Browsers/Mail :: Importing From Outlook To Windows Live
Jun 11, 2014
With Google I managed to import my contacts, but I can't seem to find anything useful for importing email from Outlook to Live. For some reason Roadrunner and Outlook don't work well. I don't have many emails to import but is it possible to import a whole folder? Or do you have to import one at a time. If so, how?
Windows XP did all I ever needed. Heck! Windows 2000 did all I ever needed. I use the phone only as a phone. But I do need email.
Got a Nokia Lumia 520 last month. Set up an email account
Thrashing around with Windows 8.1, now that XP has gone off support. Set up a Windows account
Still not understanding the difference between '' and '', but I am able to access email on both these accounts by login with a browser.
But I do not work my email through a browser. I use Thunderbird, and preview with MailWasher Pro to purge any junk from the server.
After over an hour thumping around, have not been able to get Thunderbird or MailWasher to work either the 'live' or 'outlook' account. Maybe problem with pop and smtp addresses. Beginning to think Microsoft allows only working the mail through a browser.
The email account which I actually use, and depend heavily upon, is tied to my ISP. Am considering change of ISP, and therefore a change to a non-isp linked email - like gmail or outlook. BUT... if I can't get Windows emails working except through the browser or phone, Windows email is of no practical use to me.
Any link to something that explains the difference between Windows 'live' and 'outlook'.
On that PC, I have been using Office Professional Plus 2010 & Outlook to access my email account (POP)
I just purchased a Windows 8 laptop. Since the Windows 8 Mail app will not work with POP email accounts, my email/internet access provider (Comcast) recommended using Windows Live Mail (I'm using 2012 version). This works fine for new emails. However, I have not been able to find a way to "move" the historical emails from my Outlook 2010 (PC) to WinMailLive (laptop.)
Exporting the emails from Outlook 2010 creates a .PST file which is not recognized by WinMailLive.
I tried using MailStore, but it will only archive email from the Inbox for POP accounts.
Any way to move emails from Outlook 2010 to WNL 2012, that is easier than forwarding all the historical emails to myself from the Outlook PC & then reorganize them in WML on the laptop?
I have tried exporting the contacts in WLM in win XP using CSV format and importing into WLM in win 8. The result was a real mess, missing data, sometimes 3 entries made for the same contact, it was horrendous. There should be a better way to transfer from one DBstore to another, in the same way one can transfer PST files in Outlook.
PS I have tried copying the DBstore over by replacing the folder, the result is no contacts; I guess the file in XP is somehow different to that expected by win 8?
I am so confused about where outlook 2013 keeps things.
I have installed Outlook 2013 and would like to import my contacts from my outlook 2007 in another computer. I have already prepared the contacts.pst file from outlook 2007 and made it available in my public folders. I then imported the .pst file into Outlook 2013 via network. However the contacts shows up as a separate contact list rather than integrated into the outlook 2013 address book . How to correct it?
I recently had to update a second computer's emails from another computer, both having Windows 8.1 and Office Professional--or sync them. So I exported all three .pst accounts in Outlook 2010 from computer 1 and imported all of them into computer 2 into Outlook 2010. Well, I didn't notice that there was a Duplicate setting (probably because I don't normally do this) and left the Import setting concerning duplicates at the default setting, so I got a lot of duplicates. Since then, I have received more emails into my accounts at computer 2. What is the best way to fix the duplicate issue?
Also, I noticed that many Sent folders were missing in one Imported account for some reason. Why would just some of the emails be Imported and not others? This is bad! If it wasn't for this, I could send an important email today. How can I make sure that all of the emails on computer 1 get Imported onto Computer 2? All too often, I find glitches in MS software.
I have been struggling to insert a photo as part of a signature and was trying out various options when I found I could no longer try different pictures because the Single Photo option was suddenly missing from the top menu.
The Photo Album option still exists but where has the Single Photo option gone?
I need this because I insert a lot of photos in my emails.....
My Wife uses WLM (Desktop) installed on her PC to access her Google email address.
A friend installed a Google calendar on her Desktop which is not linked to her Gmail account except for login purposes, that is the Calendar is not available if you go to the Gmail account on the web.
Is there some way to sync the Google Calendar with the WLM (Desktop) Calendar?
Assume I have read a message to which I wish to either post a question or ask for information from the author od the message (whose e-mail address is at the end of the message. I click on the his e-mail address and I get taken to the screen shown in the image attached.
Please note that "Windows Live Mail" is NOT listed as one of the alternatives. Is there a means whereby I can either add Windows Live Mail to the list or to change what happens when I click on the author's e-mail address so that I am taken to Windows Live mail rather than this list of potential e-mail programs?
2. got new computer (but they only have windows 8) am using the desktop part of the computer & installed a start menu so it "looked" reasonably like windows 7.
3. installed windows live mail on new computer since windows 8 has a weird email program.
4. had win 7 computer backed up, so had all my windows live emails safely there.
5. copied all the old win 7 emails into the NEW win 8 live email program
6. everything worked great,, could get new emails & all the old ones were there.
7. worked around the NEW live mail, by changing names of folders, deleting some emails etc. so the folder list was NOT the same as when I moved them, ( I have tons of folders under my inbox 13 years of saved emails)
8. looked in windows explorer at the folder where the emails were supposed to be saved.
9. but,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing was changed,,, it still was all the old names etc.
10. for example, I changed a folder name (IN live mail)from dog to cat, & deleted cow.
11. but looking at windows explorer it was still dog & cow was still there.
12. opening live mail,,, it was the changed folders cat.
13. so I do not get it..
14. why didn't the folders in windows explorer CHANGE to reflect all my changes in windows live mail?
15. I need to keep backing up this folder , in case something else goes "poof" To use it for restore.
My email server is POP only. I have been using Thunderbird for email, but it hangs up quite a bit.
My ISP does not offer IMAP, so want to keep my POP email, so have downloaded Windows Essentials/Live Mail. WLM receives ok, but will not send. As far as I can tell, I have the same account properties and settings (ports, checked boxes, login info, etc.) in WLM as I do in Thunderbird. And the settings are actually the same as on my old Vista machine using WLM which sent fine. I get this error screen from WLM when sending an email:
"The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Send Test from WLM ' Server: '' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E Protocol: SMTP Port: 587 Secure(SSL): Yes Socket Error: 10060"
Incoming mail is set to port 110; outgoing mail port is 587. SSL box is checked for SMTP port. My antivirus is native Windows Defender.
my elderly mother with her email access and it's a while since I've used Windows myself. When I set up the computer for her I installed Stardock so she wasn't faced with the fullscreen apps, and I installed Windows Live Mail because that is what she was used to. It was running fine for the past few months until yesterday, but now when she tries to run the program, it hangs, and there's nothing to do but restart the computer. (Task Manager doesn't see it running while it's trying to start up.)
An old Microsoft email account (xxxxxxxx@MSN.COM) from the days before Hotmail when you still could get addresses. Account correctly set up in Windows Mail App on Windows 8 machines, no issues. Account has one alias.
This was the only email address I have had without two step verification. Last week something happened which made to rethink my complete online / domain / email security. I both changed the password of this account to a very complicated one and set up the two step verification using the MS Authenticator App for Windows Phone 8. Tested the set up by logging out and logging back in with the new password and as it should be, asked for the authentication code. All was well and working.
Next step was to open Windows Mail App and change the account password there. As expected, the Mail App told me to check settings of this account, clicking the Check Settings link opened the credentials dialog. I entered the as email address, and the new password. Got an error message telling the credentials were wrong. Logged out, logged back in, tried again, could not get the app to accept credentials.
Signed out from Windows, back in, relaunched the Mail App, removed the account as nothing I tried with original or newer alias did work. From account settings I added a new account, trying both the original and the aliases. Wrong credentials tells the app and does not let me add the account. Trying the same credentials on web interface works, no issues in signing in.
Notice that I am absolutely sure that although my new password is really complicated, I have typed it every time right. I have checked it using the View password feature, #1 in below screenshot:
Short version: Can't add an email account to Windows Mail App, credentials 100% sure correct.
Additional issue: This might be impossible to solve: I would like to set my 20 years old original address again as the primary alias but apparently it is not possible:
It was the primary alias before the issues told above, has worked as an MS account to be used for instance as the login account for Windows 8.
I use Gmail as my primary email but now and again check the Windows 8 mail app for a tidy up. I'm very frustrated because when I delete from the inbox then go to the 'deleted' mail to tidy that up sometime the mail wont delete by pressing the delete icon (top right) or by pressing Ctrl+D even though I've highlighted everything. Now I can't delete from Junk or sent mail.
Is there any way to connect my Gmail account to the Mail Metro App without having to use my Live ID? I have absolutely no desire to tie all my stuff to a MS Live ID. Just want to be able to check my mail.
I have already installed Skype desktop to get around the Live ID crap for the metro version, and I will install Thunderbird if needed, but if I can find a way around it I will use the built in mail client.
When ever I click a mailto link in either Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera it opens up a new chrome browser window. Before I installed windows 8 I had it opening up Outlook 2010 new email, now it opens up a new Chrome browser window.
How do I change it in windows 8 to when I click a link in any browser to open up Outlook 2010 new email as it did before?
I have just installed Outlook 2013 and started my mail account. Unfortunately I let Outlook configure my email account automatically and it configured as IMAP and not a POP account so I have an OST instead of a pst
what is the best way to delete the account I created and start again this time configuring the servers manually ?
I have an Acer desktop pc at home, running Windows 8 Pro, and I use Outlook 2010 as my primary (POP3) email tool. Obviously I have an extensive contacts file in there.
I have just bought a SP 128Gb and installed Outlook 2013 on the one month free trial. So, far I like it.
I took it in to work today and the IT guys set it up for connectivity to the Corporate WiFi, VPN, etc. How can I copy my contacts info from my home pc into my Pro?
New Windows 8 machine. Want to keep my POP3 email, so have downloaded Windows Live Mail. WLM receives ok, but will not send. Error screen simply says 'Failed' under Status with no error designation. The WindowsLiveMail.log shows this at the point of the failure: "SMTP [rx] 535 Incorrect authentication data".
Now the weird thing is this: I have a Windows Vista machine running in the same room which also uses Windows Live Mail and it sends just fine. The account properties & settings (ports, checked boxes, login info, etc.) authentication data are identical on both machines.
In addition, the same settings are used in my iPad mail app and it sends just fine. But WLM on Windows 8 just won't send. I have uninstalled WLM and redownloaded it, but the same problem. FYI, my antivirus is Avast, and it is set to not scan outbound mail.
I have upgraded from Windows 8 to 8.1. After doing so and making sure my accounts are all setup, I have found that I can not get the mail tile to act "live". I have verified it is set to live by right-clicking and seeing that link state "turn live tile off". I tried doing that and then turning it back on. I have tried rebooting. But the tile just isn't live. My other live tiles (news, finance, weather, store, etc) all seem to be live. It is only mail that I am having a problem with.
I can get to my Outlook Mail. skydrive photos, calendars.. NOT Contacts.. in Outlook Mail..
I need all those contacts to use my mail.. right now I can only copy (the address ) from a received mail to send a new message to a Contact.
How can I get this to work? I can go to the TILES see all those contacts, something is saying it is synking something on that page.. Yet it never completes
I made my won home page for W 8 .. was much easier then trying to figure it all out.
Had worked flawlessly until just the past 2 weeks.
Windows 8 CryptoAPI crashes Outlook while same problem does not occur on Windows 7.
This occurs when signing, encrypting, or decrypting a email with a digital Certificate where the private key is secured by Microsoft Windows 8 CryptoAPI on the highest setting. Outlook requests CryptoAPI for the Key and Crashes.
This does not Happen on Windows 7. In addition, the private key can be accessed by Windows Live Mail 2012 on Windows 8 while Outlook 2010/2013 cannot.
Outlook configured on Windows 8 required elevation in order to access private key
When you try to delete WLM messages you get this error
"An unknown error has occurred" and the message cannot be deleted.
People with this problem, often need to delete multiple messages or entire folders. That error appears because WLM only thinks it has that/those message(s), but actually that message is nowhere to be found in the the Windows email folders. The message exists no longer, but WLM still shows it as being in its own folders and you simply cannot delete it using the normal procedure.
For the easier way, one can drag the unwanted and non-existing emails to the Deleted Items folder, one by one. However, that is crazy when you have to get rid of hundreds or thousands of them (yes, I had that situation!).
This is how to trick WLM if you want to delete multiple emails giving you that error:
1. We try to simulate forwarding multiple messages. Select multiple emails by clicking on one and then using SHIFT to click and select multiple concatenated messages. Do that screen after screen (scroll down/up). Stop when you see the FORWARD button has become grey. That means one email is even more stubborn and doesn't even want to be forwarded.
2. Hold the SHIFT key and click the messages up and down until you find the culprit. It will be just outside your selection, when your selection manages to un-grey the Forward button.
3. With a lot of messages selected and concatenated, click on the Forward button. You'll get another error message "One or more messages could not be attached. Select OK to continue creating the note." Click Cancel.
4. Now something has unblocked those messages (or message information) and, with the selection on, you can Delete them by simply clicking the Red X (delete) button.
5. The message that made the Forward button grey, can now be deleted as well.
6. Keep doing that until you finish the bunch of messaged you wanted to delete when you got the initial error.
I just noticed my contacts from my Live account are not the same as the ones shown in my Windows 8 mail app (People). Looking closer at the properties in my phone, I noticed that some say Hotmail and other say Verizon Backup Assistant Plus.
My question is how do I get all the ones backed up by Verizon but included in my Live account so show up on my desk top(Hotmail Type)? How can I convert the contact type from Verizon to Live?
I was wondering if it's possible to have Windows search index my IMAP folders so that I could also search for e-mails via Windows search instead of having to go through Outlook's (2013) own search? What I googled seems to indicate "not possible" ....
Since upgrading to Windows 8 (from 7) a week ago my Outlook 2010 email has been faulty. It keeps stopping emails coming in or out and I have to (daily) run a 'repair' to get it to work. I contacted my ISP (Virgin) and they said that Outlook doesn't work with Windows 8 and said I should use Live. However, I then added my accounts to Live but it wouldn't accept all of them, and I found the interface very hard to use. Outlook contains all my business folders and email records for my business so I need it to work. It seems to accept my IMAP email account but not the main accounts with my ISP.
My HP desktop machine is less than a year old and has plenty of memory. But also, in general the machine is slower and won't restart (I have to force shut down).