The xbox music app for Windows 8 will not show any of the music in my library. I have narrowed it down to the fact the all my music on a 2nd hard drive.
If I move a couple of songs to the c drive and add that folder to my library, they will show up. However nothing in my library that is on the 2nd hard drive will show up.
Using the Windows 8.1 music app, I have properly setup my library to load from my second HDD, but it only loads 80 artists out of over 120. All my music is properly tagged and in Artist/Year - Album/ folder format.
Windows 8. New build I have. I am running windows 8 off of a SSD, and have a new HDD that I bought for everything else. I recently transferred my music over from an external HD and now when I attempt to find them in my Xbox app I can't seem to select that drive. It only sees my SSD, and I do not want to install music on that. How do I make it so my apps pull files right from that drive?
I was wondering, am I able to use the Applocker to prevent this from occurring? I can sadly not give a screeny of this... because if the message appears, there seems to be no way to get rid of it, but making a new local account?
I've got a windows 8.1 tablet (Asus VivoTab Smart) And am wanting to play music from it to my Xbox One using spotify However at the moment there is not a spotify app (there is spotlight but its pretty bad)
My device is running the full windows 8.1 so i have the actual spotify program installed and can play music from it on my tablet, but can't seem to stream it to devices, and recieve the error message "you can only play from apps"
Is there any workaround to this so i can play to devices from a windows application or even a way of linking my spotify to an app or am i out of luck?
I have been reading up on the Runtime Broker using high RAM, it is just this one app that does it
My Laptop has 4GB of RM and normal use it sits at around 40% to 50% used
When I launch Xbox Music app, runtime broker RAM usage increase until it gets to about 2.5 GB (95% RAM used), it then stays like this for a long time causing my machine to go slow, eventually this will drop to about 800MB and everything runs fine (but this is still far too much RAM being used)
I do not have this problem when running any other app
I have tried a reinstall and also disabled live tile (believe live tiles can cause this) is there a cache directory for music I can delete to see if it makes any difference.
I am on slow BB so don't want to do another re install as I takes 2 days to re download all my music pass content.
I am trying out Xbox Music and a Lumia 920. I am downloading songs from Xbox Music and creating playlists, but it never shows up Windows 8 desktop. When I add songs and playlists on my desktop, they show up on the Lumia 920.
I recently migrated to Windows 8. My music collection stumbled along the way and I had to re-fetch artwork for a few albums in WMP. I also set it up in iTunes. My default app for MP3s is WMP. As you can see below, artwork only appears when in the folder view (which somewhat defeats the purpose of libraries in the first place). I'd prefer to sort them by artist, with album art displayed without a folder, as it should and as it did in Windows 7.
Art appears in folder view but not artist or album view.
On a related note, I recently added many new MP3s to my collection. When I opened Xbox Music for the first time afterwards, it seemed to be downloading art to add it to my older albums, all of which have art. Then the process was somehow interrupted. I believe I closed the app. Then, when I opened it again, none of them had art.
I recently got the new windows 8 phone and when I plugged it into my computer after creating an Xbox Music account it automatically imported a handful of songs that are in my iTunes library... I literally did not do anything. I want to get all of my music onto Xbox music so that I do not have t bother with iTunes anymore.
I got "x" mark on music app's tile then I uninstalled it and tried to install again but I got error 0x80240017. I also deleted app folder from userappdatalocalpackages and windowsapps then again tried to install from store but same error again. already used Modern app repair tool and Wsreset.exe
Am I able to use the Applocker to prevent this from occurring? I can sadly not give a screeny of this... because if the message appears, there seems to be no way to get rid of it, but making a new local account?
I am having sign in problems with the Windows 8 Games, Music, and Video Apps. This have been happening ever since I started using Windows 8. I have tried reinstalling Windows many time, and also tried it on Windows 8.1, none of them allowed me to sign in.
Here are the screenshots:
Games App - Nothing happens when I click Try Again on the top right corner.
Music and Video App - This message shows when I click Can't Sign In Try Again.
I have a dell venue pro. I rented a movie on the pre-installed video app (xbox). I opted to download the movie so I can watch it remotely. I got a download error because of low disc space. The c drive is low on memory but I have a completely empty microsd card with more then enough room for the movie. How can I make the app download onto the msd card instead of the main drive? The app itself has no such option in the settings. I've tried to change the pathway but the app still seems to want to download the the c drive first.
I deleted my music from my music app and cannot re-add it. The files were added automatically the first time, but now the app won't add them. Can I refresh the cache for the music app or what can I do?
I had recently replaced my HDD with SSD, So I had backed up & erased all the personal files including music, videos etc from respective folders, Actually there is no files other than system files, programs, softwares in the SSD now, I had done disk cleanup, defrag , clearing of temp, prefetch folders etc before starting the cloning everything from HDD to SSD,
After replacement, now I could see all my collection of songs/music in the Now Playing section of Music App (Modern app), No music files are actually present for me to locate in any of the folders when I go through for explorer,
I'm not able to play the music files by clicking it from Music App , & when I delete it from there by right clicking it - temporarily goes away but returns when i close the App and opens it again..
I had unchecked & checked the indexing option in the Music folder (File Explorer) - properties & restarted system, checked, But still all the music files are listed in the App, how to clear the music file listings from the Music app permanently which are not really present in the system?
I seem to have some Audio files that whatever I do seem always to play in the order 1,10, 11...2,20,21... etc instead of 1,2,3,.. etc
I've got the file names in the correct sequence -- it only happens on a few albums bit it's mega annoying since if I'm playing an Audiobook in a Car I obviously want the tracks to be in the CORRECT sequence.
Here's an example of what a music app shows the order - and from MP3Vtag you can see the filenames are in the correct sequence.
I used to use the new music player which came with windows 8. Just yesterday it stopped working, when I run it it doesn't work just the orange color and the headset appear. What's wrong with it ?
I want the volume popup bar with the track title information for Windows Media Player, is this possible, perhaps with a registry edit?
I mainly notice it in gMusic app and I've seen the Pandora app have it as well (Whenever I hit the pause button, it will pop up with album art, artist and track info as well as a volume slider) ...
I mainly use Windows Media Player for music though so I'd like this cool feature for that program, it would be very handy when I'm playing a game and I don't want to alt+tab out just to see what song is playing ...
Clean install, right from the beginning I see on a daily basis errors stating something like the zune music and video apps cannot be updated, it won't update from store either, I'm just guessing where this isn't released to the public yet.
how to delete music from music app i delete all my music from my pc but when ever i open the music app it stream my music back wth i want to delete everything start from scratch
After using Windows 8 on one of my machines, it had become apparent Microsoft is taking a new turn with their operating system. I wondered at first why Windows 8 was so much less expensive than previous versions of Windows. Now it seems clear to me. All the nice games in previous windows are now gone, and if you want games you now have to use metro and Xbox games. If you play the games at all, the big difference is now all the advertisements.
Any way to block these ads, but no luck. Microsoft has even fooled around and made it somewhat difficult to alter the hosts file. Figuring out a way to effectively block the ads ....
I doubleclicked on an MP4 to play it (from Explorer) and this XBox Video thing came up and played it. Fine, looks like a nice player. But when I stopped it wanted to exit the application -- can't find a way.
Oh, I can switch to ANOTHER application, but how the heck do I close this thing down? I could bring up Task Manager and kill it there (I suppose -- haven't even seen if there is still Task Manager, although I assume they would not have gotten rid of that) but there MUST be a simple way to close out an app, right?
(If not I'm going to remove that app and make sure I never accidentally bring it up again).
I have downloaded some basic games like Solitaire, Mah Jong, and Freecell. Every time I run them, the app tries to communicate with my Xbox. It just happens that I don't own an Xbox. Is there any way I can configure the games so they don't try this rather futile communication?
I want to be able to screen mirror from my W.81 desktop wired to my TV thru Xbox 360 and Roku 3 without having to buy yet another device (Miracast) to do so. I know this can be done via Devices/Play/Xbox/IE App but the problem is that most content won't play properly with the IE App-IE browser yes but not the App for some reason. This same content will play on Chrome but I can't screen mirror with Xbox with Chrome. I really want to be able to do this without spending more money.
The present file format of these personal videos is: .3gp. When I try to play them in Xbox video I get this error message: Can't play because the item's file format isn't supported. Check the store to see if this item is available there. 40 apps open when I did check. Which app will play this .3gp format? I can visually play them in Windows Media Player but for some reason there's no sound & it's turned up to full volume.
Ok so for the past few days windows 8 game app acts like its logged in but i don't get my friends list or my avitar and when i click on friends it says can't connect to xbox?, why is it looking for a xbox i havent had one those in a number of years. it use to work just fine i could chat with my friends and so forth see my gamer score and so on and now it just says can't connect to xbox? I can sign in threw the fable 3 game but it uses games for windows live and not the xbox game app on windows 8.
I had the understanding that the only way I could view content on my TV w/Xbox extender from my PC for online videos, Showtime Anytime, Coke & Popcorn, HBO GO, etc. was with an Xbox Live Gold Account. However, I read that this can be done in 8.1 without an XLGA by opening the video source in the IE app, begin play, charms/device/Xbox would broadcast directly. I've tried this but I don't see the Xbox option in Device. What am I missing?
How I can display my windows 8 session on a TV using smartglass.
As I understand it, smartglass is a competitor to Apple's AirPlay. On Airplay, I can sync it with a television and show the display from a mac or ipad on a big screen wirelessly. I want to do the same thing where I can sit on my couch with a laptop, but display the windows desktop on the TV screen.