonder if I have to remove all my family photos in my pc for this file to be removed from SkyDrive.

Obviously my knowledge of this is quite limited although I have read many tutorials and other pieces of information. How to remove this file?

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Network / Sharing :: Sharing Specific Folder On Home Network?

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to share a specific folder on my Windows 8 computer with my Windows 7 computer. They are both on the same network connected to the same router. The Windows 8 computer is connected through ethernet, while the Windows 7 computer is connected wirelessly.

Here are my settings on my Windows 8 Computer:

This is the error I get on my Windows 7 computer:

What's up with this? On a related note, is it possible to share this folder with a specific PC, rather than "Everyone" on the network?

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How To Put Document Folder In Skydrive

Nov 18, 2013

I use Mozbackup for firefox, and it creates a pcv file. The problem is I can put it in documents folder in skydrive folder, but when I need to download it from skydrive, skydrive flags it as a possible virus and stops the download. Is there a way I can set skydrive not to do this to a pcv file?.

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OneDrive Files Available Online Only

Jul 21, 2014

I've just worked with a friend set up his new Windows 8.1 Asus desktop. When we open the OneDrive folder using File Explorer, next to each file it says "Online only". On his old Windows 8 computer, it says "Available offline" next to each file. Is there someplace we need to change a setting to make the files available offline on the new computer?

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Add Public Folder In 8.1 - Sharing Files Between Multiple Users On PC

Jan 21, 2014

After it was removed from 8 . I managed to get it back into the Library but seems impossible for This PC.

It's a good, safe way to share files between multiple users on a PC .

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How To Remove Extra SkyDrive Folder

Feb 5, 2014

I have an extra SkyDrive folder that has shown up as a sub folder of Documents:


It synchronizes in both locations, one at the root tree of explorer and one in the Documents folder however in this case I only want one SkyDrive folder not two. Is there a way to remove the one that exists here:


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Getting SkyDrive On File Explorer?

Mar 9, 2013

Although I have SkyDrive in my Start menu, how do I get it onto my File Explorer?

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Integrate Skydrive Into Windows Explorer

Mar 14, 2013

how to integrate skydrive into my win explorer. I would like to simply be able to drag a file from say excel or word an drop it into a skydrive folder or somehow save it to skydrive from excel or words "save" or "save as" window. I also have this strange folder appearing in my win explorer and I think it where my skydrive is located.

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Network / Sharing :: Windows Explorer Network Not Showing Up Router / Modem

Feb 17, 2013

When I click network while i am in windows explorer, the network infrastructure is not there, only the Computer is visible there and i want to fix something by changing the properties of my modem/router on the network infrastructure.

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Dell :: Upgraded To Win 8.1 - SkyDrive And OneDrive / Both Labels Under File Folder

Apr 19, 2014

I had upgraded to Windows 8.1 after purchasing Inspiron 660s with Windows 8.0.

Under the Files Folder / Favorites group SkyDrive listed as a favorite. However, at the same level as Favorites, there is a OneDrive folder.

Under Windows 8.1, should not there be only OneDrive listed everywhere? Did something go wrong in the upgrade to 8.1?

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Network / Sharing :: File And Folder Sharing?

Mar 11, 2013

On my home network there are Windows 8-A, Windows 8-B and W7 machines. There is no problem networking among these machines except from Windows 8-A to W7. The shared folders on the W7 are displayed on Windows 8-A but if I attempt to click-open any one of them no ID/PW is asked for and the following message is displayed:

"You do not have permission to access . . . . . Contact your network administrator . . . "

Windows 8-A <--> Windows 8-B OK
Windows 8-B <--> W7 OK
Windows 8-A <-- W7 OK
Windows 8-A --> W7 NG

Windows 8-B and W7 are logged in by the same ID and password, but Windows 8-A is logged in by a different ID and PW. I can open any folder of the W7 from Windows 8-A *if* Windows 8-A is logged in by the same ID and PW as for W7/Windows 8-B.

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Network / Sharing :: Files Not Being Copied When Transferring Files From NAS

Jan 14, 2014

I am running a qnap NAS in my home network. I can connect to the NAS no issues at all, I can copy small files across the network no issues. However I want to rebuild my NAS so am performing a backup across the network. I want to copy approx 2tb in a single copy. However when I do a select all, copy and paste, it's only copies about 40gb of the data. I am running Windows 8 ...

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Network / Sharing :: PCs Under Network Folder Are Not Accessible

Jan 20, 2014

Windows 8.1 PC, For some reason if I click on any pc or device in the network folder in file explorer it comes back with <xxxx> is not accessable.

I can access folders on these same inaccessible pcs from the homegroup folder in the same file explorer, just not the network folder in file explorer

(3) other PCs in the same workgroup are not having any issues accessing these PCs via the network folder in explorer. These PCs are all running windows 7. Unfortunately I don't have a second windows 8 pc for testing.

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