I know if I transfer over to the desktop version of the home screen I can find out the percent of battery power remaining by placing the cursor over the little battery icon in the lower right of the task bar. But on the native 8.1 Start (the one with the metro tiles) screen I see no way to easily check remaining battery power. I searched the Windows Store for an app that would do this and there are none that I can find. Odd because the Android Play Store has dozens of apps that do this. tell me if there is an easy way to check battery power from the Start screen?
I know if I transfer over to the desktop version of the home screen I can find out the percent of battery power remaining by placing the cursor over the little battery icon in the lower right of the task bar. But on the native 8.1 start (the one with the metro tiles) screen I see no way to easily check remaining battery power. I searched the Windows Store for an app that would do this and there are none that I can find. Odd because the Android Play Store has dozens of apps that do this. Any easy way to check battery power from the Start screen?
I see there is a Classic Start 8 Menu that once installed will give you back the Windows 7 style menu. If you install it, can you still go back to the default Windows 8 Start page if you like?
I have a Windows 8.1 and a problem with my apps. When I try to open weather, finance and other apps, They show their start-up screen and in a couple of seconds they're gone - I am brought to my metro screen... Tried to reinstall the apps, but hadn't got any luck...
But wait, it get interesting: Even though the weather app crashes, I have a live tile option on for that app, and it shows me weather nicely.
Here are some of the errors from Event viewer:
Failure to load the application settings for package Microsoft.BingMaps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
I just got a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and I've lost track of the Start page (I guess they call it Metro), the one with Start up on the left and all the tiles, including the one for Desktop...gone.
Also I don't get the Charm Bar with a swipe, or any other movement for that matter. It opens up to a page with 4 tiles: Weather, Media Hub, Music Hub and Game Hub. I can tap to a page with Apps, a bunch of apps, but no Start Page or Charm Bar.
For a week or so whenever I click and go to either email or address book etc. within 20 seconds I get flipped back to the Windows 8 Start page. It happens every time without fail. Is it something I have done or has the system developed a fault?
Somehow, the Folders icon disappeared from my Start screen, without which Windows 8.1 is almost unusable. Now I can't locate any folders and can't see anywhere else to access them.
Setting Internet Explorer start page for all new users that are created how do I do that? I use Windows 8.1 and no pro version! so I have nothing to group policy,
Following this Windows 8.1 refuses to sleep thread I went to look for the task mentioned and I see no tasks have run. It has been this way since day one of this computer and doesn't matter what time period I select (last hour, 24h, 7 days, 30 days).
Why would it show no tasks, when clearly I have some set to run and they do run and complete? Plus there are other tasks that I didn't set that run as well.
I have a valid activated 8.1 Pro + W M C system and need to do several re-installs on the same partition and hardware to test some unattended scripts for customization, etc.
When I re install, there is no network connectivity until I install the proper drivers. I am currently replacing the install data. that and token data with the activated versions from my original install, after which I run slmgr. -i p k with the original key without any errors, but the system shows not activated. I don't remember this being the case with Win 8 doing the same thing.
Apparently, just restoring the activated tokens and installing the same product key isn't enough to get back the previous activation status when offline. I can reactivate going online and that stays activated even after going back offline, but not after a re-install. I always have to reactivate online. How to avoid this?
In Windows Event Viewer I'm getting this error: Windows can not easily be started with the error status 0xC00000D4. The problem is that fast startup that is included in windows 8 doesn't work (that's why I get this error) but I can't seem to solve it. My motherboard is Asus P8Z77-V LX
I bought a ASUS laptop last year w/8 on it. No media. I upgraded to 8.1 recently through the Store. I didn't seem to have an option. All went fine and a few weeks ago I started getting this popup, usually several times a day
SystemExplorer.exe - Bad Image
C:WINDOWSSysem32VSSVC.EXE is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0xc0000020.
I've tried googling portions of the error and all I saw was to run sfc /scannow, which I did with these results
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time. Beginning verification phase of system scan Verification 100% complete. Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
What can I do now to fix what is broken and stop the popups? Is this a f/p that will self correct as I get updates from Microsoft? 8.1 seemed to fix 2 problems I had: laptop would shut off periodically and battery never said 100% Fully Charged.
I noticed when i shut down my PC in windows 8 cp, my live account is still signed on with a status as idle. Due to this, i noticed a much quicker log in. Is there a way to completely sign off of my live account when i shut down my PC?
I can use windows task manager to enable or disable the startup items. But when I uninstall and reinstall the program, the related startup item re-appears with the same status of enable or disable as that before uninstalling. So, I wonder where does the system store the status information. I try to search the regedit but no results.
I mean the status (show in the pic) of the startup items rather than the items themselves. Please do not tell me about the "startup" folders or "HKLM****RUN" key.
So this is what I get when logging into my game after doing some driver updates which I did after installing a GeForce 8400gs on an Acer Aspire xc600.
c:windownssystem32 vd3dum.dll is either not designed to run on windows or it contains an error. try installing the program again using the original instillation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0xc000012f.
(The top of this error box says) archeage.exe - bad image
I'm not sure what I did, miss be when I was installing activclient but now I have a boot error asking for the windows installation disk. Also says
File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors
I booted in recovery mode but I can't make a system recovery drive on a USB because it says the boot files are missing. And I don't have a recovery disk because SAMSUNG ATIV 6 doesn't have a disc drive. I've been searching the web for a recovery disc download to no avail.
I was wondering if it was possible to get the old, unobtrusive low battery notification from Windows 7 on Windows 8? As it stands, whenever I hit 10% battery, this huge bar pops up right in the middle of my screen and minimizes anything I might be working on. This is fine in most cases, except for when I'm gaming and end up running off a cliff while trying to get the game window back up. -_- Is it possible to just have a little popup appear above the taskbar when my battery gets low, like in Windows 7? I'm really trying to like Windows 8, but stuff like this is unacceptable.
previously i was using windows 7 home basic 64bit OS. My battery used to give an average backup of about 2 hours. But since the time i have installed windows 8,it gives a backup of hardly an hour. I have checked all the settings in the control panel. They are all fine and proper. The fan keeps making a buzzing sound all the time, even when the CPU usage is low. This was not the case earlier. Also, my laptop is getting heated up more compared to before. What shall i do? What steps shall i take?
I am running windows 8 pro wmc on my HP laptop. One month ago I have bought a new battery. From last one week, when I start my laptop it shows that "plugged it, not charging". When I shut down down, it started charging the battery. After a full charge, my laptop performs good and battery worked for almost more than 2 hours.
I run on windows 8.. I can't find out where the battery life is anywhere! It isn't in the taskbar and it isn't in the Charms bar. It is really starting to annoy me now....
I have tried going into the notifications area and changing the behaviour of it but that doesn't work either. This is what shows up.
During the Christmas season i received a shiny new SSD for my Dell 1121 laptop. I went about installing the drive following one of the many install articles on the interwebs that shows several optimization tips for SSDs. After doing so i noticed the expected increase in performance. Mostly the startup times of the OS and of most apps.
Only problem i have now is that my battery tends to die rather rapid while the system sleeps. Prior to the SSD it would seem i could leave the system on standby for a week or better with no issue. Now i am lucky if the system stays alive for a day on standby. Something that may have changed during the install or a SSD optimization thing that could have screwed with my battery life on standby?
I have a Acer Aspire E1 570 laptop that I use for college, the laptop is less then 8 months old. For some reason recently it starting going dead at 40% battery charge remaining. I ran a powercfg -energy from the command prompt and it said that my batterys designed charge is 37000 and last full charge untill the battery read it was fully charged is 36526. I use the laptop on the battery all the time while i'm at school. I was thinking maybe just refresh the PC from the recovery i made using the provided software with the computer. I'm unsure if that would correct the issue.