Error 0x80240017 While Installing Xbox Music On Windows 8.1?
Oct 14, 2013
I got "x" mark on music app's tile then I uninstalled it and tried to install again but I got error 0x80240017. I also deleted app folder from userappdatalocalpackages and windowsapps then again tried to install from store but same error again. already used Modern app repair tool and Wsreset.exe
I am trying out Xbox Music and a Lumia 920. I am downloading songs from Xbox Music and creating playlists, but it never shows up Windows 8 desktop. When I add songs and playlists on my desktop, they show up on the Lumia 920.
Using the Windows 8.1 music app, I have properly setup my library to load from my second HDD, but it only loads 80 artists out of over 120. All my music is properly tagged and in Artist/Year - Album/ folder format.
I recently migrated to Windows 8. My music collection stumbled along the way and I had to re-fetch artwork for a few albums in WMP. I also set it up in iTunes. My default app for MP3s is WMP. As you can see below, artwork only appears when in the folder view (which somewhat defeats the purpose of libraries in the first place). I'd prefer to sort them by artist, with album art displayed without a folder, as it should and as it did in Windows 7.
Art appears in folder view but not artist or album view.
On a related note, I recently added many new MP3s to my collection. When I opened Xbox Music for the first time afterwards, it seemed to be downloading art to add it to my older albums, all of which have art. Then the process was somehow interrupted. I believe I closed the app. Then, when I opened it again, none of them had art.
So recently the Windows Store has stopped working for me (Win 8.1 Pro). By not working, I mean that whenever I try to install an app, I get the following error message:
Your purchase couldn't be completed. Something happened and your purchase can't be completed. Error code: 0x80240017.
Furthermore, apps are not updating automatically, and a manual check reveals no updates available. That being said, I know for a fact that my Facebook and OneNote apps are out of date, since they have both changed on my other computer. As a test, I uninstalled the OneNote app, and now I can't re-install it.
So far I've tried: -The apps troubleshooter. -The windows update troubleshooter. -WSReset.exe -SFC.exe (no violations found)
Windows 8. New build I have. I am running windows 8 off of a SSD, and have a new HDD that I bought for everything else. I recently transferred my music over from an external HD and now when I attempt to find them in my Xbox app I can't seem to select that drive. It only sees my SSD, and I do not want to install music on that. How do I make it so my apps pull files right from that drive?
Am I able to use the Applocker to prevent this from occurring? I can sadly not give a screeny of this... because if the message appears, there seems to be no way to get rid of it, but making a new local account?
The xbox music app for Windows 8 will not show any of the music in my library. I have narrowed it down to the fact the all my music on a 2nd hard drive.
If I move a couple of songs to the c drive and add that folder to my library, they will show up. However nothing in my library that is on the 2nd hard drive will show up.
I recently got the new windows 8 phone and when I plugged it into my computer after creating an Xbox Music account it automatically imported a handful of songs that are in my iTunes library... I literally did not do anything. I want to get all of my music onto Xbox music so that I do not have t bother with iTunes anymore.
I was wondering, am I able to use the Applocker to prevent this from occurring? I can sadly not give a screeny of this... because if the message appears, there seems to be no way to get rid of it, but making a new local account?
I've got a windows 8.1 tablet (Asus VivoTab Smart) And am wanting to play music from it to my Xbox One using spotify However at the moment there is not a spotify app (there is spotlight but its pretty bad)
My device is running the full windows 8.1 so i have the actual spotify program installed and can play music from it on my tablet, but can't seem to stream it to devices, and recieve the error message "you can only play from apps"
Is there any workaround to this so i can play to devices from a windows application or even a way of linking my spotify to an app or am i out of luck?
I have been reading up on the Runtime Broker using high RAM, it is just this one app that does it
My Laptop has 4GB of RM and normal use it sits at around 40% to 50% used
When I launch Xbox Music app, runtime broker RAM usage increase until it gets to about 2.5 GB (95% RAM used), it then stays like this for a long time causing my machine to go slow, eventually this will drop to about 800MB and everything runs fine (but this is still far too much RAM being used)
I do not have this problem when running any other app
I have tried a reinstall and also disabled live tile (believe live tiles can cause this) is there a cache directory for music I can delete to see if it makes any difference.
I am on slow BB so don't want to do another re install as I takes 2 days to re download all my music pass content.
I have just added another Win 8 machine to stable for my wife. It is 'Modern' all the way -- no Start8 or Classic Shell.
I have Mahjong installed on my own older Windows 8 Desktop and when I installed it on the new machine I must have done something differently than the first for I often get a request to sign in to my Microsoft Account and the then tells me sometimes that I have games saved out on the cloud and some locally and then asks me which do I choose. To my knowledge I have never saved any game anywhere on either machine.
Did I perhaps specify cloud storage somewhere in the setup process. How may I correct this little bothersome thing.My wife just came in and said her new machine reports 'connection to Xbox lost' or something like that while playing Mahjong. What does that mean?
I have added music(.mp3s) or sound effects on my videos no problem on Movie maker..
But i am having a bit of a problem now it keeps on saying ''error adding Music starts after the last(photo or video)'' in project. i have tried it and it still won't work doing.
And i was putting sound effects or music in the middle or and the start of my videos and in fact i have added a sound effect today before it kept coming up with adding music error.
The mp3s (and sound effects) are not corrupted.
Why am i getting this adding music error all of the sudden? How do i fix this stupid problem?
I have to delay posting my video since sunday(upload day) for my Youtube Channel now i will have to do it again for another day and i have been working very hard on this video.
I deleted my music from my music app and cannot re-add it. The files were added automatically the first time, but now the app won't add them. Can I refresh the cache for the music app or what can I do?
My sister's laptop kept getting notifications telling her that windows needed more disk space. So I decided to have a look at it because it should have a 320GB HDD.
On my computer, the C drive was showing 1 GB free out of 50 GB, I opened disk management and noticed that there was 200 odd GB in unallocated disk space. I wasn't able to allocate it or do anything with it, so I tried to format or delete the partitions in a clean install instead.
When trying to clean install, there are three partitions that appear, one is the 50 gb one, the other is system reserve or something and the last one is the remainder, over 200GB.
I don't know why but I can't delete all the partitions, in fact I can't delete any of the three. Also windows will only let me install to the 50GB one, when I try to install to the larger one I get an error: 0x80300024
I understand that the partitions may be read only? Is there anyway to format the whole hard drive into one partition again. Currently I've got it installing windows 8 to the 50 gb one so I can at least get into windows.
lately Iv'e been having trouble booting my windows 7 and decided that it's time to upgrade, I bought a copy ofr windows 8 64-bit from microsoft and burned it onto a disk using the windows 7 usb/dvd downloader. I was doing all this from a 32-bit and thus applied the bootsect.exe as needed. When i boot from the disk, everything runs smoothly. I insert the required code and select custom install.
At this point, i select the partitiion and proceed. as the installation proceeeds, it does not apear if the first phase of installation does anything, even after 5 minutes it stays at 0%. after it finaly switches to the next part, I wait again for the next phase, but it only throws up a message "windows cannot install required files. make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation. error code 0x8007048F"
After multiple attempts I decided to reinstall windows 7, but now I get the same error.
I have downloaded Windows 8 Pro 64-bit through the students/partner site and burnt it on a DVD. When I boot from it though I get many types of errors....the most common is 0xc0000098 that says that my PC needs to be repaired and that one or more files are missing or contain errors...I have also tried burning 3 different dvds with different programs to make sure it's not a program's fault but still with no results..
I just bought my computer 2 weeks ago .. I filled in my specs and also uploaded my system info information as an attachment. Last night, I tried to download the windows 8.1 update. I let it run over night, but this morning when I woke, I had a blue screen that said windows could not fix my problem .. and gave me options to try. I ended up having to wipe my computer to factory conditions. After the restore .. the only thing I installed before downloading updates was my driver for my NVIDIA Geforce750 Ti card, and my wireless network adapter ..
I then downloaded 91 updates .. all failed .. and didn't install .. error 800F0922.
sfc /scannow .. got to 51% .. then ..
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.log windirlogscbscbs.log. For example C:windowslogscbscbs.log. Note that logging is currently not supported in offline servicing scenarios.
I bought a new laptop with windows 8 pre installed. when i turned it on and after loading and loading windows gives error:
"Windows could not install on this computer, restart your computer to continue............ i restart and get the same error and so on....... This is a new laptop that i just got now ....
I had recently replaced my HDD with SSD, So I had backed up & erased all the personal files including music, videos etc from respective folders, Actually there is no files other than system files, programs, softwares in the SSD now, I had done disk cleanup, defrag , clearing of temp, prefetch folders etc before starting the cloning everything from HDD to SSD,
After replacement, now I could see all my collection of songs/music in the Now Playing section of Music App (Modern app), No music files are actually present for me to locate in any of the folders when I go through for explorer,
I'm not able to play the music files by clicking it from Music App , & when I delete it from there by right clicking it - temporarily goes away but returns when i close the App and opens it again..
I had unchecked & checked the indexing option in the Music folder (File Explorer) - properties & restarted system, checked, But still all the music files are listed in the App, how to clear the music file listings from the Music app permanently which are not really present in the system?
In july 2013 I have installed windows 7 (because of s/w that I had to use and were not supported by windows 8) on my Dell Inspiron (Service Tag DYGGMV1, I know its out of warranty) and was guided by dell support and was assured that I will be able to again install windows 8 with recovery media, and when I requested for Windows 8 setup CD and key I was told its not needed as I have recovery media with me. Now I am willing to shift to windows 8 again but recovery media is showing error ( error 0x4001100200001005).
Ok after recently installing 8.1 and installing Kies 3 for my S3 Ive been checking my event viewer and seeing the below error consistantly , googled it but no real joy.
The device GT-I9300 (location (unknown)) is offline due to a user-mode driver crash. Windows will attempt to restart the device 5 more times in its own process. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information about this problem.
Ive checked the drivers uninstalled and reinstalled removed kies 3 and reinstalled but still showing.
Each time I attempt to install or update through the app store I receive error message 0x80072ee4 or 080073cff. I tried:
1. Performing a clean boot. (Disabling all non-microsoft services and startup items) 2. Using the SFC /SCANNOW option to verify the integrity of windows files. 3. Clearing C:/Users/Myusername/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows Store and C:/Users/Myusername/AppData/Local/Package to clean the cache files. 4. Clearing C:/Windows/SoftwareDistribution and restarting the Windows Update service. 5. Verifying that all windows services are running. 6. Disabling NIS 2013 7. Running troubleshooter
Nothing works. Don't tell me to run the windows restore function.
1. I don't consider that to be a genuine solution. (What if the same thing happens again?) 2. I don't plan on reinstalling all 50 non-windows app store applications.
Two days a go I have downloaded red alert 3 as an ISO file on my new laptop.It is an HP core i7.
When I am trying to install the game using the AutoRun/EASetup I receive a message "Please insert CD/DVD in drive C:"
I have try to run it as administrator,troubleshot it and try it in compatible mode,run it in USB,CD,try to install it in save mode,open it with winrar,re-downloading direct X but ... no dice.
I'm using Windows 8.1, trying to install .NET Framework 3.5 through the "Turn Windows features on or off" menu, and for some reason it won't connect to the update server, but only for this one feature, enabling and disabling everything else works just fine. It spits out error code 0x800F0906. When I go to the support site linked on the error message [URL], it gives me a few things to try. None of them work. When I try the one that apparently fixes the issue for most people, Method 3, the terminal spits out an error about the files not being there [URL]. This error also being covered on the same page as the first, I read through that, made sure everything was good to go, and even tried it with a completely separate Windows 8.1 ISO (what I was originally using was a base Windows 8 ISO), still nothing.
Now, I had this issue a few days ago, and it was stopping me from running a few programs. Having gone through everything I could find on the matter, I decided it was just some sort of file corruption and decided to do a fresh "nuke & pave" reinstall.