Dell :: Inspiron N5520 Memory Increase After BIOS Update Of A13

May 14, 2013

I am willing to update ram of my laptop.I have a question after latest bios update i.e A13 can i upgrade my notebook's ram upto 16 GB?

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Dell :: Inspiron 570 - Memory Card Reader Doesn't Work In Windows 8

Feb 16, 2013

I recently just upgraded to windows 8 and notice that my media card reader is not working. My usb works fine but when I try putting in my memory card on the slot, nothing happens. Is there a program I have to download or a driver??

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Dell :: Can't Download Bios File For Inspiron 5720

Jan 15, 2013

I want to download my bios update (A14) and 'Intel rapid storage' (, A02)  for my inspiron 5720 but i've this message when i want download it

"Sorry, the requested file could not be downloaded.

Invalid File I.D. The file does not exist."

this is the link here : [URL] .........

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Dell :: Inspiron 3537 - Boot To Recovery UEFI BIOS

Apr 14, 2014

So, I got a Inspiron 3537 i5. Nice laptop for it's price. Downloaded all the manuals, made my recovery DVDs. All was well in my world.

First thing I noticed is that there is no info in the manuals for tweaking the BIOS and since it is my first experience with a UEFI bios I was a bit disappointed. Is there a manual available for it?

Next I upgraded ATI Drivers to 13.12. I am an old user who always knew that updates were usually a good thing to do. Got in the same problem as many others with PC screen not waking up from sleep.

Thought I would do a recovery from the disk, but after trying various combinations (Ctl+F11, F8, F12 etc) I couldn't find a way to boot in the Recovery console. I did the recovery from my DVD and the laptop works fine.

How to add in UEFI bios a boot option to the Recovery partition? I undersstand that I have to create a new boot option using "Add boot option" and the two options available are to boot to the 1st (windows EFI) or 2nd (recovery partition), but the path for the recovery efi file to be loaded is unknown (+ you can't have access to the recovery partition to see the contents of it from windows).

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Dell :: XPS One 27 Won't Boot After BIOS Update

Dec 26, 2012

After updating the BIOS to A09 Windows 8 won't boot anymore.

 The BSOD reports an issue with winload.efi and error code 0XC0000001.

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Dell :: Inspiron 17R SE 7720 Webcam Don't Work After Windows 8.1 Install / Update

Nov 17, 2013

I have an Inspiron 17R SE 7720 and yesterday evening I updated from windows 8 to windows 8.1. This went good. Only this morning I noticed my webcam don't work anymore. Before the update it worked fine. I use it daily to talk with my girl. 

The only applicatie we use it for is facebook. When I use Dell Systeem Detect, and I let it check my webcam, it shows and it gives images. So I think it is not a problem of the hardware. 

I also tried to download Dell Webcam Manager 2.0 but that says I dont have a special card in my laptop. Also when typed in my service tag in de website, I didn't get any new drivers / programs for the webcam. 

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Debugging :: BSOD With Windows 8.1 Update - Memory Management

Oct 17, 2013

As soon as I updated to Windows 8.1 I had BSOD issues, specifically MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Additionally Chrome was acting up, tabs weren't loading, then my system would BSOD.

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Windows Reserved Partition Out Of Memory Warning - Dell E6420

Jan 17, 2014

I am dual booting my dell e6420, 8 gb ram. I have windows 8 on my HD and windows 8 on my ssd. Since I do live audio work, I keep the ssd system super clean. It doesn't get on the net, etc.

Recently windows prompted me to upgrade my hd os from 8 to 8.1, which I did. Since then, every few minutes, I get a popup saying I have Low disk space on my system reserved partition. It's 300 mb, which seems larger than most, but there is indeed only 1 mb free. But of course when I run disk cleanup, there is nothing that can be deleted!

It's now popping up about every 2 minutes. Very annoying.

I have 2 os's, do I even need the srp? But why on earth would it run out of memory? Maybe because of the dual boot? But I'd think they'd account for that.

should I expand the volume? That just seemed a little dangerous, and hopefully unnecessary.

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Dell Inspiron 17R SE - How To Transfer OS To SSD

Jul 30, 2013

I recently purchased a Dell Inspiron 17R SE.

The first thing I wanted to do to it was transfer the OS to an SSD, and use the 1TB drive that came with the computer as a data drive.

I wanted to shrink the C: OS partition so it would fit on my SSD but the Windows Shrink Partition tool wouldn't let me due to unmovable files.

I tried using the Windows 7 File Recovery backup tool to do a backup. With over 500 GB space on my backup drive and only 65 GB used on the 1Tb drive I was backing up, it kept telling me not enough disk space. Eventually I gave up.

I opted to install EaseUS TODO Backup and tried to backup the the whole 1TB drive. It raised an error indicating too many unnamed partitions. I opted to backup only the C: OS and the EFI System partition - leaving 3 oem hidden partitions not backed up as I wasn't going to do anything to them anyway. It worked.

I used EaseUS Partition Master to shrink the C: OS partition to 120 GB. Worked again.

I thought now would be the time to generate the Windows backup - created an image OK. Afterward however, it failed to generate the system recovery disk indicating some invalid parameter error. This was concerning. I went to the Dell Backup and Recovery tool and it told me it couldn't find the recovery partition. Not good again.

In disk management, all partitions are still there. I'm pretty sure the 3 OEM hidden partitions (40Mb, 500Mb, and 14.73Gb) had names in brackets like 'Healthy (Recovery Partition)', ... They all just say 'Healthy (OEM Partition)'. I'm guessing EaseUS Partition Master messed up their names and/or messed with their content.

At this point, the computer still works fine, and on the second pass I was able to backup the entire drive using EaseUS TODO Backup. I can't use the Dell or Windows backup utilities. I'm not sure what mess I created by messing up the 3 oem partitions, or if I can recover somehow.

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Dell Inspiron 5720 Won't Boot?

Jun 25, 2013

Diagnostics says all is fine no problems found. I can boot to bios... cant boot to safe mode.

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Dell :: Inspiron 15 7537 Crashed By Itself?

Jul 17, 2014

My dell Inspiron 15 7537 crashed by itself yesterday.

It wants to restart and repair itself but every time it does it fails and tries again.

What should/can I do to repair it?

Or should I just try to install windows 8 again? And how do I do that?

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Dell :: Inspiron 660S - Drivers For Win 8.1 OS

Nov 8, 2013

I have just upgraded to Win 8.1 (Pro) OS.

I have downloaded and installed new drivers for Win 8 (Pro) last year.

Are the drivers for Win 8 suitable for Win 8.1 PC?

May I know if Dell going to come up with new drivers for Win 8.1?

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Apps / Software :: Running BIOS Update With DOS

Jun 30, 2014

How to find and run this file with DOS.

The file is burned to a cd-r like this folder: drivers/bios dos/ then the files are inside that folder called flash.

But it is a bios update file so what I would need to type to run it.

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Samsung Slate BIOS Update Now Won't Boot Up

Jan 6, 2013

I have Samsung slate xe700t1a and recently downloaded and installed the lates bios from Samsung. After the installation the machine rebooted and all I get is black screen. Not even the Samsung logo, just the blue power led light comes on. I have tried all the button combo boot up power windows key, vol up and down and nothing can't even access the bios. I contacted support and that was a waste of time. Maybe removing ssd drive and connecting using mini sata to sata cable on my pc.

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Dell :: XPS 2710 - Unable To Get Into BIOS Using F2

Jan 15, 2014

My new XPS 2710. I was going to change the hard drive to an SSD. No problem doing this but when I tried to reboot the screen is stuck on the round Dell logo. I checked the forums and it seems changing to a SSD in windows 8 is problematic and it needs settings changed in the bios. Problem is I can't get into the bios. Using either the wifi keyboard or a wired keyboard I found that by pressing the ctrl key when booting it shows press F12 for boot options in the corner and a blue bar moves across the screen which is a timer but if I hit F2 or F12 the blue bar disappears and the screen just stays on the Dell logo. It's as if it's not reading the F keys or reads them as a normal key and stops the timer.

I've tried ctrl F12 or F2 or any number of combinations but everything just kills the timer and doesn't enter either the boot menu or the bios. I've put back the original drive. I've cleared the bios using the jumper. I've removed the bios battery. I've tried with and without RAM and hard drive but I just cannot get the F2 or F12 or F8 keys to work. Is there another combination key I need to use with the F2 or F12?

Just as a bit more background the sequence of event went like this. Use flash drive to load clone program, Cloned original Dell Drive. Removed 2TB drive and put in samsung EVO SSD. Booted computer to check it would run. Did but found no OS as expected. Rebooted using USB and cloned 2TB onto SSD. Went OK. Booted computer and it went through the Dell logo to a blank screen as if it was going to load Win 8.1. then a small white line appeared near center of screen and it froze. Rebooting just went to Dell Logo. No F2, F12 key would work to give me access to boot menu or BIOS. Trying different key combinations shows that I can get the blue timer and Press F12 screen every time I boot provided I press the Control Key. however no combination of keys with the F2 or on its own will access the BIOS. It just finishes the timer bar and goes to the Dell logo. 

I've tried just about everything i know. With and without HD and SSD, Bios clear, CMOS battery out. Ram out. Totally stuck. I'm convinced that if I can reset the bios then I'm good to go again, but I just can't access the darn thing.

Any of you cognoscenti out there have the magic key combination?

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Dell PC Inspiron 600 - Win 8 / 7 Dual Boot Gone Wrong

May 19, 2014

I was wanting to dual boot a Dell pc inspiron 600 with win 8. I thought I will breeze through it like I used to circa WXP/Vista/W7 and didn't research what changes there might be with Windows 8. I have focused my attention more on Android and I really should have done that research.

I hadn't backed up externally docs that I needed to save - so I will remove the drive and copy the contents to my laptop to be on the safer side. So the first wrong move has led to missteps.

I downloaded Easus and created a blank disk space before the current active partition instead of behind it. I thought I needed to have win 7 in the first partition. Before rebooting I also installed a popular freeware boot selection manager (I totally forget the name but I know some most will know the one I am referring to EDIT: ***EasyBCD*** ). It gave me a warning that no bootable system was selected. I kept editing to point it to current Windows 8 but nothing changed. It also warned me that my pc might not boot. I thought I will fix it to a bootable drive with my old discs-Ultimate boot cd, CPM, etc. Easus performed creation of the new partition and then trouble started. It refused to boot.

None of my discs are working as they did before Windows 8. on UBCD Fdisk cannot find any partition it can make active. I decided not to write an new MBR. My windows 7 install CD is giving me the "Windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 Partition X" details ->"The selected disk is of the GPT partition style."

Here are the partitions

My questions are: At this point I don't mind to have only windows 7 installed or if this situation is salvageable a dual boot then I don't have to remove the drive to copy the docs. I can just boot into 7 (which is what I mainly want to use) and just have access to Windows 8 partition from there to access my docs. I would prefer not to pull the drive out if I can avoid it but only if I know for sure what I am doing.

Second question : I believe partition 3: 489GB is the newly created one and Part 4 OS would be the Wind 8 partition. How can I know for sure that this is the wind 8 partition?

If I format the partition 3: 489GB will windows now allow for windows 7 to be installed?

Is there any way I can fix windows 8 partition to boot?

Lastly the basic question is how do I fix this error so that I Can install windows 7?

I don't have any pre-created OS discs of Windows 8. My current laptop is a toshiba win 7.

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Can Run Windows 8 On Dell Inspiron 1521 Laptop

Jun 13, 2013

I have a new laptop with Windows 8 and I really like it. I also have an older Dell Inspiron 1521 with an AMD 64 bit processor, 4 gig of RAM and a 160 gig SSD. It runs Win7 just fine and I believe it will run Windows 8. My new laptop came with 8 installed so I don't have a box to check the low end specs for running 8. I have Linux on it now and I would like to run both. It boots in to Linux in 20 seconds, about the same time as my new Windows 8 laptop.

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Dell Inspiron Will NOT Sleep On Closing Lid But Turn Off

Nov 20, 2013

Hey I just got a brand new Dell Inspiron with Windows 8 (got it yesterday). In the power options I have the settings set to sleep when closing the lid of the laptop, but the computer seems to always turn off. When I open the lid, my computer is completely off and I have to press the power button to turn it back on and wait for windows to reload.

This is not a battery problem as it happens even when plugged in. I have also tried using the command prompt "powercfg /hibernate on" but it hasn't fixed anything.

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Dell :: Inspiron 14z - Windows 8 Won't Boot After Restart

Mar 31, 2013

I own dell inspiron 14z and i tried to install windows 8 on the 32SSD drive, i turned SATA controller to AHCI and installed the OS. Windows was booted ones and it was all fine but when i restarted the computer it consistently led to the screen "your pc ran into problem and needs to restart...." I tried turning back to ISRT and same, I reinstalled windows and turn the acceleration of but after installing the driver an error was occurred says "your computer does t meat the minimum requirements....".

I turned back to ISRT and tried to install the windows again but it could not find the hard drive even after browsing through usb (it was loading and loading but didn't find anything) and now i really don't know what to do...

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Dell :: Inspiron One 2330 - Windows 8 Not Booting At All

Oct 8, 2013

I have a Dell Inspiron One 2330, which had Windows 8 Pre Installed, one fine day it stopped booting windows 8...

No matter, I had the recovery media... I made a full system restore... and nothing... it still does not boot.

Black screen after windows logo.

Dell Diagnostics accused no trouble whatsoever, all the tests performed successfully.

After a lot of tinkering, I managed to go back to Windows 7, the system runs fine, but I am running a trial license of Win 7, as I have not yet bought a license (I actually tried restoring the system using the Dell generated backup disks AND the Windows 8 OEM Disk, provided after those did not work).

What could be preventing Windows 8 from booting, since neither the installation fails, nor the HDD acuses any problem? 

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Dell :: Upgrading Inspiron 2305 To Windows 8?

Dec 15, 2012

I have an Inspiron One 2305 All in One with touch display and was planning to upgrade to Windows 8.  However, I just noticed on the Dell Support site that they do not support the upgrade, and thus, don't recommend owners of this computer doing the upgrade.

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Dell :: Inspiron 5521 - How To Reinstall Windows 8

Feb 8, 2014

I purchased a dell inspiron 5521 a few  months back but i didn't get any windows 8 CD with it. I have to reinstall my windows, but when i try to do it with my friend's original windows CD, error says product key entered is different. I don't even know the product key for my windows 8.

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Dell :: Inspiron N4010 Compatibility With Windows 8

Sep 21, 2013

I'm trying to figure out if my Dell Inspiron N4010 has full compatibility with Windows 8.  I downloaded the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant.  The two issues I have are Secure Boot and was touch capabilities my Dell Computer has if I decide to upgrade to Windows 8.

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Dell :: Inspiron 5520 Display Drivers

Feb 25, 2013

I have dell inspiron 5520 with win 8 pro . I have problem in display driver .

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Setup Installation :: ASUS M2N-E Won't Boot Win 8.1 After BIOS Update

Jul 2, 2014

It has an ASUS M2N-E motherboard with an old single core AMD Athlon 64 (I cannot remember which model specifically).

Last week, I provided him with a couple of old HDDs and 8GB worth PC-5300 DDR2 667 MHz RAM. We also installed Windows 8.1 64-bit, and other than the CPU being a single core and a bit slow, things were proceeding relatively smoothly.

He has an NVIDIA Geforce 8500 on the board, and he's ordered a PNY-made Geforce GTX 650 that's on it's way at present.

He's wanting to upgrade the CPU to the AMD PHENOM X4 9950, so we've been periodically meeting over the past couple of weeks to perform surgery on this old machine.

At any rate, we found that to update the CPU, we needed to update his BIOS from the one that was installed, which was at revision 0502. The needed BIOS revision for the CPU was 1504, but would also work with revision 1701.

After jumping through several hoops to update the BIOS, we updated it to 1701. However, since then the machine will not boot into Windows 8.1. He gets an instant BSOD. I did not see the error code, so I cannot say what it was. He told me that he's attempted to do a repair install to no avail. The repair attempt results in a constant loop of the machine rebooting and BSODing.

At any rate, here are some URLs that detail the board specs and the list of BIOS revisions for that board.

Motherboard Specs: Motherboards - M2N-E - ASUS
CPU Compatibility list: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- CPU Support M2N-E

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Toshiba Service Station - BIOS Update Failure

Jul 8, 2014

the " toshiba service station " recommended an update called " bios update version 1.50 for qosmio x70/75 " and they said it is recommended so i did download and he said dont remove the cord or anything so i did that and installed it and everything was going smoothly but when he finished the update and was restarting it shut down and didnt boot up again. whenever i click the power button the keyboards and power button lits up for a second and then the laptop shuts down it is windows 8 and it does not boot up for me to go into the bios menu

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Hardware Drivers :: Easiest Method To Update BIOS?

Dec 16, 2013

This is my motherboard: Motherboards - MAXIMUS VI FORMULA

I am trying to update the BIOS, but don't know how. What is the easiest method to update the BIOS?

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Dell Inspiron N5110 15R Freezes On Safe Mode?

Jul 21, 2013

I am using Windows 8 on Dell Inspiron N5110 15R laptop. I had to upgrade my BIOS so as to install and use the most recent operating system, Windows 8. I was Windows 7 user and had to clean install Windows 8. In Windows 7, I was very much familiar with safe mode, but today, when I booted Windows 8 into safe mode (Using PC Settings, Advanced Startup etc.), and I selected "Safe Mode With Networking" on restart, and then a blue Windows logo appears with waiting dots circling, and after that the screen is just black, and even after waiting for quite some time, it is still there, as it "freezed"

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Network / Sharing :: Wake On LAN Not Working - Dell Inspiron 530

Mar 7, 2014

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 and I cannot get WOL to work.

I have installed a new TP-LINK TG-3468 Network Card, which supports WOL.

Remote Wake Up is enabled in the BIOS, as are the usual required settings on the Network Card properties.

However whenever I hibernate, sleep, or shutdown my PC, the lights switch off on the Network Card so it is no longer receiving a connection.

Running Windows 8.1 - have also disabled Fast Startup .

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Network / Sharing :: Dell Inspiron - Changing Localhost IP

Jan 4, 2013

Here is my problem.

I've edited the host file with notepad with administrator permissions localhost
But localhost is still resolving

I am not using a proxy. I had McAfee (Firewall, antivirus) but I uninstalled it.
I don't have any program like / dropbox, IIS, Apache installed yet.
I tried to temporary disable some service but without success.

My Laptop is a Dell Inspiron by the way.

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Dell Inspiron 7250 - Windows 8.1 Freezing On Desktop

Nov 13, 2013

Since I've updated to 8.1 my laptop is taking a long to boot up and when it finally does load it's slow as hell.

I'll then be playing Football Manager and when I hit the windows key to go back to my desktop it freezes. I've tried opening task manager and that freezes too, the only thing that functions properly is the metro screen.

I thinking it's a compatibility issue with a program that's causing it.

Dell Inspiron 7250
Intel Core i7 3612QM @2.10GHz
6gb RAM
Windows 8.1 Pro

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