Disable FN Key And Left Mouse Combination Permanently?
Feb 27, 2013
Everytime I accidentally press FN+Left mouse, I enable tap-to-click (which I want to have off). I can disable the function with the same combination, but I'd like to find out a way to permantently disable tap-to-click.
I have Win 8 Pro now, but Vista and Win 7 behaved the same way, so I reckon it should be a Windows thing...
I have protected my pc at work and locked it down so that no employee can access windows 8. Only problem is that yesterday I accidently pressed reset button midway whilst windows was loading and it brought up the safe mode screen. Since I have a full backup image of my drive, I can always reload my preferred setup whenever I want via usb install, so I don't want windows to run into safe mode at all - EVEN IF IT MEANS I COULD LOSE DATA!
My question is How can I disable this safemode feature from starting at all if windows crashes?
Windows 8.1 [update] 64bit HP G62293sa Intel i5 2.5GHz 6GB Ram
I really need a solution to permanently disable auto maintenance in 8.1.
I've tried everything in task scheduler. I've disabled 'Idle Maintenance' & 'Regular Maintenance' ... and I was finally able to find a way to disable 'Maintenance Configurator'. However, the 'custom triggers' for the latter are impossible to disable as is the 'daily trigger' which keeps re-enabling itself.
The auto maintenance is a law unto itself. It doesn't run when the system is idle. It runs whenever it feels like it ... which is usually when I'm browsing, streaming etc. I've put up with this for long enough. There has to be a permanent solution.
How do I disable driver signature enforcement in windows 8.1 permanently ? I dont want to use that advance restart option all the time... is it possible?
I'm having a problem with getting the mouse wheel button to work correctly in 8.1
I've switched to left handed use to alleviate shoulder pain.
Before this I had the mouse and keyboard center installed. I use a cheap USB keyboard and a microsoft USB optical wheel mouse. Configured for the right hand, everything works correctly. The right button is the normal select, the right is context and I configured the wheel button to double click.
When I switch to left hand I lose the wheel button double click. The select / context buttons are properly working, but when I click the wheel it appears to be the same as a context button click. I thought maybe the settings got messed up when I switched the buttons so I tried setting the wheel button to another function (open charms in this case). That works. Switched the wheel button back to double click and it goes back to open context menu.
I uninstalled and re-installed the mouse and keyboard center. That made no difference. Seems like a bug here.
On, this is on a new (mid-april) HP laptop so there is a touchpad that I almost never use because I generally have the mouse, keyboard, and external monitor attached with the lid closed.
Is there a way to disable the bottom right corner charms bar gesture? i can disable the hint no problem with DisableCharmsHint. however moving the mouse up the right side of the screen (starting from the bottom right corner) will still open the charms bar.
DisableTRCorner will both disable the top right charms hint AND the "gesture". Moving the mouse down the right side of the screen will not open the charms bar.
i cant seem to find a way to do the same for the bottom right. i dont understand why microsoft couldnt have added a "DisableBRCorner" registry entry that functions the same as DisableTRCorner.
my mouse keeps waking my computer from S3 sleep everytime it is slighty moved. I want to disable my mouse's ability to wake up my computer.
Disabling wake-on-usb is not an option as i want to be able to wake up my computer when i press a key on my keyboard.I have tried to check in device manager for the power control options of my mouse.
Since i did a fresh reinstall of Win 8 64 i have never been able to change the folder view options. Example; I am in a windows explorer window, everything is displayed as a large icon (yuk), i right click go to view and change to details. I then click 'view' on the toolbar and click options, I then navigate to the 'View' tab whereby my intention is to apply the 'detailed' view to all explorer windows in future yet both fields are greyed out (the 'Apply to Folders' and 'Rest Folders').
It has never been usable since this fresh install (ie on previous versions of win 8 installs i recall it working, but not this one, ie its not a recent problem, has always been like this).
For Windows Vista/7, there was a very useful Tool called "Prio", with which one could set and save the priority of a process directly inside the Task Manager. But now in Windows 8, that Tool isn't working anymore, and there seem to be no alternatives either how it's possible to set the priority of a process permanently in Windows 8? Doesn't matter if by a Tool or by Coding, but is it possible somehow?
In Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1 64-bit I am not given the option to move files to the Recycle Bin. Instead, when I delete a file I am asked "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this file?"In the Recycle Bin properties for each hard drive partition I have not selected "Don't move files to the Recycle Bin" and I have check-marked "Display delete confirmation dialog."
I can't remember precisely when this started to happen, but I did install Update 1 recently. I don't know if that matters.
I installed Windows 8 Pro on a new PC. I ran into a problem where Windows automatically started at the wrong monitor timing. I temporarily used a TV to get to an advanced startup screen that had a check box for low-resolution. That allowed it to work with my display. I now have a video card that correctly supports my display. The problem is, Windows 8 always boots in low resolution and I have to manually change it after each boot.
The problem is that I don't recall what gave me the screen with the menu. It is not the blue screen with press F1 - F9. This was a standard dialog box with check boxes and a note on the side saying any changes would be permanent. But any method that allows it to permanently boot to a normal screen.
I have been looking all over i even tried phone activation with 100 different product keys and every time i cal that number 855 469 ..... and i put in the installation id number it tells we cannot complete this transaction because "Microsoft" has no "Record of this being a valid Product" and it tells me to verify that i have a valid product.....
Got a new toshiba recently, windows 8. For the last 2 days it keeps going automatically into airplane mode, making me loose my internet connection. How to turn it permanently off?
I have an Xbox Controller S running on XBCD drivers for my Windows 8 computer. When I used these drivers on my Windows 7 laptop, I used DSEO to enable test mode, and it worked perfectly. Using the same method sends Windows 8 into a BSOD, so that's out of the question. The other solution is to reboot from the Settings menu and manually disable it at EVERY STARTUP. So, is there any other ways to disable DSE without rebooting every time I want to use the controller?
My computer is a 5-month old ASUS M11BB, 3.7GHz AMD A4, with Windows 8 64-bit installed.
I am using a dell latitude e6430 laptop and just recently i encountered this problem- The airplane mode of my computer refuses to be turned off.
I tried going to the pc settings > networks but the selection is grayed out and stays at [on]. This results in my computer not being able to connect to the internet.
I have also tried doing a system restore to the date when it was working perfectly fine, but the airplane mode is still grayed out.
The only way i could access my internet on this computer is to tether my mobile phone and connect it to the wifi via USB tethering.
Is there any way to force off the airplane mode(In command prompt etc) or Remove the option?
today I've noticed that I can't left click on my mousepad (but USB mice work) while pressing any key on the keyboard. This applies everywhere, desktop, apps, games, whatever.
If I leave my Windows 8.1 PC unattended for even a short while, I find I have to push reset button to get it going again. The taskbar experiences changes in that desktop apps will not work, whereas metro apps will work. The only solution I've found so far is the reset button. This occurs often during any given day.
So instead of explaining what I'm looking at right now I'll post a picture here:
So as you can see that bar there is putting my volume automatically up to 100% every single time I touch it. Also, recently this has made the computer unable to drag the top or side or have any Windows 8 features available this includes both Windows buttons on my keyboard. I have tried cleaning my keyboard as that seemed to work last time on fixing this problem for maybe a month, however it worked for only an hour this time. It also seems note worthy that I cannot capitalize these letters at all: z x c v m , . and then I can't capitalize certain letters with certain shift bars so I can capitalize s with my left shift but not my right this happens with many other letters too but the ones I listed above cannot be capitalized at all.
I really liked the sidebar that popped up from the left of the screen showing what you had open in Windows 8. Now it's suddenly gone and I don't know why.
Also, I've noticed that when I launch Chrome from the Start page, it no longer opens a Chrome browser independent of the Desktop, as it used to. Now it just opens Desktop and launches Chrome from within there.
Today, for the first time, when I started my computer, the icons on the desktop (I use the old-style desktop) had shifted such that there was nothing in the top left corner. And I cannot drag anything up there anymore - there's this blank spot where I always used to keep my "My Documents" user profile folder. I turned off the option to be able to point up there and switch apps, and it didn't work.
Windows 8.1 on a Samsung laptop, still waiting for my recovery disk...