Gaming :: Windows 8 Upgrade - Mouse Not Working In BF3

Jun 12, 2013

I can load into BF 3 fine but when I get into the game, the mouse buttons won't work, I can move the cursor but not select any of the options, kits, etc.

I've only had it since upgrading to Windows 8 and adding another monitor.

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Gaming :: Arma 3 On 8.1 Mouse Not Working?

Mar 21, 2014

Mouse works in game to look, shoot etc, but in the HUD/Setup options it doesn't, cant use it to change settings, or click on anything, its just dead. I can see the pointer, move the pointer, but that's it.

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Gaming :: Mouse Stuck After Playing RCT1

Feb 27, 2014

I tried and have managed to run RCT1 almost flawless in compatibility mode (Windows 98/ME and run as administrator). The one thing that bothers me, is that after playing RCT, every window I click on becomes de-activated, except for the window you click on first (after the game closed). Whatever you click on outside that window doesn't do anything, even the taskbar. You can however navigate with no problem in that specific window.

Alt-tabbing to another window does work: it activates the window, but as soon as you click in that window, it becomes de-activated again. It sounds pretty odd, and I think it also is. It bothers me a lot because the only way it seems to go away is after logging back in. I've looked around in the taskmanager, but whatever I did there didn't solve anything. It also hasn't anything to do with the hardware, as both the external mouse and the touchpad (I'm on a laptop) have the exact same issue.

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Gaming :: Middle / Right Mouse Button Click Moves FOV In Far Cry 3

Dec 23, 2013

When I play Far Cry 3 and try to aim or throw explosives, my field of view/crosshair to the left and down. Holding shift and clicking makes the crosshair move less... I tried installing the latest driver for my mouse, my graphics card but nothing changed.

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Gaming :: Windows 8.1 - Minecraft FPS Drop Since Upgrade

Apr 14, 2014

I was playing minecraft feed the beast, with a smooth 60fps when I had run windows 7. After upgrading to 8.1 It doesn't go passed literally 4 FPs with graphics turned down. I have all the correct drivers, and correct java. It's an 8.1 issue. My specs are..

Asus K35TK
AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon 6520G, 1.5ghz auto over clock to 2.4 when gaming. 4 cores
AMD Radeon 7670M 1gb (crossfire enabled)
6gb ram.

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Gaming :: GTA Vice-city Working In Windows 8?

May 18, 2013

Is GTA vice-city is working in windows 8?But most people says it is a 32-bit game and mostly suitable for WINDOWS 7 is this true?

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8.1 - Mouse And Keyboard Not Working

Jul 10, 2013

Installed windows 8.1 preview last night and after installing i get stuck at the lock screen, cant click or punch keys to log in. Since the powers that be decided to change how you boot into safe mode is my only option to format?

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Mouse Lit Up But Not Working?

Oct 26, 2013

My mouse was working just fine. Suddenly it stopped working, however, the mouse still light up..

I tried other mouse, not working either with light on..

I restored the whole computer to factory ....

Tried different ports but not working..

But any other device works just fine..

Went to device manager, it's not under mice section..

And i tried to update genetic usb drivers but that didn't work either..

The mouse is has its lights on but the computer bit detecting it and not giving any message..

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Asus K52Je / Windows 8 - Highlighting Text With Mouse Not Working

Dec 10, 2012

I have an Asus K52Je, and freshly installed Windows 8 on it. What I have noticed is that I cannot highlight text anymore in almost all places after typing with keyboard. As a workaround I just double tap the WINDOWS key on my keyboard and it works again as long as I don't type anything, then it goes bad again.

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Maintenance :: Windows 8.1 - Selecting Multiple Files With Mouse Not Working Properly

May 29, 2014

Using Windows 8.1 on HP machine
All updates up-to-date
Hardware: Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0
Explorer Folder Option selected: Single-click to open an item (point to select); Underline icon titles only when I point on them
Display: Detail list (Ctrl + Shift + 6)
No touch input

Here's the problem: For as long as I have used windows, I can select multiple files by pressing ctrl-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple consecutive files, I move my cursor down to the last file in the list and press shift-left mouse button. If I want to select multiple files that are not listed consecutively, I move my cursor along the list of files and press ctrl-left mouse button to select each individual file.

This does not work for me any longer and I do not know why.

I do not have Click-lock on.

Often I will press ctrl-left mouse click and the file will not select. When I move my mouse away from the file I've selected, it will UN-select. If I continue to press the CTRL key while attempting to select another file and float my mouse cursor down the list of files to select ONE single file further in the list, ALL the files in between the first file I click and the final file will become selected.

Moving the mouse cursor carefully and steadily to select individual files yields varied results; sometimes I can select individual files; sometimes, I can click multiple times to select an additional file and the file will not become selected. More often than not, I will select several files and earlier files will become unselected.

I have been a Windows user since version 3.1 and this has never happened to me. I have been a Windows 8.1 user for over a year now and this is a new wrinkle. I have done system restore multiple times and it has not solved the problem. I have uninstalled Intellipoint/Microsoft Keyboard & Mouse center and reinstalled and the problem has not solved. I have checked every setting for my mouse in the mouse center and cannot see a setting that imposes this feature.

Changing folder options to Double-click to open an item (single click to select) solves the problem. I am able to navigate and organize my files the way I always have. Only happens when single-click feature is enabled. Please note: I have been using the single-click select feature since Windows XP.

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Mouse And Keyboard Stopped Working?

Jul 7, 2014

today I was makeing an essey in microsof office and suddenly my mouse and keyboard. stopped working, replugging the devices didn't worked (did it for 5 times ) , after this I tried to restart the pc I found out that rr button doesn't do anything , after I stopped the power going to pc and open power + pc they worked for only a few seconds and then stopped again . After a few force shutdown( by stopping the power) the pc closes itself after the windos 8 img dissapear . I have a desktop dual core 3.1, 4gb ram , mouse is usb and the keyboard is with Ps/2 .

Update : after waiting 30 min I reopend it, all worked , but after approximate 3 min pc shuted down by itself.

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Mouse Frozen / FN Keys Not Working

Mar 11, 2014

I think my toddler messed with some buttons on my computer today and now it is all wrong. First I tried using the keyboard to turn up the volume but this did not work. I looked into it and it seemed that my FN keys were reversed. So I followed these instructions: If the volume controls on your keyboard stops working, check the Human Interface Device Access service on your computer to make sure it is set to Automatic.

In the Start menu, type View local services.

From the Search Results list, select View local services.

In the Services dialog box, locate Human Interface Device Access. Make sure the status is set to "Started." If it is not started, click Start the service.

Right-click Human Interface Device Access and select Properties.

On the General tab, in the Startup type, select Automatic, and then click OK.

After doing this, I went to see if it worked and after hitting the volume keys a few times, my mouse disappeared. I restarted the computer, on the login screen the mouse worked fine. But, when I got into the computer the pointer was on the screen but would not move! Now I can't do anything.

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Hardware Drivers :: Sony Vaio Running Windows 8.1 Pro - Mouse Suddenly Stopped Working

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Sony Vaio running Windows 8.1 Pro. I was on cs portable with a USB mouse and I pressed a few keys and the mouse stopped to work. It came up with the message that it was not recognized. I tried to uninstall the USB drivers, but had no luck. This problem has been going on for a few days. I tried other solutions but they didn't seem to work. The red LED light was on.

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Maintenance :: Keyboard And Mouse Not Working After Defrag?

Sep 10, 2013

I Defraged my comp to Optimize. After defrag, my mouse and keyboard no longer worked. I tried restarting, unpluging and switching to a wired mouse and keyboard. I can't get the comp to recognize them. I also switched between back and front ports.

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Debugging :: Keyboard / Mouse Stop Working After BSOD Only In BIOS

Nov 15, 2013

I uninstalled Intel Smart Connect Technology after experiencing a BSOD that seemed to be caused by a related driver. When the uninstallation tool asked if I wanted to restart now/later, I chose to restart now, which was followed by another BSOD.

Now I can boot into Windows just fine but neither my mouse or my keyboard are working. They work in the BIOS but as soon as Windows is loaded, they stop functioning. I've tried resetting my CMOS but this did not solve the problem. I've also checked that they are enabled in the BIOS.

I would try a system restore but Windows 8 doesn't seem to allow me to boot into repair mode without actually going into Windows first, but I can't do it from Windows because of my malfunctioning peripherals.

I can't use the Windows 8 installation disc to repair because as soon as the message that says "Press any key to continue" comes up, my keyboard stops working. However, it seems I can force the PC to boot from the CD which after a bit of a wait gets me to the Windows installation screen, with my only option being to completely reinstall Windows.

I am able to enter Windows Repair Mode with the Installation disc, but there is no option for Safe Mode and when I attempt to System Restore, I get this error message: "To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore. Restart this computer, select an operating system, and then select System Restore."

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Hardware Drivers :: USB Keyboard And Mouse Not Working After Boot Or Sleep?

May 16, 2014

I have a new Dell Inspiron 2350 windows 8.1 for the last week or so the usb wireless keyboard and mouse do not work when the system is booted or after coming out of deep sleep mode. I have to unplug the usb dongle and plug it in again for them to work.

I have already checked the powering saving settings for these devices, and it is disabled. There is no setting in the bios that I can see which would cause this. I have re-installed the drivers. I have tried different USB port. Dell have even replaced the keyboard and mouse and batteries, same problem.

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Hardware Drivers :: Mouse Suddenly Stopped Working In Just 1 Laptop

Jun 8, 2014

I have a Windows 8.1 Lenovo notebook and a Toshiba Satellite Windows 7 laptop, and a mouse.

Well, the mouse has been working fine for 4 months, but suddenly, the mouse has stopped working in my Toshiba laptop. As I didn't know how to fix it, and as Toshiba laptop was full of crap, I've just formatted its HDD and made a clean install of Windows 8.1 and updated everything.

After that, I've plugged the mouse in and the same error: it connects and disconnects all the time. Sometimes, if I'm in the Device Manager refreshing the devices, mysteriously it start to work, but just for a few minutes. Sometimes, and just sometimes, the Device Manager shows that there's an unknown device connected to a USB port that is not working. The error code is 43.

That mouse works perfectly in my other notebook, the lenovo. I've connected a different mouse to the Toshiba and it works perfectly, in any port. So that makes me say this:

-The mouse is not broken, cause it works in my other laptop

-Toshiba's USB ports work nice cause any other device I connect works seamlessly

-After a clean install, it can't be a software problem

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working Properly - Laptop Beeps On Booting Up

Aug 10, 2014

Laptop Keyboard and Mouse is not working properly now. Last time this occurred which was about 3 months ago, I reset-ed Windows 8 and it was all working again. When this occurs, in both incidents, I can't go to bios, can't enter password to login, can't open on-screen keyboard(except sometimes), and even if I get open, using it is same as using the keyboard.

Mouse errors: LMB changes to Select all thing so I can't click anything. This issue is same at least most of the time.

Keyboard errors: This varies a lot from time to time.

I reset-ed OS this time too and the problem still exists unlike before.

Ex: I'm not sure this key is this or not, but it was I think Z is ctrl, x is alt, a don't work, ctrl, alt, shift don't work. Then, keyboard itself keep on pressing space or opening windows support.

And then I updated my BIOS and now the problem was a little bit solved or I think it would be best to say the problem changed bit.

Now z,x,a, spacebar, ctrl, alt, shift, everything working,except ! and maybe a few other keys, but now It keeps pressing caps lock, shift and opening up windows support.

Then I restarted, and now I pressed F2(BIOS) and it let me in. I tried changing the boot priorty order but those keys F5/F6 aren't working, so I restarted, now again I can't press F2.

And sometimes laptop beeps for some reason on booting up.

There are no keyboard drivers except the default one and sticky and filter are all off.

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8.1 Upgrade - Windows Media Center Key Not Working

Jan 5, 2014

I recently purchased a new computer with Windows 8 pre-installed. I purchased a Media Center key and all was well. I had to reinstall the operating system using a system restore disk and upgraded to Windows 8.1. When I try the Media Centre key again it says it won't work.

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Windows 8.1 Upgrade - Apps Notifications Not Working

Jan 22, 2014

I recently upgraded to windows 8.1 and my apps notifications are not working any more I did everything went into pc settings, I checked each individual app and everything is on.

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Windows Media Player Not Working After 8.1 Upgrade

Oct 22, 2013

I recently upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1. After the update Windows Media Player doesn't recognize any of my libraries even though the correct folders are selected to be included.

I already tried to disable the windows media features in the control panel, reboot and then re-enable but that had no effect.

Incidentally, if I manually start playback of a song from a folder windows media player does work so the issue is just that it won't recognize my libraries.

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Hardware Drivers :: Mouse Wheel Button Not Working For Left Hand Use?

Aug 28, 2014

I'm having a problem with getting the mouse wheel button to work correctly in 8.1

I've switched to left handed use to alleviate shoulder pain.

Before this I had the mouse and keyboard center installed. I use a cheap USB keyboard and a microsoft USB optical wheel mouse. Configured for the right hand, everything works correctly. The right button is the normal select, the right is context and I configured the wheel button to double click.

When I switch to left hand I lose the wheel button double click. The select / context buttons are properly working, but when I click the wheel it appears to be the same as a context button click. I thought maybe the settings got messed up when I switched the buttons so I tried setting the wheel button to another function (open charms in this case). That works. Switched the wheel button back to double click and it goes back to open context menu.

I uninstalled and re-installed the mouse and keyboard center. That made no difference. Seems like a bug here.

On, this is on a new (mid-april) HP laptop so there is a touchpad that I almost never use because I generally have the mouse, keyboard, and external monitor attached with the lid closed.

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Hardware Drivers :: Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working When Playing Games

Jan 24, 2014

I have a problem with keyboard and mouse. Every day when i playing some games my keyboard randomly stop working (backlight on keyboard still light but LED on num lock is off and buttons don't work) after few seconds my mouse also stop working. Plugin to another USB doesn't work. Only when i disconnect keyboard and connect mouse to other USB mouse work. After restarting system all works fine. Im sure keyboard and mouse is good (testing it on laptop when this happens and its work normal). I have updated drivers and BIOS.

PC spec.:
Windows 8.1
AMD Phenom II x4 940
Gigabyte ga MA790x UD4P
GTX 660

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Hardware Drivers :: Dell XPS 7100 System - Keyboard And Mouse Not Working?

Jul 18, 2014

No keyboard or mouse by attempting to add safe mode with networking. What is UEFI? Where do I find this USB viewable option as I am connected by USB?

I went to set up (F2 at boot) > and then searched around for anything that relates to USB and found that USB is enabled and on high speed. Hope that is not it and I am missing something, because I still have no mouse or keyboard.

Keyboard and mouse are the ones that came with the Dell XPS 7100 system. I'll try different USB ports and report back...didn't make a difference.

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Hardware Drivers :: Microsoft Mouse And Keyboard Center Stopped Working

Mar 5, 2013

I've started getting the message Microsoft Mouse & Keyboard Center has Stopped Working (see error report below) when Windows 8 starts. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing the latest version of the Mouse & Keyboard Center but still have the same problem.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:itype.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:50934cc8
Fault Module Name:KERNELBASE.dll

[Code] .....

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Gaming :: Windows Store Games Are Not Working On Windows 8 Pro

Aug 18, 2013

I have currently 2 XBOX games installed on my windows 8 pro (Jet pack joy ride and shuffle party) and both are not working when I start these games splash screen gets displayed and then a black screen in case of shuffle party and a white screen in case of jet pack joy ride then they go to suspended state.

When i installed JPJR my XBOX account was not created and when i created that then i installed shuf. par. but both are not working.

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Hardware Drivers :: HP Pavilion Sleekbook 15 - Mouse And Touch Pad Stopped Working After Restart

Jul 14, 2014

I own an hp pavilion sleekbook 15. Just out of the blue my mouse and touch pad stopped working after a restart. I download a new driver from the hp website, synaptic touch ps/2, installed it and still nothing. After several tries I don't know what to do anymore. I checked the device manager and nothing is installed, when I check the control panel it says reinstall.

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Browsers/Mail :: Live Tile Not Working After Windows 8.1 Upgrade

Oct 19, 2013

I have upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1. After doing so and making sure my accounts are all setup, I have found that I can not get the mail tile to act "live". I have verified it is set to live by right-clicking and seeing that link state "turn live tile off". I tried doing that and then turning it back on. I have tried rebooting. But the tile just isn't live. My other live tiles (news, finance, weather, store, etc) all seem to be live. It is only mail that I am having a problem with.

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Dell :: Windows 8 Upgrade Intel Wireless Display Not Working

Jan 17, 2013

I bought this particular computer for the Intel wireless display, but after upgrading (is it really an upgrade?) to windows 8 my WiDi is no longer working.  I tried to install the latest drivers from Dell support but it tells me my platform is not supported. 

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8.1 Upgrade Remote Control No Longer Working

Oct 26, 2013

Since I have upgraded to 8.1 my remote control no longer works it is detected in device manager and driver is installed but when I click skip,play, stop etc nothing happens. I use it mainly for my music.

Is there a way to get it working again. I use the default music app to play music which I preferred the old version to be honest.

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Browsers/Mail :: Outlook 2010 Not Working Properly Since Upgrade To Windows

Nov 13, 2012

Since upgrading to Windows 8 (from 7) a week ago my Outlook 2010 email has been faulty. It keeps stopping emails coming in or out and I have to (daily) run a 'repair' to get it to work. I contacted my ISP (Virgin) and they said that Outlook doesn't work with Windows 8 and said I should use Live. However, I then added my accounts to Live but it wouldn't accept all of them, and I found the interface very hard to use. Outlook contains all my business folders and email records for my business so I need it to work. It seems to accept my IMAP email account but not the main accounts with my ISP.

My HP desktop machine is less than a year old and has plenty of memory. But also, in general the machine is slower and won't restart (I have to force shut down).

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