Browsers/Mail :: Outlook Metro App Always Marks First Email As Being Read?
Jan 23, 2014
I notice when using the Metro version of Outlook that when I open Outlook it always marks the first email as being read. Sometimes I will need to keep emails marked as unread so I end up having to go back and mark emails as unread before closing Outlook.
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
I'm trying to look for an alternative robust email client to outlook -- want to start gradually moving away from Ms Office to cheaper solutions.
I don't like the way Ms is going with subscription based Office 365 and Office 2013 is IMO "The Pits" - office 2010 works fine but I want where possible to start using alternatives. Libre Office is fine for some things but not quite ready for prime time yet (IMO) especially for EXCEL but I can start moving away from office gradually with an email client first.
The email client must NOT be web or browser based (I Hate webmail type of things) and must support IMAP. I don't want it to have ADWARE or NAGWARE (you know those that keep persuading you "Please update to PRO version etc etc"). It must also support MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. It should ideally have a similar or identical interface to OUTLOOK -- simple plain, not like the background I've seen on some Gamers machines !!!!
If it can integrate with GMAIL that's fine but not mandatory. Preferably free too .
I did see a portable client ISCRIBE at i.Scribe and InScribe: A Small and Easy to use Email Client but it looks as if it might be a little experimental.
I discarded OPERAMAIL -- don't want any BROWSER or web mail type of stuff.
Linux has some decent choices such as EVOLUTION (probably one of the best if not the best) but Windows seems a bit lacking in this area -- pity OUTLOOK EXPRESS wasn't continued after XP -- it was small, simple and could also manage multiple accounts.
A few days ago I went to Outlook.Com and established an email account. Now I want to delete that account and remove all things associated with but still retain my Microsoft Account. It might come in handy for getting Apps and other things from the Microsoft Store.
I tried to remove the email account using the instruction I found in How To Close & Delete Account I was unable to do so. When I got to the Close Microsoft Account section and pressed OK, it reminded me I needed to close any paid services associated with my Microsoft Account. I've no such services. Pressing OK again took me to the Account Summary page. There I could find no way to close the email account, just another Close Account that took me back to the previous step.
Today Outlook was updated so that you can now send email from Outlook but also send it from a non-Outlook account from the same inbox. Unless I misunderstood the story. How to set this up?
can't send or receive anything. used to get plenty, now nothing. where do I go in this machine to look to see if something is wrong there? using outlook express
I have installed Outlook 2007 on a friend's laptop (running Windows 8). I set up his main email account (gmail). All fine. I then set up another account (btinternet). Again all fine.
The problem is that, in the folder pane, the btinternet inbox & folders do not appear. And, when emails come in, whether they're aimed at the gmail or the btinternet account, they all appear in one mixed up inbox. How do I separate the two account inboxes, emails in & folders?
I have set up Outlook of various flavours successfully several times, including on my own Windows 8 machine.
I have Windows 8 with Outlook 2007 as e-mail. In the old XP days when ever I received e-mail with that annoying vertical line down the side of the page it was simple enough to get rid of them by using the instructions below. Now of course in this modern world things are different with tool bars turning into ribbons. When I open the e-mail there is no View.
Is it possible convert the XP instructions below into Windows 8 ...
Lets see if this works: Open the email and click Forward: Now, click View on the Menu Bar: Now look for SOURCE at the bottom tab and click: Now look through the SOURCE CODE and find a selection that starts with something called <BLOCKQUOTE>Now, if there is one line in the email you should see it once. For each blue line you will see it listed. Highlight each line in the screenshot below and delete:
For some reason I can see my Outlook email but when I try to send any emails they automatically get sent to the draft folder and sit there. I also have a Gmail account set up but same problem.
In IE when clicking on an Email address / link it used to start Outlook (W7 and earlier) or Outlook express in XP - remember that one.
Now in Windows 8 it starts that HORRIBLE windows mail metro app --which wants a Microsoft account and all sorts of other BS
This apparently can be customized to open your desired application ( from IE ==>tools==>Internet options==>programs --then I'm stuck as they've changed the old settings from default e-mail program to something I haven't a clue what to enter.
I've got these screens (enc) -- what do I do to get OUTLOOK to open instead of the Windows mail app.
Sometimes stuff is dumbed down so much that the application is useless -- and then they go to the other extreme where you need a Doctorate in Computer studies to fathom it out.
(Using Windows 8 x-64, IE10 but 32 bit version of office 2010 so the pgm I think is in program files(x86)msofficeoffice14outlook.exe)
I am so confused about where outlook 2013 keeps things.
I have installed Outlook 2013 and would like to import my contacts from my outlook 2007 in another computer. I have already prepared the contacts.pst file from outlook 2007 and made it available in my public folders. I then imported the .pst file into Outlook 2013 via network. However the contacts shows up as a separate contact list rather than integrated into the outlook 2013 address book . How to correct it?
An old Microsoft email account (xxxxxxxx@MSN.COM) from the days before Hotmail when you still could get addresses. Account correctly set up in Windows Mail App on Windows 8 machines, no issues. Account has one alias.
This was the only email address I have had without two step verification. Last week something happened which made to rethink my complete online / domain / email security. I both changed the password of this account to a very complicated one and set up the two step verification using the MS Authenticator App for Windows Phone 8. Tested the set up by logging out and logging back in with the new password and as it should be, asked for the authentication code. All was well and working.
Next step was to open Windows Mail App and change the account password there. As expected, the Mail App told me to check settings of this account, clicking the Check Settings link opened the credentials dialog. I entered the as email address, and the new password. Got an error message telling the credentials were wrong. Logged out, logged back in, tried again, could not get the app to accept credentials.
Signed out from Windows, back in, relaunched the Mail App, removed the account as nothing I tried with original or newer alias did work. From account settings I added a new account, trying both the original and the aliases. Wrong credentials tells the app and does not let me add the account. Trying the same credentials on web interface works, no issues in signing in.
Notice that I am absolutely sure that although my new password is really complicated, I have typed it every time right. I have checked it using the View password feature, #1 in below screenshot:
Short version: Can't add an email account to Windows Mail App, credentials 100% sure correct.
Additional issue: This might be impossible to solve: I would like to set my 20 years old original address again as the primary alias but apparently it is not possible:
It was the primary alias before the issues told above, has worked as an MS account to be used for instance as the login account for Windows 8.
I have just installed Outlook 2013 and started my mail account. Unfortunately I let Outlook configure my email account automatically and it configured as IMAP and not a POP account so I have an OST instead of a pst
what is the best way to delete the account I created and start again this time configuring the servers manually ?
I can get to my Outlook Mail. skydrive photos, calendars.. NOT Contacts.. in Outlook Mail..
I need all those contacts to use my mail.. right now I can only copy (the address ) from a received mail to send a new message to a Contact.
How can I get this to work? I can go to the TILES see all those contacts, something is saying it is synking something on that page.. Yet it never completes
I made my won home page for W 8 .. was much easier then trying to figure it all out.
Had worked flawlessly until just the past 2 weeks.
IE Metro tile is missing from my metro start screen. It's not in the 'all apps' list either. when I go to program default, it is set as the default browser. I went through all the checks in the tutorial on here, but at best, I can only get the desktop IE tile to pin to start. I would rather have the metro version tile on my start.
When I click on email links on websites, instead of my mail program coming up with the address in the "to" line, I get a mail sign in page. To avoid it, I have to right click and copy email address, then go to my mail program and paste it in.
I cannot remove my Windows Live email account so whenever I want to send email, I had to click on the "Gmail" tab first then compose email and I don't want this because it's somehow not efficient.
I use the default Windows 8.1 Mail client but I never used my Windows Live account.
Is there any ways to remove Windows Live email or at least make Gmail as the default email address on Windows Mail?
I purchased a new notebook and it has Office 2014 installed.. I was using Outlook on my old notebook, is there a way to migrate my account/folders/emails to my new notebook? I want to just pick right up where I left off, not have everything 'archived' and start new or anything..
All of a sudden find cannot print emails in outlook keep getting this message "Something went wrong and we can't sign you in at the moment. Please try again later".
Have tried several times but still getting same message, has outlook turned itself off somehow.
After being forced to switch to Outlook Express, I am no longer able to get to my Contacts. Somewhere, it said that I need to go to my "Settings," but I cannot locate any way to get into it.
For some reason only shows my email inbox. There is no inbox for Gmail. I checked my aliases and they are both listed. Outlook 2013 shows all my inboxes. My Lumia phone shows all my inboxes.
With Google I managed to import my contacts, but I can't seem to find anything useful for importing email from Outlook to Live. For some reason Roadrunner and Outlook don't work well. I don't have many emails to import but is it possible to import a whole folder? Or do you have to import one at a time. If so, how?
I have an Acer desktop pc at home, running Windows 8 Pro, and I use Outlook 2010 as my primary (POP3) email tool. Obviously I have an extensive contacts file in there.
I have just bought a SP 128Gb and installed Outlook 2013 on the one month free trial. So, far I like it.
I took it in to work today and the IT guys set it up for connectivity to the Corporate WiFi, VPN, etc. How can I copy my contacts info from my home pc into my Pro?