Toshiba Laptop Will Not Go Into Mode From Restart With F12

Aug 29, 2011

f12 at startup wont work for my toshiba satelite L455 so need another way to use recovery disk?

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Restart Windows 7 / Toshiba Laptop Without A Keyboard?

May 23, 2012

I spilled cereal on my laptop and half the keys stopped working. Obviously, I need to get the keyboard replaced, but I'm just wondering if there is a way to restart the computer without using the keyboard? I am currently stuck on the Windows Error Recovery screen and since the enter key doesn't work, I can't get it to start normally, in safe mode, etc.

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How To Restart Laptop Pc Windows 7 In Normal Mode

Dec 8, 2012

how do I restart my laptop pc windows 7 in normal mode now that it is stuck in safe mode? Putting this in the top of page did nothing Start > MSConfig > Boot > Uncheck Safe Boot > Restart.

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Laptop Always Restart If Use In Normal Windows But Its Working In Safe Mode

Jul 27, 2012

i have problem with my laptop. it always restart when i on it in the normal windows. but if i on in safe mode, the restart will not happen...

if i on it in normal windows, it can be stand only 2 or 3 minutes. one thing that i notice that in my problem is when i turn on my laptop in normal windows and i not use it like i open my browser or open folder, it will not be restart and we will look it like no problem.

but if i start use it like open browser or open folder, my laptop will restart. for your information, my laptop has a little heat but not very strong.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 410 @ 1.46GHz, x86 Family 6 Model 14 Stepping 8


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Cannot Find Zoom Mode On Toshiba Laptop

Nov 13, 2012

I have a toshiba laptop. I cannot find the zoom mode on laptop. I know its there somewhere!

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Currently In Safe Mode As Toshiba Laptop Cannot Boot-up Properly

Nov 28, 2012

I am currently in safe mode as my Toshiba laptop cannot boot up properly. I get through the windows startup. All the icons on my desktop look normal, and then about 40 seconds later, a blue screen filled with information briefly appears before the computer shuts down and attempts to restart itself. It happens so fast I can't write down much of what was on the screen other than a data dump, with numbers counting down to 0 and then it does a restart on its own. I did a restore to November 20 and that did not help, so I did another restore for Nov. 9 and that too did not help. I did manage to open in safe mode and managed to find these errors in some event log :

c:usersjayappData empwer-582810-0.xml

Here is the hijack log :

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:06:07 AM, on 11/28/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Restart In Safe Mode?

Mar 20, 2011

is it possible to have a batch file that, when run, causes the computer to restart and go into safe mode with 7?

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To Restart Windows In Safe Mode From Cmd

Mar 12, 2012

I absolutely love command prompt. If possible, i would run everything from there. I like it more than the gui's, makes me feel clever or something.How do I restart windows in safe mode using cmd? And thus eliminating the annoying f8 f8 f8 f8.How do I start msconfig and computer management from cmd?

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Sleep Mode Will Auto-restart?

Sep 27, 2012

Yesterday 9/26 for most of the day when I put the computer into 'sleep' mode it will stay there. Toward evening it would automatically come back. I tried the steps on sites (especially WiFi check to no avail.

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Why Does PC Crash/restart On Sleep Mode

Jan 6, 2010

i got a problem,everytime i put my pc to sleep,or it automatically sleeps..its crashes in one of the following ways:

1. it restarts,and a nlack screen comes p and ask if to start on safe mode or normal

2. it jus cuts off,all power,everything

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Auto Restart And No Safe Mode Availability

Feb 10, 2013

My friend is having problems with her computer.  When she boots up, after she logs in, all of the programs start on start up, then it runs for about 45 seconds, and then auto restarts.  She's tried getting into Safe Mode via F8, but it just ignores the commands and goes to the log in screen.  Whatever other information is needed, let me know.

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Can Not Access Safe Mode Options Upon Restart

Jan 26, 2013

I recently just put together my very first Gaming PC Build and everything looked fine. The Gpu was running, motherboard fine, everything except the Motherboard with the CPU. I have heard from a lot of people that AMD Phenom II x4 965G + ASUS Motherboard 760G just glitches out even though I can run the system up and play all of these high CPU dependable games like L4D PERFECTLY with out any problems what so ever. I reboot the computer I am sent to the black screen with "PRESS F8" to open Boot Menu or Bios" I believe. Press DEL for what ever and TAB for EZ FLASH 2, I already updated the correct bios update from ASUS website of my model Motherboard but this will not go away and I have no way to access the "F8" for Safe Mode and all the other options, I am using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Blue Screen Of Death In Hibernation Mode - Need To Restart PC

Apr 20, 2011

Every time it hibernates I see a blue screen and I have to restart. The PC is:


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BSOD Plus Restart From Sleep Mode And Shutdown Errors

Aug 31, 2012

I am totally new to this and am really confused. About maybe a week ago I started having BSOD, plus Windows wouldn't restart after going into Sleepmode, and when I tried to Shut Down it would bring up the shut down screen then just keep "shutting down" with out ever shutting down.

So I read some internet stuff and "Reinstalled Windows 7" and seem to still have the issues.


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Removing Shutdown Option / Not Restart Or Standby Mode

Mar 16, 2012

i want people to prevent to shutdown there pc.. But not restart or standby mode.. Is there a way to only remove the shutdown button instead of everything? like the tweak on this forum.

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During Restart Computer Enters Power Saving Mode?

Nov 30, 2011

What could be causing the following situation- When restarting my computer (Windows 7 64bit) after the "starting windows" screen appears the screen will go dark and display "power saving mode". After about 60 seconds the computer will restart from the "starting windows" screen and complete the restart process. Once it completes everything the computer runs fine.

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Desktop Went To Sleep Mode / Will Not Boot / Post / Restart

Apr 5, 2012

I fell asleep with my PC on and woke up with it stuck in sleep mode. I performed a hard shut down via holding down the power button for several seconds. Now the pc will not post and my monitor claims no signal. No beeps from the Mobo speaker. I've replaced my cmos battery so far.Mobo is an asus m3a79-t Deluxe and I've heard some issues of bios not supporting sleep modes?

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Windows Restart Loop While Booting, Safe Mode Crashes

Jan 15, 2013

The problem is that when I boot my PC it will go black and restart after getting to the windows logo boot part. If I try Safe mode it will get to SYSTEM32DRIVERSDISK.SYS and then just bluescreens and restarts again.Before it got to CLASSPNP.SYS but I tried to rename it to CLASSPNP.OLD and now it didn't really change much. I also tried using this code but it just tells me that some files are corrupt and it cannot repair it.If I try the automatic repair option it will just try and repair for a couple of hours and then say it cannot repair and rebooting the PC.

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Windows Restart Loop While Booting. Safe Mode Crashes

Jun 18, 2012

The problem is that when I boot my PC it will go black and restart after getting to the windows logo boot part. If I try Safe mode it will get to SYSTEM32DRIVERSDISK.SYS and then just bluescreens and restarts again.Before it got to CLASSPNP.SYS but I tried to rename it to CLASSPNP.OLD and now it didn't really change much. I also tried using this code but it just tells me that some files are corrupt and it cannot repair it.If I try the automatic repair option it will just try and repair for a couple of hours and then say it cannot repair and rebooting the PC.

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Front Panel Audio Jack Doesnt Work After Sleep Mode Until Restart

Jun 3, 2012

I have realtek ALC898, part of gigabyte Z77 UD5h mobo, windows 7 ultimate 64bit. Rear jack speakers always work, sound always works. But after sleep, the front panel audio jack does not work, ie headphones silent.

Workaround 1) go to device manager, disable realtek high definition audio, then enable it, then front panel audio jack works properly. workaround 2) restart the computer and it works again.

I tried disabling sleep and using hibernate, since I read somewhere that hibernate is like a restart, but apparently it is not. Using hibernate, once it resumes from hibernate, front jack still doesnt work just like using sleep mode.

It sounds like resuming from sleep mode or hibernate mode, that windows 7 is failing to reinitialize some of the realtek audio drivers, at least those associated with front panel audio jack for headphones. So have to restart or disable/enable realtek high def audio in device manager. I have most recent realtek drivers, tried both from realtek, and most recent from Gigabyte, both have same issue. My windows 7 is fully up to date.

Am I right in this is just failure of 7 to reinitialize some drivers?

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Laptop Only Works In Safe Mode, Hangs Up In Normal Mode?

Apr 25, 2012

My laptop hangs up/ freeze in normal mode. Now I can only open it on safe mode. I was only copy pasting some files couple days ago when it happened. I have to hold the power button to turn it off. I already tried system restore and reformatted it twice. I'm using HP Pavilion dm4-1160us, windows 7 64-bit.

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Toshiba Satellite Pro Won't Go Into Sleep Mode?

Nov 15, 2012

About half the time, when my computer tries to go into sleep mode when I've left it for a while, it doesn't fall asleep properly. I'm not very good with computers, but when the computer is on standby the power light at the front flashes. Well, sometimes The screen will go dark, the the power light won't flash and the NUM LOCK button is still lit up. It doesn't respond to me toggling on the mouse pad and the only thing I can do is force a shut down and reboot.

It doesn't happen all the time, but it seems to be happening a lot more often than it should be.It happen almost constantly when I was downloading a game from steam. I had to keep the computer constantly running for it to download and couldn't leave it to sit.

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Stop Laptop From Going Into Hibernation Mode / Sleep Mode?

Sep 17, 2010

How do you stop laptop from going into hibernation mode / sleep mode?

I run a program that takes 8 hours. I need the laptop to stay awake.

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How To Reformat Toshiba Windows 7 From Safe Mode

Jun 20, 2012

i reformatted my Toshiba satellite a505 to factory setting and now after the reformat its asking me for user name and pass ive tryed all my previous log in information and incorrect it tells me my accounts have been disabled and to contact my system administrator i can get to safe mode and want to try to reformat again but cant find where to go i dont have a startup disk

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Toshiba C655d With Windows 7 Won't Start In Safe Mode

Jan 13, 2012

Toshiba c655d-s5130 windows wont load. Blue screen / black screen all the time. I have no disks.

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How To Close Safe Mode In Windows 7 In Toshiba Laptops

Jun 11, 2012

I want to close safe mode in my toshiba laptop

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Laptop Does Not Restart?

Apr 21, 2012

my hp laptop does not restart,but when I shutdown then startwhen I want to update windows then it does not restart,

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Toshiba Windows 7 C655d Won't Start In Safe Mode / Keep Getting A Crash Blue Screen

Jul 9, 2012

my Toshiba Satellite C655D wont reboot it gets to 95% and says error then a blue screen pops up and says it is crashing . Is there anything I can do to repair it . I dont have a repair disk.

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Laptop Will Not Shutdown Or Restart?

Sep 4, 2012

My Acer Aspire S3-951 laptop has a few shutdown issues. It will not shutdown or restart, without manually holding down the power button. Windows seems to be shutting down, and then the screen goes black but the laptop is still running. Restart does not work unless i've installed something that requires a restart. It will not restart if i choose the option from the shutdown menu. I've tried to update all my drivers and i also updated the BIOS, with no luck. I have also tried to do a clean boot and uninstalling some programs that might be causing this.[CODE]

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Laptop Won't Start After Restart?

Feb 7, 2012

I have an Asus K50IN laptop, which I recently took apart to clean it from dust, during that I screwed apart the cooling system, hard drive, SD card reader chip and CD/DVD-player device. (And I just took them apart from the PC, not individually apart, so that I could just be able to reach more places inside laptop's interior.) Then I put everything back the way they were, and also applied new thermalpaste to CPU and GPU. When I turn the PC on, it goes OK, works all the way 100%, but when I restart it, it boots 'til the Asus logo, but then suddenly shuts down, when I start it up again from Power switch, it also dies at almost the same spot, and this process continues as long as I restart it right after previuous crash. Now the interesting part is that when I let my laptop rest for a couple of minutes for example, or even couple of tenths seconds, it starts OK, and everything works. But as soon as I want to restart, this scenario happens again.I have freshly formated Windows 7 which worked just fine, but then I took it apart, and this restart-startup problem occoured. And when it wants to shutdown then it will, it doesn't matter if I reach BIOS menu, or boot menu, with F2, F12 keys on my pc. I have done startup repair but no use.

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Toshiba A200 Weird Screen / Freeze When Plugged In - Works Fine In Safe Mode

Mar 29, 2012

My A200 has been upgraded to 4GB RAM, and Win7, worked fine for a while, then started randomly freezing with weird screen stuff (video not displaying properly). Power off only worked. Much frustration and removal of progs later, tried on safe mode - works fine. Safe mode with networking - works fine. Can plug it in (surefire way to get it to fault normally) and in safe mode it works fine, in normal mode, immediate fault.

Thought perhaps a horrible malware, did clean install from disc of win7, no change (except now, coz I deleted all the Toshiba drivers, the dvd drive is noisly lol). Can't load progs to run the damned thing properly because it won't run in normal mode, only safe mode. Tried formatting the hdd, but it won't let me (partitions) which I thought were reformatted during a clean install anyway?

Haven't tried changing the charger yet, because it works fine in safe mode, so I thought probably a software issue? Have tried minimal or "clean" normal boots, freezes immediately.

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