When System Restore / It Stop Working

May 8, 2011

I have tried everything and I'm not able to fix system restore. I don't know when system restore stop working. I'm not able to find it in services, is there any other way to fix it other than using the windows 7 that came with the computer.

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System Repair / System Restore Not Working

May 8, 2011

The other day I was trying to figure out what coral paintshop pro meant by security key, so I googled it. Something popped up and asked me if I wanted to download, and I wanted to say no, but my laptop's mouse is too sensitive at times, so I accidentally clicked yes. My computer automatically shut down right after that. Every time I turn it on now, it goes straight into System Repair and it doesn't work, it says it cannot repair. I've tried System Restore, but since that doesn't get rid of the documents that have been downloaded, it isn't helping either. My computer won't even let me enter any form of Safe Mode, it just goes straight back to System Repair.

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System Restore Not Working?

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to create a system restore point and keep getting the following message"The restore point could not be created for the following reason - Access is denied(0x80070005) please try again....I need to set a restore point as there are not any on my computer even when i run things which ask if i would like to create a system restore point before continuing is just not happening.

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System Restore Not Working?

Sep 2, 2012

A couple of days ago I uninstalled 2 programs that I didn't need anymore Now I think I may need one of themI've tried to run System Restore but I keep getting an error message I disabled MSE and PrevX and it still would not restore .Now I'm not too worried about getting the program back but would like to be able to restore my system if I ever need to .

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System Restore Not Working?

Apr 6, 2011

everytime i try to create a system restore point i get an error message. i have tried looking online for any solutions but have come up empty. if anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them. i have include a picture of the error message

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System Restore Not Working?

Aug 27, 2012

System restore is not working for me. I get the following message. I have made sure shadow copies is started in services but no good

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System Restore Not Working

Apr 8, 2012

Hp 6280 with windows 7 64 home premium, Started and ran fine for about an hour, then I shut it down. When I started it again later that evening, I got. ( and still get) the blue hp screen with options ( esc to boot, f11 etc etc) however it then goes to a black screen. Nothing else F11 and f8 do not work, I have 3 recovery discs, that I burned when I bought tis computer, I attempted to boot from them and was able to get into recovery manager with the first disc, (no prompts to load the other discs) I've tried start up repair , first run it rebooted and back to the same, second time it said it was not repairable and asked to call home, so to speak It currently says it is still running, I also tried a system restore to an earlier hpsf point and once completed it went back to the black screenI run avg, malware bytes, and ccleaner on occassion.

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System Restore Not Working?

Oct 1, 2012

I have a Toshiba NB255 Net-book with Windows 7 Home Premium on it, and since i got it has worked great. That is until a short time ago refuses to connect to WiFi. I tried everything. It wound up being a dead end for me, so i thought maybe i'll just restore it because it could be something i messed up or an update conflicted with my system.I go to system restore, and it says i cannot perform it due to C disk needing to be error checked. That would normally be fine and dandy, except when i run error check during boot-up, it tells me it cannot perform it until i use system restore..It's an infuriatingly infinite loop ofstupidity.Because of the mix between my net-book refusing to restore, connect to WiFi, update(update just gives me error code '80070490'), or do anything besides just use Office and other stuff, my net-book just collects dust now.

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System Restore Not Working?

Jul 1, 2010

I create system restores point on my Windows 7 PC, but when I reboot it did not save

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System Restore Stopped Working

Feb 23, 2012

I've been Goggling of & on for the last month & about 3 hours today getting nowhere. I've tried to restore in Safe mode, & MS answers, Methods 1: Turn off system protection and check if the issue persists, Method 2: Perform SFC scan on your computer & I tried a Sys Restore with my Sys Repair Disk & none have helped. Other than doing a Format & starting over.

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System Restore Other Repairs Not Working

Apr 3, 2012

So my computer was doing fine. It started acting a little slow, so I decided to shut it down and give it a rest. When I turned it on, this is what came up. Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically.

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System Restore / Backup Not Working?

Nov 30, 2012

I have just done a clean install of Windows 7 and after solving a lot of initial issues def-ragging the drive everything was fine.

I then discovered windows system restore was not working would not start. Even when I enabled the in services shadow copy I set it so on the first failure it would restart which it did. It had a dependency RPc I set that to automatic when I log on. I do not know what the default settings are for these; I would have thought start up if its monitoring your hard drive.

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System Restore Image Not Working/cannot Be Found?

Jan 15, 2013

So way back when I installed windows on my SSD I made a system image restore doohickey, using the "Create A System Image" tool, once I had applied all the necessary settings, installed drivers, etc. Now, windows is experiencing problems and I wish to restore to this back up. How on earth do I do this? The images don't have any kind of runnable-files inside to use. And when I use the recovery disk it says it cant find any image. Ive explored windows various restore utilities and the likes, and at no point does it simply say something like "Please select the file location of your restore image". I have the system image doohickey just sitting there...how do I tell windows to just use that backup? It all seems to be trying to do it in some automated fashion..

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Windows 7 System Restore - Further Action For Flawless Working?

Jan 5, 2013

I had to do a system restore on my computer. The reason for this was that when I started the computer it booted up fine until I had to type my password to enter windows; after that windows did not load. The system was restored to an earlier date and my question is: do I need to do anything else beyond the system restore to ensure the computer is working correctly? I have little idea about computers so I don't know whether the problem is still on the system or if the restore will have resolved the issue permanently.

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Windows Update, System Restore & Device Manager Not Working

Feb 9, 2012

I've discovered three problems with this laptop and think they all might be related? Windows Update not working with error 0x80070057 - I have searched the internet for help on this and tried suggestions like; starting/stopping wuauserv service, deleting WinUpd cache. System Restore not working; unable to create restore points or restore (the last point is from November), this gives error 0x81000101 Shadow Copy Timeout. Again searched and tried fixing all suggestions like making sure the SysRestore services are running. Device Manager is completely blank; also tried suggested repairs like setting correct permissions on Enum folder in registry. On top of the problem specific fix attempts I've also done the following general fixes: sfc /scannow - found problems but unable to fix repaired registry from RegBack reset all Services to default ran combofix and malwarebytes chkdsk /r removed McAfee have checked Windows & Sytem32 folder for correct user permissions I'm sure I've done a few other things but can't recall everything I've tried.Have also tried Windows Repair but stays at "Checking Compatibilty" for hours.Generally Windows seems to be fine except for these three issues; system is quick and general useage is without issues.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3932 Mb
Graphics Card:
Hard Drives: C: Total - 152621 MB, Free - 47735 MB; D: Total - 152221 MB, Free - 13148 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, KSWAA
Antivirus: None

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System Restore Will Not Create A Restore Point Or Restore To A Previous Date & Time

Apr 10, 2012

System Restore will not create a restore point or restore to a previous date & time.The error message was: A restore point could not be created: An error was detected in the Volume Shadow Copy Server (VSS).The problem occurred while trying to contact VSS writers. Verify that the Event System Sevice and the VSS service are running & check for associated errors in the event logs (0x80042318).Volume Shadow Copy is started & running (done in system events).Event System Sevice and the VSS service are started and running. But no cigar, SR still broken.

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[System Restore] Scheduling Automated Rollbacks Of System Restore Points?

Aug 10, 2011

Does anyone know how to schedule/automate a rollback to a system restore point at a set time each day?What i'm trying to do is:1. Disable the standard system restore behavior for creating restore points when installing apps and drivers.2. Automatically/schedule a restore point to be created every morning. (probably using Task Scheduler)3. Automatically/schedule a rollback to that morning restore point every night.This should allow users to mess up the workstation during the day, and restore a working rollback point at night when users are not using a workstation.Updates are scheduled at nighttime, so before that happens, it should rollback to a good restore point, apply updates, then create a working "new" restore point with the updates in the morning....etc.

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System Unbootable - Stop C000021a Fatal System Error

Aug 11, 2012

I had the brilliant idea to delete the manufacturer's recovery partition on my ASUS Win 7 64-bit laptop, and reclaim that space for my C drive, and now my system is unbootable. I get the error message "autochk program not found" then stop: c000021a Fatal System Error. I have run System Recovery several times to no avail. I tried to do a repair using the Win 7 DVD, but that didn't work either.

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Restore Registry From System Restore's Comand Prompt

Jun 26, 2011

So I cleaned my registry using RegSeaker and now my computer BSODs at the 'starting windows' screen, even if I try to start in safe mode. I created a backup of my old registry before cleaning and I can access it using the command prompt that you can access in the system restore options. However, when I try to update the registry with it I get an error message saying 'cannot import.

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System Backup & Restore Will Not Restore Bookmarks Or E-mails?

Feb 9, 2012

OK, so a couple of days ago, my HP desktop crashed and then went through the whole System Recovery loop(I couldn't login to Safe mode, wouldn't let me past the System Recovery Screen). Well I backed up the entire C drive using Backup your files in the menu. Then it shows you all the file types it will back up; i.e photos, videos, e-mails and bookmarks. So I did that to an external hard drive and it comes out to 143GB.Now comes my problem. I've been able to copy everything from the external hard drive using RecoveryMgr.exe which opens the WIM files and saves them to my C: hard drive under System Recovery Files. However it does not seem to work when it comes to putting in my old Thunderbird e-mails, contacts and such or in Firefox to restore my bookmarks, saved passwords.

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Can't Do System Restore , Not Enough Free Space To Restore The Disk

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to restore my computer because it launches into system recovery. After I get to the recovery options I tried to do system restore but it tells me there isn't enough space on the disk.

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Full System Restore/Restore Factory Settings?

Apr 17, 2012

not A legel verison of window 7. wont to restore to factory setings.

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System Restore Failed To Restore (ComPlusStaging Error)?

Jan 18, 2013

I have tried a lot of things and I can't get system restore to work. I don't need to use it but I would like my computer to be working since there is no reason for this not to work. I just keep getting ComPlusStaging failed to obtain original copy from %systemroot%/registration all the time.

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System Restore - How To Restore Backup Created

Aug 26, 2012

I have been have some problems with my HP dv 8500 laptop. It has vista on it. I could not get any windows updates. So I backed up my files to a flashdrive and did a system recovery. I have files on the flash drive but cannot transfer them back to the laptop. I would love it if someone could guide me through the process.

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Windows 7 System Restore Doesn't Restore?

Aug 25, 2011

My Windows 7 System Restore doesn't restore. It allows me to set them and tells me they've been done. But on the couple of occasions when I've wanted to use one, no joy. Yes I know I could possibly do it in 'Safe Mode' but that isn't an answer as to why I can't do it in regular mode?

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System Restore Fail On All Available Restore Points

Feb 15, 2012

System restore failed to extract the file. from the restore point. There was a disk failure during the restore. This might be caused by bad sectors on the disk. I get the same message, but with a different file name, with every restore point I try, and I have now tried all seven available restore points, going back to 30 Dec 2011. The computer was working perfectly until 3 days ago when it blue screened, and has not started properly since. It is a Corei5 with 4 GB RAM and is only 12 months old. I just dont believe the drive has that many bad sectors.

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Restore Personal Files After System Restore?

May 19, 2012

my Windows 7 after restoring it to factory configurations. I installed Ubuntu 12.04, the installation smooth as butter, but after a few days of usage, the GRUB system screwed up. After a LOT of problems I managed to restore my Laptop to its default configuration. Then, I tried to restore my personal files with the DVDs I made, but when the manager finished, it only showed a folder with all my files in it! And it didn't give me any option to restore these files or something!

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System Restore Does It Restore Windows 7 Email

Jan 14, 2013

I lost 2987 emails by clicking on email tab in windows task manager All the emails disappeared so now >>??? wondering if Sysytem restore restores email as well with Win 7 are do I have to do like Ive seen ? Go to your documents folder and right click on the folder titled Mail the properties and then the previous versions tab.Click on a restore point from before it was deleted and click restore.

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Why Did IE8 Stop Working

Nov 17, 2012

I was surfing and got this msg. What happened, and how can I prevent it from happening again?

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Programs Always Stop Working?

Apr 12, 2012

I just reinstalled my windows 7 (64-bit, home) because needed to kill some viruses. After reinstallation, most software will crash when double click, including media player etc. But If I run these software as administrator, it is OK.And double click IE 9 64-bit is good, no need to run as administrator, but IE 9 32-bit and Chrome will crash if they are not run as administrator.After the software crash, sometimes it will show some error message such as "the instruction at 0xxxxxxxxx referenced memory 0xxxxxxxxxxx. The memory could not be written."It is weird that I can not double click a mp3 to automatically open the media player to play the song, and constantly need to right click the player to run as administrator and drag the mp3 into player, too much trouble.I have done all updates of windows 7. It is still the same.

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USb Devices Stop Working

Jun 30, 2011

Im having a slight issue with one of my machines I cant track down the cause. My USB mouse and keyboard will randomly stop working. After a reboot they work fine for a few minutes then they will stop functioning. We have tried drivers and chipset drivers.

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